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Who else is writing in Ron Paul on the ballot?

[Oct 1,2008 8:30pm - MASlayer  ""]
[Oct 1,2008 8:39pm - archaeon ""]
nope, no one else.
[Oct 1,2008 8:40pm - porphyria  ""]
Ron Paul is cool n' all but why even vote at all if you're just going to write someone in?
[Oct 1,2008 8:53pm - sxealex ""]
agreed...campaigns should be illegal
[Oct 1,2008 8:54pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah. you liive in mass why vote? plus, ron paul would vote for rape victims in north dakota to be forced by the state to keep the baby. fuck him. vote kucinich if you are writing in anything. all the nut bag with pro-abortion
[Oct 1,2008 8:55pm - MASlayer  ""]

porphyria said:Ron Paul is cool n' all but why even vote at all if you're just going to write someone in?

to actually support someone who I feels is best for the job...what's wrong with that? Rather cast a vote for him than going with a lesser of 2 evils...
[Oct 1,2008 8:56pm - the_reverend ""]
you live in mass. you only have one evil to vote for.
[Oct 1,2008 8:57pm - sxealex ""]
this is why there should be finalists like a tournament
[Oct 1,2008 10:00pm - porphyria  ""]

MASlayer said:
to actually support someone who I feels is best for the job...what's wrong with that? Rather cast a vote for him than going with a lesser of 2 evils...

With Sarah Palin in the mix on top of McCain being Bush Lite, the choice is pretty damn simple in my opinion regardless if you still don't like Obama all that much.
[Oct 1,2008 10:04pm - the_reverend ""]
honestly, I want a 100% electoral tie. and then the house votes in obama and the senate is an exact tie with liberman going for palin (even though mccain tossed that dude under the bus) and dick cheney casts the deciding vote for palin as vp. that would be the best shitstorm ever!

it just would suck when someone mlk's obama and palin is the presidentwhore
[Oct 1,2008 10:32pm - deathchickNLI  ""]

MASlayer said:anyone?

I'm considering writing in Ron Paul. That or voting 3rd party. I'm convinced McCain and Obama are corporate puppets.
[Oct 1,2008 10:41pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

deathchickNLI said:
MASlayer said:anyone?

I'm considering writing in Ron Paul. That or voting 3rd party. I'm convinced McCain and Obama are corporate puppets.

man, ron paul was a republican...you can't vote for him. there's only one nomination for each party and he's not runningg as a third party because he has morals and is loyal to his party
[Oct 1,2008 10:44pm - porphyria  ""]

deathchickNLI said:
I'm convinced McCain and Obama are corporate puppets.

I'll take the puppet that is different from Bush, highly educated, speaks coherently, has a better tax plan, and only has 1 house/1 car.
[Oct 1,2008 11:04pm - deathchickNLI  ""]
The election is most likely rigged anyway. There is plenty of evidence out there that the Diebold machines are easily hackable and faulty.

[Oct 1,2008 11:05pm - deathchickNLI  ""]
any one else see "Hacking Democracy?"
[Oct 2,2008 12:44am - Conservationist ""]

MASlayer said:anyone?

M3 700
[Oct 2,2008 7:47am - Yeti ""]
i'm going to write in "Shao Kahn". he does a fine job with Outworld.
[Oct 2,2008 8:12am - the_reverend ""]
cool, I didn't know that deathchick hated the fact that women have the right to choose to get an abortion (even when raped).
[Oct 2,2008 8:49am - Conservationist ""]
Abortions rock. The entire debate over the issue is stupid, since it immoblizes the right as they try to pander to the few and fanatical.

It's kind of like the left and race.


[Oct 2,2008 8:58am - deathchickNLI  ""]

the_reverend said:cool, I didn't know that deathchick hated the fact that women have the right to choose to get an abortion (even when raped).

I love abortions. I've already had 3.
[Oct 2,2008 9:05am - Conservationist ""]
Were they tasty? How did you cook them?
[Oct 2,2008 9:09am - deathchickNLI  ""]
fetus dumplings, yum.
[Oct 2,2008 9:12am - xmikex ""]
My ballot will say

WE WANT CHILLY WILLY. Followed by a gigantic meatball stain.

[Oct 2,2008 9:17am - orgymf@work  ""]

the_reverend said:yeah. you liive in mass why vote? plus, ron paul would vote for rape victims in north dakota to be forced by the state to keep the baby. fuck him. vote kucinich if you are writing in anything. all the nut bag with pro-abortion

Ron Paul is against abortion....but he also against federal government intefering in our personal lives
[Oct 2,2008 9:20am - orgymf@work  ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
deathchickNLI said:
MASlayer said:anyone?

