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List of Scandals That Make Me Distrust Barack Obama

[Oct 13,2008 1:03pm - Conservationist ""]
List of scandals and deceptions by Barack Obama:









[Oct 13,2008 1:59pm - porphyria  ""]
I'm sure I could find as much bullshit against McCain but I have more important things to do, like eat pizza.

Looks like all those articles have been published in the last day or two as well, seems like a last ditch effort from the McCain camp to sling mud/ accusations.
[Oct 13,2008 2:10pm - sonof a.blinkin  ""]

porphyria said:I'm sure I could find as much bullshit against McCain but I have more important things to do, like eat pizza.

Looks like all those articles have been published in the last day or two as well, seems like a last ditch effort from the McCain camp to sling mud/ accusations.

yes and yes but its no :shocker:, republican way of thinking is to point out all of the faults of the other guy rather than actually have working plans/ideas themselves.
[Oct 13,2008 2:33pm - zyklon ""]

Conservationist said:List of scandals and deceptions by Barack Obama:










Hoser, Nigger or whoever the fuck you are stop trying so hard to change people's mind cuz it aint working, you feel me dog?
[Oct 13,2008 2:37pm - Conservationist ""]
You wish it were true. Do you think you're going to scare/bully/intimidate/shame me into stopping?

[Oct 13,2008 2:38pm - zyklon ""]
You better stop...
[Oct 13,2008 2:39pm - zyklon ""]
Do you even listen to METAL at all? or just Country
[Oct 13,2008 2:40pm - cav nli  ""]

in the name of love
[Oct 13,2008 2:43pm - Conservationist ""]

zyklon said:Do you even listen to METAL at all?

No, never, LOL
[Oct 13,2008 2:44pm - zyklon ""]
[Oct 13,2008 2:53pm - Conservationist ""]
I really don't like metal at all. Especially early black metal. That stuff is awful.
[Oct 13,2008 2:55pm - zyklon ""]
If you don't like metal what are you doing here then?
[Oct 13,2008 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 13,2008 2:56pm - yummy ""]

cav%20nli said:STOP

in the name of love

Before you break my heart.
[Oct 13,2008 2:59pm - ScumFuck ""]
[Oct 13,2008 6:20pm - Nobody_Cares ""]

Conservationist said:
zyklon said:Do you even listen to METAL at all?

No, never, LOL

If I remember correctly this dude talks about predominately really good metal. What other reason would there be to go to this website? Obviously what he posted really got to you but its his perogative to do such things. I personally appreciate most of his posts, nothing wrong with spreading knowledge. Its easy to have an intelligent persona when you have the whole internet to reference, though I'm not doubting he is such in real life. Whatever, read it or don't read it.
[Oct 13,2008 7:00pm - Lamp ""]

zyklon said:If you don't like metal what are you doing here then?

You're a fucking idiot. Better to have a right winger for company than some dumbass who tries to talk street and never has a better insult than "fuck you nigga!!!!!!!!"
[Oct 13,2008 8:17pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I don't like either candidate at all. What I can say is that some of the tactics in the 1st 2 articles were used by Bush to defeat Gore -- fake voter names, dead people mysteriously voting, etc. This was all coming to the surface, when Gore mysteriously stepped down and basically handed the presidency to W.

Again, I don't like either candidate in this election -- very, very sad choice.
[Oct 13,2008 8:22pm - Hoser ""]
Ummm....where you been the last 20 years...Mars?

Thats what Dems do, tard.
[Oct 13,2008 8:22pm - thuringwethil ""]
choice between a douche and a turd

not as bad as Bush vs. Kerry though
[Oct 13,2008 8:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Hoser said:Ummm....where you been the last 20 years...Mars?

Thats what Dems do, tard.

Haha -- dude, did you just call me a tard?
[Oct 13,2008 8:53pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

cav%20nli said:STOP

in the name of love

best post in this thread
[Oct 13,2008 9:53pm - Conservationist ""]

thuringwethil said:a turd

Turds are brown... THAT'S RACIST!

The choice is bleak this election. It always is, with the two-party system.

And as Plato points out, with democracy ;)
[Oct 13,2008 9:54pm - zyklon ""]

Lamp said:
zyklon said:If you don't like metal what are you doing here then?

