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Explosion at Boston Marathon finish line (Copley)

[Apr 15,2013 3:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Multiple explosions at Copley area at the Boston Marathon finish line.
[Apr 15,2013 3:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yeah, wtf??
[Apr 15,2013 3:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
edit: better link
[Apr 15,2013 3:12pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

The revenge...
[Apr 15,2013 3:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And I've just been essentially quarantined at work, not allowed to leave the office in CHINATOWN.
[Apr 15,2013 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.
[Apr 15,2013 3:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 15,2013 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just got a text from my BPD connection that there are other devices that were found and didn't go off. Terrorists?

[Apr 15,2013 3:34pm - LIBERAL  ""]
[Apr 15,2013 3:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]


[Apr 15,2013 3:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Link above because: "Somebody’s leg flew by my head," one spectator told the Boston Herald. "I gave my belt to stop the blood."
[Apr 15,2013 3:58pm - Great  ""]
Duh its Patriot's day. Prob just a false flag to get us to war with NK.
[Apr 15,2013 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... I thought that someone's txt was about diarrhea.
[Apr 15,2013 4:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 15,2013 4:28pm - Czarnobog ""]
^ ugh, i work a half dozen doors down from where this picture was taken. fucking awful. glad i had off today.
[Apr 15,2013 4:30pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
2 dead
[Apr 15,2013 4:34pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.

hahaha i laughed way too hard at that. my sister is there but thankfully not at the finish line.
[Apr 15,2013 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
the only joke I read that was funny was "i hope anonymous investigates the boston marathon blasts so we know what actually happened"
[Apr 15,2013 4:54pm - Spence ""]
I know way too many people in Boston, so i've been really worried the past hour and a half. Luckily, everyone I know is safe.

Still a scary situation though.
[Apr 15,2013 5:00pm - Czarnobog ""]
still trying to get in touch with co-workers who mightve went in today, but cell towers are all fucked. probably overloaded. scary shit.
[Apr 15,2013 5:02pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
They shut down cell service in the city in case they're being used to trigger more bombs, according to Boston Globe liveblog...
[Apr 15,2013 5:03pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Also, problem solved:


[Apr 15,2013 5:07pm - Burnsy ""]

There's a flash video of one of the explosions here.
[Apr 15,2013 5:23pm - Yeti ""]
that is fucking scary.
[Apr 15,2013 5:27pm - Mark_R ""]
By South Station, getting ready to head towards home in JP.
[Apr 15,2013 5:39pm - SkinSandwich ""]
All the nuts are starting to come out of the woodwork already blaming the government, haha. Wtf....
[Apr 15,2013 5:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks Obama.
[Apr 15,2013 6:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
South Station was a joke. No security. Home now.
[Apr 15,2013 6:14pm - punk potenza  ""]
good to hear most of you scum bags are safe! im in chicago and pigs were all over the train on the way home. chi town dont fuck around.
[Apr 15,2013 6:17pm - Spence ""]
[Apr 15,2013 6:30pm - Spence ""]
[Apr 15,2013 7:17pm - Marathon Bystander  ""]
[Apr 15,2013 7:26pm - Piers Morgan  ""]

Spence said:http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/erik...ims-response-boston-marathon-attack

Erik Rush is a nigga? Bwahahaha
[Apr 15,2013 7:40pm - zyklon ""]
How sad, a black guy trying to be white...
[Apr 15,2013 7:46pm - AndrewBastard EN EL EYE  ""]

[Apr 15,2013 8:12pm - DYA is SKEPTICAL  ""]

arilliusbm said:Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.

Never, ever fucking change, RTTP.

[Apr 15,2013 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard%20EN%20EL%20EYE said:http://smnnews.com/board/showthread.php?p=3872123&posted=1#post3872123


[Apr 15,2013 9:02pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

on the bright side, we probably won't be hearing much of this song for a while.
[Apr 15,2013 10:08pm - dreadkill ""]

"It's me, Boston! It was me all along, Boston!"
[Apr 16,2013 1:31am - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
[Apr 16,2013 2:06am - goatrider ""]

Anyone else bewildered by the sheer physics of that many victims lost limbs at once? Plus the blood-splatter is all over the fucking place, not just going out from the blast zone from what it looks like. Plus, mailbox or trash can that bomb was in must've dampened the explosion at least a little. (plus the immediately surrounding people, too)

Whacky fucking science today, I tell ya.
[Apr 16,2013 2:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Just a scratch.
[Apr 16,2013 12:21pm - nekronaut ""]
Really dude?
[Apr 16,2013 12:56pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

