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The true genius behind the fade to black intro

[Jul 12,2010 9:58pm - In all seriousness nli  ""]
I was analyzing the true genious behind these chord progressions in the intro. It starts in Bmin and ends up almost resolving to an Amin. I've never heard anything else like it. The lead is perfect too and I really despise Hammett. This song although overplayed was very well written. You must all agree. It's one of those riffs I wish I wrote. Same as the fingerpicking in Nothing elese matters. Thoughts?
[Jul 12,2010 10:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
i'm sorry man, the true genius behind early metallica are both cliff and dave.. oh snap nilla.
[Jul 12,2010 10:25pm - dave nli  ""]
I never got to smoke out of the whole in the ground with my little danish friend.
[Jul 12,2010 10:38pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
that intro is usually the first thing i play when I pick up my guitar. I agree that it's a great song, especially that intro lead. I love the version on Cliff Em All, they shouldn't have faded out the ending on the studio version
[Jul 12,2010 11:19pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Great riff, one of the best of all time. I don't like the solos, though. Never liked Kirk's stuff much, never seemed to fit the thrash vibe to me.
[Jul 13,2010 2:15am - goatcatalyst ""]
Kirk is at his best when he's plagiarizing Mustaine's original solos. Go home, you shitty Filipino twink, and take your cunting wah pedal with you.
[Jul 13,2010 2:37am - BSV  ""]
here's the answer, and I know you don't know this cuz you don't know this but

[Jul 13,2010 7:21am - Yeti ""]
what's this "Metallica" you speak of? must be some new flat-brimmed crabcore.
[Jul 13,2010 7:27am - timma ""]

Yeti said:what's this "Metallica" you speak of? must be some new flat-brimmed crabcore.

I believe "Metallica" is an old, old wooden ship.
[Jul 13,2010 9:25am - ouchdrummer ""]
the finger-picking in "to live is to die" is my fav acoustic/clean part from them, or the middle to master of puppets.
[Jul 13,2010 2:28pm - eyehatehippies ""]
It's a cool intro, for certain. I remember learning to play it when I was a kid. I can still play that intro solo, that's a good one. Kirk has his moments.
[Jul 13,2010 2:55pm - ShadowSD ""]
I love busting this intro out on the delay pedals, one of my favorites.

I don't see how Hammett's solos on the first five Metallica albums can get shit, they're as well-written as the parts they go with, Fade To Black being a notable example. Nobody ever said Hammett was Friedman technically speaking, but what matters with any lead ultimately is what it does for the song, and before the wah pedal ate his testicles Kirk was actually quite underrated.

I agree that the key change near the beginning is ingenious. The reason it works is because the part in Bm ends on an F#m chord (F#, A, C#) when you factor in the F# in the lead, and the A is the note that's the common thread which binds it to the first chord in the next part, an F major (F, A, C) when you factor in the A in the lead.

It's at that split second where there's a key change, and the song goes from an F# minor chord (roman numeral v in the key of Bm) to an F major chord (roman numeral VI in the key of Am).
[Jul 13,2010 3:15pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I just don't like Hammett. I was a huge thrash nut back then, I just wasn't a Hammett fan. I preferred the styles of Oliva, Skolnick, and Poland at the time. In other words, I prefer lead players that can go outside of the boundaries of a single genre or style, which is most definitely NOT Kirk. Even when I was a Metallica NUT, I used to learn the riffs, but never the solos. I used to secretly fantasize that the bus landed on Kirk, and they replaced him with Craig Locicero.

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