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Top 5 Worst Venue Bathrooms - Post Em

[Dec 22,2004 1:40pm - succubus ""]
Hooker said:and not that it's a venue, but the wearhouse in Brockton where ascendancy practices..... ugh. fucking horrible.

i agree
i went in to pee and it just crawled back up and i couldn't pee

[Dec 22,2004 1:44pm - the_rooster ""]
nothing will ever beat the shit-swastika in the bathroom at northern lights. i know the rev is with me on that one.
[Dec 22,2004 1:50pm - succubus ""]
the_rooster said:nothing will ever beat the shit-swastika in the bathroom at northern lights. i know the rev is with me on that one.

hahaha i remember him telling me about that...the girls bathroom smelled from what i remember too
[Dec 22,2004 1:53pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
All the guys hate the O'Brien's bathroom...it makes me want to check it out. I don't think the ladies room is so bad...small...but the toilet is bolted to the floor...
[Dec 22,2004 2:06pm - Lincoln ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:All the guys hate the O'Brien's bathroom...it makes me want to check it out. I don't think the ladies room is so bad...small...but the toilet is bolted to the floor...

I wouldn't go in there if I were you....people have been known to come out of that bathroom not quite the same.
[Dec 22,2004 2:39pm - gorgish  ""]
in miami this place called "the ally" i think...
and the door couldn't close at all.
you couldn't walk near the bathroom without wanting to gag.
[Dec 22,2004 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought you lost your gag-reflex?

I love the livingroom!!! pissing while watching the band over your sholder is the best!

the bathroom at the rat wasn't bad at all. obrien's is pretty bad...
the choppin block smelled like piss, but was pretty clean.

worst bathroom goes to
NORTHERN LIGHTS (albany) anyone who was there for the shit-swastika (shitstika) knows what's up.. or was it a shit cross?
[Dec 22,2004 3:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
oh fuck, I totally forgot about the shitstika! that was brutal!
[Dec 22,2004 5:18pm - pisscup ""]
We had the same dead goldfish floating in a sea of vomit in the sink at the Gee for at least 2 months. You don't know how much I miss that place
[Dec 22,2004 5:33pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Obriens is up there
The Living Room has had the same toilet overflowing for at least 5 years
Chopping Block
The Rat (RIP)
[Dec 22,2004 6:01pm - .b.  ""]
I just took a sweet dump in a clean bathroom, I can shit anywhere.
[Dec 22,2004 6:47pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
this is too funny!
[Dec 28,2004 4:13pm - Randy  ""]
The RAT was definitely the worst of all.

Although when DISRUPT was in Germany in 1993 we played at this place in Nurnberg that had this outdoor outhouse type thing. You could smell it from hundreds of feet away, literally. One of our singers took a shit in the woods rather than going in there.
[Dec 28,2004 4:19pm - SuperFly ""]
i was going to list that one, but couldn't remember where it was.
and it was pete who shit in the woods.
[Dec 28,2004 5:05pm - anonymous  ""]
CBGB's of course and, ABC NO RIO, NY. NY.(human fieces in corner of club indicated no bathroom)
[Dec 29,2004 6:23pm - poop  ""]
Hanover House Meriden,Ct
El N Gee New London,Ct
CBGB'S New York,New York
[Dec 29,2004 6:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the palladium bathroom floors sweat urine
[Dec 29,2004 6:30pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the rat did suck, but id have to say the espresso bar, about a week before it closed, and people stopped givin a fuck about it... then we smashed a hole through to the womens room... the good ol days
[Dec 30,2004 5:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the bathroom at alex's in stoughton (worst strip club on earth) on christmas eve 2 years ago... fuckin nasty, i swear there were crabs breeding in the urine on the floor
[Dec 30,2004 5:16pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Randy said:The RAT was definitely the worst of all.

Although when DISRUPT was in Germany in 1993 we played at this place in Nurnberg that had this outdoor outhouse type thing. You could smell it from hundreds of feet away, literally. One of our singers took a shit in the woods rather than going in there.

Did you guys use any of the rest-area bathrooms on the autobahn?
I saw one shitter that didn't even have a toilet in it. Just a hole in the ground with two straps to hang on to hanging down from the ceiling. It looked like the set of a snuff film.
[Dec 30,2004 5:20pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I shat in CBGB bathroom once. We played a show there with Napalm Death. We got there early and the doors hadn't opened yet so I thought it might be safe to shit in. I REALLY had to go. I went downstairs and fucking Napalm Death were having a photo session in the bathroom. (like, "look how punk rock we are, we're in the bathroom at CBs", wicked gay) so I had to wait for them to finish and finally got to shit. Finished just in time to not lose my privacy.
[Dec 30,2004 7:37pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
I dont give a fuck, Ill shit anywhere.
Id shit in the mosh pit.
[Dec 30,2004 7:38pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
ohh, and I am a gay fag. and have no balls.
I also, like to get fucked by big black guys while watching the Andy Dick show.
[Dec 30,2004 7:39pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
in my ass.
my mom took my virginity, and my motorbike away.
[Dec 30,2004 7:42pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
I'll kick all these fags asses so high.
they will see the stratosphere.
[Dec 30,2004 7:43pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
I'll kick all these fags asses so high.
they will see the stratosphere.
[Dec 30,2004 8:55pm - Horror Tang  ""]
Club Babyhead
[Dec 31,2004 3:07am - hybrid ""]
i always feel like im going to be molested or killed when im in the bombshelter bathroom... dont know why, just always do.
[Oct 18,2010 7:22am - BARNEY GREENWAY  ""]

Josh_Martin said:I shat in CBGB bathroom once. We played a show there with Napalm Death. We got there early and the doors hadn't opened yet so I thought it might be safe to shit in. I REALLY had to go. I went downstairs and fucking Napalm Death were having a photo session in the bathroom. (like, "look how punk rock we are, we're in the bathroom at CBs", wicked gay) so I had to wait for them to finish and finally got to shit. Finished just in time to not lose my privacy.

