Military[views:3264][posts:25]_______________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:16pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] So, I have been pondering about the army, or military in general, lately. and I wanted to hear from people, only those who serve, or have known people who serve, what is it like? I'm not afraid of getting killed, nor do I worry about being brainwashed, I have a pretty strong will. So what's the pay, benefits, life expectancy, treatment? How are the other dudes in the army, I picture a bunch of bigoted red necks that will try to kill me for not being xtian. But that's just because every military dude i've met was from the south. |
__________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:44pm - Niccolai ""] I just typed out like two pages worth of info, then I hit advanced response to add an emoticon and all the text I wrote was gone. I'm soo pissed off about that right now. I'll type it again later. |
_______________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:46pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] [img] [img] |
__________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:55pm - Niccolai ""] The Army has the worst living quarters of any branch of the service. And the Army and Marines obviously have the highest mortality rate. A couple things that turned me onto the airforce are: 1: The living quarters are exceptional. It's like a friggin college dorm. especially job training. 2: You get college credit for job training, and job training counts as towards your term. Combine that with your GI Bill and it's a huge advantage over other branches. 3: One problem I have with the marines and army is that at any time they can change your job to whatever they feel necessary. If you're a language specialist, they can switch you to a light infantryman or a breecher. The airforce doesn't do that, and doesn't have ground infantry anyways. 4. Low mortality rate. I know you said you're not worried about dieing, but as of six months ago, airforce deaths in Iraq were still under 100 I believe. Pay will be the same in any branch, it's all standard government pay. benefits are extraordinary, full medical and dental, not to mention small percs like free food/haircuts/discounts when you go to certain places in uniform. Life expectancy depends too much on your job and where your stationed to really give you an answer. The army and Marines seem to have a more southern vibe, where as the Navy, AF, and coast guard don't seem to be that way. There are fewer grunts who listen to godsmack and like to blow shit up, chew tobaco, and "kill towelheads".. which is of course my opinion. The marines and army probably have more religious stigma as well. I don't know if there are any ex army members on RTTP, but I think Hoser and powerkok are ex marines. They could give you a better idea of what that sides like. I'm just waiting for them to chime in and tell me how gay the airforce is. :LOL: One advantage the marines have over the airforce though, is it's much easier and less competative to become a pilot. anywho, if infantry is what you're interested in, I would go with the marines instead of the army. Better training, and better living quarters. Also a hell of alot more respectable. The army is a gigantic circlejerk. |
______________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:58pm - the_reverend ""] hoser yes, pk no. |
______________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:58pm - the_reverend ""] also, I think there was a dude slayer72 or something like that who was over there and posted once in a great while. |
__________________________________ [May 12,2007 2:59pm - Niccolai ""] Oh also, Devon from Sexcrement is in the KISS Army. |
_______________________________________ [May 12,2007 3:20pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] Mm my thing with the airforce would be that I would suck at flying and crash or something, like a total noob. And all over the news they would have videos of me crashing into a brick wall or something hahah I'll give the airforce a look. My biggest worry is being sucked into the military and never being able to carry out the dreams I want to. I want to be a writer, finish college, be a musician. and I would hope that joining the military would help me with school, and plus I want to learn how to use guns, defend myself, and other such fun things. |
__________________________________ [May 12,2007 3:28pm - Niccolai ""] There are hundreds of jobs that have nothing to do with aviation in the airforce. and any branch will teach you how to use guns, defend yourself, and help you with college reguardless of your job. |
__________________________________ [May 12,2007 3:29pm - Niccolai ""] If you have any other questions you can hit me up on AIM (xedora). I know how helpful it would have been to have someone to answer questions for me who wasn't a recruiter trying to push something on me. |
________________________________________ [May 12,2007 11:47pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] Thanks for all the info. I'm probably going to wait a few years before making a decision anyways, though it be easier now, seeing how I hate my jorb, i'm only in tech college, and I'm not attached to anyone...but I don't see those three things changing in two or three years anyhow. |
_______________________________ [May 13,2007 9:48am - Hoser ""] Just make sure that if you do it, you're ready for it, it's a hell of a committment. I was an active duty Marine for 6 years. I served as a rifleman in the 2nd Marine division. Whether you're Christian or not doesn't matter, but I'll tell you to go to church on Sundays because if you don't, you'll be cleaning the barracks with the other guys who don't go to church, and cleaning sucks. As far as the Marine Corps. is concerned, be prepared to never be home. Don't have a girlfriend when you leave because she won't be there when you get back. Don't get married while you're in because she won't be there when you get back. Don't even think about disobeying any orders whether you think they're immoral or not because then you will be in a world of shit. Drop the pipe if you smoke weed, they drug test randomly and very regularly. Don't be fat. You will be fucked with endlessly and exercised until you puke regularly. Go in thin. Drop all feelings you have for anything and you'll be a more effective Marine. If you decide that you don't like it, you can't get out. The fastest way out is to do your time and leave with an honorable discharge. You fuck up and they'll have you in an endless loop of administrative discharge bullshit that could well outlast the time that you would have been able to do honorably. I've seen 4 year guys end up cleaning offices for 5 years because they were shitbags and smoked weed thinking that it would get them kicked out. Doesn't work like that. My brother was a Marine for 4 years with me and now he's in the Air Force finishing a career. He's currntly a TSgt. in combat control. He said that the Air Force is cush compared to the Corps. so if you want to be less hardcorps, go into the Air Force. I have nothing bad to say about the Army because I served