You're a fucking idiot. Better to have a right winger for company than some dumbass who tries to talk street and never has a better insult than "fuck you nigga!!!!!!!!"

Ok, fuck your mama, is that better?
[Oct 13,2008 10:01pm - Conservationist ""]
Nilla, please.
[Oct 13,2008 10:09pm - MASlayer  ""]
I've purposely stayed out of all the political banter on these boards but I do have a question or 2...all the liberals on here seem that the only opinion to be shared is there's but when a McCain supporter provides a side to his argument you all get into such a state of whine and defense...almost as if you were scared that what Conservationist or Hoser brings to the table may be more valid than you care to acknowledge...why such a stand off position with a varying opinion if you are all so confident in Obama? you know...the guy who voted 94 times for higher taxes...the guy with ties to a racist church...the guy with ties to a known terrorist...or are these not palpable facts? Or are you all too afraid to acknowledge them?
[Oct 13,2008 10:14pm - zyklon ""]
U got a point
[Oct 13,2008 10:24pm - porphyria  ""]

MASlayer said:the guy who voted 94 times for higher taxes...the guy with ties to a racist church...the guy with ties to a known terrorist...or are these not palpable facts? Or are you all too afraid to acknowledge them?

All of those things have been acknowledged already if you watch or read anything at all.

I'm not going into detail but...

he didn't vote 94 times for higher taxes, that accusation has been answered if you've been watching anything. he's going to raise taxes for RICH people, fine by me.

the 'ties' to a racist church hold no ground, doesn't reflect his opinion, dude is half white for fucks sake... all church is stupid as hell...what about video proof of Palin being saved by a 'witch doctor' and attending a pentecostal church that speaks in tongues.

there are no proven ties of Obama and Ayers, Obama was 8 years old when that went down. What about McCain in the Keating Five? Gotta love how McCain/Palin are trying to paint Obama as a terrorist because of his name.

[Oct 13,2008 10:27pm - Conservationist ""]

porphyria said:dude is half white for fucks sake... all church is stupid as hell...

Obama: “black people have reason to hate.”
[Oct 13,2008 10:51pm - Lamp ""]
If anything, all this stuff makes me trust Obama even more, if he's a real man with real hate in him then good. I don't want a guy with sunshine crammed up his ass ruling over a land I live in.

And fuck patriotism too. I guess it's one thing if you worked hard to move to a place where you could achieve a better life for yourself no matter where that place may be, but it doesn't take any talent to be born in a certain location and taking pride in it is gay as fuck.
[Oct 13,2008 11:12pm - Murph ""]

I choose him, he can do it.
[Oct 13,2008 11:21pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
if you need a list of "scandals" in order to find distrust within your own mind, then your a dummy. politicians are innately untrustworthy.
[Oct 13,2008 11:25pm - Conservationist ""]

Lamp said:And fuck patriotism too. I guess it's one thing if you worked hard to move to a place where you could achieve a better life for yourself no matter where that place may be, but it doesn't take any talent to be born in a certain location and taking pride in it is gay as fuck.

It's not the location. It's the people, the culture, the history and the familial lines we have. To belong to a place is to be its people, not some random grey race of jumbled fuckups who left their failing countries for some place where it was easier instead of fixing said third world shitholes.

Do you realize the environmental cost of mass immigration?
[Oct 14,2008 12:51am - sxealex ""]
[Oct 14,2008 12:58am - sxealex ""]
terry brashaw, red from that 70s show and regis were there too
[Oct 14,2008 7:37am - MASlayer  ""]

porphyria said:
MASlayer said:the guy who voted 94 times for higher taxes...the guy with ties to a racist church...the guy with ties to a known terrorist...or are these not palpable facts? Or are you all too afraid to acknowledge them?

All of those things have been acknowledged already if you watch or read anything at all.

I'm not going into detail but...

he didn't vote 94 times for higher taxes, that accusation has been answered if you've been watching anything. he's going to raise taxes for RICH people, fine by me.

