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David Myatt Forms new Band 'Opposing Digits'. 2

[Nov 25,2010 3:58am - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt - Satanist, Neo-Nazi and phony Muslim - has formed an unlikely alliance with the band 'Opposing Digits'.


When asked about Myatt's endorsement of suicide bomb attacks on women and children, the lead guitarist of 'Opposing Digits', said:

"We are pretty much O.K. with the multiple murders, but vociferously oppose the manifold evils of SPAM!

I have posted this in a new thread because the target of the 'Defending The Truth' link was changed, to cover up the truth about David Myatt.

Since David Myatt is a confirmed computer hacker and all his hate-sites are used for ID theft on a massive scale, we don't have to look far for the culprit.

Another one of the RTTP threads, 'POLICE INFORMER ON METAL FORUMS', was hacked as well, with a fake link inserted in place of the real one. The Google link to the 'Opposing Digits' story on the David Ike forums was subsequently tampered with, bringing up a spoofed page which censored the original content. In addition the Blogs exposing Myatt's ID theft scam were also hacked and incriminating evidence of David Myatt's attacks on disabled women was removed. See the 'Hacker Terrified of Exposure' page on these blogs:




If any of the links on this page are hacked to lead to spurious content, you have your answer - David Myatt = Computer Hacker = COVER-UP!

[Nov 25,2010 5:38am - anonyman  ""]
Oh look the dimuntive cowardly stalker obsessed with Myatt starts a new thread posting the same shite as before!
He runs away from the other threads...
Hey, so let's both play the *reposting my links* game, shall we?




[Nov 25,2010 5:42am - anonymous  ""]

anonyman said:Oh look the dimuntive cowardly stalker obsessed with Myatt starts a new thread posting the same shite as before!

True - he posted the same crap here


BTW, can I play the "I'm a Troll and I'll repost my links" game too?!




[Nov 25,2010 5:46am - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 25,2010 5:48am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt - Satanist, Neo-Nazi and phony Muslim

[Nov 25,2010 11:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Aaron should come forward with this infidel Myatt defamer's IP.
[Nov 29,2010 2:20am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Dec 10,2010 5:47am - anonymous  ""]
The security services' mishandling of police informer David Myatt, is symptomatic of the chaotic and dangerous state of the British intelligence services. The misuse of anti terror laws and the failure to correctly monitor dangerous 'operatives' like David Myatt, will lead to more innocent people dying in botched 'honeypot' operations.

Here is some background on the British Government's failure to protect civilians in the 1999 London bomb attacks.

In 1999 a young nazi called David Copeland detonated three nail-bombs in London. Many people were killed in these attacks, including a pregnant woman and her unborn child. It was only after Copeland planted and detonated the third bomb, that he was caught. At that time David Myatt had been involved in various violent neo-nazi organizations - notably Combat18 and then later, the National Socialist Movement. Copeland was a member of the NSM. Some people believe that these organizations had been set up by MI5 as 'honeypots' to attract violent nazis like Copeland, so that Myatt could report them to the police before they had a chance to do anything dangerous.
If we accept that the NSM was an MI5 sponsored organization, there is a problem. If Myatt was doing his job, why did he let Copeland go on the rampage and kill all those people? One explanation is that the security services set up a dangerously provocative neo-nazi organisation, gave total control to David Myatt and then completely failed to monitor his activities.
The opposing view is that David Myatt is not a police informer and The National Socialist Movement was a genuine nazi organization. This was the defence used by the British security services in 1999. The police and the Government claimed that they could not have known in advance about David Copeland's murderous plans, (but as you will read later, this has been exposed as a lie). However, even If we do accept this excuse, it only raises further questions about the British security services' ability to protect innocent civilians from terrorists. For example, why didn't the security services have Myatt and his friends under constant surveillance? Its not as if there was anything covert about David Myatt's political activities. Throughout the 1990s Myatt was openly endorsing terrorism on the internet, mostly writing under his own name.
This is Myatt calling for bloodshed in one of his internet tracts:

"The change we desire and need can only be brought about by the shedding of blood and the destruction of everything which is anti-Aryan. We must be prepared to ruthlessly sabotage, destroy, undermine and disrupt in any way the infrastructure of our societies. [ See 'System Breakdown' and the other covert pamphlets in circulation.]"

