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NASA's Deep Space Camera Locates Host of 'Earths'

[Jul 26,2010 2:36am - arilliusbm ""]
I can't sleep when I read news like this. Disregard the fox news source; there's more than that. Read that last quote. 100 million habitibale planets in our galaxy alone? fapfapfap


Scientists celebrated Sunday after finding more than 700 suspected new planets -- including up to 140 similar in size to Earth -- in just six weeks of using a powerful new space observatory.

Early results from NASA’s Kepler Mission, a small satellite observing deep space, suggested planets like Earth were far more common than previously thought.

Past discoveries suggested most planets outside our solar system were gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn -- but the new evidence tipped the balance in favor of solid worlds.
Astronomers said the discovery meant the chances of eventually finding truly Earth-like planets capable of sustaining life rose sharply.
NASA so far formally announced only five new exoplanets -- those outside our solar system -- from the mission because its scientists were still analyzing Kepler’s finds to confirm they are actually planets.

“The figures suggest our galaxy, the Milky Way [which has more than 100 billion stars] will contain 100 million habitable planets, and soon we will be identifying the first of them,” said Dimitar Sasselov, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and a scientist on the Kepler Mission. "There is a lot more work we need to do with this, but the statistical result is loud and clear, and it is that planets like our own Earth are out there."
[Jul 26,2010 7:46am - burnsy ""]
Was just talkin' about this last night. This kinda shit blows my mind every day.
[Jul 26,2010 7:58am - SkinSandwich ""]
I need a chick that will blow my mind. Literally open up my skull and suck off my brain.
[Jul 26,2010 8:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Your ex gf is coming back- ask her after your delightfully destroy her in battleship.
[Jul 26,2010 8:26am - the_reverend ""]
Just think of all those photosynthetic, green females for aril to fap too. 3 boobs plus a nut sack ffrom which it came.
[Jul 26,2010 8:29am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 26,2010 8:43am - ShadowSD ""]
Wow, makes Roddenberry look like a bit of a prophet.
[Jul 26,2010 8:43am - SkinSandwich ""]
I will cum neurotransmitters all over her tits and Battleship game pieces.
[Jul 26,2010 8:51am - arktouros ""]

ShadowSD said:Wow, makes Roddenberry look like a bit of a prophet.
I think if there ever was a prophet, he's a solid contender.
[Jul 26,2010 8:55am - ShadowSD ""]
Definitely. If we ever see other aliens and they look remotely like us, we'll also be on to the fact that there's a five billion year old computer program that created us all.
[Jul 26,2010 9:01am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Eighty different sentient species, each with a slightly different latex bridge-of-the-nose prosthesis.

(Are we colonizing these motherfuckers yet? Sign me up, let's get this party started.)
[Jul 26,2010 9:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
ITT: New places for us to ruin.
[Jul 26,2010 9:08am - arilliusbm ""]
All we're going to do is mine for gold. Much like the annunaki did on this planet
[Jul 26,2010 9:25am - arktouros ""]
hey, big money, governments, check this out! limitless resources!! but you have to invest all your money into STEM education and NASA, and i hope you're ok with not receiving ROI for a couple hundo years :(
[Jul 26,2010 9:30am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:ITT: New places for us to ruin.
by the time we get there, they will already have discovered reganomics and ruined themselves. We will get there just in time for them to get to our planet trying to escape their planet. Let's hope they are escaping a plague of oil and way too much oxygen and they came to our planet to consume carbon and plastics.
[Jul 26,2010 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
Considering we've only really been 'active' as a species for 200,000 years on a planet that's roughly 4.5 billion years old, I'd assume that these planets
a.) had life in the past but are desolate wastelands
b.) had intelligent life at some point but not anymore
c.) are savage planets with beasts like dinosaurs- no intelligent life yet.
d.) are planets with molten rock and nothing else
e.) have intelligent life but don't have technology yet
f.) have intelligent life equal or superior to ours.

Given the infamous drake equation, i'd say there are many, many civilaztions in our galaxy alone.
To put it bluntly, if they found 500 planets in a habitable zone and if 1% of these planets had intelligent life, that's still 5 planet right there. Considering there's a possibilty of 1,000,000 habitable planets in our galaxy (given the estimation by the scientist), that'd still be 10,000 planets with life. Each galaxy as the possibilty of an abundance of life, and the estimation is that there are 1,000,000,000+ galaxies in space. I think it's safe to assume that the probablity of life is quite high.
I havent told you guys but I've been building a spaceship for the past 10 years. It's currently in my basement. I'll be back soon, don't worry. Tootles.
[Jul 26,2010 9:48am - arktouros ""]

arilliusbm said:
a.) had life in the past but are desolate wastelands

this is my final answer and the most likely out of the bunch.

i'd go with Z) are desolate wastelands and/or are molten rock
[Jul 26,2010 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
All it takes is one giant asteroid to hit a planet and fire will sweep the planet while the sun(s) are blocked out. Then life starts over. The cycle of life has no beginning or end.
[Jul 26,2010 10:00am - arilliusbm ""]
Planet earth was a barren wasteland for a long ass time. Microbial life and comets ftw.

