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Top 5 Worst Venue Bathrooms - Post Em

[Dec 21,2004 1:15am - XmikeX ""]
in my opinion....

5. Cafe Mio after the singer of Ground Zero broke the toilet (ugh)
4. The Safari Lounge....enough said
3. The Red Zone Queens, NY - "I'll hold it till we get back to Massachusetts"
2. The El En Gee, most of the urinals didn't work, there was only 1 stall there was no door for it whatsoever, and it was covered in god knows what.
1. The Living Room (back in the day) - scum covered floors, urinals that were so low, so small, and so far away that there was no way to take a piss without showing off your dick to whoever happened to open the door, and the remains of a toilet in the back.
[Dec 21,2004 1:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
5. obriens pub
4. obriens pub
3. obriens pub
2. obriens pub
1. obriens pub
[Dec 21,2004 1:35am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
The Rat
[Dec 21,2004 1:57am - BornSoVile ""]
the red zone in queens gets my vote. obriens is bad. club marque sucks. the palladium at a metalfest is always interesting. the choppin block was nothing special. i won't include the shit i saw in south america.
[Dec 21,2004 2:18am - handinjury ""]
The living room around 2001.
[Dec 21,2004 6:48am - succubus ""]
port-o-let's at a concert festival
[Dec 21,2004 7:36am - succubus ""]
this is a funny thread

people should post more
[Dec 21,2004 8:17am - largefreakatzero ""]
Club Babyhead years ago -- foul, foul, foul...
[Dec 21,2004 8:22am - SuperFly ""]
cbgb's, (nyc), and gilman street (san fran, ca.)
[Dec 21,2004 8:52am - XmikeX ""]
On a side note I'd have to say the nicest venue bathroom probably has to goto the Bomb Shelter
[Dec 21,2004 9:00am - Nate ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:5. obriens pub
4. obriens pub
3. obriens pub
2. obriens pub
1. obriens pub

[Dec 21,2004 9:02am - Josh_hates_you ""]
living room of old. seriously the troth in front of the door sucked.
[Dec 21,2004 9:06am - suckreligion ""]
someone had the fantastic idea of puking in the urinal at work today. Good thing the cleaning guy called in sick or I'd have worry about taking leak without vomit falling on my dick.
[Dec 21,2004 9:06am - b00bies  ""]
[Dec 21,2004 9:21am - blue ""]
XmikeX said:in my opinion....
3. The Red Zone Queens, NY - "I'll hold it till we get back to Massachusetts"

that place definetly gets my vote. when we played there, the only light coming in was from in the club. i was peeing in the dark, i hope i got it in something. :pukeface:
[Dec 21,2004 9:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
what about club 121 in brockon
[Dec 21,2004 10:02am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
you guys remember the first metalfest at the palladium?

I walked into the men's room ther and there was this deluge of shitwater covering the floor. I remember there was cup full of piss witth a straw init on the back of one of the toilets.
[Dec 21,2004 10:40am - Bestial0nslaught  ""]
When I give head any bathroom will do.
[Dec 21,2004 11:57am - wakeoftears ""]
There are a couple bathroom's in my house, if thats the case...
[Dec 21,2004 12:02pm - dirteecrayon ""]
the bathroom at Le Medley in Canada wasn't bad until security came in to remove a guy that was hiding in one of the stalls.
[Dec 21,2004 12:08pm - suckreligion ""]
1. Springdale Turnhall
2. Club 305
3. Livingroom

1. Lucky Dog Music Hall (naked chicks on the walls)
2. The Compound (except for the stall)

[Dec 21,2004 12:31pm - dirteecrayon ""]
dunno if it's still there but when i went to the compound there was a futon in the bathroom.

[Dec 21,2004 12:32pm - RichHorror ""]
I've never seen a bathroom that could come close to the old Living Room. The first time I played there it had blood on the floor and a syringe in the urinal. Awesome.
[Dec 21,2004 12:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the All Asia bathroom was the nicest, until Alex pissed all over the walls.
[Dec 21,2004 12:36pm - succubus ""]
i like the all asia bathroom
i took pictures in there actually
[Dec 21,2004 12:51pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
The Rat
[Dec 21,2004 1:05pm - silky ""]
the rat's bathroooms were the fucking worst. that entire place reeked of urine at all times.
[Dec 21,2004 1:07pm - Lincoln ""]
O'Briens hands down.....theres no other venue I've ever been to where I've felt safer pissing on the floor.
[Dec 21,2004 1:10pm - Lincoln ""]
silky said:the rat's bathroooms were the fucking worst. that entire place reeked of urine at all times.

Yeah I remember being there a few times and sticking to the floor. I never asked why...didn't want to know.
[Dec 21,2004 1:51pm - metal_church101 ""]
1. O'Brien's.
2. The Compound (the stall). Pretty bad when you sit on the throne and the seat isn't even attached and you go sliding right off.
3. The Chopping Block wreeked of piss bretty bad.
[Dec 21,2004 1:54pm - Hooker ""]
The Rat was pretty terrible. I saw Cannibal Corpse there on the vile tour and was so thirsty by the end of the night that I actually drank from that sink.
[Dec 21,2004 2:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
I don't know what half of you are talking about, how clean does the place need to be for you to take a piss? I don't touch anything in a bathroom except the door to get into it.

Are you referring to taking a shit and actually sitting down on the toilet? who does that anyways, hover over that shit if you have too. Or put lots of toilet paper down.