Shut your bloody mouth you bloody junkhead!
[Oct 18,2010 9:02am - boxxy ""]
when i saw this thread i immediately thought of the old living room. Worst by FAR!
[Oct 18,2010 9:04am - Alexecutioner ""]
after reading this thread i realized how much better the bathroom is at O'Briens now haha
[Oct 18,2010 9:17am - boxxy ""]
you have no idea.
[Oct 18,2010 9:25am - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
porta-potty stall #5 @ Maryland DeathFest VIII........

[Oct 18,2010 9:27am - The_Rooster ""]

the_rooster said:nothing will ever beat the shit-swastika in the bathroom at northern lights. i know the rev is with me on that one.

A+ to whomever revived this thread, for reminding me that this happened.

Also, Valentine's, downstairs. Filth. There's a trough.

Pearl St. Nightclub in Northampton was pretty foul last night too.
[Oct 18,2010 9:48am - Maxwell Smart's shoe phone  ""]
Non portapotty - which are always the worst

1. The Rat
2. Local 186
3. Manray
4. Any venue in Olneyville
[Oct 18,2010 9:50am - reimroc ""]
a lot of really bad lavatories in here.
[Oct 18,2010 9:58am - slymoe nli  ""]

XmikeX said:in my opinion....

5. Cafe Mio after the singer of Ground Zero broke the toilet (ugh)
4. The Safari Lounge....enough said
3. The Red Zone Queens, NY - "I'll hold it till we get back to Massachusetts"
2. The El En Gee, most of the urinals didn't work, there was only 1 stall there was no door for it whatsoever, and it was covered in god knows what.
1. The Living Room (back in the day) - scum covered floors, urinals that were so low, so small, and so far away that there was no way to take a piss without showing off your dick to whoever happened to open the door, and the remains of a toilet in the back.

^^ completely backed^^
[Oct 18,2010 10:42am - Alexecutioner ""]
i've been told that the ladies room at Sammy's Patio was worse than the Men's room at the sound museum over on north beacon
[Oct 18,2010 10:47am - reimroc ""]

Alexecutioner said:i've been told that the ladies room at Sammy's Patio was worse than the Men's room at the sound museum over on north beacon

its always worse for the females. imagine if we had to sit down on anything in any of the bathrooms listed in this thread? /dryheave
[Oct 18,2010 10:50am - Alexecutioner ""]

reimroc said:
Alexecutioner said:i've been told that the ladies room at Sammy's Patio was worse than the Men's room at the sound museum over on north beacon

its always worse for the females. imagine if we had to sit down on anything in any of the bathrooms listed in this thread? /dryheave

true, which is why i figured it had to be pretty bad if my girlfriend said she would rather piss in the men's bathroom at the sound museum over the woman's bathroom at Sammy's
[Oct 18,2010 10:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

reimroc said:a lot of really bad lavatories in here.

ha i remember when they used call the bathroom in school "the lav"
[Oct 18,2010 10:52am - Alexecutioner ""]
people from England like to call them the "bog" as if people still piss in peat bogs these days
[Oct 18,2010 10:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bog of eternal stench ftw
[Oct 18,2010 10:53am - reimroc ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
reimroc said:a lot of really bad lavatories in here.

ha i remember when they used call the bathroom in school "the lav"

yea i still drop the "lavatory" every now and again.
[Oct 18,2010 10:55am - Alexecutioner ""]
toilet of the infidel
[Oct 18,2010 11:03am - aaron_michael ""]
The Meatlocker in somewhere NJ is pretty rancid. I went 5 blocks down the street to pinch a loaf.
Most venues down south have gnarly toilets too.
[Oct 18,2010 11:04am - XX chromosome type thing  ""]
The old ladies room at O'Briens was pretty hideous...now it is a haven of space and really bloody clean in comparison to many places.

The ladies room at the Palladium is horrible.

However, I think the Rat takes the cake for the worst where I have ever had the displeasure of hovering.

Recently though, I had an amusing time at the ladies' facilities at Dingbatz in Clifton, NJ. I opened the door and there were these two people doing coke on the sink. Ok, whatever, but that bathroom was such that it was completely visible (sink area as soon as the door was opened) I just basically said carry on, I just have to pee. Second main issue with that place is that the stall is so short, anyone over 5'3 has their knees very uncomfortably pressed up against the stall door.
[Oct 18,2010 11:13am - Bo Jackson NLI  ""]


[Oct 18,2010 11:14am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha i refer to the bathroom at the Palladium as the "gas chamber"

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