How utopian...tell me...name 1 democrat that kept his promise in the last 30 years that kept their promise of a middle class tax cut
[Oct 14,2008 8:18am - Josh_Martin ""]

MASlayer said:I've purposely stayed out of all the political banter on these boards but I do have a question or 2...all the liberals on here seem that the only opinion to be shared is there's but when a McCain supporter provides a side to his argument you all get into such a state of whine and defense...almost as if you were scared that what Conservationist or Hoser brings to the table may be more valid than you care to acknowledge...why such a stand off position with a varying opinion if you are all so confident in Obama? you know...the guy who voted 94 times for higher taxes...the guy with ties to a racist church...the guy with ties to a known terrorist...or are these not palpable facts? Or are you all too afraid to acknowledge them?

1st of all, don't put Conservationist and Hoser in the same category. Hoser has demonstrated zero capability for thought. He's like Rush Limbaughs retarded cousin.

Raising taxes for the rich is fine by me.

Racist church? The religous right is more racist and far more scary to have in power than some fringe wackjob nignut.

Known terrorist? Anyone who equates the Weather Underground with Al Queda needs to be removed from the gene pool. That accusation is just bafflingly stupid.

I don't vote on economic issues anyways. They're all rich assholes out for themselves. Though the right has taken greed to levels unseen since the days of Tamany Hall, but on an international scale.

The area where the two parties really differ is on social issues and what will make the biggest and longest lasting influence on that is who gets placed on the Supreme Court. I would much rather Obama get to choose who the next justice or two is than McCain (or Palin since McCain is gonna die like any day now, how many fucking times has that guy had cancer?? I vote yes to abortion, yes to decriminaling drugs, no to religion ion schools etc etc. And while not every dem agrees with all my positions and not every repub disagrees with all my positions, by far the dems are much closer to my way of thinking. (yes, I know there some dems supporting the drug war and I know there are some pro-choice repubs, I'm talking in the general sense)

The only thing I really disagree with the dems on is gun control. If we have to have guns, I don't want the govt. being the only people to have them. But that one issue is less important to me than the others.
[Oct 14,2008 9:04am - Josh_Martin ""]
The Globe endorsed Obama today. Big surprise, I know but I really liked the ending:
Campaigns are crucibles, and this one has revealed McCain to be erratic, out of touch with ordinary Americans, and, with Palin as his shotgun messenger, too quick with the sneer, smear, and division. He has been a profound disappointment, and he is unfit to lead the nation into its perilous future."
[Oct 14,2008 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
"How utopian...tell me...name 1 democrat that kept his promise in the last 30 years that kept their promise of a middle class tax cut"

the problem is that dems can't keep their shit in their pants so their successor is a republican. then the GOP fucks it all up. tell me one republican who kept his promise of small government.
[Oct 14,2008 9:31am - monster_island ""]


[Oct 14,2008 9:33am - monster_island ""]

the_reverend said:"How utopian...tell me...name 1 democrat that kept his promise in the last 30 years that kept their promise of a middle class tax cut"

the problem is that dems can't keep their shit in their pants so their successor is a republican. then the GOP fucks it all up. tell me one republican who kept his promise of small government.

speaking of keepin their shit in their pants ... johnny boy is an infidel too ... he was porking paris hilton sr. while he was still with his first wife LOL ... Mccain is a swine !!
[Oct 14,2008 9:45am - sonof a.blinkin  ""]

Josh_Martin said:
MASlayer said:I've purposely stayed out of all the political banter on these boards but I do have a question or 2...all the liberals on here seem that the only opinion to be shared is there's but when a McCain supporter provides a side to his argument you all get into such a state of whine and defense...almost as if you were scared that what Conservationist or Hoser brings to the table may be more valid than you care to acknowledge...why such a stand off position with a varying opinion if you are all so confident in Obama? you know...the guy who voted 94 times for higher taxes...the guy with ties to a racist church...the guy with ties to a known terrorist...or are these not palpable facts? Or are you all too afraid to acknowledge them?

Known terrorist? Anyone who equates the Weather Underground with Al Queda needs to be removed from the gene pool. That accusation is just bafflingly stupid.

FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE ACKNOWLEDGES THIS!! If these guys were considered terrorists , then so should everyone who ever protested against the government :wiggam:
[Oct 14,2008 9:49am - porphyria  ""]
Sen. Barack Obama says the personal attacks levied against him by the campaign of his presidential rival, Sen. John McCain, particularly references to his association with 1960s anti-war radical Bill Ayers, are an attempt to "score cheap political points."

