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Shinning once again proving how gay, shitty and emo they are.

[Sep 19,2012 3:51pm - Boozegood ""]
Kvarforth being xEDGYx as usual:


Haha, this one rules:

[Sep 19,2012 4:09pm - Burnsy ""]
Total Utfrysning is a killer song. Actually the album it's on is pretty killer. Awesome riffage, great guitar playing and musicianship.
[Sep 19,2012 4:12pm - Boozegood ""]

Burnsy said:Total Utfrysning is a killer song. Actually the album it's on is pretty killer. Awesome riffage, great guitar playing and musicianship.

I guess I just don't get it. I think I'm the only one who doesn't like this band.
[Sep 19,2012 4:15pm - Burnsy ""]
Nah man, plenty of people hate this band. The vocals can be irritating. I just really dig that particular album. Don't know much else by them.
[Sep 19,2012 4:17pm - trioxin245 ""]
I like some of Shinings material, but overall they are definitely way overrated.
[Sep 19,2012 4:18pm - Burnsy ""]
LOL @ that second video hahaha.
[Sep 19,2012 4:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Most people hate his vocals. From a guitar playing and compositional standpoint, Shining has some superb albums.
[Sep 19,2012 4:31pm - Treehouse of Horor  ""]
[Sep 19,2012 4:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Their newer shit is garbage compared to their old stuff. The feeling isn't there anymore. And man, what a disappointing live performance these days.
[Sep 19,2012 9:20pm - MikeOv  ""]
Disagree with most opinions posted here. Kvarforth and Shining are one of the only groups I follow and have any faith in, these days. I think his vocal style is totally killer and quite fascist sounding! Considering that Kvarforth is only what? 29? I think he's a rather ambitious artist and has a lot to show for himself, up to this point in his career. Their songwriting is very relevant to my interests and the aesthetics are spot on. I am greatly anticipating "Redefining Darkness", which he has stated is their most black metal sounding release to date, and, in his opinion, their darkest material yet.

I find Shining to be anything but overrated and I say keep up the good work, Kvarforth and Co.
[Sep 19,2012 11:43pm - Uh ""]

Alx_Casket said:Their newer shit is garbage compared to their old stuff. The feeling isn't there anymore. And man, what a disappointing live performance these days.

I never ended up listening to much past IV, and I've enjoyed some really good shit off those first few albums. I haven't even really heard much of their material after this, and will probably check it out at some point, but from the few songs I have heard I don't have much high hopes.

Definitely would be interested in checking out their newest album coming out though which I had no clue about until now.
[Sep 19,2012 11:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Treehouse%20of%20Horor said:[img]

[Sep 20,2012 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.
[Sep 20,2012 12:12am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Black Jazz was not a record by Kvarforth's Shining. It's another Shining entirely.
[Sep 20,2012 12:14am - Uh ""]

the_reverend said:black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.

Blackjazz was a different band, from norway. Sounds nothing alike, but I made the same mistake when I first checked it out though.

[Sep 20,2012 12:19am - the_reverend ""]
Phew... No wonder its not on the wiki.
I might have heard vi when it was leaked. Not sure.
[Sep 20,2012 12:26am - Burnsy ""]


Was on my phone earlier and I always fuck up youtube embeds on my phone. This track is awesome.
[Sep 20,2012 12:59am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.

[Sep 20,2012 1:04am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
So damn good.

Epic riffs & chorus.

Apparently this song/video is about his addiction to heroin and features Håkan Hemlin from Swedish pop/folk act "Nordman" who also struggled with heroin addiction as well.

[Sep 20,2012 6:56am - truequintessence_nli  ""]
The guitar playing has gotten better and better the last few albums. I have a weird thing about this band where I kind of want to dislike them but I cant help but dig a lot of their songs. Didn't like the Opeth like singing on the last album at all though. And some of the samples seem really over the top melodramatic.
[Sep 20,2012 7:03am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.

Lol'd hard.
[Sep 20,2012 7:31am - Yeti ""]
i agree with OP. everything about this band annoys me.
[Sep 20,2012 8:20am - arilliusbm ""]
I would make the argument that Shining has one of the more original sounds in all of metal. There's not many bands that sound like them.
[Sep 20,2012 9:15am - chrisREX ""]
Shinning rules. When i see videos the singer guy comes off as a mall goth, so stick to just listening to Shinning. It's pretty incredible how they can make those blusey parts work so well.
[Sep 20,2012 10:41am - trioxin245 ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.


