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m. night syamalan is an idiot. 'the village'

[Aug 7,2004 3:12pm - xmikex ""]
[Aug 7,2004 3:15pm - xmikex ""]
you want my advice for seeing the village? don't go see it in brockton.

"Run bitch run!!!"
[Aug 7,2004 3:33pm - Terence ""]
When I become a prominent movie director, I will direct the greatest movie ever made, and all it will consist of is 2 hours of chasing through dark hospital hallways filled with dead people and nonstop shooting. Maybe a samurai sword here and there too.
[Aug 7,2004 8:07pm - heimdall ""]
fucking zombie movies to the max, they have no deep story lines but still own in my books
[Aug 8,2004 4:25am - MyDeadDoll ""]
crap, this was a long thread dedicated to a movie that everyone says sucked. i'll wait 'til video. =)
[Aug 14,2004 12:14am - dread_104 ""]
i got one question. WHO took the photo?
[Mar 26,2006 11:48pm - MikePile  ""]
Hey thank you very much Jennifer :-) You are a sweetheart and a cuteypie xoxoxo
[Mar 27,2006 12:48am - nick ""]
[Mar 27,2006 12:55am - KeithMutiny ""]
its ironic i watched signs again last night too, that movie sucked, just like every other piece of shit that camel jockey made. He manages to fuck them all up wonderfully about 3/4 of the way through the movie.
[Mar 27,2006 1:49am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
You got your racial insults wrong, he is Indian.
[Mar 27,2006 1:51am - pam ""]
he sucks. lets just leave it there.
[Jul 10,2006 12:24am - drcrazy ""]
IS THaT TrUe M.NiGht cONtacT WitH OTher worLd. AnD ANyBody herE could GAve mE WEbsite for M.NiGht fANz to chat with other. PlSSssss. I WaNt To know whAt thE reAL STOry AbOut M. NiGht:skull:
[Jul 10,2006 12:24am - drcrazy ""]
IS THaT TrUe M.NiGht cONtacT WitH OTher worLd. AnD ANyBody herE could GAve mE WEbsite for M.NiGht fANz to chat with other. PlSSssss. I WaNt To know whAt thE reAL STOry AbOut M. NiGht:skull:
[Jul 10,2006 8:03am - xmikex ""]
Dr.Cr@zY!!! LOLz!
[Jul 10,2006 1:30pm - baptizedinresin ""]
"What a twist!!"
i think this movie is awesome, but unbreakable was the best for sure. i think this new one im seeing previews for (lady in the water) is going to be the first one that really sucks, but i wouldnt mind being proven wrong. did anybody see that multi part show on scifi that was on right before the village was released that tried to make him out to be all supernatural and all this staged shit happen and it was clear they were acting? oh man it was ridiculous
[Jul 10,2006 5:08pm - thyhorrorcosmic  ""]
you know nothing about making, writing, directing movies. ypu guys probally couldn't even be the boom stick operator so if you don't know anything about it than shut the fuck up!
[Jul 10,2006 5:24pm - sphincter  ""]
shamalamalan sux, he tries to make his movies scary when they turn out to bore me
[Jul 10,2006 5:26pm - nick ""]
hopefully my thread comes back everytime that retard slaps his name on some shitstorm of a movie.
[Jul 10,2006 6:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
thyhorrorcosmic said:you know nothing about making, writing, directing movies. ypu guys probally couldn't even be the boom stick operator so if you don't know anything about it than shut the fuck up!

shut the fuck up... i have 2 book/movie ideas that are completely thought out and developed that RAPE this guy's bullshit. premature ejaculation is exactly the phrase i would use to describe his movies. the seem like they are going to be deeper than a retired porn star's snatch, and end up being about as shallow as the cum blob of a pre-teen. he sucks.

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