David Myatt's 'covert pamphlets' also included a guide on how to construct nail-bombs; exactly the same weapon which David Copeland chose for his terrorist attacks. Are we really supposed to believe that the authorities didn't know Myatt was publishing hate material endorsing terrorism? Well, yes apparently, because that was exactly what the Blair Government told the public at the time.

If we fast forward to the present day, it is clear that the Government was lying to the bomb victims' families in 1999. David Myatt is still openly endorsing terrorism on the internet and nothing is being done to stop him. The following is from a 'question and answer' section from one of Myatt's fake Muslim websites:

"Q. Is the targeting of innocent bystanders by suicide bombers something that Islam should allow, or encourage.

A. The view that I [David Myatt] and many other Muslims, world-wide, incline toward is that Martyrdom Operations [suicide bombings] are lawful, according to the Quran and Sunnah."

"...........which view of mine is that such operations [suicide bombings] are legitimate........."

David Myatt was unmasked on national television as the publisher of the hate material which lead to Copeland's campaign of mass murder. Millions of people saw this programme and the Government can no longer pretend that it is not aware of David Myatt's activities. This leads inexorably to three main conclusions. Firstly, Myatt's websites are now and always were, officially sponsored by the security services. Secondly, the security services made a terrible mistake in 1999 that cost people their lives. Thirdly, the Government lied to cover it up.

But where does that leave us if we now accept that David Myatt is employed by the Government? After all, when the 'honeypot' strategy was used in 1999 it ended in tragedy with weak Government ministers refusing to accept responsibility for the dreadful mistake they had made. Their mistake was to entrust innocent people's lives to an unreliable, violent, ex-convict. Now the same flawed strategy is being used with Islamic terrorism and worse still, it has been put in the hands of the same untrustworthy person - David Myatt.
[Dec 10,2010 5:48am - anonymous  ""]
When I began my researches into Myatt's life and activities, I believed that he was an isolated aberration. I thought David Myatt was the problem, but I soon discovered that the real blame rests with the British security services. They are unregulated and apparently, completely unaccountable for their own mistakes - even when those mistakes result in multiple deaths. This is ex-MI5 officer Annie Machon talking frankly about her experiences as an insider:

"However, we had grown increasingly concerned about breaches of the law; ineptitude (which led to bombs going off that could and should have been prevented); files on politicians; the jailing of innocent people; illegal phone taps; and the illegal sponsoring of terrorism abroad, funded by UK tax-payers." [1]

Another quote from Machon gives some insight into the reasons why David Myatt is being allowed to continue to use the flawed and highly dangerous 'honeypot' strategy:

"MI5 and SIS continue to operate outside meaningful democratic control.  Their cultures are self-perpetuating oligarchies, where mistakes are glossed over and repeated, and where questions and independent thought are discouraged." [1]

The handling of terrorism in Northern Ireland also provides further evidence that the British intelligence services are in desperate need of reform. Here are some extracts from a report by the Northern ireland Police Ombudsman:

"Her [the Police Ombudsman's] report, published yesterday, revealed that paid informants were directly involved in 10 murders and linked to a series of other crimes." [2]


"There was no effective strategic management of these informants" [3]


"According to Mrs O'Loan [the Police Ombudsman], Special Branch took proactive steps to ensure the moles were not caught and even "baby-sat" them during police interviews to make sure they didn't incriminate themselves." [2]

If the security services do protect their own informers, one must ask if David Myatt was ever interviewed properly after the 1999 bombings. Was his 'arrest' a cynically stage-managed charade to trick the grieving relatives of the bomb victims? If the police are sincere in their claim that they couldn't prove that Myatt wrote the hate material in 1999, the present day remedy is simple. Shut down all of the servers which host Myatt's hate material and prosecute anyone who tries to relocate it on the internet.

Many of the families of victims who were murdered by MI5 controlled 'operatives', are still waiting for justice, but you wont be reading about them in your daily newspaper.

[1] http://www.anniemachon.com/annie_machon/the-uk-spies-ineffective-.html

[2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/au...transcripts/transcript_19_06_02.txt

[3] http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/Police-and-UVF-links-who.1987318.jp

[Dec 10,2010 5:49am - anonymous  ""]
Myatt is a coward. He never does anything directly, but always uses other people. He knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief.