"Why don't we just clear it up right now," Obama told ABC News' Charlie Gibson in an exclusive interview for World News. "I'll repeat again what I've said many times. This is a guy who engaged in some despicable acts 40 years ago when I was eight years old. By the time I met him, 10 or 15 years ago, he was a college professor of education at the University of Illinois . . . And the notion that somehow he has been involved in my campaign, that he is an adviser of mine, that . . . I've 'palled around with a terrorist', all these statements are made simply to try to score cheap political points."

Obama said that the McCain campaign is making personal attacks "the centerpiece of the discussion in the closing weeks of a campaign where we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and we're in the middle of two wars."

I think that makes very little sense, not just to me but to the American people," Obama said.

Obama said he believes the personal attacks are an attempt to "change the subject" and draw attention away from the issue at the front of most voters' minds: the struggling economy.

"I mean, you've had their spokespeople over the last couple of days say if we talk about the economic crisis, we lose. I mean, you can't be much more blatant than that," he said.

Obama also said he was surprised some of those attacks weren't brought up by his opponent at the debate Tuesday night at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

"I am surprised that, you know, we've been seeing some pretty over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last several days, that he wasn't willing to say it to my face. But I guess we've got one last debate. So presumably, if he ends up feeling that he needs to, he will raise it during the debate."

And Biden backs him up: "All of the things they said about Barack Obama in the TV, on the TV, at their rallies, and now on Youtube and everything else," Biden said — referring to McCain and Palin tying Obama to Weatherman bomber Bill Ayers and accusing him of "palling around with terrorists."

"John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack Obama in the eye and say the same things to him," he said to cheers. "In my neighborhood, you got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him."

[Oct 14,2008 9:55am - John Cole  ""]
John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Fox News, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.
John McCain is a coward.
John McCain would rather hide behind his wife and Sarah Palin than say it himself.
He would rather produce 2 minute ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesnt have to do it himself.
John McCain just wants to throw shit out there, and "raise questions" about Obama, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind right-wing bloggers, surrogates, and scummy websites staffed with wingnut welfare recipients like the NRO and the Weekly Standard.
John McCain had 90 minutes to bring this stuff up to Obama, to his face, and passed.
John McCain is a coward.

[Oct 14,2008 10:02am - monster_island ""]

[Oct 14,2008 10:12am - Josh_Martin ""]

John%20Cole said:John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Fox News, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.
John McCain is a coward.
John McCain would rather hide behind his wife and Sarah Palin than say it himself.
He would rather produce 2 minute ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesnt have to do it himself.
John McCain just wants to throw shit out there, and "raise questions" about Obama, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind right-wing bloggers, surrogates, and scummy websites staffed with wingnut welfare recipients like the NRO and the Weekly Standard.
John McCain had 90 minutes to bring this stuff up to Obama, to his face, and passed.
John McCain is a coward.

John McCain was a terrible pilot who would've been thrown out of the navy if it weren't for his family connections.
John McCain, far from being a hero POW, told his vietnamese captors who his father was in order to get special treatment.
John McCain sold out his fellow POWs by denying their existence after the war and voting against any rescue missions. Remember that guy Murdoch in Rambo? The guy Rambo said "I'm coming to get YOU" to? McCain is basically that guy but way worse.
John McCain was a spoiled crybaby with a bad temper BEFORE he was a POW. Add 5 years of vietnamese POW treatment to his already shitty personality and you get someone who shouldn't be anywhere near the button or in any place of military authority.
John McCain is a piece of shit who dumped his first wife after she was disfigured in a car accident and traded her in for the pill-popping bimbo he's with now.
[Oct 14,2008 10:52am - goatcatalyst ""]
... What about "Niggergate" ???
[Oct 14,2008 11:11am - Conservationist ""]

John%20Cole said:JJohn McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked.

I agree that's a mistake, but it's also part of a fundamentally different attitude between left and right on how to fight in politics:

How Obama and the Left Are Alienating Normal People

McCain should also confront Obama on these flaws:

* Obama is corrupt.
* Obama has no experience outside very tame activities sponsored by others.
* Did he ghostwrite his book? Ayers may have done it for him.