Shutup fagget.
[Apr 16,2013 1:35pm - Yeti ""]
give him a break, senility started creeping in at the end of the last ice age.
[Apr 16,2013 1:38pm - Alex_Mooney_likes_this ""]
[Apr 16,2013 1:57pm - Shithead Boyfriend Jonathan  ""]
Hey man just like... checkin in cuz I know you guys are like soooo worried about me. dicks. Not to worry tho, I was at McGreevys eatin this sick plate of wings they were just like gonna throw out cuz like some guy sneezed on em or somethin. Rebecka was whinin about wanting to get some fried dough at the finish line or some shit so I threw her a buck and told her to swipe me one of those like tin foil towel things. Haven't seen her since. So NOOOOOO Mrs Kelly, obnoxious sister, fuckin buttmunch friends that keep texting me asking me if she made it out alive but not even asking about my new go-kart I posted mad photos of on facebook I got.....I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS. Happy? Get off a dudes back already.
[Apr 16,2013 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]

I believe that was the second death.
[Apr 16,2013 4:42pm - Spence ""]

"And yet, there are still people—literally millions of them—who actually have to ask why we didn’t simply slow down and wait until the whole story came in so that we could run an accurate, fact-checked article that didn’t exaggerate the number of dead by 9 or 10 people. To that, I say: How could you even think about accurately reporting a tragedy at a time like this? When those pipe bombs or whatever they were—I believe they were pipe bombs—went off, we weren’t wasting time making routine inquiries with law enforcement officials, or relying on the reporting of those actually on the ground, or maintaining even a tenuous grasp on the journalistic conventions of truth and integrity. We were doing what needed to be done: dashing off haphazard, poorly sourced yellow journalism that included an entirely speculative report on a Saudi national who we strongly suggested was behind the attack without a modicum of supportive evidence."

Oh how I love The Onion.
[Apr 16,2013 5:22pm - ShadowSD ""]

the_reverend said:https://www.facebook.com/krystle.campbell.7

I believe that was the second death.

[Apr 16,2013 5:25pm - conservationist ""]
Some news sources are reporting that these were pressure cooker bombs placed in backpacks at street level. Thus it seems like the answer is that the explosives themselves were not actually that powerful, because these bombs are more powerful versions of the coke bottle bombs we made as kids. So the blast was probably most intense where channeled by the pavement. That would be at about ankle level as the explosion traveled outward and upward from the pressure bombs.

However, this explains why these people look so much in shock, in addition to the usual reasons. They're concussed.

What a mess. It's so easy for someone to do something like this, and so devastating in consequence.

You're in our thoughts, Boston. Hang in there...
[Apr 16,2013 5:28pm - conservationist ""]


RTTP has always prized itself on its irreverence. Also, it helps to break up the mood of misery and hatred that is forming. We don't want to rush off to war again and the first step in that is breaking up our sense of national outrage. We should handle this situation logically, like all others.
[Apr 16,2013 5:33pm - It‘s a funderful life  ""]
Remember when I was a giant butthurt faggot about people making fun of The Station Nightclub Fire? What a fun life.
[Apr 16,2013 5:39pm - ShadowSD ""]

conservationist said:it helps to break up the mood of misery and hatred that is forming. We don't want to rush off to war again and the first step in that is breaking up our sense of national outrage. We should handle this situation logically, like all others.

[Apr 16,2013 6:50pm - DYA is SKEPTICAL  ""]

Shithead%20Boyfriend%20Jonathan said:Hey man just like... checkin in cuz I know you guys are like soooo worried about me. dicks. Not to worry tho, I was at McGreevys eatin this sick plate of wings they were just like gonna throw out cuz like some guy sneezed on em or somethin. Rebecka was whinin about wanting to get some fried dough at the finish line or some shit so I threw her a buck and told her to swipe me one of those like tin foil towel things. Haven't seen her since. So NOOOOOO Mrs Kelly, obnoxious sister, fuckin buttmunch friends that keep texting me asking me if she made it out alive but not even asking about my new go-kart I posted mad photos of on facebook I got.....I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS. Happy? Get off a dudes back already.

At last, I can breath again.
[Apr 17,2013 9:32am - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

conservationist said:
You're in our thoughts, Boston. Hang in there...

Bullshit. The only thing in your thoughts is how you can use this latest event to eventually spam us with more of your anti-liberal, anti-multiculturalist, anti-whatever white power nonsense. And if the perp turns out to be a lone-wolf Anders Breivik type, who chances are you'd probably know from your beloved wp sites, then you'll be telling us all how they were hired by the liberals. Fuck you, Texas cocksucker. You may spark some good discussions here sometimes, but don't think for a second that anyone believes you actually care about anything except your own fucked up agenda.
[Apr 17,2013 10:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
Nothing wrong with an anti-liberal agenda unless you're a jesus fag (which Conservationist clearly is not).

