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Selling out

[Feb 27,2004 11:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
metallica, cradle of filth, in flames, lamb of god, and countless others. these I feel sold out. Some more than others.

But what does it take for a band sellout?
Lets hear your opinion.

[Feb 27,2004 11:27pm - george computerless  ""]
changing their music to sell more money. cave in did it. shadows fall did it. obviously metallica did it.

mastadon is on headbangers ball. mastadon fucking rules. they did not sell out but are getting attention. that's my opinion on the matter
[Feb 27,2004 11:31pm - JellyFish ""]
Money, sir, I do believe. Fame I guess. SOme people are real fame whores like zack wylde, but money has everything to do with it. People dont go mainstream and commercial and COMPLETELY change their style in an attempt to stay 'true' to their real fans and scene. They do it for george washington and andrew jackson.
[Feb 27,2004 11:40pm - JellyFish ""]
Well... to me the "crowd" is very important. I take my Music seriously and I feel good at shows cause I know im around other people that love the same music. but when a band starts playing for shows and change their style for kids who listen to "cool" music... well that just pisses me off. this may sound dumb and shit but like it or not Metal nad hardcore is a "cuture". and i guess im part of it.
[Feb 27,2004 11:41pm - anonymous  ""]
I agree with George. You change your music to make money. Metallica certainly did it. Hell, if you've read the book "Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History", you'll find that they purposely changed their music from speedy complicated (sorta) riffs to slow, chugging power chords because it was easier to listen to in an arena. IN A FUCKING ARENA. That's a sellout.

Now, if a band is getting attention because they're just fucking good, a la Mastodon, then more power to them. I met them at a show up north of Springfield and they're a bunch of fuckin' cool guys. If they start sounding like Korn or something, THEN I'll start screaming bloody murder.

By the way, read that book. You will fucking love it. It traces the beginnings of Death Metal (Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost, Raven...etc...) all the way up to Black Metal and the Swedish church burnings. Man, the book changed my perspective on the genre.

I feel like that guy on Reading Rainbow.
[Feb 27,2004 11:41pm - Abbath ""]
ehhehehehe hey swamp you forgot your boys Type-O!
fuck new metallica
[Feb 27,2004 11:41pm - SmallBrownRatFuck in Jersey  ""]
DAMMIT! The above post was me. I keep forgetting that I'm not using my own computer.
[Feb 27,2004 11:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
JellyFish said:Well... to me the "crowd" is very important. I take my Music seriously and I feel good at shows cause I know im around other people that love the same music. but when a band starts playing for shows and change their style for kids who listen to "cool" music... well that just pisses me off. this may sound dumb and shit but like it or not Metal and hardcore is a "culture". and i guess im part of it.

oops. that one was me.
[Feb 27,2004 11:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Right! Type O is gay now. I saw Iced earth on mtv 2. Im affriad of what might happen.
[Feb 27,2004 11:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
to sellout, is to change your style of music in order to gain a bigger fan base and make more money. i wouldn't hate metallica so much if they would just change their name. they're simply not metallica anymore. metallica was a speed metal band, st. anger doesn't even have the right to have the term "metal" used to describe it. personally i don't feel that In Flames sold out. however i can't really back up that statement 100% because i haven't heard their last album, but i have heard a track or two and it wasn't band. it is possible for awesome bands to write shitty songs every now and then.
[Feb 27,2004 11:55pm - Abbath ""]
swamplorddvm said:Right! Type O is gay now. I saw Iced earth on mtv 2. Im affriad of what might happen.

haahahha i hear ya, this afternoon i came home and my brother was watching trl and i heard them talking about this coming ozz fest, i was soooo afraid that they were gonna mention Dimmu, just a matter of time....
[Feb 27,2004 11:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
scenesters giude to selling out page one article one if more than one person is wearing the same super obscure band that no one has ever heard of T-shirt then that band is obviously sold out and its time to buy a new t-shirt(and guys it wouldnt kill you to get a shirt in your size)
[Feb 28,2004 12:15am - Kalopsia ""]
Abbath said:haahahha i hear ya, this afternoon i came home and my brother was watching trl and i heard them talking about this coming ozz fest, i was soooo afraid that they were gonna mention Dimmu, just a matter of time....

