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[QUOTE="ConquerTheBaphomet:589735"]ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer has sent the following update to BLABBERMOUTH.NET: "I just wanted to give you an update of what's happening in ICED EARTH world. "We just finished mixing and mastering the [new] single, which will be titled 'Overture of the Wicked' and should be released in late May or early June. The four songs that will be featured on this are as follows: 01. Ten Thousand Strong 02. Prophecy 03. Birth of the Wicked 04. The Coming Curse "'Ten Thousand Strong' will be the song that we will be filming a video for in the following months, most likely in June right around the Sweden Rock festival. "I'm very happy with the results of our efforts. We've been really working hard on delivering something special to you guys and this single is just a hint of things to come, and it's freakin' awesome. "We will be finishing the rest of production for Part 1 over the course of the next few weeks, with plans to mix in the early part of May. The title of the full release is 'Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part 1)' and should be out in the late August/September time frame. The 'Framing Armageddon' tracklist will appear as follows: 01. Overture 02. Something Wicked (Part 1) 03. Invasion 04. Man's Motivation 05. The Setian Massacre 06. A Charge to Keep 07. Reflections 08. Ten Thousand Strong 09. Execution 10. Order of the Rose 11. The Clouding 12. Infiltrate and Assimilate 13. Retribution Through the Ages 14. Something Wicked (Part 2) 15. The Domino Decree 16. Framing Armageddon 17. When Stars Collide (Born is He) 18. The Awakening "The working title of Part 2 is 'Revelation Abomination Something Wicked (Part 2)' and the tracklist is as follows: 01. The Sacred Flames 02. Behold the Wicked Child 03. Minions of the Watch 04. A Gift or a Curse 05. I Walk Among You 06. Harbinger of Fate 07. Ancient Rage of the High Priest 08. A Gathering Threat / Time Marches On 09. Sacrificial Kingdoms 10. Something Wicked (Part 3) 11. Divide Devour 12. Conspiracy / Pilgrimage In Guile 13. Come What May "The final tracking and mixing for Part 2 will take place between the festivals and world tour and will have a targeted release in February/March of 2008. "Due to family health issues, Bo Wallace will not be able to be involved with ICED EARTH. I played the bass guitar parts on the single and we will be bringing Dennis Hayes, who worked with Tim [Owens, vocals] on his BEYOND FEAR side project, in to play on parts of the remainder of the recording. He will be doing the live shows as well." [/QUOTE]
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