I'm considering writing in Ron Paul. That or voting 3rd party. I'm convinced McCain and Obama are corporate puppets.

man, ron paul was a republican...you can't vote for him. there's only one nomination for each party and he's not runningg as a third party because he has morals and is loyal to his party

that does not matter!!!!!!!!
if enough people write him in a he wins, just because he didn't get the nomination, doesn't mean he can't be a republican in office.....

of course he could always jump on the Cynthia Mckinney bandwagon and call himself a member of the "Constitutionalist" party
[Oct 2,2008 9:20am - orgymf@work  ""]
if enough people write him in AND he wins, that was....god damn i suck
[Oct 2,2008 9:22am - orgymf@work  ""]
anyway....to answer the question of the thread, yes, i will write in Ron Paul, and anyone who doesn't is contributing to the already staggering number of people who mindlessly flocking like sheep to vote for a fossil, with an inexperienced running mate, or an inexperienced candiate, with an idiot running mate.

fuck obama
fuck biden'
fuck mccain
fuck palin
[Oct 2,2008 9:25am - Josh_Martin ""]

orgymf@work said:
the_reverend said:yeah. you liive in mass why vote? plus, ron paul would vote for rape victims in north dakota to be forced by the state to keep the baby. fuck him. vote kucinich if you are writing in anything. all the nut bag with pro-abortion

Ron Paul is against abortion....but he also against federal government intefering in our personal lives

Holy oxymoron, buttman.

[Oct 2,2008 9:28am - orgymf@work  ""]
no josh, it's not an oxymoron, what i meant by that is, it is against his personal beliefs, but he does not support laws against it.
he does not support any laws that infringe upon our personal lives.
[Oct 2,2008 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
how many times will people be idiots about the abortion debate. Ron paul will put in place judges that will overturn rowe v wade. that will cause the states and or counties to once again pass their own laws. since morals are geographically centralized, there will be huge collection of states (where the stupid people that you want to have abortions live). then 16 year old girls will have to travel 400+ miles across state lines to get to abortions. oh yeah, crossing state lines or helping someone cross state lines for an abortion would also be illegal. so go ahead, vote for a world full of unaborted incest and rape babies.
[Oct 2,2008 9:38am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

the_reverend said:yeah. you liive in mass why vote? plus, ron paul would vote for rape victims in north dakota to be forced by the state to keep the baby. fuck him. vote kucinich if you are writing in anything. all the nut bag with pro-abortion

I'd vote for Kucinich if he wasn't pro gun control, so fuck ron paul? fuck him too.
[Oct 2,2008 9:40am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

Josh_Martin said:
orgymf@work said:
the_reverend said:yeah. you liive in mass why vote? plus, ron paul would vote for rape victims in north dakota to be forced by the state to keep the baby. fuck him. vote kucinich if you are writing in anything. all the nut bag with pro-abortion

Ron Paul is against abortion....but he also against federal government intefering in our personal lives

Holy oxymoron, buttman.

He has his own set of morals which are well known, yet he abides by the constitution as the law of the land. No flip-flopping there.
[Oct 2,2008 9:43am - Josh_Martin ""]

the_reverend said:how many times will people be idiots about the abortion debate. Ron paul will put in place judges that will overturn rowe v wade. that will cause the states and or counties to once again pass their own laws. since morals are geographically centralized, there will be huge collection of states (where the stupid people that you want to have abortions live). then 16 year old girls will have to travel 400+ miles across state lines to get to abortions. oh yeah, crossing state lines or helping someone cross state lines for an abortion would also be illegal. so go ahead, vote for a world full of unaborted incest and rape babies.

Thank you.

He may be against the Feds interfering, but he has no problem with state govt telling broads what to do with their cunts.

[Oct 2,2008 9:55am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Yeah, because we're involved in a quagmire in Iraq, the economy is being destroyed by our own government, and we have a candidate like Barack Obama who supports the Global Poverty Act which would take billions of taxpayers money and ship it overseas in droves to 3rd world nations. Of course the goal wouldn't even be to teach them trades so that they can support themselves, but to create giant welfare states. He didn't vote for the war yet he's all for using taxpayers money to rebuild foreign nations like Iraq? Abortion is the last thing on my mind right now.
[Oct 2,2008 10:17am - porphyria  ""]
There's no point in wasting your time voting if you're just going to write someone in. Might as well write in Santa.
[Oct 2,2008 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
whoah.. I didn't realize santa was still running
[Oct 2,2008 10:26am - Josh_Martin ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Yeah, because we're involved in a quagmire in Iraq, the economy is being destroyed by our own government, and we have a candidate like Barack Obama who supports the Global Poverty Act which would take billions of taxpayers money and ship it overseas in droves to 3rd world nations. Of course the goal wouldn't even be to teach them trades so that they can support themselves, but to create giant welfare states. He didn't vote for the war yet he's all for using taxpayers money to rebuild foreign nations like Iraq? Abortion is the last thing on my mind right now.

