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David Myatt Forms new Band 'Opposing Digits'.

[Nov 24,2010 8:48am - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt - Satanist, Neo-Nazi and phony Muslim - has formed an unlikely alliance with the band 'Opposing Digits'.


The lead guitarist of 'Opposing Digits', when asked about Myatt's endorsement of suicide bomb attacks on women and children said:

"We are pretty much O.K. with the multiple murders, but vociferously oppose the manifold evils of SPAM!.

[Nov 24,2010 12:36pm - anonymous  ""]
That's strange, when I clicked the above link to this post it didn't go to the original message. Is Myatt so scared of the truth that he has to hack every statement that proves his guilt? Here is the link again:


The 'Hacker is Terrified of Exposure' page of the blogs below, discusses the evidence of Myatt's guilt and other pages which were removed without the account holder's knowledge.




[Nov 24,2010 12:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck off you stalker. No wait a minute you diminutive mo-fo - just answer this one simple question,
Do you beleive Myatt is or was a covert operative for MI5, YES or NO?
That you have - for over three years - failed to answer this simple question makes you and all your posts highly suspicious, innit?
[Nov 24,2010 12:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Brash. I've got my cock out.
[Nov 24,2010 12:55pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:The 'Hacker is Terrified of Exposure'
Nope - the more publicity you give dave Myatt, the better for our sinsiter kind, matey.
here's a recent quote about Myatt,
"Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or 'prophet', perhaps not a role he has chosen, which has a distinct Magian notion about it."
So keep your stuff coming - the more the better as you only hype our hero
[Nov 24,2010 12:58pm - anonymous  ""]
Some great links for David Myatt fans

[Nov 24,2010 1:00pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:"Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or 'prophet'

Love it!
That'll put the Myatt stalker in his place! All his links and accusations only serve to enhance the sinister image of David Myatt, Satanic Grand Master.
[Nov 24,2010 1:04pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:"Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or 'prophet'..."
Let's keep this quote going and going and going.
Anon's right BTW - the more the stalker posts about Myatt the vil bastard, the more influence he gets among the right kind of people!
[Nov 24,2010 2:01pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt - Satanist, Neo-Nazi and phony Muslim

So what?? He's a Satanic Grand Master, godammit.
Now here's a wuote from Anton Long you'll love taken from
"Let us be honest – Homo Hubris is an infestation on planet Earth; a sub-human
species suitable for culling individually and on a large scale."
Yeah - cull the mundanes! That'll make a cool fun song for Myatt's new band fronted by Lady Culling.
[Nov 24,2010 2:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Nov 24,2010 2:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Opening a lot of fake accounts to make it appear that you have support isn't the same as being genuinely revered. A sad old man, A child murderer who keeps out of prison by running to the cops.





[Nov 24,2010 2:58pm - anonymous  ""]
The link has been changed again by hacker Myatt!


Which only serves to prove that Myatt is wetting his pants with the fear of exposure.

Opening a lot of fake accounts to make it appear that you have support isn't the same as being genuinely revered. A sad old man, A child murderer who keeps out of prison by running to the cops.




[Nov 24,2010 2:59pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said: isn't the same as being genuinely revered. fact is he is, which is what you can't stand.

anonymous said:COWARD!
Pot, kettle, black - comes to mind, you anonymous stalker. Send a PM to raffy on one of them forums you post on, and arrange a meet then.





[Nov 24,2010 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:COWARD!

