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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to KeithMutiny.
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[QUOTE="KeithMutiny:217881"]Josh_hates_you said:[QUOTE]mucopus pillory dissector DWW Blood obsession Hand Choke Neck catylyst dreaded silence goratory shroud for those keeping track that is 10 bands. awesome start. as far as who is actualy organizeing this? who knows. but it was more or less my idea and i am willing to be that guy. and im sure i cant do this alone. well maybe i can. whatever. im still looking around at prices and i have been talking to a few people who have done this sort of thing before for advice and one thing they all tell me is that there should be some copies aimed at newbury comics and catalogues for people who do not attend metal fest or local shows to purchase the product later. i originaly was think 100% non profit strictly promotional oportunity. but with the amount of bands interested it seems feasable to have multiple volumes over the next several months. thus making profit off of the venture lucrative to the idea of future comps that might need less funding from the bands for support. $$$$ fucking sucks. i fucking hate it. since money is a sensitive issue more details need to be arranged and taken into consideration. in an ideal situation we would not want more than $50 per band. 20 bands by 50 bucks would be $1000 for pressing. none for mastering unless we use all mastered tracks and just normalize them to the same volume for pressing. $1000 for 1000 discs with jewel case 2 pg sleeve & tray insert is the best deal i could find without any contact person as anne or joe or dweyer may have. but then again 20 bands 72 minute cd = most bands need 3:30 second songs on average to fit onto one cd. which means either more than 1 cd or more than one volume. then how to actually distribute the cds? the bands involved should get x number. the rev should get a few to toss around. several hundred for the metal fest. 1 or 200 for newbury comics and catalogues to fund future comps? there needs to be more hardcore bands. but many bands like Colin of Arabia dont post here so i might have to send them and email. and they are on bridge9, i dont know if that could get in the way? it shouldnt since its not a HUGE label. and what about bands like invocation of nehek? they are an "rttp" band but on a label. maybe the bigger bands should be asked to be on it? maybe we could get prosthetic to help sponsor this? o wishful thinking i know but whatever works. maybe kids will keep it longer if there are established bands on it? im rambling/thinking too much. as i gather more info i will put together a final $$ and even write up a contract for use of and rights to certain materials and explaining the cost breakdown including what they need to provide and what they get in return. if bands wanted to submit exclusive material that would be awesome to have songs you cant get anywhere else. the deadline will be set according to the turn around of the duplication service. we want to have these in time for the metal fest April 24th. so April 1st at the latest maybe even earlier depending on the dup service. these details still need to be arranged, but this WILL happen in one way shape form or another. maybe i should use the caps button when i type sentences?[/QUOTE] ill help ya out organizing, since there aint much else i can do[/QUOTE]
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