with the 10th Mountain in Magadishu and Haiti. I served with the 82nd Airborn in Panama and Iraq. All great guys, they just have longer hair and do shit differently. I have also served with the Navy and just about every operation and to be honest with you I wouldn't be able to stand being in the Navy. Painting and re-painting ships isn't my bag and that's about ALL the low ranking shipmates do for their 4 years. That's about all I have to offer. If you get back to the US alive and with your nuts still intact you will feel a pride that no other could ever feel unless they were there. It's a brotherhood dude. Semper Fi. |
_____________________________________ [May 13,2007 10:36am - handinjury ""] Hoser said: Whether you're Christian or not doesn't matter, but I'll tell you to go to church on Sundays because if you don't, you'll be cleaning the barracks with the other guys who don't go to church, and cleaning sucks. Nothing like force feeding jesus bullshit down your throat, even thou your putting your life on the line for them. I knew this dude that refused all the "church" shit while in the marines. He got a little mouthy saying negitive things about jesus. They locked him in a pitch black cell for a week, and was handcuffed in chains till he was released. |
_______________________________________ [May 13,2007 10:52am - Hungtableed ""] If you do sign, more power to you man. My cousin just got back home on leave from Iraq and I was seriously planning on enlisting in the National Guard until he told me to stay home and be with my old lady and my band. Hoser is right though, it's a hell of a commitment. |
______________________________________ [May 13,2007 10:52am - HailTheLeaf ""] Y_Ddraig_Goch said:So, I have been pondering about the army, or military in general, lately. and I wanted to hear from people, only those who serve, or have known people who serve, what is it like? I'm not afraid of getting killed, nor do I worry about being brainwashed, I have a pretty strong will. You're already brainwashed if you're considering involving yourself with the US military..especially now..christ. |
_______________________________________ [May 13,2007 10:56am - Hungtableed ""] You're a stupid ugly cunt. You don't know shit about shit. |
________________________________ [May 13,2007 11:42am - Hoser ""] HailTheLeaf said:Y_Ddraig_Goch said:So, I have been pondering about the army, or military in general, lately. and I wanted to hear from people, only those who serve, or have known people who serve, what is it like? I'm not afraid of getting killed, nor do I worry about being brainwashed, I have a pretty strong will. You're already brainwashed if you're considering involving yourself with the US military..especially now..christ. Ya, who would want to protect HTL's rights and freedoms anyway? HTL, get killed.....please. |
________________________________ [May 13,2007 11:46am - Hoser ""] Why hasn't HTL left the country yet? He / She / It is an American bashing moron. I know that if I hated anyplace as much as "it" does, I'd fucking leave instead of staying and whining. Wouldn't you? I mean who would fucking stay? If you hate it that much, leave! Go to some country that we'll eventually take over and bomb. With any luck HTL will be killed in a bombing raid....and some other hippy can cry about her death. Oh well, collateral damage. |
________________________________________ [May 13,2007 12:05pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] HailTheLeaf said:Y_Ddraig_Goch said:So, I have been pondering about the army, or military in general, lately. and I wanted to hear from people, only those who serve, or have known people who serve, what is it like? I'm not afraid of getting killed, nor do I worry about being brainwashed, I have a pretty strong will. You're already brainwashed if you're considering involving yourself with the US military..especially now..christ. Nah I just love anything to do with battle, it's in my blood. My ancestors were the first to invade Ireland and kill the "formors" thousands of years ago. And I'd rather get involved during a war then during peace,which is nothing but a break from war. You see the military as an evil machine serving bush's reich, I see it as a league of men willing to sacrifice everything to make a difference in the world. Sure civilians and innocents get killed, always have always will. But do you know how many people are better off now. It's alll about the younger generation anyways, the kids over there have a future now. They don't have to be mindless servants. Our kids have a better future, they don't have to worry about a region in the world that spawns mass murderers. |
___________________________________ [May 13,2007 12:16pm - Niccolai ""] Personally, I don't care about the prograssion of the country, patriotism, or wordly improvement. And i'm not brainwashed. The military was a good place for me to get the skills necessary to suport myself for the rest of my life, and is an excellent job and sharpening tool for personal skills. If anyone's fucking brainwashed, it's you HTL. |
__________________________________ [May 13,2007 8:45pm - Dankill ""] If it helps, I was witness to HTL saying back during the 2000 elections that if Bush was elected, she'd be running to Canada because we'd become a theocracy and her body would be in mortal danger. Seven years and counting on that one. |
_______________________________________ [May 13,2007 9:51pm - y_ddraig_goch ""] Dankill said:If it helps, I was witness to HTL saying back during the 2000 elections that if Bush was elected, she'd be running to Canada because we'd become a theocracy and her body would be in mortal danger. Seven years and counting on that one. so is it a girl or a guy? I could have sworn it was a girl, then I looked at this picture on her user name, and it looks like a dude, but you can't see the face... |
___________________________________________ [May 13,2007 9:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] i've thought about joining the armed forces but i just have too many commitments already. |
________________________________________ [May 13,2007 10:52pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] FuckIsMySignature said:i've thought about joining the armed forces but i just have too many commitments already. that's why I should go now ahaha, I have none. No Girlfriend, no ailing family members, no band, only in tech school (not at a university yet). It sounds like it would be an excellent life experience. I really want to learn how to use a gun, maybe operate some kind of vehicle or equipment, get some free job training, travel at the expense of my Rich Uncle Sam. |
___________________________________ [May 14,2007 12:45am - Niccolai ""] The service is like college, the longer you put it off, the less you're likely to go. Not trying to push you or anything, that's just statistically how it goes. |
_______________________________________ [May 14,2007 1:47am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] true, I almost didn't go to college for putting it off a year. I'll probably join if I can't get into SNHU in 08, that's the only other thing I would rather do right now than the military. |