And even more, on these issues:

* How will his campaign affect the long-term health of our economy, since it includes more expenditures?

* Will taxing the "rich" (people above $140,000) have a positive effect on the economy, or as many think, result in fewer revenues paid?

* Will more welfare and entitlement programs solve long-term problems?

* How will a black candidate who preaches black rage enact racial reconciliation (if such an idea is possible)?

* What elites does Obama represent, and how will these skew his policy?
[Oct 14,2008 11:22am - cav nli  ""]
preaches black rage?
[Oct 14,2008 11:31am - Conservationist ""]
Have you taken a look at "The Audacity of Hope"?
[Oct 14,2008 11:42am - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:How Obama and the Left Are Alienating Normal People

Judging by the latest poll numbers, that statment is full of shit.

[Oct 14,2008 11:51am - porphyria  ""]

Conservationist said:Have you taken a look at "The Audacity of Hope"?

you probably haven't even read it...

looks like it's getting good reviews on amazon:
[Oct 14,2008 12:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I preach black rage.

Death to America!

Death to the elder affluent caucasian male!
[Oct 14,2008 12:29pm - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:
Conservationist said:How Obama and the Left Are Alienating Normal People

Judging by the latest poll numbers, that statment is full of shit.

Are you confusing "most people" with "normal people"?

You like humanity more than I do.
[Oct 14,2008 12:45pm - Josh_Martin ""]
"normal" is relative. really a meaningless term. but if "normal" people are not voting against McCain/Palin then call me proud to be abnormal.

[Oct 14,2008 12:53pm - thuringwethil ""]

well, I sure as shit am not going to vote for the Republicans, so whatevs
[Oct 14,2008 2:01pm - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:"normal" is relative. really a meaningless term. but if "normal" people are not voting against McCain/Palin then call me proud to be abnormal.

I think the assertion was that normal people are displeased with the tactics of Democrats...

Nothing was said about McCain/Palin
[Oct 14,2008 6:31pm - MASlayer  ""]

the_reverend said:"How utopian...tell me...name 1 democrat that kept his promise in the last 30 years that kept their promise of a middle class tax cut"

the problem is that dems can't keep their shit in their pants so their successor is a republican. then the GOP fucks it all up. tell me one republican who kept his promise of small government.

Can't answer a question with a question rev...
[Oct 14,2008 7:14pm - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Hoser said:Ummm....where you been the last 20 years...Mars?

Thats what Dems do, tard.

Haha -- dude, did you just call me a tard?

Not you, Andy....
[Oct 14,2008 9:03pm - Conservationist ""]

MASlayer said:
the_reverend said:"How utopian...tell me...name 1 democrat that kept his promise in the last 30 years that kept their promise of a middle class tax cut"

the problem is that dems can't keep their shit in their pants so their successor is a republican. then the GOP fucks it all up. tell me one republican who kept his promise of small government.

Can't answer a question with a question rev...

Republicans haven't been about small government for some time.

The problem, as The Rev notes, is that the two parties are counteracting each other...

Dems have actually blown up the biggest part of the budget, which is domestic spending, without noticeable results.

They leave behind disasters that blow up during Republican administrations.

They haven't put a real Liberal -- want to fix shit kinda guy -- in office since Carter.

The Republicans, similarly, haven't had a strong leader since Reagan.

However, much as I thought I'd never say this, I think Bush is doing a good job. The criticism directed toward him is generally unrealistic.

It's time for America to consider dividing into liberal and conservative zones, neither of which have to pay for or implement the policies of the other.

In which would you rather live?

I think conservatives should get back to small government, lack of nanny state, and take on traditional conservative positions like legalizing drugs and ending welfare (replace with job insurance). I don't want to pay for the drug war. Also, I want drugs to kill off the weak.

The Republicans are in many ways hampered by the few Christians who are fanatical, who command undue influence.

In general, however, which policies have benefitted the country as a whole, even if inconvenient for me? Those of the Republicans.

In addition to not trusting the Change Salesman, I like the Republican platform more. However, we should not close our eyes to Ron Paul. Having a three-or-more party system would be great!
[Oct 14,2008 9:57pm - 4Real  ""]
Like we can trust you or your such a saint?
[Oct 15,2008 11:18am - yummy ""]
McCain Adviser Linked To Saddam

The man chosen to lead John McCain's presidential transition team was involved in a lobbying effort on behalf of Saddam Hussein, it has been reported.