O'briens, looked fine to me but was kinda weird that the door is next to the stage.
The choppin block, looked clean to me!
The Bombshelter, usually fine.

The palladium downstairs bathroom is usually the nastiest bathroom I've ever been in. Because you know you're walking in piss.
[Dec 21,2004 2:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I've dropped the Cosby kids off at the pool in O'Brien's a bunch of times and never noticed anything all that horrid.
[Dec 21,2004 2:11pm - Hooker ""]
RustedAngel said:I don't know what half of you are talking about, how clean does the place need to be for you to take a piss? I don't touch anything in a bathroom except the door to get into it.

Are you referring to taking a shit and actually sitting down on the toilet? who does that anyways, hover over that shit if you have too. Or put lots of toilet paper down.

O'briens, looked fine to me but was kinda weird that the door is next to the stage.
The choppin block, looked clean to me!
The Bombshelter, usually fine.

The palladium downstairs bathroom is usually the nastiest bathroom I've ever been in. Because you know you're walking in piss.

How about the olfactory? the block's bathroom smells like you're living inside a jar of decade-old piss. Obrien's smells like low tide.
[Dec 21,2004 2:37pm - Dicknose  ""]
I dont' know why everyones saying the old Living room, its still fuckin gross haha!
[Dec 21,2004 2:42pm - lynneaus ""]
The Rat had bathrooms??? hahaha i never ventured near them... i always made sure i went before i went to a show.

the bathrooms during the first NEMF were bad... but since then they have people come in to clean during the day during the fest.

i think worst location of a bathroom has to go to The Opera House in Toronto.... you have to go to the back of the venue (which is really the front and the lobby) and go down this flight of stairs that are wicked steep and narrow and shaky.... whoever designed this didnt not care about drunk people!
[Dec 21,2004 2:44pm - anonymous  ""]
suckreligion said:
1. Lucky Dog Music Hall (naked chicks on the walls)

its not that there are naked chicks on the wall, its the fact that the majority of them are THICK, GORGEOUS women with none of that emaciated crap. curves all around, its heaven to say the least.
[Dec 21,2004 2:46pm - retzam ""]
lynneaus said:The Rat had bathrooms??? hahaha i never ventured near them... i always made sure i went before i went to a show.

the bathrooms during the first NEMF were bad... but since then they have people come in to clean during the day during the fest.

i think worst location of a bathroom has to go to The Opera House in Toronto.... you have to go to the back of the venue (which is really the front and the lobby) and go down this flight of stairs that are wicked steep and narrow and shaky.... whoever designed this didnt not care about drunk people!

I hate stairs at venues. I always die on them. At Lamb Of God I tried to run down the concrete stairs on the balcony of the Palladium. Not a very wise idea.
[Dec 21,2004 9:29pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Livingroom,(back in the day). Hands down worst ever. They didn't even have urinals, they had a big trough(like a horse would drink from) & it was always overflowing. The sight & smell was unhuman. No Contest
[Dec 21,2004 9:41pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
obrians and 242 main in burlington vt, if you havnt been there you are in for a discusting treat. Not only does the lights not work, it doesnt have a window, and it smells worse then obrians...oh and you probably dont want to touch the doorknob either
[Dec 21,2004 9:42pm - phobia ""]
living room guys bathroom a few years ago...
-the girl's wasn't pretty either, but the guy's bathroom definitely won the prize
[Dec 21,2004 11:18pm - XmikeX ""]
HAHAHA i love how agreed upon it is that the living room several years back was the grossest thing ever.

i never got a chance to experience the 121 bathrooms, but seeing as how central brockton back then WAS a toilet in and of itself I can only imagine the splenders it beheld.
[Dec 21,2004 11:23pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
aside from venues, the worst bathroom EVER is the men's room upstairs at priority music complex in hanson, ma. xmikex knows what i'm talking about.

it's haunted, stinky, bug infested, and just plain disgusting. one time the water turned on by itself after my cousin bill cut his ear in our old practice room...creepy as hell.
[Dec 21,2004 11:40pm - dread_104 ""]
o'briens hands down! a few weeks ago i got a mad case o' the runs about an hour before we went on. i shit three times in that hour, and the fuckin' door to the stall was ripped off the hinges. it's kinda hard to hover while propping up a six foot piece of wood all the while vomiting out of your ass.

then, last night, i took a piss in there, and there was a colony of little flies on top of the urinal. just hanging out. it's december! it was 15 friggin' degrees out.
[Dec 21,2004 11:46pm - jay-ganihm ""]
the rat. hands down worst men's room ever.

as for places that arent defunct...
o'briens is pretty gross
bloodstains' bathroom is just ridiculous
[Dec 21,2004 11:52pm - projectilevomit ""]
when the spaces in olney villie were around the "providence civic center" was fuckin horrid!
[Dec 22,2004 12:16am - MikeHuntStinks ""]
I would have to say that time I pissed in that bitch's mouth
[Dec 22,2004 1:29pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i don't know if it's been said or not yet, but - SAFARI LOUNGE
[Dec 22,2004 1:31pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
dirteecrayon said:dunno if it's still there but when i went to the compound there was a futon in the bathroom.

yes! now they have a TV as well!
[Dec 22,2004 1:36pm - Hooker ""]
and not that it's a venue, but the wearhouse in Brockton where ascendancy practices..... ugh. fucking horrible.

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