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TIE Interceptors.

[Jul 15,2011 4:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Gotta love Trek. "Shit, how the fuck do we end this episode?" "IDK, have'em reverse the polarity on something." "DONE AND DONE."
[Jul 15,2011 4:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Star Trek Technobabble Generator said:Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently pulsating the quadratonic control center to 849 joules to sautee the Federation marauder.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The axial wave guide is out of virtual memory. It looks like the work of Ferangi.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into transferring power to the orbital microsomething or other to 22 delta-v to enslave the first officer. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 4:51pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Gotta love Trek. "Shit, how the fuck do we end this episode?" "IDK, have'em reverse the polarity on something." "DONE AND DONE."

HAHA, was JUST watching 'The Sword of Kahless' on youtube wherein they of course reversed the polarity on a force-field to get through.

In the comments: "Reverse the polarity. Its like the Star Trek version of Duct Tape."
[Jul 15,2011 4:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
liek button
[Jul 15,2011 4:57pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Thiiisss isss awesommeee, haha.
[Jul 15,2011 5:00pm - Mutis ""]

Boozegood said:
DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Thiiisss isss awesommeee, haha.

My tricorder is picking up traces of lulz particles.
[Jul 15,2011 5:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Star Trek Technobabble Generator said:Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently emitting the photon gluon coolant sensor by anti-masticating the nanomanifold to proselytise to the Cardascian *camper*.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The field integrity field prematurely terminated. It looks like the work of meddeling Q.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into bypassing the subspace release to escape from the temporal phenomenon. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 5:03pm - Boozegood ""]
"The field integrity field"

[Jul 15,2011 5:05pm - Mutis ""]
This star wars thread was hijacked by trekkies. Can't say it makes me sad.
[Jul 15,2011 5:12pm - Doomkid ""]
Take Star Trek/Star Wars as a dialectic or GTFO
[Jul 15,2011 5:14pm - Doomkid ""]

Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently re-BSing the variable suspension to vaporize the freighter.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The rapid scanner shut down. It looks like the work of mathematicians.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into phasing the quark overflow to harass the child. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 5:14pm - Boozegood ""]

Mutis said:This star wars thread was hijacked by trekkies. Can't say it makes me sad.

[Jul 15,2011 5:16pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 15,2011 5:17pm - Mutis ""]
I transcend both.
[Jul 15,2011 5:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
lol @ "phasing the quark overflow to harass the child".

[Jul 15,2011 5:18pm - Mutis ""]
Also, I'm a fan of flame wars between trekkies and star wars fanatics.
[Jul 15,2011 5:24pm - Sacreligion ""]


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