William E Timmons has been asked to help plan a McCain administration - should the Republican win the presidential election on November 4.

But his background has now come under close scrutiny, with US political blog the Huffington Post claiming he worked closely with two lobbyists who were convicted of acting as "unregistered agents" for Saddam's regime.

The two men - Samir Vincent and Tongsun Park - tried to ease sanctions on Iraq in the years following the first Gulf War.

They hoped to be rewarded with large oil contracts - but did not tell the US government they were working for the Iraqi dictator.
Their activities were illegal under US law and Vincent pleaded guilty to the charges in 2005. Park was convicted by a US court and sent to prison in 2006.

The Huffington blog says the men passed messages between Mr Timmons and Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz and claims the trio stood to make up to £25m ($45m) from their dealings.

Mr Timmons - a long term Washington lobbyist who has worked for every Republican president since Richard Nixon - has not denied the allegations.

Gotta love it!
Every smearful lie about Obama = a newly discovered shocking truth about McCain!

Who knows? They could be wrong.
[Oct 15,2008 11:23am - yummy ""]
Bertha Lewis, Acorn's chief organizer, said in a statement that came with the photo, "We are sure that the extremists he is trying to get into a froth will be even more excited to learn that John McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN, at an ACORN co-sponsored event, to promote immigration reform," she said.

So John McCain was FOR Acorn; now, for the sake of political expediency, he is AGAINST it. Can we please stop pretending that John McCain has any principles at all?

[Oct 15,2008 11:38am - porphyria  ""]
nice yummy.

I love how these smear tactics work, especially when someone spreading them has his own questionable involvement with certain people.

It's like smearing someone if they bought a car from a salesmen who was a child molester (unknown at the time) then years later saying you were involved in some way and that it effects your judgement.
[Oct 15,2008 11:45am - Conservationist ""]
McCain promoted ACORN from a distance and had no idea it was corrupt.

Barack Obama WORKED FOR ACORN and knew exactly how corrupt it was.

Timmons is a lobbyist; that's what they do.

There are no scandals there.


* Channeling state funds to relatives.
* Working for a voter fraud organization.
* Later claiming he didn't.
* Fake donors on the rolls.

Obama has some serious scummy politics going on.
[Oct 15,2008 11:53am - Conservationistt  ""]
blah blah blah, I'm Conservationist and I have no proof of anything I claim as fact.
[Oct 15,2008 11:54am - yummy ""]
A stunning new report from UltimateJohnMcCain.com connects the dots between McCain and the terrorist Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi. According to the report, McCain's newest media adviser is Mike Hudome, who recently took over for Mark McKinnon when McKinnon decided he didn't want to run against Obama. Hudome is married to Randa Fahmy Hudome, a lobbyist who "began working for the Gaddafi government at a time when it was officially designated by the U.S. State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism."

During Bush's first term, Fahmy Hudome served as international policy adviser to then-Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. In May of 2004, she became a member of the department's external advisory board and landed a sweet $1.47 million consulting agreement with the Libyan government to "strengthen Libyan interests." This conflict of interest only got uglier, as Fahmy Hudome became instrumental in drumming up Arab-American support for Bush's reelection bid.

Conveniently, Bush suspended most sanctions against Libya in April 2004, just before Fahmy Hudome's appointment to the Energy Department's advisory board. And the administration was then compelled to remove Fahmy Hudome in July of the following year, when families of Lockerbie bombing victims and government watchdog groups both cried foul. As UltimateJohnMcCain reminds us, the 1988 Libyan bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (for which Libya claimed responsibility), killed 270 people was the largest terrorist attack on Americans prior to 9/11.

And still, Fahmy Hudome boasts on the website for Fahmy Hudome International (FHI), her D.C.-based consulting firm specializing in energy issues, of FHI's work to get Libya off the U.S.'s list of state sponsors of terrorism: "After two years of persistent and effective advocacy for Libya, FHI achieved a great success in May of 2006, when the U.S. Department of State removed Libya from its list of countries sponsoring terrorism."

