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Scott willy either is or isn't in the hospital for oding, is or isn't in vital remains but wants $$$$

[Aug 6,2012 3:24pm - Tr00f  ""]
Hey guys can Uattnet Uiskar get on this?
[Aug 6,2012 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy! Listen pussy!
[Aug 6,2012 3:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
solid thread, 8/10
[Aug 6,2012 3:39pm - Yeti ""]

dreadkill said:Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy! Listen pvssy!
[Aug 6,2012 5:03pm - not slag  ""]
I don't trust any person who wears Velcro sneakers to have continence.
[Aug 6,2012 7:20pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]

Yeti said:reminds me of one time sitting around a fire and Scott showed up and told me to hold my hand in the fire for as long as i could to "see how black metal you really are". then he told me the name Zircon came from the ring in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and that it was a super ultra underground secret that outside of him, only i knew.

Bwahahahahahaaaa! I'm pretty sure I was there for that... or maybe you just told me the story while we were sitting around a fire. Either way, seems legit.
[Aug 6,2012 7:33pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]
[Aug 6,2012 9:40pm - fuckface_ninja_retard ""]
[Aug 7,2012 7:44am - Yeti ""]

ValkyrieScreams said:
Yeti said:reminds me of one time sitting around a fire and Scott showed up and told me to hold my hand in the fire for as long as i could to "see how black metal you really are". then he told me the name Zircon came from the ring in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and that it was a super ultra underground secret that outside of him, only i knew.

Bwahahahahahaaaa! I'm pretty sure I was there for that... or maybe you just told me the story while we were sitting around a fire. Either way, seems legit.

yeah it was the time you are thinking of. he held his hand over the fire to demonstrate his black-metalness but it heated up his rings, it was lulzy watching him try to maintain his straight-faced badassery.
[Aug 7,2012 8:01am - arilliusbm ""]
I remember that night I believe. It was pretty recent at Jess's house, right?
[Aug 7,2012 8:21am - Yeti ""]
haha yeah, that infamous night.
[Aug 7,2012 8:21am - arilliusbm ""]
Haha, yea. He wanted back rubs. BWACK RUBS.
[Aug 7,2012 12:19pm - aliens  ""]
Send Scott Wily a link to this thread or you are a pussy
[Aug 7,2012 2:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ They have internet in the day room?

[Aug 7,2012 2:20pm - dreadkill ""]
[Aug 7,2012 3:25pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]
guys, I dare you to link it to him....I DARE you.
[Aug 7,2012 3:50pm - phantom rodent  ""]

aliens said:Send Scott Wily a link to this thread or you are a pvssy

unsuccessful mp3 salesman is unsuccessful
[Aug 7,2012 5:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Ghost_Hamster said:guys, I dare you to link it to him....I DARE you.

[Aug 7,2012 5:37pm - largefreakatzero ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Ghost_Hamster said:guys, I dare you to link it to him....I DARE you.


Whoah man, this guy sounds super scary, better not send him this thread.

[Aug 7,2012 8:51pm - Skinnray ""]
[Aug 8,2012 12:54am - Ghoulash ""]
i want scott comes back and start another vital remains... he could just say he's addicted to drugs and deranged. hey... it could work and it would be very entertaining.
[Aug 8,2012 11:46pm - nekronaut ""]
[Aug 9,2012 1:45am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Aug 9,2012 7:40am - AndrewBastard ""]
i mean whats left of this band besides tony?

i guess this band is down to its




sorry its early.
[Aug 9,2012 8:40am - the_reverend ""]
it seems that fans are more loyal than members
[Aug 9,2012 10:17am - werner herzog  ""]

the_reverend said:it seems that Alex Mooney & Spencer Clark are more loyal than members
[Aug 9,2012 10:23am - KEVORD ""]
Vital Ducks, Goose Remains.
[Aug 9,2012 6:13pm - MOUSE-O-THELIOMA  ""]

[Aug 20,2012 5:10pm - BEWARE  ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:09am - Nightmare  ""]

has%20been?%20more%20like%20never%20was said:[img]

[Aug 21,2012 11:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Alx_Casket said:
DestroyYouAlot said:


[Aug 21,2012 11:50am - Burnsy ""]

has%20been?%20more%20like%20never%20was said:

[Aug 21,2012 3:38pm - Spence ""]

werner%20herzog said:
the_reverend said:it seems that Alex Mooney & Spencer Clark are more loyal than members

Actually, I fucking hate Vital Remains.

Tony's a cool dude though.
[Aug 21,2012 3:53pm - HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  ""]

Spence said:
Tony's a cool dude though.

[Aug 21,2012 3:54pm - chernobyl ""]

Spence said:
Tony's a cool dude though.


Ive heard nothing but negative things about Tony and when I played with Vital Remains at PAs, he sat in his minivan the whole time with his arms crossed.
[Aug 21,2012 3:56pm - RTTP  ""]
[Aug 21,2012 4:06pm - Spence ""]

chernobyl said:
Spence said:
Tony's a cool dude though.


Ive heard nothing but negative things about Tony and when I played with Vital Remains at PAs, he sat in his minivan the whole time with his arms crossed.

I've only met him once, but he seemed chill enough. Maybe I just caught him on a really good day. Eh, whatever. Either way, his band sucks.
[Nov 21,2012 10:47am - Darth Wily  ""]
Words of wisdom form Scott Wily on why he left the tour

"I've been through some serious necronimicon magick.. I dide dude.. I also went though way worse then what nergal went through..
I was pulled away by fucking vampires dude.. they almost got me good.. I survived all the shit.. They try to turn my own bands against me.. everything.. I'm all done with people dude.'
[Nov 22,2012 2:39am - JF  ""]
When Scott was filling in on guitar in Godless Rising back in the day, I smoked a joint with him at a rest stop in Virginia. He then proceeded to go out into the woods with his guitar to "practice". He came back covered in poison ivy.

That's my Scott story. Thank you, thank you very much.

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