Come without a thug to protect you. Come without a disguise. Knock on my door and introduce yourself as David Myatt. Then we can discuss your criminality

Stop hiding behind the police you pathetic little man.
[Dec 10,2010 6:33am - Slag NLI  ""]

Nobody cares. There's a new daddy in town.
[Dec 10,2010 9:37am - C_Colostomy  ""]
PANTERA?! Anselmo? Wha?!
[Dec 10,2010 9:57am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:
Come without a thug to protect you. Come without a disguise. Knock on my door and introduce yourself as David Myatt. Then we can discuss your criminality

childish words sad safely behind anonymity.
If YOU weren't such a coward you'd send Raffy or SMoon your name and address so the meeting you want could be arranged - but you haven't and won't do this, so stop boasting like a spoiled kid in Junior High.
Go on - send them a PM with the details. Nah, I didn't think you would.

Stop hiding behind the police you pathetic little man.

[Dec 10,2010 10:00am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt is a coward.
There speaks someone who posts anonymously and who is so afraid of getting found that they daren't PM people with details of where to meet.
A coward hiding and boasting while he hides.
[Dec 10,2010 10:07am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Stop hiding behind the police
Stop hiding behind a tor exit node and anonymous posts you pathetic creature who boasts like a little girl
[Dec 10,2010 10:10am - 78169  ""]

anonymous said:He knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief
Now that's what we call a coward making a cowardly excuse you pathetic whining little boy.
[Dec 10,2010 10:12am - goddammittohell  ""]

anonymous said:He knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief
LOL! You'd shit your pants if you thought for one moment he actually knew where you were.
Now, how many of his goons would he send? Seven? No, nine?
[Dec 10,2010 10:30am - hail88  ""]

goddammittohell said:how many of his goons would he send? Seven? No, nine?
Nope - just himself. One little boasting coward verses martial arts expert, former bodyguard, trained by Special Forces (C88) and so on blah blah
Why the little boasting coward daren't even post under his real name, ha-ha! That's how cowardly and afraid he is.
[Dec 10,2010 10:33am - sidewinder9  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt is a coward.
That you're too cowardly to post your anti Myatt rants here or anywhere else using your real name, shows who the real coward is, you lame brain.
Even better - why not post with your name and the town where you live. No? You coward.
[Dec 10,2010 5:52pm - whistledownthewind  ""]

anonymous said:Stop hiding behind the police

stop hiding behind anonymous posts you pathetic little cowardly dwarf!
[Dec 10,2010 5:55pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i just donated twenty dollars to palestine in the name of myatt
[Dec 10,2010 7:15pm - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:Myatt is a coward.
hey mister anonymous - why don't you post your name?
I guess you're just too cowardly!
All you do is post anonymously and boast.
[Dec 10,2010 7:21pm - Pires ""]
I'm so glad OP has introduced me to the wonderful man known as David Myatt. All hail King Myatt!
[Dec 10,2010 7:45pm - nekronaut ""]
Opposing Digits confirmed for NO LIFE FEST.
[Dec 12,2010 8:05am - anonymous  ""]
Well, coward Myatt still hasn't turned up.
[Dec 12,2010 11:16am - goatcatalyst ""]
coward? we know and venerate Myatt. who are you, you anonymous fucking crumb???

... exactly


[Dec 12,2010 4:07pm - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:Well,Myatt still hasn't turned up.

well you coward you need to give him your address or arrange a meet.
How stupid are you?
Just mouthing off anonymously making claims is about all you're good for.
You were asked to PM raffy or SM with your details, or even have the balls to post your real name and town -
but you didn't you cowardly diminutive mofo
[Dec 14,2010 6:03am - anonymous  ""]
N.B Dave, multiple account sign ups, do not equal real support.

You know my address because you are a data thief and you haven't turned up because you hide behind other people

[Dec 14,2010 6:05am - anonymous  ""]
Even the dumbest of people ought to have caught by now that David Myatt is a police informer and a data thief. Most people on RTTP seem to know already.

When someone wrote a message about an anonymous wizened little police informer, a plethora of other posters immediately mentioned David Myatt. And all without any prompting from the original poster. This link:


shows how Myatt's attempt to censor the story backfired and made the diminutive 'gay icon', a laughing stock amongst nazis, Muslims and ironically, the gay community as well.