Too bad earth is really only 4000 years old and dinosaurs didn't exist. God put them there are a test of our faith. Much like God is testing our faith with these planets. Praise be to the lord and savior of souls, for we must repent for all sins we've commuted or we'll be forever punished. Only God knows the real answers.
[Jul 26,2010 10:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think all this information has been known for a while and they are just releasing small bits of it at a time to the general populace. this would explain why TV channels like History and National Geographic keep coming out wiht Alien themed programming alot this year. just a theory.
[Jul 26,2010 10:17am - SkinSandwich ""]
Fear of a black planet!
[Jul 26,2010 10:33am - Yeti ""]
We know nothing about their language, their history or what they look like. But we can assume this: they stand for everything we don't stand for. Also they told me you guys look like dorks!
[Jul 26,2010 10:39am - the_reverend ""]
I like how people quote the drake equation which is just made up out of thin air. I'm working on the Pepelis Equation which brings out the possibility of sexy aliens.
[Jul 26,2010 10:42am - brodown ""]
[Jul 26,2010 10:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said: the possibility of sexy aliens.


[Jul 26,2010 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:I like how people quote the drake equation which is just made up out of thin air. I'm working on the Pepelis Equation which brings out the possibility of sexy aliens.

people quote it because mathematical probability is an organized speculation. drake was respected in his field, show the love or gtfo.
[Jul 26,2010 11:01am - reimroc ""]

[Jul 26,2010 2:20pm - wolfgang  ""]
[Jul 26,2010 4:39pm - dertoxia ""]
The problem is there's no way to communicate over any of the distances that a planet with life on it may exist. Yeah we may reach a point where we have the technology to detect a planet with life and maybe even be able to see that life but we won't be able to "talk" with them. Not with current technology anyway.

The nearest possible star that MAY have a planet orbiting it that MAY have life on it that MAY be intelligent is roughly 50 light years away give or take. In order to send a signal to that planet we would need to direct a beam towards the location of space that that planet would be at in 50 years. We also would need to hope that in 50 years someone on that planet would be looking in our direction. So now we're talking about a best case scenario of maybe receiving a response in 100 years. The chances of us still caring about a signal we sent to some stupid planet 100 years later is pretty tiny.

The other thing to keep in mind is that we are no longer broadcasting massive amounts of radio waves out into space and we havn't been for the last decade or so. Now with digital signals we're pinpointing data streams to exactly where they need to go, not sending out a giant blast of signal that our weak dishes could pick up on.

Just imagine if some intelligent species out there is doing exactly what we're doing right now this very second. Or hell lets say that they've already detected our planet and sent a signal in our direction. We would need to be looking in exactly the right place at the right time. We're almost reaching infinite improbability here.

I do think that there could be a chance that someday we might pick up a signal coming from a planet so far away....that the planet itself may not even exist anymore. Or so much time has passed since they sent it, that their civilization may not exist anymore.
[Jul 26,2010 4:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
Light speed is not the best way to travel.
Only worm holes are real. Bending the space between point A and point B rather than traveling from point A to B in a straight line.
[Jul 26,2010 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unless you go through a wormhole to hell... such as event horizon?
[Jul 26,2010 6:36pm - ScmFck  ""]
Yea, yea, yea, when do i get to fuck aliens with big perfect green titties?!?!?!
[Jul 26,2010 6:49pm - dertoxia ""]

arilliusbm said:Light speed is not the best way to travel.
Only worm holes are real. Bending the space between point A and point B rather than traveling from point A to B in a straight line.

Forget traveling. I'm just talking about saying hi. Is there a way to send a light or radio signal faster than the speed of light? Being able to actually GO anywhere is so far off its depressing even thinking about it. Obama's new plan for NASA actually could end up being one of the things he's most remembered for. Hundreds or thousands of years from now they might look back and see this time as the turning point in deep space travel.
[Jul 26,2010 6:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
No such thing as space, fags.
[Jul 26,2010 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]

ScmFck said:Yea, yea, yea, when do i get to fuck aliens with big perfect green titties?!?!?!
what about boob-giners?
[Jul 26,2010 7:39pm - the_reverend ""]

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