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Understanding the Hatred of Dimebag on RTTP

[Dec 15,2006 5:32am - horror_tang ""]
Pam, you are untrue. Go hang at the mall you poser.
[Dec 15,2006 5:35am - horror_tang ""]
Oh, Dimebag was a good guitar player in a shitty band. Why is he treated like a god and revered so much? You all have no lives. You act like you knew him personally. When Boy George dies you can all hold hands and sing a song in remembrance.
[Dec 15,2006 8:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Kyle Thomas Speaks Out On The Pantera/Exhorder 'Feud'

Source: Blabbermouth.net

Vocalist Kyle Thomas of the much-missed New Orleans metallers Exhorder, cited by many as the originators of the riff-heavy power-groove approach popularized by Pantera, has spoken out about his group's alleged influence on the latter band the belief by some that Pantera "ripped off" Exhorder in order to attain their early major label success.

"Although it is flattering to know that there are still plenty listeners that still care about Exhorder so intensely, I have to say that there is something that kind of gets under my skin," Thomas wrote in an open letter to the Exhorder fans. "After all of these years of Exhorder's dormancy and Pantera's fruition, I can honestly say that I just don't care about 'the feud' or whatever you want to call it. To be frank, I'm so fucking tired of seeing our name handcuffed to theirs. I cannot, nor would I even dream of attempting to, change our devoted fans' opinions, because history is what it is, but I do believe Exhorder deserves a place in metal history outside of Pantera's financial shadow. I know those guys even though I never see or talk to them anymore for no particular reason, and what is true is they worked a lot harder than we did to earn their success. Maybe things would have been as good for us had we toured more and recorded more. We'll never know.

"In the early days, Phil Anselmo loved Exhorder. Came to the shows, adored the demos and spread them like the plague throughout Texas, which is part of the reason Dallas/Ft. Worth is our home away from home. We were all pretty good acquaintances, but eventually they succeeded and we ended up with the wrong label and the wrong decisions. I guess the media helped 'the feud' grow more than anything. The bottom line is we palled around a lot way back, took a lot of influence off of each other, and today we're talking about this, but not to each other. That's fine, too, but I guess it would have been nice to do some dates with Pantera, especially when Floodgate needed a hand when the deal with Roadrunner went sour. Oh, well.

"If you're gonna dislike or hate either Exhorder or Pantera, do it because you just don't like it. I don't sit around pissing and moaning over anything. I've got a great life with my wife and kids with a new lease on my musical life. My new band is called Jones's Lounge and I love it. Floodgate's playing again. Exhorder will always be the most incredible experience of my rock career, and not just because the music was so great. Exhorder had a mystique — we had THE shows to go to, and all of you were what made it so cool. Without you we are nothing. Thanks again... Kyle"

[Dec 15,2006 8:41am - babyshaker nli  ""]
like both bands......don't care at all about the rest of all this text
[Dec 15,2006 8:44am - Josh_Martin ""]
Darrel was cool as fuck. Who cares if Pantera sucked? I like a lot of people who are in bands I don't like. Who gives a shit what band someone is in?! Being in a band is the stupidest thing you could possibly do with your life anyways (trust me, I know).
Darrel wasa good guy and a whole lot of fun to party with. That's all that really matters.

Oh, and for the record, even though Pantera looked glam in the 80's, they played way heavier than they looked. Even when they had their hair teased up to the sky, they were playing Metallica and Anthrax covers.
[Dec 15,2006 8:47am - Josh_Martin ""]
I would much much rather hang out drinking with Darrel than hang out talking guitar theory with (yawn) Chuck.
[Dec 15,2006 8:50am - hungtableed  ""]
I have always hated pantera with an undying passion. fuck rebel flags, you lost- get over it.
[Dec 15,2006 10:31am - Yeti ""]
Josh_Martin said:Oh, and for the record, even though Pantera looked glam in the 80's, they played way heavier than they looked. Even when they had their hair teased up to the sky, they were playing Metallica and Anthrax covers.

i had never paid much attention to the earlier Pantera stuff, but fairly recently i have been listening to it more, and i agree, its way heavier than the other glam crap from that era. alot of "I Am the Night" sounds like Judas Priest.
[Dec 15,2006 10:33am - Josh_Martin ""]
I own all four 80's Pantera albums. I can actually get into those. I can't fucking stand their 90's crap.
[Dec 15,2006 10:34am - Yeti ""]
Terry Glaze had a killer voice. he just went balls to the wall.
[Dec 15,2006 10:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Power Metal + Case of Beer = Party
[Dec 15,2006 10:48am - anonymous  ""]
plus according to himself mustaine claims its all just a rip off of what him and hetfield wrote
[Dec 15,2006 10:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
anonymous said:plus according to himself mustaine claims its all just a rip off of what him and hetfield wrote

According to me Dave Mustaine is an asshole. :bartmoon:

[Dec 15,2006 11:32am - Cecchini ""]
doesnt everyone listen to a band they like or style they like and to some degree try to write like that? actually, i dont even care if pantera blatantly ripped off exhorder, pantera wrote the better songs in my opinion anyway. i always found the "legendary" slaughter in the vatican to be pretty flat overall.

i think mustaine was looking for some attention when he said pantera stole his and James' guitar playing style because it... well.. sounds nothing like it and dime was a way more fluid player than either of them... espicially james.
[Dec 15,2006 11:42am - GoatCatalyst ""]
i like pornographies
[Dec 15,2006 11:45am - Anthony nli  ""]
Cecchini said: i always found the "legendary" slaughter in the vatican to be pretty flat overall.

That's poseur talk right there.

There's only a few albums where not liking them = automatic poserdom. Exodus 'Bonded by Blood' and Dark Angel 'Darkness Descends' are a couple of others.
[Dec 15,2006 11:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm a poseur
[Dec 15,2006 11:51am - Anthony nli  ""]
Admitting is the first step to recovery.
[Dec 15,2006 11:55am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
recovery is another word for quittery... i'm know quitterer.
[Dec 15,2006 12:57pm - BlackoutRick ""]
CNV said:No matter how much ya hate him

He got laid more than you ever did

Had more fun than you ever did

Made an impact more than you ever did

That bout sums it up

You win.
[Dec 16,2006 4:10am - metal_church101 ""]
Exhorder does not hold a candle to Dime with leads. No questions asked.
[Dec 16,2006 8:14am - anonymous  ""]
exhorder crushed craptera. in the underground..where metal was then. at least they never wrote about lame ass "cemetary gates" and other boring cliche' tunes. while i admit dime was a good player his band friggin hugs.
[Dec 16,2006 8:56am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Uh...let's not get into lyrical content and song titles, because Exhorder was just as terrible as Pantera in that department. Some of their lyrics are downright laughable.
[Dec 16,2006 9:49am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Phil Anselmo never really wrote anything meaningful. We could always take a look at some of the other projects he has been in and compare the lyrical content.

Superjoint Ritual makes me laugh. Phil is playing this tough guy image too much with this band.

Down is like a Black Sabbath tribute band as far as sound. At least this is a rock band.
[Dec 16,2006 11:20am - Pdidle ""]
One thing you have to admit.

Dimebag was a one of a kind person and musician. It's only fitting he had a one of a kind death and that death occured while doing what made him so unique.

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