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D-Robo 4-Bay hard drive Enclosure for $458

[Jan 3,2009 10:45am - porphyria  ""]
one thing I do like about the iomega ultramax's is that they are eSATA (or usb)...why doesn't the drobo have eSATA???
[Jan 3,2009 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
I'm guessing that your drives there run a lot faster than the drobo.
[Jan 5,2009 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I just found a $50 MIR!
[Jan 8,2009 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
finally friggin shipped. If I really like this.. I might get a second one $439-$50MIR.
[Jan 8,2009 10:57am - porphyria  ""]
lemme know how it is, I may get one eventually...
[Jan 8,2009 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
"Terms and Conditions:
Hard drives sold separately. Rebate valid for end users in the United States and Canada only. Rebate not available for VARs. Rebate will be in U.S. Dollars and
in the form of a gift card. Limit of 5 rebates per household. Offer valid on purchases made between January 1st, 2009 through January 31st, 2009. Rebate
form and receipt must be postmarked no later than February 28th, 2009. Please allow 90 days for processing. This offer may not be combined with any other
coupon codes, show specials, or promotions from Data Robotics, Inc. Void where prohibited. Please keep a copy of all materials mailed for your records. For
questions about this offer or your Drobo /DroboShare, please contact 1-866-99ROBOT or 408-567-3100."
[Jan 10,2009 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
OF COURSE! my fackin computer shit itself and doesn't boot... it did this an hour before the drobo was delivery.
[Jan 10,2009 2:34am - the_reverend ""]
Ok, I put in 1x500GB, 1x750gb, 1x1.5tb and it formated it with 1.13TB.
then I plugged in a 500GB drive and a few seconds later, 1.58tb.
WOW! friggin awesome!
[Jan 10,2009 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
omg... I can't believe it... in the process of getting all my data backed up in the drobo, I copied it (all my movies, all my vides, and all my games) a few hours ago to my computer and then I plugged in the hard drive and now it just clicks. FUCK!
All of my scans are on it too.
[Jan 10,2009 11:39am - Conservationist ""]
FUCK. What brand and model of HD?

Does it spin up at all?
[Jan 12,2009 9:28pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, it spins up. the noises say "head stuck in seEk position"
[Jan 12,2009 9:35pm - the_reverend ""]
a guy at work gave me a CD with a billion different bootable things on it.
[Jan 13,2009 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
ok, the drive was

I finished copying my other 1.5TB drive. the unit was 1/2 full. Everyone came to my cubicle at work and I pulled out the 500GB. The drobo started copying all the data around. While it did this, I pushed in the freshly emptied 1.5TB drive and it went into rebuild mode. A few seconds later, the 1.5TB showed up as more space. It's currently building the disks again. it started at 10am with 5hrs remaining to redistribute about 800GB. After 8 minutes, it's now at 2hrs remaining. The only thing is that right now it says that it can't protect against a single drive failure until it's done building.
[Jan 14,2009 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
great... the 1.5TB drives are showing a 40% failure rate right now...
I'm using the drives so I can't pull them out and check the fw version
[Jan 14,2009 9:24am - the_reverend ""]

looks like you need to update the HD firmware to make them reliable... that means I need another 1.5TB with the newer fw to put into the drobo, rebuild, and then update the 1.5TB and put it back in. Swap out the second 1.5tb with firmware sd17, etc... this might suck. At least I don't have data on the drobo that isn't other places.
[Jan 14,2009 2:38pm - the_reverend ""]
So I have 1x500gb, 1x750gb, and 2x1.5TB in the drobo.
I copied things to it and it work just fine.
Then a couple times it froze and I had to reboot it.
Looked on line and the 1.5TB drives aren稚 supported with the firmware that is in them (SD17).
That fw causes frozen drives and there are reports out there of 40% failure rates.
I知 waiting for Seagate to get back to me.
Then I reboot the system (on a freeze) and just before I do, I notice that the 500GB is posting as a failed, but I was already in the motions of removing the plug to power cycle it. ARG!

The 500GB is a Maxtor from aug 2006 that is the same kind as the one that is in my freezer right now having failed. This blows goats. Right now, the drobo is in the process of rebuilding once again. I hope it gets done before 3:30 when I have to leave. Otherwise I知 not sure what I知 going to do. Maybe leave it here to build over night? That means no fw updates to the 1.5TB drives tonight.
Looks like I知 going to drive up to maine to bring my dog to the vets, then drive back down here and then drive back home.

