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Trollin' nillas on COMPOSTED's YouTube channel

[Jul 14,2010 11:18am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My opinion on Melocalypse has changed a lot. I still stand by my early claims that show was retarded. The early stuff was not funny at all. The newer shit I've seen is pretty awesome though. It's more about doing ACTUAL funny things and not just cliche metal things (which aren't funny usually).
[Jul 14,2010 11:21am - Alexecutioner ""]
i think the show is pretty funny, but the thing that pisses me off the most about it is that somehow people think by watching that show that they are an expert on Death metal. for example if i tell someone who doesnt listen to metal, that i play in a death metal band, the first thing they say is "oh nice, yea i watch metalocalypse too!"
[Jul 14,2010 11:43am - timma ""]

Alexecutioner said:i think the show is pretty funny, but the thing that pisses me off the most about it is that somehow people think by watching that show that they are an expert on Death metal. for example if i tell someone who doesnt listen to metal, that i play in a death metal band, the first thing they say is "oh nice, yea i watch metalocalypse too!"

At which point you forcefully place a drum stick in their bunghole sideways, I hope.
[Jul 14,2010 11:46am - brian_dc ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:My opinion on Melocalypse has changed a lot. I still stand by my early claims that show was retarded. The early stuff was not funny at all. The newer shit I've seen is pretty awesome though. It's more about doing ACTUAL funny things and not just cliche metal things (which aren't funny usually).

I haven't seen any of the new stuff. But that was totally my take on the early stuff. I looked at it from a neutral, "Is this funny?" basis. And it failed. I was bummed, too, because it was the same crew who did Home Movies. Home Movies is easily one of my favorite adult swim shows. So I thought it was a big fall off in quality.
[Jul 14,2010 11:50am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I liked the first few episodes but probably on novelty value alone. After that it got unfunny as shit. Just saw some newer episodes the other day and it's greatly improved; I noticed Brian Posehn co-wrote some stuff so I'm guessing that's why I liked it.
[Jul 14,2010 1:09pm - Lamp ""]
Proof positive that all negative reviews of Metalocalypse online calling it degrading to metal are by people that only watched the pilot episode and deemed the entire show a failure without giving it a chance to develop.
[Jul 14,2010 1:11pm - brian_dc ""]
proof positive that ALL negative reviews blah blah blah?

This argument has problems.
[Jul 14,2010 1:12pm - brian_dc ""]
Proof positive that Mark Richards and I didn't like the show at first. He likes it more now and I don't watch adult swim anymore so I don't care.
[Jul 14,2010 1:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
there's no reason to discuss whether or not the show is funny, that's obviously all personal opinion. I find it funny as shit, and i hope it stays on the air for 20 seasons.
[Jul 14,2010 1:33pm - Lamp ""]

brian_dc said:proof positive that ALL negative reviews blah blah blah?

This argument has problems.

And people wonder why I don't try to be humorous on this board much. Look at what happens.
[Jul 14,2010 1:35pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm the sultan of serious.
[Jul 14,2010 1:39pm - Lamp ""]
This is a hostile takeover.
[Jul 14,2010 1:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]
guys, guys, guys! *separates brian+lamp* i know it's hard to get along, and the easy way out is to fight with small knives wearing tight jeans... but that's NOT the answer. The answer is:


..... you see what i mean?
[Jul 14,2010 2:00pm - Lamp ""]
So if I run straight up a brick wall and execute a flawless backflip off of it, all my problems in life will be solved? Where do I sign up?
[Jul 14,2010 2:02pm - timma ""]
I'll be honest--I did not see M.C. Hammer being introduced into this thread at any point.

How naive of me.
[Jul 14,2010 2:25pm - ouchdrummer ""]

timma said:I'll be honest--I did not see M.C. Hammer being introduced into this thread at any point.

How naive of me.

you obviously don't know me as well as you thought you did.
[Jul 14,2010 2:46pm - timma ""]
I know you better than you know that I know that you know better than me.

On an unrelated note--COD today, perhaps?
[Jul 14,2010 2:48pm - Alexecutioner ""]

timma said:I know you better than you know that I know that you know better than me.

On an unrelated note--COD today, perhaps?

on which platform?! whats your gamer tag again?
[Jul 14,2010 3:08pm - timma ""]
Jimbo and I play on PS3 at his place (split screen).

I'm not a "cool kid" and play on 360 though. Gamertag is Timma Wang
[Jul 14,2010 3:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]
MW2 fo' life beotch!
[Jul 15,2010 3:27am - Samantha ""]
Ha ha! That guy trolled one the videos I posted from a Composted show. He must really hate you guys.


[Jul 15,2010 10:01am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jul 15,2010 10:44am - Yeti ""]

Lamp said:So if I run straight up a brick wall and execute a flawless backflip off of it, all my problems in life will be solved? Where do I sign up?

all along the key to life has been right in front of your face. how many times have you been told to do a barrel roll?

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