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I love DukeManJunk.. Fuck tha haters

[Aug 3,2012 11:14am - DuchessWomanCunt  ""]
Fuck tha haters. He is a sweet man. You dont know him at all, why judge?
[Aug 3,2012 11:20am - because...  ""]

DuchessWomanCunt said: why judge?

1. He lied about / exaggerated his military 'career.'
2. All he posts about is himself because he is a narcissistic fuck.
3. Barely anyone even knows who he is and yet he acts like he's BFF with everyone on the fucking board.
4. He's like 4 feet tall MAX.
5. He's only here because he wants to bang samantha and never will because (see 4.)
[Aug 3,2012 11:58am - DukeManjunk ""]
didnt lie.
post about myself cause i'm fucking awesome
knows about 10 posters IRL
still stands at 5'8"
dont need rttp to talk to samantha, i could FB or text her.

suck it, assbag.
[Aug 3,2012 12:07pm - because...  ""]
way to prove me right you midget douche bag
[Aug 3,2012 12:22pm - DukeManjunk ""]
also, i've decided to take some pictures, just to scratch the surface so to speak

exhibit A: night stalker hoodie, two unit challenge coins, and my old beret.

exhibit B: Regimental 25th Anniversary coin, featuring the winged sword and the memorial wall, which is on the nightstalker compound at fort campbell.

exhibit C. Delta Company Task Force 1/160 challenge coin


Exhibit D. my old beret, you can clearly see one little horizontal notch on either side, this denotes FIRST BATTALION. the true secret squirrel element of the regiment. we dont work with the green berets, the other 3 battalions do.....we work with "other government agencies"


now, before someone drops the 15P card again, last time i checked, 15P was a battalion level job, not a company level job. i was in two out of the 4 flight companies in first battalion, not HHC. so hate to break it to ya, but i aint no 15P.
[Aug 3,2012 12:46pm - DukeMidgetQueer  ""]
So if DukeFaggotBoy CAN text why the fuck does he use RTYP like a fuckin cell phone? Self important prick
[Aug 3,2012 12:49pm - because...  ""]
lying douche bag, you couldn't even get past the height requirement

[Aug 3,2012 12:51pm - DuchessWomanCunt  ""]
Stop talking shit about my boy. He has a 9 inch dick in case you wondered.
[Aug 3,2012 12:56pm - DukeMidgetQueer  ""]
[Aug 3,2012 12:56pm - because...  ""]
nobody wonders anything about this worthless faggot except him. such a pointless waste of oxygen.
[Aug 3,2012 1:00pm - posbleak ""]

DukeManjunk said:also, i've decided to take some pictures, just to scratch the surface so to speak

Almost all of this stuff is available on eBay
[Aug 3,2012 1:11pm - ViceroyLadyGarbage  ""]

because... said:he wants to bang samantha and never will

[Aug 3,2012 2:31pm - El_Sorbet  ""]
I thought he was duke of little-known Indian province, Manjunk.
[Aug 3,2012 4:37pm - Boozegood ""]

DukeManjunk said:
Exhibit D. my old beret, you can clearly see one little horizontal notch on either side, this denotes FIRST BATTALION. the true secret squirrel element of the regiment. we dont work with the green berets, the other 3 battalions do.....we work with "other government agencies"

Listen you fucking piece of shit, no one cares what operators you acted as jock-strap for. The point is YOU ARE NOT ONE and you NEVER WERE ONE. You were SUPPORT and should present yourself as such. It doesn't matter if you fixed the god damn helos that fucking Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders rode through the fucking Death Star Trench. You are still a POG, and you need to get that through your head.

You may be able to trick people that have no idea what you are talking about, and sure you can be proud of being in the 160th, but NOT in the way you are trying to pass on.

DukeManjunk said:now, before someone drops the 15P card again, last time i checked, 15P was a battalion level job, not a company level job. i was in two out of the 4 flight companies in first battalion, not HHC. so hate to break it to ya, but i aint no 15P.

