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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to ArrowHead nli.
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[QUOTE="ArrowHead%20nli:285083"]SUBJUGATE said:[QUOTE] first of all if you are an INNOCENT person you have no need to run[/QUOTE] If you're innocent, you're most likely not used to having cops drop guns at you. People react to situations like that in unexpected ways, especially if it's something they've never experienced or didn't expect. I used to work security for a company in New Bedford "Sheehan & associates" or something. One gig involved "patrolling" a kinda slummy neighborhood about 10 minutes away from where I lived. My drummer at the time lived there. I wasn't some powertripping toughguy, I was friendly, cool, lazy, and pretty much let everything slide. I'd go to my drummers house, drink beers, smoke a joint, and every 45 minutes go do my rounds and log as required. It was pretty mild, thus it was an unarmed assignment. Anyways, open alcohol containers weren't allowed in the common areas/road. I came across a gaggle of guys sitting out on a stoop. One was drinking a can of beer. I stopped, and just told him it wasn't allowed, and asked him if he'd just run inside and pour it into a cup, so I wouldn't get in trouble. Kid pulled out a fucking GUN on me! Pointed it right in my face and started giving me a bunch of shit, pretty much all the "who'd the bitch now!" cliches. Again, I'm not a hardass, and I'm not a toughguy. As I would have expected myself to do, I started shaking, tried hard not to pee myself, and begged the guy not to shoot me and to back off. He put the gun around, turned away from me, and I did something I WOULDN'T expect. I cracked his fucking skull open with the 8 cell mag light on my belt. Didn't think before I did it, totally reflex action. Probably the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life, besides our bassists' mom. [QUOTE]secondly if they don't say they are cops well than yea running is an option altho can you out run a bullet . ? . ? i thought not! [/QUOTE] You've never really been around firearms, have you? Distance and motion create proportionate room for error. The further it is, and the more it moves, the harder it is to hit it. In other words, YES, I think you can outrun a bullet. Easier than you can duck it from 2 feet away, anyhow. [/QUOTE]
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