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Craigslist Vol. III: This one is amazing

[Dec 6,2011 7:47pm - nekronaut ""]
Date: 2011-12-04, 10:51PM EST
Reply to: Reverendtholemew@yahoo.com[ Errors when replying to ads?]


Me and my friend Jon are starting a pure American metal band. . . and we need some other members ASAP. We have both been playin for about five years now. I play the drums and he's the lead guitarist. Were not lookin for people to"jam" with though. . . were looking for people who are as dedicated to music as we are, and that are serious about startin a band. One day we wanna make a career out of music, and we wanna be remembered for what we do.

What we are NOT looking for. . .
Young kids who think Metallica is the greatest band that ever played the big stage
People who are gonna play for 45 minutes with us and then never come back because they don't GAF
People who CANT PLAY
A person who won't show up to practice, and won't contribute. . .a band is an effort from everyone whether you play guitar, bass, sing, or manage. . . everyone needs to play a role.

What we ARE looking for. . . A bass player (preferably 17-early 20's).
A lead singer (preferably 17-early 20's). . . squeals are okay here and there.. but we don't want our image to be all scene bullshit.
A rhythm guitarist (preferably 17-early 20's).

We have a spot where we can practice in Wakefield called Jamspot. It's a pretty sick place they have bass amps, guitar amps, mic's and all that stuff. . . you just need to bring your own guitar/bass.

Practice would probably be 2-3 times a week down there. ..its 25$ an hour or 27$ if we want to record.. and split between 4 or 5 people it's not bad at all.

If your serious and want to actually get going, send me an email at Reverendtholemew@yahoo.com..

Ill respond to you within a day and we can set something up.

Thanks guys, Jon&Joe
[Dec 6,2011 8:00pm - Mark_R ""]
^ this one doesn't strike me as being too bad. Only big eyebrow raiser is the e-mail address.
[Dec 6,2011 10:06pm - Lamp ""]
The "career out of music" part is more than an eyebrow raiser and the fact that there were no influences listed whatsoever is as well.
[Dec 7,2011 2:53am - josh_hates_you ""]
Singing Airline Pilot seeks Big Band or Combo (Providence/Boston)

Date: 2011-12-05, 10:59AM EST
Reply to: comm-exntr-2736878055@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

My name is Charlie Cockpit, The Singing Airline Pilot.
I believe that America needs cheering up and my goal is to travel to every city in the USA to help build moral and to re-introduce songs from "crooners" like Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and other American Standard Music icons to the youth of America. I've been singing on the streets of Boston, Providence, Hartford, New Haven and even made my to Wall Street in NYC to try to cheer up the folks demonstrating there.
Obviously I sing to instrumental tracks for my "street" performances, but my "BIG" dream is to put together a big band to back me up for live events.
In reality, I realize what I really need, is a fun-loving, fantastic combo to back me up on songs from The American Standards for live events.
If you feel like making the world a happier place through music and want to join me in cheering up the USA, please e-mail me.

Here is a FOX-TV Providence News Story:

Here is the WPRO-Dan Yorke Show Interview:

Here is an article from The PINK Paper:

Charlie Cockpit, The Singing Airline Pilot

•Location: Providence/Boston
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

[Dec 10,2011 2:34am - Lamp ""]

Complete Douchebag................ (eastside of Provodense)
Date: 2011-12-09, 7:07PM EST
Reply to: comm-davbq-2745165489@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Complete douchebag looking for other (partial, or complete) douchebags to form a "Band of Douchebags".
Jaded, sarcastic, borderline personalities encouraged to apply.
I've just turned 50 and feel the urge to harass the shit out of
a room full of drunks with twisted, distorted versions of the usual
60's, 70's classic hits that drunks tend to stumble to (are you getting the picture?).
Think "Captain Beefheart/Bonzo Doo Dah Dog Band/Rutles/Mid-Seventies Rolling Stones,etc...
I need to hit the sack by 7:30 pm, so rehearsals can only be between 4:00 and 5:00 pm....or am......
doesn't matter to me.... as long as I'm in the sack by 7:30 pm!!
If you've got rehearsal space, wheels to pick me up, and a reliable supply of painkillers and good pot,
by all means, feel free to RSVP 'cause I'm ready to ROCK!! and shit.

Location: eastside of Provodense
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
[Dec 10,2011 6:22pm - burnsy ""]

[Dec 15,2011 5:17pm - Katatonic ""]

Looking for a passionate drummer and bassist for new band (North Central MA)
Date: 2011-12-15, 12:46AM EST
Reply to: comm-h2wan-2721728860@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
I am Brett, a singer/songwriter who has had the passion for music since the age of 4. I am now 25, and I feel that I have kept my talents to myself for long enough. I rarely have played out (about twice a year) even though I am asked to play several times a month by the people that have heard me. I simply wasn't ready.

It's time to break out of these walls and go further than most people ever have. If you have the same passion for music as I do, and the same goals, I want you to join me.

Recently I have met a fantastic guitarist. We have a great place to get together and jam for free once a week (along with very secure storage). We are brand new to the scene with fresh minds and are looking to start a band.