The good thing is that I still have access to my data while it痴 in the data recovery process AND I left the drobo without my laptop to build. For any of you looking for what I知 doing, live through my lumps.
[Jan 14,2009 3:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 14,2009 4:25pm - watchmaker666 ""]
[Jan 15,2009 10:16am - the_reverend ""]
unRAID seems neat.

The Drobo rebuilt on to the 1x500gb, 1x750gb, and 2x1.5TB. I pulled out a 1.5TB and put in a 500GB.
now it's back to 2x500gb, 1x750gb, and 1x1.5TB. Rebuilt just fine.
Tonight, I'm probably going to pull out the other 1.5TB and put in an old 500GB and let it rebuild. the rebuilds take about 2.5hrs.
[Jan 17,2009 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
updated the fw in the 1.5TB drives.
replaced a swapped the 1.5TB with a 1.5TB SD1A
12hrs to rebuild.
[Jan 19,2009 11:37am - the_reverend ""]
ok, seagate has a list of failed drives. looks like all my junk was also on a drive that is under seagate's failures.
[Feb 2,2009 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I got 4x1.5TB running in it and you can get one for $340 after all is said and done.
got to www.live.com, click cashback.
then type "drobo".
jr.com has it for $411 - 7% = $390
$50 MIR
but I think they charge $11 to ship it.
[Feb 2,2009 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I clicked on it again and it went from $411 to $439.99. I emailed them and said that I'm not paying the extra and that I was going to pre-order another camera at the same time.
[Feb 4,2009 8:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I just returned the 1tb HD that I bought at bestbuy. now I just need one of those 2tb drives!
[Feb 7,2009 6:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I start copying some files to it (like a 200GB and a 500GB that I'm trying to dump on it) left and came back. It had one of the 1.5TB's marked as failed.

I replaced it with a 750GB, but kept my copies going. I think cause I'm copying data to it, the rebuild time keeps going up. 9hrs to 18hrs to 19hrs to 21hrs to 22hrs now.
[Feb 8,2009 1:05am - the_reverend ""]
finally done building.
[Feb 13,2009 10:41pm - the_reverend ""]
put a firewire card in my win7 machine. it's acting weird. then I popped out the 750GB and popped in a 1.5TB that just came in the mail.
the unit has 2.56TB of info on it and it's rebuilding. 30 hours to rebuild.
[Apr 2,2009 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
my win7 machine is fucking up! jesus... the thing hangs all the time while trying to delete from the drobo. I'm tempted to install winxp on that win7 machine and if it does a better jorb.
[Apr 2,2009 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
I also want that...
[Apr 2,2009 10:12am - the_reverend ""]
actually, I would love to get this
[Apr 7,2009 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 10,2009 11:15am - the_reverend ""]

I have my drobo for storage at my house. Besides all the rebooting, it's working well. Now, I need to have a device off site at my work. I'm still working out all my files and everything, but I've got my drobo backing things up and a set or bare-drives that stay dark except when I synch them whenever I think about it.


1) get a QNAP 439 or 509 and bring the drobo to my work $800-ish (do I really need that much more control since I already have the drobo at home?)

2) get another drobo and bring it to my work $360-ish (then I have a drobo for 2 points of failure)

3) get a 5-bay RAID case $200-ish (why spend so much for something that has no smarts)

4) get a 775 quad core processor and replace the duocore on my desktop, some cheap 533 ram, RAID-card and a case and make a uRAID box. I have a motherboard sitting around doing nothing. ($300-is, but would take more time to set up and then do I bring the uRAID to work and leave the drobo at home?)

5) sit with my thumb in my bum
[Apr 10,2009 7:24pm - watchmaker666 ""]
ugh when does it end!
[Apr 10,2009 7:27pm - the_reverend ""]
it ends when I fill this void for offsite storage. but which one? uRAID could also be freenas. whatever
[Apr 12,2009 11:00pm - the_reverend ""]

ok, I'm seriously thinking about that one.
[Apr 12,2009 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
well, either that or the 439... the 639 says that it is limited to 1.5TB drives. the 439 doesn't.
[Apr 16,2009 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, this is what I need:


yes, you pay a price, but over the cost of running a server with these drives, you save over $200 in electricity alone.
Plus, I always will run crap on any computer I have. that means I will do things wrong and my storage will go down while I'm rebooting and then my back ups have to re-start. This is what is happening now whenever I try to back up RTTP from my linux server. with the qnap, I can rsync right to it.
[Apr 16,2009 7:27pm - watchmaker666 ""]
I was on board with you till I saw the price

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