It doesn't matter if you are a 15P or not. Do you know how many combat-arms MOSes are allowed into the 160th SOAR? Yes, you do. And that number is NONE. There are NO COMBAT ARMS accepted into the 160th, so no matter WHAT your job was it was nothing like you are trying to pass off you little rat.

Here are the MOS's that are assigned to the 160th.
13F (for senior E-6's, promotable E-6's, or E-7's only) (Fire Support Specialist)
15B/D/F/G/H/J/K/N/P/S/T/U (Aviation support stuff)
25B/C/D/M/U (Signals)
27D (Paralegal Specialist)
42A/L (Human Resources/Administration Specialist)
44B/C/E (Workman shit (machinist, etc)
52C/D (Utilities Equipment Repairer, Power Generator Repairer)
56M (Chaplain Assistant)
63B/J/S (Vehicle Maintenance)
68G/J/W (Medical stuff)
74D (Chem./Bio./Nuclear specialist)
79S (Career counselor)
88M (Only one position for an E-5) (Motor T operator, aka: truck driver)
88N(for senior E-6's, promotable E-6's, or E-7's only) (Transportation Management Coordinator)
89B (Ammunition Specialist)
92A/F/R/Y (Supply & Logistics)
94E/L/R/W (Electronic/Missile Maintenance)
96B(35F)(intelligence Analyst)
96D(35G) (Imagery Analyst)
97B(35L) (Counterintelligence)
98C(35N) (Signals Intelligence Analyst)

So just reign it in man. Be proud of what you did but don't try to imply you are something you are not.

[Aug 3,2012 4:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Boozegood said:
DukeManjunk said:
Exhibit D. my old beret, you can clearly see one little horizontal notch on either side, this denotes FIRST BATTALION. the true secret squirrel element of the regiment. we dont work with the green berets, the other 3 battalions do.....we work with "other government agencies"

Listen you fucking piece of shit, no one cares what operators you acted as jock-strap for. The point is YOU ARE NOT ONE and you NEVER WERE ONE. You were SUPPORT and should present yourself as such. It doesn't matter if you fixed the god damn helos that fucking Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders rode through the fucking Death Star Trench. You are still a POG, and you need to get that through your head.

ALF is back - in POG form!

[Aug 3,2012 4:43pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Aug 3,2012 4:51pm - DuchessWomanCunt  ""]
boozegood shut up you dont know him at all.
[Aug 3,2012 4:52pm - Boozegood ""]

DuchessWomanCunt said:boozegood shut up you dont know him at all.

1: I hope this a samefag.

2: It's facts. Please prove me wrong.
[Aug 3,2012 4:59pm - Boozegood ""]

How about you go to this show and show your support and tell everyone how much of a baddass you are.
[Aug 3,2012 5:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 3,2012 5:12pm - Yeti ""]
goddamn, Boozegood swoops in for the kill.
[Aug 3,2012 10:45pm - Samantha ""]

because... said:
4. He's like 4 feet tall MAX.
5. He's only here because he wants to bang samantha and never will because (see 4.)

[Aug 3,2012 11:06pm - chernobyl ""]
Hes more little than me and im 5'6
[Aug 4,2012 2:28am - Lamp ""]
I think Duke Fag Fuck should go fuck off and die of a dishonorable discharge of his rectum from the asshole, fuckin' idiot.
[Aug 4,2012 2:35am - DukeManjunk ""]

Boozegood said:[img]

How about you go to this show and show your support and tell everyone how much of a baddass you are.

gladly,should i bring my uncle who was ANGLICO in desert storm??
[Aug 4,2012 2:37am - Lamp ""]
Hey, are you drunk and in Michigan right now? Nah, didn't think so. Fuck off.
[Aug 4,2012 2:49am - DukeManjunk ""]

Boozegood said:
DukeManjunk said:
Exhibit D. my old beret, you can clearly see one little horizontal notch on either side, this denotes FIRST BATTALION. the true secret squirrel element of the regiment. we dont work with the green berets, the other 3 battalions do.....we work with "other government agencies"

Listen you fucking piece of shit, no one cares what operators you acted as jock-strap for. The point is YOU ARE NOT ONE and you NEVER WERE ONE. You were SUPPORT and should present yourself as such. It doesn't matter if you fixed the god damn helos that fucking Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders rode through the fucking Death Star Trench. You are still a POG, and you need to get that through your head.