and what is wrong with bands like Dimmu Borgir on MTV? do you like going to metal shows with only 15 ppl in attendance? do u like going to records stores and spending a half hour there just to learn the most metal they have is the new Linkin Park??? cause i sure as fuck don't!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 28,2004 12:35am - Abbath ""]
yes i got a problem with that kalopsia because if millions of those fucks enjoy them, then they aren't OUR bands, we'll just be one fan amougst millions, and then we'll get dicks who won't even understand the music and have no idea what the true meanings of the artist want to get across. and no i don't go to record stores to find my music because i know that i'll never find any of my music in "mainstream" or "mall" stores
[Feb 28,2004 12:37am - swamplorddvm ""]
Some times it feels good actualy.
[Feb 28,2004 1:52am - Kalopsia ""]
i never felt any were MY bands anyway. i never thought "wow, Impaled is so awesome, but only because i, and 4 other ppl think they're awesome. oh shit now 6 million people think they're awesome too!!!!! they suck now!!!!"

THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i look at the photos on this website, i love seeing the Slayer, Morbid Angel, and Dimmu Borgir pics because the venue is always PACKED. i love knowing i'm not the only one out there that loves this shit. there's one festival on this site, from like 2000, i don't remember what is was, but there was like 50 people maximum in attendance. and this was an all day festival. that's absolutely pathetic and things like that only help the statement that metal is dead/dying. would u rather be one fan among a million, or one fan among one?
[Feb 28,2004 2:07am - Josh_hates_you ""]
one in a million is not elite enough, one in one thats pretty fucking elite-----refer to my last post in this thread to the super obscure band shirt joke
[Feb 28,2004 3:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I sold out and it got me no where!
thanks Kevorkian's Angels, thanks for nothing!
[Feb 28,2004 3:11pm - Dissector ""]
I kinda agree with Abbath. When only "true" metal heads like a band its more personal. But when people who aren't really into the lifestyle or the music it kinda takes a little away from you, the true fan. Its like before you would think they're playing just for you, then more and more people listen to them and its not "your band" any more.

However, just because a band is getting popular doesn't mean they suck and doesn't mean I dont like them. I'm not saying its untrue to have more than 50 fans at a concert, thats retarded. I have no problem with bands getting more fans, buts when the fake metal heads are liking them piss me off. Its not the bands fault though. But as long as their music doesn't change, then you really can't hate the band because of their fans, thats just dumb.
[Feb 28,2004 3:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hate arch enemy, but i don't think they sold out.
I don't hate their fans either.
[Feb 28,2004 4:23pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
fuck being true. being a metal elitist is gay. being a hardcore elitist is gay. elitism and everything involved with it is gay. grow the other half of your brains and go listen to other music. this thread is gay.
[Feb 28,2004 5:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
being an elitist is awesome, go away
[Feb 28,2004 5:12pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hahaha, i just might do that
[Feb 28,2004 5:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had to edit this post so that spaldino wouldn't cry again like last summer
[Feb 28,2004 5:25pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wouldnt happen... im using tear free shampoo now. =)
[Feb 28,2004 6:13pm - Assuck ""]
swamplorddvm said:metallica, cradle of filth, in flames, lamb of god, and countless others. these I feel sold out. Some more than others.

But what does it take for a band sellout?
Lets hear your opinion.

