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Land Of The Dead

[Jun 8,2005 2:29pm - poopsmcgee ""]
I cant fucking wait to see this movie

[Jun 8,2005 2:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jun 8,2005 2:43pm - poopsmcgee ""]
Zombie movie directed by George Romero
this movie is going to be fucking sweet
[Jun 9,2005 6:35pm - poopsmcgee ""]
awesome new trailor,with tons of gore at the end.

[Jun 24,2005 2:47pm - poopsmcgee ""]
I just got back from seeing it and it was sweet.
[Jun 24,2005 3:02pm - Al_Ravage ""]
It was good. The social commentary was a bit heavy-handed, but it was an entertaining film and worthy addition to the Dead series.
[Jun 24,2005 3:04pm - succubus ""]
the storyline is cool
i can't wait to see it!
[Jun 24,2005 4:33pm - xericx ""]
im goig to see it tonite! should be sick. :satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Jun 24,2005 4:48pm - blue ""]
i think im seeing it tonight.
[Jun 24,2005 5:01pm - Dissector ""]
I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.
[Jun 24,2005 5:27pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Going to see it tomorrow night. I rule and you all know it! I have been waiting 20 years for this!!! Suck my balls!!!!:doublehorns:
[Jun 24,2005 9:44pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
Just saw it. Did not meet my expectations. Decent gore but overall just nothing special. I am highly upset.
[Jun 24,2005 9:56pm - anonymous  ""]
saw it....one word.. BRUTAL.... so much gore
[Jun 24,2005 10:04pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
serious? out of the 4 movies it had the least gore.
[Jun 24,2005 10:15pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

[Jun 24,2005 10:16pm - Dissector ""]
Just got back went by myself this time. Tom Savini was in it, that's all I have to say.
[Jun 24,2005 10:40pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
DomesticTerror said:Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

that's funny. I fuck missing teenagers...
[Jun 25,2005 1:51am - metalguy  ""]
.... it was awweeeesssomeee
[Jun 25,2005 2:25am - greggdeadface ""]
this was the fukn worst time i have ever had in my life,well maybe when we have to play with fukn white belt mosh bands,but this is jus as bad!!!!!!!!!if not worse.i want my money back romero!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jun 25,2005 3:08am - dwellingsickness ""]

Fangoria's review if anyone is interested
[Jun 25,2005 10:07am - FecesForJesus ""]
Day of the Dead sucked. I slept through over the second half of it. I knew i was going just be dissapointed in the end.
[Jun 25,2005 10:24am - projectilevomit ""]
it was OK not great and not terrible...he could hacve done alot more with it
[Jun 25,2005 11:48am - Dissector ""]
I have a couple of complaints.
1. The charecter development. There wasn't any. But that was because the company that released it wanted an hour and a half movie so they could get as many showing on openning day as possible. But the charecter development is what made all the other Dead films so great.
2. I know all of the other dead films had his opinion on t he social climate and what not. But this one was way more obvious than the rest.
[Jun 25,2005 1:20pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Notorious_DUG said:DomesticTerror said:Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

that's funny. I fuck missing teenagers...

lol. that was good, Doug:bow:

[Jun 25,2005 1:23pm - projectilevomit ""]
it seams like GR never gets to make the zombie movie he wants too..besides night and dawn...if any one has ever read the orginal script for day of the dead its way more elaborate then the actually movie way more violent too. if anyone gets the urge to read the orginal script you can check out www.homepageofthedead.com its on thier somewhere
[Jun 25,2005 1:26pm - BobDead  ""]
man...I went to see this last night...and I gotta say I was disapointed. There were definitely some good scenes and jumpy moments...but I thought as far as being "terrifying" the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" and the remake of "Night of the Living Dead" were vastly superior as far as creating a sense of dread. I dont know..I'm old and actually saw "Night of the Living Dead" the original at the drive in with my parents when it was first making its rounds as a kid..and it fucked me up for weeks. This probably is as scary as a "Resident Evil" or like film...which isnt to scary to me. Another disapointment although not nearly as shitty as the "Exorcist" begining movie...
[Jun 25,2005 2:28pm - anonymous  ""]
Crap movie....i was bored from beginning to end....BOO-ERNs
[Jun 25,2005 2:34pm - litacore ""]
I thought it was pretty good, it's more of an action movie than "Day"

I hope he gets to make anohter, although I have a feeling this ain't gonna do well at the box office except with the niche market

[Jun 25,2005 3:07pm - eddienli  ""]
i thought this was going to be his last zombie,

i liked it over all, but was disapointed in alot of ways.

i thought the gore was great.

the leader zombie had the worst possible zombie makeup, the sky flower thing was stupid, and damnit zombies can't think

i liked the of mice and men thing that was going on.