That's a much better way to stop terrorism than our idiotic invasion of Iraq. People become terrorists because they are fucking pissed off. If the ragheads had all the creature comforts and brain-deadening forms of entertainment that we have, they wouldn't be flying planes into buildings and blowing up shit.
Better to spend the money on that than on making their lives worse therefore creating more terrorists.

[Oct 2,2008 10:26am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev, how come when I first get work my posts come out fine and then after a few hours this triple shit starts? This is weird.
[Oct 2,2008 10:26am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Oct 2,2008 10:27am - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:that will cause the states and or counties to once again pass their own laws.

That is exactly what I want.

America needs to separate into liberal and conservative spheres anyway; it's inevitable.

I think having states regulate many things, like abortion and drug legalization, lets citizens have the best of both worlds -- you can move someplace for its policies, and others don't have to subsidize it if it fails.

There will be conservative states where abortion is not illegal.
[Oct 2,2008 10:27am - Conservationist ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Yeah, because we're involved in a quagmire in Iraq, the economy is being destroyed by our own government, and we have a candidate like Barack Obama who supports the Global Poverty Act which would take billions of taxpayers money and ship it overseas in droves to 3rd world nations.

We've done this for years with foreign aid, and all it does is make others hate us, apparently.
[Oct 2,2008 10:28am - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:Better to spend the money on that than on making their lives worse therefore creating more terrorists.

Yeah, it can't be because they honestly disagree with us and aren't whores to convenience, can it?

[Oct 2,2008 10:30am - porphyria  ""]

the_reverend said:whoah.. I didn't realize santa was still running

Santa is always running.
[Oct 2,2008 10:30am - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:
Josh_Martin said:Better to spend the money on that than on making their lives worse therefore creating more terrorists.

Yeah, it can't be because they honestly disagree with us and aren't whores to convenience, can it?

For the current generation, yeah probably.
I'm thinking more of future generations. People who didn't grow up hating us. Give the kids a taste of good ol' american teen rebellion.

[Oct 2,2008 10:30am - Josh_Martin ""]

[Oct 2,2008 10:30am - Josh_Martin ""]

[Oct 2,2008 10:37am - monster_island ""]

the_reverend said:whoah.. I didn't realize santa was still running

just ask Palin where Santa rears his head first ... Alaska silly
[Oct 2,2008 10:40am - Josh_Martin ""]
I'm actually voting for the Colbert/Spiderman ticket.
[Oct 2,2008 10:43am - orgymf@work  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Yeah, because we're involved in a quagmire in Iraq, the economy is being destroyed by our own government, and we have a candidate like Barack Obama who supports the Global Poverty Act which would take billions of taxpayers money and ship it overseas in droves to 3rd world nations. Of course the goal wouldn't even be to teach them trades so that they can support themselves, but to create giant welfare states. He didn't vote for the war yet he's all for using taxpayers money to rebuild foreign nations like Iraq? Abortion is the last thing on my mind right now.
[Oct 2,2008 10:45am - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]

Josh_Martin said:
MikeofDecrepitude said:Yeah, because we're involved in a quagmire in Iraq, the economy is being destroyed by our own government, and we have a candidate like Barack Obama who supports the Global Poverty Act which would take billions of taxpayers money and ship it overseas in droves to 3rd world nations. Of course the goal wouldn't even be to teach them trades so that they can support themselves, but to create giant welfare states. He didn't vote for the war yet he's all for using taxpayers money to rebuild foreign nations like Iraq? Abortion is the last thing on my mind right now.

That's a much better way to stop terrorism than our idiotic invasion of Iraq. People become terrorists because they are fucking pissed off. If the ragheads had all the creature comforts and brain-deadening forms of entertainment that we have, they wouldn't be flying planes into buildings and blowing up shit.
Better to spend the money on that than on making their lives worse therefore creating more terrorists.

It's our constant meddling in other's affairs and exploitations of foreign nations that breeds the animosity against the west. I can't agree with this socialist idea of giving third world nations our money so that they don't "hate" us. They just want to funnel the money in and not actually create any social programs that would teach them trades for their overall benefit. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

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