I'm looking for a drummer and a bassist within 20 miles of north-central Massachusetts who:

* Has more passion for music than anything else (aside from family/friends)
* Won't stop at any roadblock, no matter how difficult it gets. Understand that everyone starts small and grows to the point of what you set your mind to. There are no limits.
* Doesn't dwell on criticism
* Sees every jam/practice session or gig as something you set other things aside for.
* Can play by ear (Reading sheets is a plus but not required)
* Seeks to be creative rather than playing covers all the time
* Is willing to learn any instrument thrown at them just because it's fun
* Can sing on key (no worries about the quality -- we'll improve on it as a band)
* Have written at least one original song (with or without lyrics)
* Is between the ages of 17 and 27 (Not trying to discriminate -- I just want to be in a band that performs for many, many years together; music is your life)
* Is a gentleman (Again, not trying to discriminate -- I feel that a girl's voice would not fit in our style of music)
* Enjoy playing the style of at least a few of the following musicians: Coldplay (huge plus), The Beatles (another huge plus), Radiohead, Muse, Fleetwood Mac, U2, Kings of Leon, Two Door Cinema Club, Train, Empire of the Sun, MGMT, Miami Horror. In other words, no screamo/hardcore.
* Doesn't give a shit about possibly becoming the next band to have an audience of 40-year-old virgins
* Cares about his appearance (we are going to look like gentlemen, who bathe properly and smell damn good)
* Doesn't smoke or do drugs, or have an alcohol addiction
* Most importantly, wants to make a living of this. We shall live the dream. We will be famous around the world, and we will share our love for music with people of all generations. This is no joke.

We will be a band for many audiences with a clean, unique image. We write our own music; the style of which will be a blend of alternative rock and power ballads with the use of dreamy guitars/keys yet powerful drums. Not every song will have drums, or pianos, or guitars, which is why I would like us to be able to learn other instruments as we grow.

If I just described you, we need to talk ASAP. You're exactly what I'm looking for. Email me!

Location: North Central MA
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2721728860
[Dec 15,2011 5:26pm - Yeti ""]
ah nice, i'm in. oh wait, i don't smell very good at all.
[Dec 15,2011 5:37pm - Lamp ""]
I'd pay good money to see Lemmy roast this guy in a pig cooker.
[Dec 15,2011 6:01pm - Katatonic ""]
"Doesn't give a shit about possibly becoming the next band to have an audience of 40-year-old virgins"

I am not sure I understand this
[Dec 15,2011 10:53pm - Fake ARIL  ""]

Katatonic said:"Doesn't give a shit about possibly becoming the next band to have an audience of 40-year-old virgins"

I am not sure I understand this

He means that you have to like Rush.
[Dec 29,2011 1:44am - Katatonic ""]

hey im justin i need a drummer for our band we are have2 vocalist male and female we scream and sing. We have two guitarist and a bassist. Both have 10 to 15 yrs exp.and they play grunge old andnew,rock,hard rock,soft metal,and grungemetal. And the bassist has 5yr.exp.in punk,rock,hardcore,metal,and hard rock so hes good. just so we are clear we want to go all the way concerts,t-shirts,touring,record deals,the works we are not interested in just jammin so if that's what your looking for please do not respond. Were pretty laid back but pretty serius about what we want to do we practice twice or once a week it verys also we are a democracy band so everyone get a voice on how a song is played no one is a leader or a boss of the band . If there is no bassist out there we will except a guitarist tuned low or a pedle that sounds low so yeah our ages range from 15-33 so we are looking for people ages 16 to 35 but must like current rock to metal and be able to pla both so we are accualy trying o be all around so if interested please call at 5089638704 or 5089638687 or the guitarist brian at 5087697006 so yeah hope to here from you all thx and laters

[Dec 29,2011 8:30am - AndrewBastard ""]
someone needs to holla-daddy these kids in real life...

hidden camera/mic...dress the part and show up for an audition. would be so good.
[Dec 29,2011 8:30am - AndrewBastard ""]
its could be a reality comedy series...Craigs List Trolls
[Dec 29,2011 8:42am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Lol at using a low tuned guitar as a bass..,

[Dec 29,2011 9:26am - Pires ""]
My favorite is "ages range from 15-33". I'd love to meet the 33 year old who's in a band with 15 year olds and actually brags about it.
[Dec 29,2011 9:55am - Katatonic ""]
^ I loved that too. I also loved that no one was the "boss of the band".
[Dec 29,2011 9:58am - AndrewBastard ""]
I was gonna comment on that age gap but PanzerBastards youngest is 27 and KPanzer is 43 so its almost the same age gap...

granted 15 years old is still a KID so a 33 year old shouldnt be in the band with someone that age...
[Dec 29,2011 10:13am - Pires ""]
Wait a minute... First part of the paragraph he mentions he has a bassist with 5 years experience playing shitty music. Second part, he says if no bassist replies, he would "except" a guitarist that tunes low. I thought the ad was for a drummer??

Looks like we have all been trolled by OP Paul.
[Dec 29,2011 10:32am - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard said:
granted 15 years old is still a KID so a 33 year old shouldnt be in the band with someone that age...

Unless the 33 yo is looking for some hot nubile sexxors.
[Dec 29,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
the saddest part of all, i am willing to bet that the 33 year old in the band is the one who composed that stunning grammar display.
[Dec 29,2011 10:40am - AndrewBastard ""]
unfortunately thats probably true.
[Dec 29,2011 10:44am - Katatonic ""]
"soft metal"
[Dec 29,2011 10:48am - Yeti ""]
Malleable Metal.
[Dec 29,2011 10:54am - burnsy ""]
Magic 106.667 - Playing the latest and greatest soft metal.
[Jan 26,2013 6:36pm - LULZ  ""]

Band members needed!!!! (Worcester,Mass.)

Do you want to be in a band but are unsure how to start one or don't know anyone good enough? Well we're your guys! We two teenage guys looking to further our music career. So we started a metal/metal core with some pop punk band and are in need of members. We already a screamer (Zach) and a bassist (Sean) but still need rhythm and lead guitarists, a singer, and a drummer * must be good and know how to play *must be in Worcester *guitarists must have their own guitars * if you're want to be our drummer we already have a set so no need to transport your set * must be ages 14-19 So if you're interested hit us up Text Sean at 508-635-7923 or Zach at 413-636-1413 or email at seany3tears@yahoo.com

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