Don't be fooled by McCain's claims to be a Maverick fighting against lobbyists and special interests, which are perpetuated by the corporate media. His top staffers have been connected to brutal dictators. His top economic adviser, Phil Gramm, is a lobbyist for Enron and UBS. And though he has been pressured to purge his campaign of lobbyists, he is still appointing people like Hudome who have lobbyist ties to former terrorist nations.
[Oct 15,2008 11:56am - Conservationistt  ""]
Nu-ah! I get all my lists of scandals from the most reputable tabloids, such as Fox News and the National Enquirer.
[Oct 15,2008 11:58am - yummy ""]
By the way, Conservationist, I admire majority of your posts and respect your opinion.
No, there were no scandals with Mccain in part with ACORN.

But, when you're running for president and preaching about doing away with lobbyists you'd better take a look at your record before throwing stones.
[Oct 15,2008 12:44pm - Conservationist ""]
I think Obama should definitely do away with his lobbyists. He's raising $100 million this month, and much of that doesn't come from private individuals.

McCain... maverick... the term makes me want to vomit. McCain may not be my favorite, but I think he's solid with a good military background, like a lot of the guys I knew growing up. They aren't particularly "creative" but they're good at getting things done without raising secondary problems. That makes him preferrable to me to Obama, who has no experience and extensive connection to corrupt organizations and destructive ideas.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm enjoying the RTTP /politics/ thing we have going here.
[Oct 15,2008 12:56pm - porphyria  ""]
How is McCain solid? Choosing a proven idiot as VP should be a red flag to everyone, obviously showing that he can't make good decisions. But because he has military background (like guys you knew growing up) automatically makes McCain qualified to become president? retarded logic (if any).

there are plenty of respectable people out there with military background who still SHOULD NOT be president.
[Oct 15,2008 2:38pm - Conservationist ""]
That's not what I'm saying. I think McCain is solid, but not exciting. He understands how to get results without secondary, unintended consequences.

I can't claim to be excited about him, but I think he'll be a much better leader than someone wholly unrealistic (Obama).
[Oct 15,2008 2:51pm - porphyria  ""]

Conservationist said:He understands how to get results without secondary, unintended consequences.

yeah, he's pretty solid...

and where did you read this from? what results? like the results of his attempt at solving the economic crisis by halting his campaign and almost dropping out of the first debate?

how are obama's plans unrealistic compared to mccains?
[Oct 15,2008 3:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:McCain may not be my favorite, but I think he's solid with a good military background

You're joking right? Just because he has a military background doesn't mean its a "good" military background. The guy was a fucking joke and a terrible pilot who would've never even have gotten out of officer school without his family connections, never mind being able to keep his wings after wrecking 3 planes on non-combat flights. And it was his "maverickism" that got him shot down in Viet Nam. If he hadn't been such an arrogant prick and followed procedure, he wouldn't have been blown out of the sky.
The guy was a pathetic officer and he sold-out his fellow POWs that were left behind once he got into congress by denying their existence.
The more I find out about this piece of shit the more I think we're better off that Bush beat him in 2000.
[Oct 15,2008 3:46pm - yummy ""]
Conservationist, I'd be interested to hear why YOU think he picked Palin.

The US is obviously in a sad state. According to polls (which I hardly rely on) Obama is going to be our next president. I don't subscribe to any of the bullshit about him being Muslim (or black for that matter) but still don't want him in the White House. But, after terrorists attacks were planned by Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein supposedly had WMD's our country is leaning towards Barack Hussein Obama. I don't really care what his name is. But, it is very odd that after what this country has gone through over the last decade majority of the US is thinking, "I don't trust that crazy fucker McCain."
And well, I agree with them.

I hate the fact that we are picking between a young "black" guy and an old "white" guy (pretty sure he's white.lol). We think the country is divided now...wait till the day after Election Day.

The best thing I can say for Obama is, he has alot to prove. Do you think a decade after McCain is in office (assuming he even lives that long or gets elected at all) he will be proud of what he accomplished? Not that any other president hasn't had to prove himself but no "black" has been president. In my opinion, Obama will want to look back and say he did a heckuva job.