Also have a look at any of these blogs:




for more on Myatt's career as data thief and misogynist.
[Dec 14,2010 9:00am - needtohump ""]

anonymous said: David Myatt is a police informer and a data thief. Most people on RTTP seem to know already.

You idiot! Most people here SUPPORT him.
Just anonymously reposting your lies and links to your own
hate sites only proves what a cowardly diminutive mofo you are.
Too cowardly to post using you real name ha-ha!
Here's what someone wrote about Myatt, yesterday.

"Isn't is strange how you in your vile and hateful way
seek always to belittle and demean David Myatt and
claim he has no influence and is some sort of
sad self-publicist, yet someone as well connected as Ben Coes - who worked at the White
House under both President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush - knows of Myatt, and even
mentions a collection of Myatt's poetry in his new book Power Down.
Not only that, but Coes also
mentions a novel written by Myatt - although how he came to
know of this privately printed and privately circulated novel
by Myatt is anyone's guess, although I imagine his CIA contacts helped somewhat!"

Doesn't the knowledge that such
influential people know Myatt wanna
make you blub like the baby you are?
[Dec 14,2010 9:06am - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:This link:
is where you like the dwarfish ugly coward you are
spew forth your hatred of Myatt.
Here's my own link to a nice collection
of peaceloving material by the ONA


Also have a look at any of these blogs for more on the real Myatt


[Dec 14,2010 9:23am - demonblood  ""]

needtohump said:

ha-ha! love it speciallt this bit -
"Chaos, terror, culling, and the dawn of our new Dark Imperium."

hey - that'd make some cool lyric!
[Dec 14,2010 9:28am - needtohump ""]

demonblood said:ha-ha! love it speciallt this bit -
"Chaos, terror, culling, and the dawn of our new Dark Imperium."
hey - that'd make some cool lyric!

Yeah - wanna start a band called ACAUSAL TERROR??
We'd give the cowardly anti-Myatt mofo (THE MOAC)
a guest spot where fans can pelt him with fresh pig shit in appreciation
of his cowardly anonymous posts.
[Dec 14,2010 9:32am - needtohump ""]
" Causal terror is fine, and indeed necessary... a means, one tactic, to evoke and invoke and incite the sinister in a manifestly causal way."
Anton Long writing at
Now let the mofo MOAC crap his pants! Again
[Dec 14,2010 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
If Myatt has so much support, why do all his 'admirers' make exactly the same spelling mistakes as David Myatt?

See the 'develope' section in Part two of:


Myatt even invented his own biographer 'Julie Wright', and she makes exactly the same spelling mistakes as 'raffy' and 'Pointyhat' and all the other garbage David Myatt has concocted to make himself seem popular. It is all sooo sad!
[Dec 14,2010 10:41am - anonymous  ""]
I can't believe Myatt has any real supporters on here, just multiple IDs.

If any of you are real people you must be very, very, VERY, DUMB!

A child could see through the guff that Myatt writes.
[Dec 14,2010 10:50am - anonymous  ""]
The only defence David Myatt has put up so far concerning the odd coincidences of these identical misspellings is that all these 'admirers' are doing it as a tribute to the great man. LOL.

And that is the best he can do?

David, I am publicly calling you a coward and a woman hater.




