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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Hoser.
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[QUOTE="Hoser:616167"]Just make sure that if you do it, you're ready for it, it's a hell of a committment. I was an active duty Marine for 6 years. I served as a rifleman in the 2nd Marine division. Whether you're Christian or not doesn't matter, but I'll tell you to go to church on Sundays because if you don't, you'll be cleaning the barracks with the other guys who don't go to church, and cleaning sucks. As far as the Marine Corps. is concerned, be prepared to never be home. Don't have a girlfriend when you leave because she won't be there when you get back. Don't get married while you're in because she won't be there when you get back. Don't even think about disobeying any orders whether you think they're immoral or not because then you will be in a world of shit. Drop the pipe if you smoke weed, they drug test randomly and very regularly. Don't be fat. You will be fucked with endlessly and exercised until you puke regularly. Go in thin. Drop all feelings you have for anything and you'll be a more effective Marine. If you decide that you don't like it, you can't get out. The fastest way out is to do your time and leave with an honorable discharge. You fuck up and they'll have you in an endless loop of administrative discharge bullshit that could well outlast the time that you would have been able to do honorably. I've seen 4 year guys end up cleaning offices for 5 years because they were shitbags and smoked weed thinking that it would get them kicked out. Doesn't work like that. My brother was a Marine for 4 years with me and now he's in the Air Force finishing a career. He's currntly a TSgt. in combat control. He said that the Air Force is cush compared to the Corps. so if you want to be less hardcorps, go into the Air Force. I have nothing bad to say about the Army because I served with the 10th Mountain in Magadishu and Haiti. I served with the 82nd Airborn in Panama and Iraq. All great guys, they just have longer hair and do shit differently. I have also served with the Navy and just about every operation and to be honest with you I wouldn't be able to stand being in the Navy. Painting and re-painting ships isn't my bag and that's about ALL the low ranking shipmates do for their 4 years. That's about all I have to offer. If you get back to the US alive and with your nuts still intact you will feel a pride that no other could ever feel unless they were there. It's a brotherhood dude. Semper Fi.[/QUOTE]
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