[Oct 15,2008 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
it's obvious to me why mccain picked palin. he wants to be the mac-daddy.
palin over the left shoulder, and the ice queen over the right shoulder.
he wants to be a mormon like romney.

smellin palin

[Oct 15,2008 4:23pm - yummy ""]
I think it's pretty obvious to everybody why he picked Palin Rev. But I don't think that was it.
[Oct 15,2008 7:20pm - DEEDEEDEE  ""]
Maybe if mccain wasnt going to die in two years hed be a good choice, but noone realizes if he does we will have a MAYOR running the country. He should have given me a call and asked me to be vice president. Conservationist stop posting this garbage, mccain is just as corrupt as any other scumbag politician out there. Bring up his past and see if you can find any skeletons, you fuck bag.
[Oct 15,2008 7:36pm - porphyria  ""]

DEEDEEDEE said:He should have given me a call and asked me to be vice president.

Nah, I think he might as well have asked Paris Hilton to be his VP.
[Oct 16,2008 4:45pm - Conservationist ""]

DEEDEEDEE said:Conservationist stop posting this garbage, mccain is just as corrupt as any other scumbag politician out there. Bring up his past and see if you can find any skeletons, you fuck bag.

I did look into his past, and he's relatively clean. The Keating Five was a non-issue and otherwise it looks like that fine line where one must play the game in order to be part of Washington.

I don't like the corruption, either, but I see Obama as a worse alternative. ACORN is bad news. So are his Chicago buddies. And a charismatic speaker who says nothing of substance scares the crap out of me.
[Oct 16,2008 5:22pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
i really dont want to get into my personal opinions but is any one else really disgusted with how ignorant some white suburbanites are about the Muslim faith. the fact that people keep calling obama a muslim cause of his name makes me shake my head. even some young people i know WHO ARE IN FUCKING COLLEGE told me they wouldnt vote for barack obama cause they wouldnt want a muslim in the white house...these people are fucking idiots
[Oct 16,2008 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
convervationist's vote DOESN'T MATTER. like most of the people in this thread. in this entire thread, my vote and nobody cares votes are the only ones that matter. everyone else's states are already decided.
[Oct 16,2008 7:33pm - DEEDEEDEE  ""]
dude mccain crashed six airplanes. his interrogation tapes have been sealed by his daddy, The only reason he was in the military. He finished almost at the bottom of his class. He married a drug addict. HOW IS THE KEATING 5 A NON ISSUE! the house couldnt prosecute him for anything "because he moved into the senate". Also Then you have to deal with an even worse person if anything happens to him. I'm terrified that psychopath woman/demon might one day be in charge of this country which is really my main concern with voting for mccain.
[Oct 16,2008 7:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm voting for the sole purpose of saying that i did not vote for John McCain. this allows me future bitching rights if Mccain does get elected for some ungodly reason as well as a giant "I TOLD YOU SO" once the country falls apart under his idiotic administration.
[Oct 16,2008 10:17pm - Conservationist ""]

DEEDEEDEE said:dude mccain crashed six airplanes. his interrogation tapes have been sealed by his daddy, The only reason he was in the military. He finished almost at the bottom of his class. He married a drug addict. HOW IS THE KEATING 5 A NON ISSUE! the house couldnt prosecute him for anything "because he moved into the senate". Also Then you have to deal with an even worse person if anything happens to him. I'm terrified that psychopath woman/demon might one day be in charge of this country which is really my main concern with voting for mccain.

You are historically incorrect. See the Salon article for more information; McCain was not found to have acted improperly, and in fact did nothing to benefit Keating other than attending a meeting to ensure that Keating was being properly treated. At that meeting, he learned what Keating was up to, and bailed out, precipitating the bailout of the others.

Obama, on the other hand, is a nutjob. None of his ideas have grounding in practical logic; they sound good but are not going to work in reality.
[Oct 16,2008 10:26pm - zyklon ""]
So everyone is wrong according to Conservationist. How do you know you're not wrong?
[Oct 16,2008 10:28pm - Conservationist ""]

zyklon said:So everyone is wrong

I think you're misinterpreting my post.

Logic -- and awareness of history -- can help in this situation.
[Oct 17,2008 8:10am - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:I did look into his past, and he's relatively clean.

You need to look a bit harder. You still think he was a good military officer. What did you use to look into his past, a Republican talking points pamphlet?

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