Go on - send a PM to Raffy on defendingthetruth forum and arrange a meet, mister anonymous cowardly stalker.
[Nov 24,2010 3:09pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said: to make it appear that you have support isn't the same as being genuinely revered.
Ah, both peeved and jealous aren't we?
Fact is Myatt has loads of support, worldwide, and is respected if not revered.
How many of your articles have been translated in over twenty foreign languages? How many times have you been mentioned or written about in published books and newspapers.
How many times have you been the subject of a whole PhD thesis?
How many high schools in the States and Uni's around the world have used your translations?
How many people stalk you and posts hundreds of rants about you for over three years and set up dozens of blogs denouncing you?
Get it? No I didn't think so
[Nov 24,2010 3:29pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:The link has been changed again by hacker Myatt!
Hey look you stalker, we too can play the game of reposting links time after time




[Nov 24,2010 3:33pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Hey look you stalker, we too can play the game of reposting links time after time

true, here goes




ah shit, I missed one!
[Nov 24,2010 4:03pm - anonymous  ""]
Saw David Myatt's wife perform in Boston t'other week singing at the B-good Lounge
(not a good recording BTW - she was better live)

Check out her facebook page


Melissa Myatt hails from Chicago.

No wonder Anton Long on his facebook page likes BB King and Lightnin' Hopkins!
[Nov 24,2010 4:31pm - japer  ""]
David Myatt ready to take part in the ONA's biannual cull-a-thon in 1989[img][img]
[Nov 24,2010 5:10pm - anonymous  ""]
"Go on - send a PM to Raffy on defendingthetruth forum and arrange a meet, mister anonymous cowardly stalker."

You know where I am. COWARD.
[Nov 24,2010 8:32pm - Elihhcb  ""]
[Nov 25,2010 1:10am - anonymousey  ""]

anonymous said:You know where I am.
Do tell me then I can let Myatt know for him to visit you.
*Coward* eh? Is that why you post anonymously and why you hide behind a Tor exit node so you can't be found?
If you're so unafraid of Myatt then PM Raffy your details and he'll send them on - to just reply with the stupid *you know where I am so I don't need to* is the excuse of a real coward.
Or why not - even more heroic - post with your real name for once?
Or why not - yet even more heroic - give an interview to a newspaper about Myatt and let them photograph you?
No? I didn't think you would. So we all know who is the real coward here.
[Nov 25,2010 12:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]
RTTP is the most powerful Satanic group of Myatt cult!
[Nov 25,2010 10:24pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

"cradle of myatt"
[Dec 10,2010 5:37am - anonymous  ""]
The security services' mishandling of police informer David Myatt, is symptomatic of the chaotic and dangerous state of the British intelligence services. The misuse of anti terror laws and the failure to correctly monitor dangerous 'operatives' like David Myatt, will lead to more innocent people dying in botched 'honeypot' operations.

Here is some background on the British Government's failure to protect civilians in the 1999 London bomb attacks.

In 1999 a young nazi called David Copeland detonated three nail-bombs in London. Many people were killed in these attacks, including a pregnant woman and her unborn child. It was only after Copeland planted and detonated the third bomb, that he was caught. At that time David Myatt had been involved in various violent neo-nazi organizations - notably Combat18 and then later, the National Socialist Movement. Copeland was a member of the NSM. Some people believe that these organizations had been set up by MI5 as 'honeypots' to attract violent nazis like Copeland, so that Myatt could report them to the police before they had a chance to do anything dangerous.
If we accept that the NSM was an MI5 sponsored organization, there is a problem. If Myatt was doing his job, why did he let Copeland go on the rampage and kill all those people? One explanation is that the security services set up a dangerously provocative neo-nazi organisation, gave total control to David Myatt and then completely failed to monitor his activities.
The opposing view is that David Myatt is not a police informer and The National Socialist Movement was a genuine nazi organization. This was the defence used by the British security services in 1999. The police and the Government claimed that they could not have known in advance about David Copeland's murderous plans, (but as you will read later, this has been exposed as a lie). However, even If we do accept this excuse, it only raises further questions about the British security services' ability to protect innocent civilians from terrorists. For example, why didn't the security services have Myatt and his friends under constant surveillance? Its not as if there was anything covert about David Myatt's political activities. Throughout the 1990s Myatt was openly endorsing terrorism on the internet, mostly writing under his own name.
This is Myatt calling for bloodshed in one of his internet tracts:

"The change we desire and need can only be brought about by the shedding of blood and the destruction of everything which is anti-Aryan. We must be prepared to ruthlessly sabotage, destroy, undermine and disrupt in any way the infrastructure of our societies. [ See 'System Breakdown' and the other covert pamphlets in circulation.]"