You may be able to trick people that have no idea what you are talking about, and sure you can be proud of being in the 160th, but NOT in the way you are trying to pass on.

DukeManjunk said:now, before someone drops the 15P card again, last time i checked, 15P was a battalion level job, not a company level job. i was in two out of the 4 flight companies in first battalion, not HHC. so hate to break it to ya, but i aint no 15P.

It doesn't matter if you are a 15P or not. Do you know how many combat-arms MOSes are allowed into the 160th SOAR? Yes, you do. And that number is NONE. There are NO COMBAT ARMS accepted into the 160th, so no matter WHAT your job was it was nothing like you are trying to pass off you little rat.

Here are the MOS's that are assigned to the 160th.
13F (for senior E-6's, promotable E-6's, or E-7's only) (Fire Support Specialist)
15B/D/F/G/H/J/K/N/P/S/T/U (Aviation support stuff)
25B/C/D/M/U (Signals)
27D (Paralegal Specialist)
42A/L (Human Resources/Administration Specialist)
44B/C/E (Workman shit (machinist, etc)
52C/D (Utilities Equipment Repairer, Power Generator Repairer)
56M (Chaplain Assistant)
63B/J/S (Vehicle Maintenance)
68G/J/W (Medical stuff)
74D (Chem./Bio./Nuclear specialist)
79S (Career counselor)
88M (Only one position for an E-5) (Motor T operator, aka: truck driver)
88N(for senior E-6's, promotable E-6's, or E-7's only) (Transportation Management Coordinator)
89B (Ammunition Specialist)
92A/F/R/Y (Supply & Logistics)
94E/L/R/W (Electronic/Missile Maintenance)
96B(35F)(intelligence Analyst)
96D(35G) (Imagery Analyst)
97B(35L) (Counterintelligence)
98C(35N) (Signals Intelligence Analyst)

So just reign it in man. Be proud of what you did but don't try to imply you are something you are not.

your right, i didnt spend any time in the only two blackhawk companies in 1st battalion. i wasnt in armament guy (goodbye 15B, AND 15J, and there were no 15P's(battalion level) or 15B/D/F/G/H/J/K/N/P/S

now, 15U are chinook crewchiefs, that would have put me in 2nd,3rd or 4th BN

that leaves only one. but i guess turning wrenches and manning m-134's during combat doesnt count as combat arms.

Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Expected....hoorah?
[Aug 4,2012 3:55am - wow  ""]
Feeling like more of a ManQueer yet? God what a loser
[Aug 4,2012 4:18am - truth  ""]
Hey duke tully will beat you to death. Best to just shut up and leave.
[Aug 4,2012 3:47pm - Boozegood ""]

DukeManjunk said:but i guess turning wrenches and manning m-134's during combat doesnt count as combat arms.

Your assumption is correct. I don't know anyone who would say otherwise.

Proximity to violence does not equal combat.

This is what combat looks like:




Not this:





That's not to say your job isn't/wasn't important. I understand the mission of the 160th is crucial and that they could not get it done without there support. The issue is not whether or not you had a job that was necessary for mission success, it is that you are presenting yourself as something you are not.

Why can't you just accept your place as support and be proud of that fact?

[Aug 4,2012 4:38pm - DukeMidgetFaggot  ""]
whatever boozegood, I bet youve never even been rock climbing. Those rocks are realy hard and you have to deal with all kinds of knee scrapes out in the field and the sun melts your pb and j and makes it all runny. Shit is hardcore.

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