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advice for a virgin metalhead..

[Nov 4,2010 1:52pm - anonymous  ""]
hi..i have a few questions because i think i finally have a chance at getting laid after 25 years. where is the best place to lick a vagina to make a girl cream? where is the best g spot? and do girls like it when you shoot on their face? I want to have so much fun but dont know if she wants all of this.. thanks!! :yoda: :point:
[Nov 4,2010 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 4,2010 1:54pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
David Myatt
[Nov 4,2010 1:59pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Girls love it when you shoot them in the face.
[Nov 4,2010 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I got this covered with a image that I made.
Give them money, give them chocolate, leave them the fuck alone.
[Nov 4,2010 2:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 4,2010 2:25pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
ITT: Wren or RidersofDoom?
[Nov 4,2010 2:42pm - Dwyer  ""]
25 year old virgin=spacecorpse
[Nov 4,2010 2:44pm - boxxy ""]
Come on, troll. I don't think even a virgin would be dumb enough to ask where the best g-spot is... like as if there's more than one. If you wanna troll at least be believable.
[Nov 4,2010 2:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ask beezle... he's a straight up pimp. definitely no faggot.
[Nov 4,2010 2:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only annihilating the wall of the uterus with your cock is real.
[Nov 4,2010 3:18pm - posbleak ""]
Just focus on lasting more than ten seconds, if she knows you're a virgin then she'll see everything after that as just a bonus.
[Nov 4,2010 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if shes not a complete bitch though she'll think you being a virgin is cute and expect you to last 10 seconds... then go for epic round two.
[Nov 4,2010 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
please, he's no different than the rest of you organisms, shooting DNA at each other to make babies, i find it offensive!
[Nov 4,2010 3:27pm - fingers ""]
goils <3 voigins
[Nov 4,2010 4:16pm - Alexecutioner ""]
please, like any dumb ass would actually bother asking if girls actually LIKE having it shot on their face......

[Nov 4,2010 10:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 4,2010 10:42pm - reimroc ""]
posting on rttp is like having a golden ticket to pussyville.
[Nov 4,2010 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
And by pussyville, you mean ejaculating into you own dirty clothing before wash.
[Nov 4,2010 11:01pm - reimroc ""]

the_reverend said:And by pussyville, you mean ejaculating into you own dirty clothing before wash.

whatever floats your boat rev.
[Nov 5,2010 1:14am - Randy_Marsh ""]
enter the realm of garls
[Nov 5,2010 7:35am - Slag NLI  ""]
Perform the Harry Houdini or you are a failure at the sexy time.
[Nov 5,2010 11:33am - ouchdrummer ""]

posbleak said:Just focus on lasting more than ten seconds, if she knows you're a virgin then she'll see everything after that as just a bonus.

I realize that this is just a quick comment, but I think it's one of the biggest misconceptions of all time... if you FOCUS on not finishing quick, you'll finish quick, if you focus on sex at all, control becomes very hard. That's why most dudes w/out skillz cum so quick EVEN when they're prepared for it, because they're focused on it, they think:
I'm fucking her, I'm fucking her, I'm fucking her (as they stare at mounds of ass bouncing off their theighs) and then BOOM they cum. I know it's obviously different for everyone, but i use rythyms to mantain control, if i'm fixated on the groove with which my balls bounce, it becomes easier to hold on, even when i stare at myself piercing her ass.
[Nov 5,2010 11:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
actually my first time i was soooo focused on not blowing my load quickly i lasted like an hour. also i think listening to Aenima at the time gave me super sexxorz powers.
[Nov 5,2010 11:36am - ouchdrummer ""]
oh, and when she's on top, and you think you're gonna blow, grind your teeth, curl up your toes, and squeeze the bed/couch/whatever your on till your knuckles turn white. What this does, is it takes your focus (which if you're about to cum, is on having sex) and it moves in to curling toes, grinding teeth, etc...
This really is the best bit of advice that no one gave me, ever. When i figured out how much it helps, it made all the difference in the world.

Now if only there was a way to stop me from wanting to eat a prime rib after i blow.
[Nov 5,2010 11:37am - ouchdrummer ""]
well, it's not really the first time that's hard, i was too nervous to come quick that time, it's the period right AFTER that.
[Nov 5,2010 11:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
Cock ring or terrorist.
[Nov 5,2010 11:38am - ouchdrummer ""]
those hurt too much.
[Nov 5,2010 11:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just think of this while getting busy...

[Nov 5,2010 11:49am - ouchdrummer ""]
that would not help.
[Nov 5,2010 11:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ouchdrummer said:that would not help.

[Nov 5,2010 11:57am - arilliusbm ""]
I could care less if I cum or not. The goal is to make the girl cum... More than once
[Nov 5,2010 11:59am - Slag NLI  ""]
My goal. Then I Houdini her.
[Nov 5,2010 12:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i partly subscribe to that methodology. i think i think its highly important that i get my rocks off in the process however. making a girl have muliple orgasms though is a triumphant feeling regardless.
[Nov 5,2010 12:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]
As long as I spray my DNA I don't give a shit about her getting her rocks off.
[Nov 5,2010 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 5,2010 12:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Obviously everyone wants to have an orgasm because it's the best feeling of all time.

I guess the question one should ask is about the difference between fucking a chick that you're not attached to, or fucking a girl you're in a relationship with. Personally, I think the "making love" romantic gf/wife sex is 100x better; it is there that it should be a priority to make your significant other cum.
When it's random sex it's just different. Then again, I know I'm in the minority here
[Nov 5,2010 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i agree with that. mainly because the emotional attachment factor increases the sensation for both.
[Nov 5,2010 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've heard interviews from porn stars that say the same thing too.
[Nov 5,2010 12:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Agreed. I'd hate to sound dumb, but maybe it's because I'm a hopeless romantic underneath all the trolls.
[Nov 5,2010 12:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 5,2010 12:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
If you only knew.
[Nov 5,2010 12:35pm - ouchdrummer ""]
sex can be wonderful even if you don't have an emotional connection. I think the thing that makes it so good when you DO have an emotional connection is that you both are concerned with the other person feeling good, and you're aware of what they like and don't like. That's possible with people you don't have that connection with either, but it requires really good communication skills, and the ability to tell by each other's bodys what works and what doesn't. Remember to pay attention to how she reacts to things and you'll do ok.
[Nov 5,2010 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only knowing how to treat a real woman is real.
[Nov 5,2010 12:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sex is always wonderful, but better when it has value
[Nov 5,2010 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
like an expensive hooker?
[Nov 5,2010 12:49pm - xmikex ""]
A few years ago I might have had a different opinion on this. But now let me illustrate this in adult terms.

Beating a girl to the finish and not giving a shit makes you feel like:

Making a girl cum makes you feel like

However, not caring if you finish or not is...
[Nov 5,2010 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
*slow clap*
[Nov 5,2010 12:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:*slow clap*
[Nov 5,2010 1:02pm - Teddybear NLI  ""]

I will leave this here.

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