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a brand new I hate shitting at work thread

[Sep 14,2009 10:39am - Yeti ""]
there is no silence more deafening than the men's room silence.
[Sep 14,2009 10:39am - Yeti ""]
i just shit for the 7th time since Saturday, bless the man who invented baked beans.
[Sep 14,2009 10:41am - arktouros ""]
Storm is brewing. I'll keep everyone posted.
[Sep 14,2009 11:09am - gslice  ""]
more like POOSTED, M-I-RITE!
[Sep 14,2009 11:14am - SkinSandwich ""]
I layed out some TNT at 5am this morning. it was one of those what the fuck wake up calls, and then the marathon run to the can.
[Sep 14,2009 11:16am - arktouros ""]

I thought I saw a turkey leg in there.
[Sep 14,2009 12:48pm - BSV  ""]
I love pooping at work. I'm currently reading Preacher:Gone to Texas.
[Sep 14,2009 2:03pm - secthammer  ""]
I hate having to shit in Psych. Our teacher is kinda lame and if you leave the room once to go poop or whatever they won't let ya back in
[Sep 14,2009 2:15pm - tyler selling booze  ""]

secthammer said:I hate having to shit in Psych. Our teacher is kinda lame and if you leave the room once to go poop or whatever they won't let ya back in

i hate teachers with stupid rules like this. what are you trying to prove?
[Sep 14,2009 3:00pm - Pires ""]
Control your bladders and bowels or youre a pussy. Especially in psych class. Mind over matter.
[Sep 14,2009 5:42pm - starmummy ""]
I went to Chipotle for lunch today and when I came back to work I filled the toilet with a million loose brown snakes. It looked like the Well of Souls in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
[Sep 14,2009 5:57pm - immortal13 ""]
The only reason I hate shitting at work is because of the low quality tp we use. It hurts sometimes it's so bad.
[Sep 14,2009 6:35pm - Demon Slices  ""]
This thread is beyond awesome lol.
[Sep 14,2009 6:42pm - archaeon ""]
I've turned on a few of my friends in my dorm onto this. Public bathrooms for dorm ftw.

Theres one dude who does 5+ wipes with and extreme amount of force. it rules.
[Sep 15,2009 8:01am - starmummy ""]
I feel a loose one coming on. I apologize in advance to my co-workers
[Sep 15,2009 11:10am - dontlivefastjustdienli  ""]
haha...that list of terms is amazing.

my boss takes the most brutal shits. it sounds like a solar system is exploding out of his ass
[Sep 15,2009 11:37am - Martins ""]

archaeon said:I've turned on a few of my friends in my dorm onto this. Public bathrooms for dorm ftw.

Theres one dude who does 5+ wipes with and extreme amount of force. it rules.

Is that supposed to be a lot of wipes? Man, I hit 20 - 30 sometimes. Messy.
[Sep 15,2009 3:00pm - starmummy ""]
Just finished punishing the porcelain. I read the entire booklet to the reissue of David Bowie's Young Americans CD/DVD set.

The poop was really big and stringy....and smelled like corpse.
[Jan 17,2011 4:22am - bradmann ""]
[Jan 17,2011 7:16am - Yeti ""]
my company moved to a new building so i get to decimate new toilets.
[Jan 17,2011 8:31am - the_reverend ""]
I sometimes walk out and go to a different bathroom if there is someone in the handicapped stall.

After eating 2 bean burgers lastnight... yes I will plunder the bathroom soon.
[Jan 17,2011 9:36am - eyehatehippies ""]
I have my own bathroom at work, but it's always clogging or overflowing and shit because on the weekends, some douchebag at the bar finds it and sticks a beer bottle down it. I'm going to kill that douchebag when I find out who he is.
[Jan 17,2011 10:22am - ancient master  ""]

the_reverend said:I wish I were retarded so I could kick the door in and see what the fuck they are doing.

this actually happened to me when I was a kid at a summer camp
[May 6,2011 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
i went in to shit earlier and ended up just farting for 2 minutes straight. i felt like i accomplished something.
[May 6,2011 4:28pm - conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:most of the people who shit next to my do something while wiping that sounds like daniel-san doing wax on/wax off for 5 back and forths per wipe.

'roid rage
[May 8,2011 10:17am - Alexecutioner ""]

douchebag_patrol said:TURD BURGLAR: A pooper who does not realize that you're in the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments that occur when taking a dump at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall until the TURD BURGLAR leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact. TURD BURGLARS have been know to cause premature pinchage, which inevitably causes you to pinch one off in the middle.

i fucking hate these people, my last job only had one stall. people constanting trying to push on the door as if they were oblivious that anyone was inside. then they just linger outside the stall until your done.

i was trying to take a shit once and the cleaning lady started pushing the mop under the divider, moping up around my feet was i was dropping a spike. what the fuck lady?!

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