Yea I mean, I'm not saying I HATE it. It's just one of those bands that I can't necessarily find anything specific that I dislike, but at the same time they just never really did anything for me, with a few exceptions. I feel the same way about Forgotten Tomb. Maybe I'm missing the point, because I can definitely see the appeal, and I definitely don't think it's BAD, it just doesn't blow me away.

edit: and yes, I own this album, as well as III, and of the material I've heard I definitely think V is the best.
[Sep 20,2012 10:47am - ark  ""]
the best track is the 10 minute bathory ripoff. i don't know what is called. something swedish. someone post it.
[Sep 20,2012 12:21pm - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:
MikeOfDecrepitude said:This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.

Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

[Sep 20,2012 12:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Octagon is purr genius.
[Sep 20,2012 12:31pm - Boozegood ""]

trioxin245 said:
Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

I know that feel.

When are we saying later-era starts?

90's since Octagon was mentioned?

Blood on Ice is my favorite Bathory album (yea yea I know it's not TECHNICALLY newer stuff but fuck it it wasn't recorded til later so it counts).

And Requiem slays.

But yea Bathory just rules obviously.

Haven't given Nordland I/II much of a try though, just got them on vinyl though so that's about to change.
[Sep 20,2012 12:40pm - LucidCurse ""]

arilliusbm said:Octagon is purr genius.

yeaaaaa I dont know about that one
[Sep 20,2012 12:44pm - MikeOv  ""]
Only the sarcasm meter is real.
[Sep 20,2012 12:44pm - trioxin245 ""]

Boozegood said:
trioxin245 said:
Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

Haven't given Nordland I/II much of a try though

Nordland I has one of my favorite Batlord tracks evar


But yea, when I say 'later-era Bathory' I'm referring to Hammerheart, Twilight, Blood on Ice, Nordland, Destroyer, etc.
[Sep 20,2012 12:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
you boyz are so kvlt!
[Sep 20,2012 12:57pm - CRICKETS!  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:you boyz are so kvlt!

[Sep 20,2012 12:58pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
are you the stalker?
[Sep 20,2012 12:59pm - lvl 36 wizard  ""]
Would any of you gentle flatlanders have any Topaz available?
[Sep 20,2012 1:03pm - trioxin245 ""]
I knew aril was creeping around ITT somewhere.
[Sep 20,2012 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
Shining is the new Inquisition.
[Sep 20,2012 1:19pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Yeti said:Shining is the new Semisonic.
[Sep 20,2012 1:21pm - trioxin245 ""]

Yeti said:Shining is the new Inquisition.

I wouldn't go that far, Shining is definitely more than Inquisition.
[Sep 20,2012 1:24pm - Burnsy ""]
Randy, that's two 90s bands I threw out there last week in two of your posts within minutes. I think that YOU are the stalker. Also, comparing shining to inquisition is like comparing particle physics to women's studies.
[Sep 20,2012 1:25pm - trioxin245 ""]

Burnsy said:Also, comparing shining to inquisition is like comparing particle physics to women's studies.

[Sep 20,2012 1:27pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Burnsy said:Randy, that's two 90s bands I threw out there last week in two of your posts within minutes. I think that YOU are the stalker.

Wait what? Weird...I didn't even know this, do you have proof?
[Sep 20,2012 1:29pm - lvl 36 wizard  ""]
Tristram soldiers have alerted the high king on matters which pertain to this thread. There is a shortage of Topaz in the land. Is it hard to ask so much for a Shining piece of Topaz?
[Sep 20,2012 1:35pm - Burnsy ""]

Randy_Marsh said:
Wait what? Weird...I didn't even know this, do you have proof?

[Sep 20,2012 1:53pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Post links or didnt happen
[Sep 20,2012 1:57pm - Burnsy ""]
[Sep 20,2012 2:00pm - fag detector  ""]

lvl%2036%20wizard said:Tristram soldiers have alerted the high king on matters which pertain to this thread. There is a shortage of Topaz in the land. Is it hard to ask so much for a Shining piece of Topaz?

gay wizard strikes again with his fag puns, level 36 means all the dudes that have banged him
[Sep 20,2012 2:00pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Burnsy said:[img]

Weird coincidence..Seriously didn't know you posted that..
[Sep 20,2012 2:05pm - eye-gore ""]

Boozegood said:Kvarforth being xEDGYx as usual:


Haha, this one rules:


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