[Jun 25,2005 5:08pm - anonymous  ""]
smart zombies are gay
[Jun 25,2005 10:18pm - Dissector ""]
They were beginning to gain intelligence at the end of Day of the Dead. Hell, even in Dawn they we're "smart" it said you just have to remind them of thigns they used to do in their past life and they'll pick it up.
[Jun 25,2005 10:45pm - eddienli  ""]
Dissector said:They were beginning to gain intelligence at the end of Day of the Dead. Hell, even in Dawn they we're "smart" it said you just have to remind them of thigns they used to do in their past life and they'll pick it up.

yeah but these one's cared

[Jun 25,2005 10:46pm - Dissector ""]
Bub cared. Me, Tyler, and Jon used to refer to him as The Zombie Who Cares. He even shoots Rhodes for being a dick.
[Jun 25,2005 10:52pm - eddienli  ""]
fuck bub, that was 1 zombie! just didn't get enough troxin

this was a horde

either way the concept is gay.
[Jun 25,2005 11:13pm - Dissector ""]
I thought the concept of their being a leader was gay.
[Jun 25,2005 11:23pm - eddienli  ""]
Dissector said:I thought the concept of their being a leader was gay.

:pukeface:children of the living dead
[Jun 25,2005 11:57pm - Dissector ""]
Thank god I never saw that movie.
[Jun 26,2005 11:35am - babyshaker ""]
dude....."big daddy" huge fucking gay zombies arent supposed to have feelings they shouldnt be able to "communicate".....he learned how to use a fucking gun!!......the gore was mediocre and there wasnt enough time in the movie to really get a feel for what was goin on....how ever tom savini hacking peoples faces made me very very happy
[Jun 26,2005 12:25pm - Dissector ""]
babyshaker said:dude....."big daddy" huge fucking gay zombies arent supposed to have feelings they shouldnt be able to "communicate".....he learned how to use a fucking gun!!......the gore was mediocre and there wasnt enough time in the movie to really get a feel for what was goin on....how ever tom savini hacking peoples faces made me very very happy

That's true about the time factor and the Savini part. But zombies we're communicating as early as Dawn of the Dead and they used guns in Day of the Dead. This is nothing new in the Dead series.
[Jun 26,2005 12:27pm - Dissector ""]
Oh and another thing that sucked was the lead hero guy wasn't bad ass enough. He reminded me of Keano Reeves. We need another bad ass black man as the lead charecter. Ken Foree (sp?) was perfect.
[Jun 26,2005 1:07pm - metalmatt666 ""]
DAy of the dead was my personal favorite in the dead trilogy
[Jun 26,2005 1:28pm - projectilevomit ""]
fuckin ken foree is the man right up thier with bruce "dont call me ash" camble
[Jun 26,2005 1:35pm - Dissector ""]
projectilevomit said:fuckin ken foree is the man right up thier with bruce "dont call me ash" camble

Fuckin right.
[Jun 26,2005 3:27pm - mark fucking richards live from kentucky  ""]
land of the dead was awesome in my opinion; i heard it sucked, so i was a bit skeptical but overall i was extremely pleased. i saw a lot of zombies and gore, that's all that matters. the greatest part was when that random arm sticking up in the air gets ripped down the middle between the middle finger and ring finger. fucking great
[Jun 26,2005 3:37pm - succubus ""]
rev and i just got back from watching it
[Jun 26,2005 3:40pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
this movie was fucking excellent!!
[Jun 26,2005 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
it was ok... the plot sort of pissed me off...
they had a bunch of campy/humorous stuff that fits in a B movie,
but this wasn't a B movie.

also, there was a lot of bad CGI on head shots.

SPOILER STUFF: at least the main character didn't get bitten (dawn remake)
[Jun 26,2005 5:19pm - babyshaker ""]
ya i also didnt like the head shots...even in the dawn remake they used alot of prosthetics for the head shots
[Jun 26,2005 6:21pm - projectilevomit ""]
asia argento looked amazing though
[Jun 26,2005 7:00pm - the_reverend ""]
and the worst actor award goes too....
every single character he plays is the exact same character. from a crazy fan to a ologarch to a gangster... same freaking character.
other people in that catagory:
keanu reeves
all of the bridges
all of the baldwin
jeff goldblum

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