David Myatt's 'covert pamphlets' also included a guide on how to construct nail-bombs; exactly the same weapon which David Copeland chose for his terrorist attacks. Are we really supposed to believe that the authorities didn't know Myatt was publishing hate material endorsing terrorism? Well, yes apparently, because that was exactly what the Blair Government told the public at the time.

If we fast forward to the present day, it is clear that the Government was lying to the bomb victims' families in 1999. David Myatt is still openly endorsing terrorism on the internet and nothing is being done to stop him. The following is from a 'question and answer' section from one of Myatt's fake Muslim websites:

"Q. Is the targeting of innocent bystanders by suicide bombers something that Islam should allow, or encourage.

A. The view that I [David Myatt] and many other Muslims, world-wide, incline toward is that Martyrdom Operations [suicide bombings] are lawful, according to the Quran and Sunnah."

"...........which view of mine is that such operations [suicide bombings] are legitimate........."

David Myatt was unmasked on national television as the publisher of the hate material which lead to Copeland's campaign of mass murder. Millions of people saw this programme and the Government can no longer pretend that it is not aware of David Myatt's activities. This leads inexorably to three main conclusions. Firstly, Myatt's websites are now and always were, officially sponsored by the security services. Secondly, the security services made a terrible mistake in 1999 that cost people their lives. Thirdly, the Government lied to cover it up.

But where does that leave us if we now accept that David Myatt is employed by the Government? After all, when the 'honeypot' strategy was used in 1999 it ended in tragedy with weak Government ministers refusing to accept responsibility for the dreadful mistake they had made. Their mistake was to entrust innocent people's lives to an unreliable, violent, ex-convict. Now the same flawed strategy is being used with Islamic terrorism and worse still, it has been put in the hands of the same untrustworthy person - David Myatt.
[Dec 10,2010 5:38am - anonymous  ""]
When I began my researches into Myatt's life and activities, I believed that he was an isolated aberration. I thought David Myatt was the problem, but I soon discovered that the real blame rests with the British security services. They are unregulated and apparently, completely unaccountable for their own mistakes - even when those mistakes result in multiple deaths. This is ex-MI5 officer Annie Machon talking frankly about her experiences as an insider:

"However, we had grown increasingly concerned about breaches of the law; ineptitude (which led to bombs going off that could and should have been prevented); files on politicians; the jailing of innocent people; illegal phone taps; and the illegal sponsoring of terrorism abroad, funded by UK tax-payers." [1]

Another quote from Machon gives some insight into the reasons why David Myatt is being allowed to continue to use the flawed and highly dangerous 'honeypot' strategy:

"MI5 and SIS continue to operate outside meaningful democratic control.  Their cultures are self-perpetuating oligarchies, where mistakes are glossed over and repeated, and where questions and independent thought are discouraged." [1]

The handling of terrorism in Northern Ireland also provides further evidence that the British intelligence services are in desperate need of reform. Here are some extracts from a report by the Northern ireland Police Ombudsman:

"Her [the Police Ombudsman's] report, published yesterday, revealed that paid informants were directly involved in 10 murders and linked to a series of other crimes." [2]


"There was no effective strategic management of these informants" [3]


"According to Mrs O'Loan [the Police Ombudsman], Special Branch took proactive steps to ensure the moles were not caught and even "baby-sat" them during police interviews to make sure they didn't incriminate themselves." [2]

If the security services do protect their own informers, one must ask if David Myatt was ever interviewed properly after the 1999 bombings. Was his 'arrest' a cynically stage-managed charade to trick the grieving relatives of the bomb victims? If the police are sincere in their claim that they couldn't prove that Myatt wrote the hate material in 1999, the present day remedy is simple. Shut down all of the servers which host Myatt's hate material and prosecute anyone who tries to relocate it on the internet.

Many of the families of victims who were murdered by MI5 controlled 'operatives', are still waiting for justice, but you wont be reading about them in your daily newspaper.