How in the fuck has Lamb of God sold out? The fact that they signed to a major label doesnt mean shit. If the new album comes out and sounds completely different, and Randy starts singing or some shit, feel free to call them sell outs. I'll be right there with you. But for now, try to hold off judgement.
[Feb 28,2004 6:14pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
assuck sold out
[Feb 28,2004 6:16pm - Assuck ""]
nice one
[Feb 28,2004 6:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Assuck is in an awesome band
[Feb 28,2004 6:32pm - Assuck ""]
when they put out Misery Index, i was like, "what the fuck is this?! this sounds nothing like Assuck!". And then i took my head out of my ass and it sounded great.
[Feb 28,2004 8:07pm - \\\\^/i|/e  ""]
I don't think Lamb Of God sold out, they were never good...
They started off as a left-over-shit-of-real-metal-bands band, and they still are.
They're generic and boring.
[Feb 28,2004 8:51pm - Assuck ""]
but at least you know they didnt sell out
[Feb 29,2004 12:01am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i left the metal fest during lamb of god last year with 7 fractures in my face. now thats fucking metal. and kids cartwheels in the pitt suck!!!!!!!
[Feb 29,2004 12:21am - SmallBrownRatFuck in Jersey  ""]
Shit, we must be REALLY SUPER ELITE 'cause at our Not Common shows, what, 15 people show up? We roxorz! Our coming will we soon. And not on your girlfriend's tits, either.

I think its fucking great when 50 to 75 people show up to a metal show with everyone wearing obscure metal band shirts. Doesn't happen too often, but when it does, it rocks.

Actually, when I went to go see Mastodon, I'd say 85% of the crowd were representing the underground metal scene.
[Feb 29,2004 2:54am - BornSoVile ""]
being in a band changes everything.
[Feb 29,2004 2:55am - swamplorddvm ""]
I not realy care THAT much if more people know a band i like. Nile is getting "bigger" and they havent changed their sound to get more attention.
[Feb 29,2004 9:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
NotCommon sold out, look at how my bands totally rip off other bands.
Kevorkian's Angels sounds just like Sheryl Crow. Don't even get me started on Conifer (remember Thomas Dolby?)
[Feb 29,2004 10:45am - theundergroundscene ""]
I don't believe in the term "sell out." I swear, a band can change the way they tune and people would call them a sell out. It's so lame. Shadows Fall didn't change a single thing other than their vocalist. A lot of "Of One Blood" was written by Phil Labonte. "The Art of Balance" is the first real album they all wrote together, so of course it's going to be a little different, but saying they sold out is mostly because they got popular, and that is lame.

Although if we're talking about Sugar Ray, then yeah, they sold out big time...
[Feb 29,2004 10:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Shadows Fall definately changed the way they sound. Even the songs they re-recorded from the first CD to the Second got really bad.

Plus the weirdo with the dreadlocks has the worst singing and death metal voice ever.
[Feb 29,2004 12:19pm - Assuck ""]
you know who sold out? Kalmah
[Feb 29,2004 1:32pm - JellyFish ""]
Assuck said:you know who sold out? Kalmah

HAHAHAHA. You are so correct.
[Feb 29,2004 1:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
HAHAHAHHA. yup, they sold out.
[Feb 29,2004 2:01pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
HAHAHAHAHHA. Yes, I'm so cool.
[Feb 29,2004 2:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 29,2004 2:03pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you ruined the pattern =(
[Feb 29,2004 4:31pm - Assuck ""]
magic the gathering sold out
[Feb 29,2004 4:37pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Shadows Fall definately changed the way they sound. Even the songs they re-recorded from the first CD to the Second got really bad.

Plus the weirdo with the dreadlocks has the worst singing and death metal voice ever.

Well I can tell you there are over 100,000 people that disagree.

A new singer and it sounds different? NO WAY!!
[Feb 29,2004 4:42pm - Assuck ""]
i can tell you there are millions of people who listen to rap. what does that tell you?
[Feb 29,2004 4:45pm - theundergroundscene ""]
That they like rap. Amazing!
[Feb 29,2004 4:49pm - Assuck ""]
just because people like it doesn't mean its good

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