[Dec 14,2010 11:07am - goatcatalyst ""]
I just donated FORTY AMERICAN DOLLARS to Palestine in the name of our friend and companion of the soul, David Myatt. Anonymous crumb, how jealous you are. Nobody knows your name and nobody cares to. Because that's what you are... a nobody. A semantic twink in the bath house of brilliance. Nobody would donate a dollar to a handicapped child with cancer in your name, you spurious lout. So keep on with your hollow ramblings and introduce thousands to the splendour of Myatt in the process. I'll be right over here, observing and donating money to Palestine in the name of Myatt for every insignificant post you make. Jew babies are being baptised in white phosphorus and their blood is on your hands, you curr!
[Dec 14,2010 11:22am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:If Myatt has so much support, why do all his 'admirers' make exactly the same spelling mistakes as David Myatt?
*develope* is not a spelling mistake you shithead - and like fans everywhere, people do as their idol does.
[Dec 14,2010 11:26am - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:A child could see through the guff that Myatt writes.
Yeah like Myatt also mentioned himself in the book *Power Down*, you mofo.
Explain how someone working in the White House has heard of Myatt, then you moron.
[Dec 14,2010 11:32am - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:Myatt even invented his own biographer 'Julie Wright'
Explain how a world respected scholar like Prof.Robert S. Wistrich uses her as a valid source of info about Myatt.
Explian how "Searchlight" used her as source of info about Myatt.
Are you saying these types of people - who have no love for Myatt - have been deceived, never bothered to check their sources, and it's only some anonymous cowardly turd like you "knows the truth"?
Just how mad are you? How insane has your jealousy of Myatt made you?
[Dec 14,2010 11:36am - goatcatalyst ""]
He wishes to be inside Fair David. Covets his arse.
[Dec 14,2010 11:36am - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:David, I am publicly calling you a coward and a woman hater.
So some mofo who posts anonymously is calling someone names, tee-hee!
Post you name snd then we'll see who the real coward is, dwarf face.
develope develope develope develope
Go read Myatt's novel "Breaking The Silence Down" you piece of pig shit. Or his poetry, like that White House aide to two American presidents did.
[Dec 14,2010 11:44am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said: all the other garbage David Myatt has concocted to make himself seem popular
then like someone said - explain how someone at the top of the American government, an aide to two US presidents no less, has heard of Myatt and read his poetry and an unpublished novel by Myatt?
Go on explain this.
[Dec 14,2010 11:47am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said: is that all these 'admirers' are doing it as a tribute to the great man
then explain why a fit chick living in California also now sometimes uses the spelling develope?
is she Myatt as well??
[Dec 14,2010 11:58am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt has concocted to make himself seem popular./QUOTE]In how many books does Myatt and the ONA get mentioned? Fifty or more.
At how many NATO conferences has Myatt been mentioned in the last six years? At least two.
How many students have written about Myatt at length in their academic thesis? At least two.
Into how many languages have Myatt's writings been translated? At least ten.
How many schools and Uni's around the world have used Myatt's Greek translations? Dozens.
How many hits has the main ONA blog gotten? Over 149,000
Has many hits has an ONA blog by a fit chick out in California gotten in the past year alone? Over 76,000
How come an aide to two American presidents knows of Myatt well enough to name one of hios poetry collections and an unpublished novel by Myatt?
blah blah blah

You're just talking out of your dirty arse - out of blind hatred of Myatt, and it's just so obvious you're sooo sooo jealous of him.
Which is why you vent your spleen anonymously 'cos if people knew who you were, some low life envious of others, they'd laugh right in your face where you now cower in real life, in the bedroom of your mom's house.

[Dec 14,2010 11:59am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt has concocted to make himself seem popular.
In how many books does Myatt and the ONA get mentioned? Fifty or more.
At how many NATO conferences has Myatt been mentioned in the last six years? At least two.
How many students have written about Myatt at length in their academic thesis? At least two.
Into how many languages have Myatt's writings been translated? At least ten.
How many schools and Uni's around the world have used Myatt's Greek translations? Dozens.
How many hits has the main ONA blog gotten? Over 149,000
Has many hits has an ONA blog by a fit chick out in California gotten in the past year alone? Over 76,000
How come an aide to two American presidents knows of Myatt well enough to name one of hios poetry collections and an unpublished novel by Myatt?
blah blah blah

You're just talking out of your dirty arse - out of blind hatred of Myatt, and it's just so obvious you're sooo sooo jealous of him.
Which is why you vent your spleen anonymously 'cos if people knew who you were, some low life envious of others, they'd laugh right in your face where you now cower in real life, in the bedroom of your mom's house.
[Dec 14,2010 12:14pm - pissedonweed  ""]

anonymous said: Myatt has concocted to make himself seem popular.
then you must be Myatt! since by posting and ranting about him so much you make him more popular.
[Dec 14,2010 12:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Can we cut the faggotniggerhorseshit and get to the important matter at hand?

This fit chick in California with the Myatt-friendly ONA blog... does she wear expensive boots?
[Dec 14,2010 12:32pm - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:This fit chick in California with the Myatt-friendly ONA blog... does she wear expensive boots?
i guess so... she's from a rich aristo family who used to run around with the Khmer government and royal family there.

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