[1] http://www.anniemachon.com/annie_machon/the-uk-spies-ineffective-.html

[2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/au...transcripts/transcript_19_06_02.txt

[3] http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/Police-and-UVF-links-who.1987318.jp

[Dec 10,2010 5:44am - anonymous  ""]
Myatt is a coward. He never does anything directly, but always uses other people. He knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief.

Come without thug to protect you. Come without a disguise. Knock on my door and introduce yourself as David Myatt. Then we can discuss your criminality

Stop hiding behind the police you coward.

[Dec 10,2010 6:24pm - c18  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt is a coward. He never does anything directly, but always uses other people. He knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief.
read the replies here
to you pathetic claims

[Dec 10,2010 6:25pm - m88  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt is a coward

That you're too cowardly to post your anti Myatt rants here or anywhere else using your real name, shows who the real coward is, you lame brain.
Even better - why not post with your name and the town where you live. No? You coward.
[Dec 10,2010 6:29pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt knows exactly where I am because he is a data thief.
LOL! What a pathetic excuse, you coward. You'd shit your pants if you thought for one moment he actually knew where you were.
Now be a good boy and post using your real name and town of residence. No? Why not? 'Cos you're just a coward boasting while you hide and feel safe.
Even better - PM Raffy or SM with your address and we'll send Myatt round to greet you.
No? Didn't think you'd have the balls for it.

[Dec 10,2010 6:31pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Stop hiding behind the police you coward
stop hiding behind anonymous posts you pathetic little cowardly dwarf!
[Dec 10,2010 6:45pm - goatcatalyst ""]
where the fuck did my last comment go?!?!?
[Dec 10,2010 6:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
fuck this, i'm donating another twenty dollars to palestine in the name of myatt.
[Dec 10,2010 7:23pm - Pires ""]

goatcatalyst said:where the fuck did my last comment go?!?!?

the nWo and Myatt did not approve of your post.
[Dec 11,2010 2:16am - needtohump ""]

Pires said:the nWo and Myatt did not approve of your post.
Yep - Thee Hand of Myatt strikes again!
[Dec 11,2010 3:16am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Dec 11,2010 7:04am - RichHorror ""]
Myatt Is Love.
[Dec 16,2010 4:05am - David In Miniature  ""]
"You'd shit your pants if you thought for one moment he actually knew where you were."

Two ideas here Dave.

Attempting to Dupe idiots on a message board - very easy.
Attempting to intimidate victims with your own presence - very unwise.

By revealing yourself you destroyed the essential mystery of your fake persona. It all became ordinary and much easier to handle.

You need to THINK about how ordinary people are going to feel when they see a tiny little old man in dirty clothes.

I blame the people you mix with. Real friends would have had the courage to tell you, face to face, will always put you at a disadvantage.



[Dec 16,2010 6:47am - Anon  ""]
Two ideas here:

David Myatt is a purveyor of fine thoroughbred penis. - Not Good
David Myatt is a power bottom. - Even worse
[Dec 16,2010 6:48am - Anon  ""]

David%20In%20Miniature said:
You need to THINK about how ordinary people are going to feel when they see a tiny little old man in dirty clothes.

He's hoping you get aroused, obviously.
[Dec 16,2010 10:30am - David 'Doc' Myatt  ""]
"In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king."

For decades David Myatt has exploited the fact that the only support he can get is from people of 'low academic achievement'. Most of these individuals are not privileged to live the life of an idler. They have to earn a living and do not have time to study Classical Greek. So without the education to check the quality of Myatt's translation work, his few ill-informed followers are tricked into believing David Myatt is an intellectual giant.

When well educated people scrutinize Myatt's work the lie is exposed. David Myatt has an average to poor grasp of Classical Greek and appears to be muddled about the writers intended meaning.


So pasting up a few lines of poorly translated Sophocles to impress your dim nazi friends, isn't the same as being a Professor of Classical Greek on the faculty of a recognized university, is it Dave?

David Myatt is a dilettante, which explains why none of his translations appear in volumes distributed by academic publishing houses. This same pattern of mediocrity applies to Myatt's fake biographer 'Julie Wright'. 'She' has no track record as an academic, is not employed as a member of the faculty staff on any university and has no published academic work.
[Dec 16,2010 10:34am - goatcatalyst ""]
You positively adore Myatt- it's obvious
[Dec 16,2010 10:36am - Anon  ""]
David Myatt has the IQ of a donkey and would suck it off to prove it.
[Dec 16,2010 10:41am - Anon  ""]


For more on Myatt's 'failure to thrive' .
[Dec 16,2010 1:04pm - anonymous  ""]
Hero worship is a wonderful thing, but poor David Myatt has to write all his own puff pieces, which are of course, all lies.

Outside Myatt's cosy fantasy world of self aggrandizement, cold reality awaits.

From Cowards, Sickos and Weirdos

"David Myatt is both sick and weird: his far-right activities go back to the late 1960s, through the British Movement and into Combat 18. He was also close to Victor Norris, a convicted paedophile. Myatt was also a Satanist and has changed religion several times. He is currently a Muslim. This kind of boat jumping is common in fascism when people get dissatisfied with the tiny groupings and move to another one, start their own or drop out. This frequent realignment creates mistrust on the far right and accusations of being a splitter, a ‘red’ or an informant are rarely far behind."

[Dec 16,2010 1:06pm - anonymous  ""]
"............perhaps his intelligence has been so twisted by his hopeless rage that he does indeed believe that God Almighty wants what he, David, wants. I honestly think he borders on insanity."

"He is a sad character though. The very portrayal of a wasted life."

"His discussion pattern does indicate a constructed reality. He cannot (or is unwilling to) engage in a discussion on a variety of topics because he doesn't like the optics created by his generalities. This is common with INSANE people."

[Dec 16,2010 1:07pm - goatcatylist  ""]

[Dec 16,2010 2:03pm - onlyliesarereal  ""]

goatcatylist said:"Fact:

FACT - something on the Internet is not guarantee of Truth.
FACT - "quid est veritas?"

FACT - everthing else is in your head
[Dec 16,2010 2:06pm - givemeyourdreams  ""]

anonymous said:"............perhaps his intelligence has been

" Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or 'prophet..."

Eat that you mofo!!
[Dec 16,2010 2:16pm - spoutingmemes  ""]

anonymous said:Outside Myatt's cosy fantasy world of self aggrandizement
hey mofo! You still haven't made any comment on the fact that "someone who worked at the White House under both President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush, knows of Myatt, and even mentions a collection Myatt's poetry in his new book Power Down.
Not only that but this well connected guy also mentions a novel written by Myatt - although how he came to know of this privately printed and privately circulated novel by Myatt is anyone's guess, although I imagine his CIA contacts helped somewhat!"
Kinda puts you in your place - the dream world of hateful sick diminutive fantasist who is obsessed with Myatt.
Maybe you wanna make out with Myatt, is that it??
[Dec 16,2010 2:18pm - moac-hater  ""]

goatcatylist said:"Fact: MYATT IS A GENIUS"

Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or 'prophet

[Dec 16,2010 2:23pm - needtohump ""]

anonymous said: Myatt has to write all his own puff pieces
just inform us - you hatefilled cowardly excuse for a mundane - how, and I quote, "someone as well connected as Ben Coes - who worked at the White House under both President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush - knows of Myatt, as even mentions a collection Myatt's poetry in his new book Power Down.

Not only that but Coes also mentions a novel written by Myatt - although how he came to know of this privately printed and privately circulated novel by Myatt is anyone's guess, although I imagine his CIA contacts helped somewhat!"
Come on you dipshit, answer!
Maybe Coes is Myatt in disguise?
[Dec 16,2010 2:24pm - Anon  ""]
Quit ignoring the truth and admit that Myatt ist Faggot.
[Dec 16,2010 2:29pm - needtohump ""]

David%20In%20Miniature said:Two ideas here

(1) PM Raffy or SM and arrange a meet with Myatt.
(2) But you won't - despite all your hatred and your filthy words spewed forth anonymously - 'cos you're a coward.
No, wait - another two ideas -
(3) Stop hiding like the coward you are behind anonymous posts.
(4) Stop stupidly assuming that anyone who contradicts your anonymous rantings is Myatt!
Finally, go fuck yourself - no wait, I see you're already doing that
[Dec 16,2010 2:30pm - needtohump ""]

Anon said:Quit ignoring the truth.
quit posting anonymously you cowardly mofo
[Dec 16,2010 2:32pm - needtohump ""]

Anon said:Quit ignoring the
questions asked of you.
[Dec 16,2010 2:36pm - needtohump ""]

David said:= appears to be muddled about the writers intended meaning.

LOL! is that the best you can do?
Quoting one INTERNET article by ONE dude who is NO academic and who obviously doesn't know greek himself?
Explain why many Uni's and High schools have used his translations, then, you moron.
[Dec 16,2010 3:00pm - anonymous  ""]

David said: So without the education to check the quality of Myatt's translation work,
Hatred blinds you.

Myatt rated a mention in the prestigious Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities (Summer, 1996) where his translation of Sophocles was quoted. Not to mention a transaltion of his was also quoted in the equally prestiguous
The Lancet (Neurology), Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2002

His Greek translations are used by Ball State University, and New York Uni, among others. His Sappho translations are adored by Sapphic ladies and others (check out Σαπφώ, η 10η Μούσα for example). Some appeared in the New England published literary MiPOesias Magazine (Sept 2004) and in many other literary zines, worldwide. They were featured in a book used by the Universidad Nur (in Bolivia). Check out - Gary Daher Canedo: Safo y Catulo: poesía amorosa de la antigüedad, Universidad Nur, 2005. Also used by Die Universität Basel (listed under Übersetzungen)

The Philosophy depart of Virgina Tech use his Sophocles translations. Reading Uni. Sogang Uni. And so on blah blah

So, just more vicious hatred and lies from you - you jealous person you.

[Dec 16,2010 3:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Come you MOAC - answer the quesyion about Coes knowing about Myatt and his work.
[Dec 16,2010 3:03pm - anonymous  ""]
The repost our links game, again, yippee!







[Dec 20,2010 6:26am - anonymous  ""]
"FACT - something on the Internet is not guarantee of Truth. "

Yet you habitually use internet references to support your spurious assertions.
[Dec 20,2010 6:43am - anonymous  ""]
"Myatt rated a mention in the prestigious Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities (Summer, 1996) ".

Did they know Myatt is a nazi, a satanist and friend of pedophiles.

Perhaps they got conned and regretted it. None of the staff at my university would be seen dead with a turd like Myatt, even if his work was up to professional standards, which it isn't.

If Myatt was cited it is because he is a small fish in an even tinier pond. If Myatt was any good his work would be distributed by a reputable academic publishing house.


It isn't published because he has a second rate mind and is not qualified to teach at degree level.

You still haven't quoted any references from mainstream academic works for the mysterious 'Julie Wright'. There are no references because 'Julie Wright' doesn't exist outside Myatt's crazy head.

So the challenge still stands. All of Myatt's 'support' comes from fake multiple accounts on RTTP because nobody could be stupid enough to believe Myatt's lies.

Read the truth:



[Dec 20,2010 10:39am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:.Did they know Myatt is

Such a small cowardly person you are - obsessed with and envious and jealous of Myatt.
Full of rabid hate.
Are you taking your meds???
[Dec 20,2010 10:41am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Read the truth

Quid est veritas???

You're just a diminutive envious coward full of hatred.

[Dec 20,2010 10:45am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said: All of Myatt's 'support' comes from fake multiple accounts

What about Ben Coes???
Answer the question!!

No? Run away again then and just repost your lies and links to your hate sites.
[Dec 20,2010 10:46am - anonymous  ""]




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