On the other hand, the "You're in our thoughts, Boston" comment was a little gay.
[Apr 17,2013 10:19am - ÆRK  ""]
nothing wrong with any agenda until a bomb goes off i guess
[Apr 17,2013 10:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yup, all fun & games until someone loses a limb or two.
[Apr 17,2013 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck you, Texas is awesome.
[Apr 17,2013 11:20am - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

largefreakatzero said:Nothing wrong with an anti-liberal agenda unless you're a jesus fag (which Conservationist clearly is not).

On the other hand, the "You're in our thoughts, Boston" comment was a little gay.

Doesn't matter what the agenda is, point is he has one and his "show of sympathy" is insincere.
[Apr 17,2013 11:52am - goatrider ""]

thetruthaboutmuffdivers said:Doesn't matter what the agenda is, point is he has one and his "show of sympathy" is insincere.

So... having beliefs and wanting to keep advocating for them instantly makes someone a soulless corrupt bastard without the slightest potential for sympathy? Anything more than a cheesy "in our thoughts" would be a lot more manipulative sounding from a state that likely hasn't been affected by these events whatsoever.
[Apr 17,2013 12:08pm - shutup fagget  ""]

goatrider said:
thetruthaboutmuffdivers said:Doesn't matter what the agenda is, point is he has one and his "show of sympathy" is insincere.

So... having beliefs and wanting to keep advocating for them instantly makes someone a soulless corrupt bastard without the slightest potential for sympathy? Anything more than a cheesy "in our thoughts" would be a lot more manipulative sounding from a state that likely hasn't been affected by these events whatsoever.

shutup fagget
[Apr 17,2013 12:28pm - shame on you boston  ""]
fucking looters, shame on you.

[Apr 17,2013 12:37pm - largefreakatzero ""]
^Haha, fucking scumbags.
[Apr 17,2013 1:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Possible suspect identified.
[Apr 17,2013 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
Is your suspect an Arab? If not, you just have to start again. Yes, it’s frustrating, but you just have to.
[Apr 17,2013 2:37pm - Burnsy ""]
Dumb question, is this going to fall under federal jurisdiction since it is an act of terrorism or would it be a Massachusetts issue?
[Apr 17,2013 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
4chan think tank. I think they're onto something.

[Apr 17,2013 2:50pm - Burnsy ""]
I guess the suspect was wearing a backwards hat. What did I tell you fuckers?
[Apr 17,2013 3:15pm - ShadowSD ""]
[Apr 17,2013 3:24pm - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:4chan think tank. I think they're onto something.


IDK it looks like they ID'd multiple people there. 2 of which look more like narcs than perps
[Apr 17,2013 3:30pm - ÆRK  ""]

arilliusbm said:4chan think tank. I think they're onto something.


that's pretty amazing. also, this
[Apr 17,2013 3:31pm - ÆRK  ""]
those getups look narcy and perpy.
[Apr 17,2013 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]

ÆRK said:
arilliusbm said:4chan think tank. I think they're onto something.


that's pretty amazing. also, this

not really.
[Apr 17,2013 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]

ÆRK said:those getups look narcy and perpy.
yeah, they look like undercover secret service. I'm pretty sure that they are breaking all the "how to blend in" rules and I'm fairly certain that the guy on the right is Joe Sly (who thinks Patty's day is a mad house) and the one on the left is Sam Rachet who worked at (fuck the system)
[Apr 17,2013 3:51pm - SNL NEWS  ""]
And now the federal courthouse is being cleared as the bomb sniffing dogs are on the scene.

And in other news CISPA just passed the house, now on to the senate to get passed while nobody pays attention.
[Apr 17,2013 4:00pm - ÆRK  ""]
i am. my senators won't pass it. so, yeah.
[Apr 17,2013 4:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only SOPA was real.
[Apr 17,2013 4:22pm - Mark_R ""]

SNL%20NEWS said:And now the federal courthouse is being cleared as the bomb sniffing dogs are on the scene.

This seems really off to me, like it's a diversion.

Leak news that someone's been arrested and that they're being taken to the courthouse? Obviously that sets off a gawker and media rush to that location. Next call in a threat? Our attention is being diverted towards the courthouse, and away from somewhere else.
[Apr 17,2013 5:50pm - Father Guido Sarducci  ""]
On The Last Supper: It was actually a brunch. The check reveals that one guy only had a soft-boiled egg and tea, while everyone else stuffed themselves. But when the bill was paid, it was divided equally. The moral: "In groups, always order the most expensive thing."
[Apr 17,2013 5:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Has Anonymous been puffing doobies in the Mystery Machine again?
[Apr 17,2013 10:10pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

goatrider said:
thetruthaboutmuffdivers said:Doesn't matter what the agenda is, point is he has one and his "show of sympathy" is insincere.

So... having beliefs and wanting to keep advocating for them instantly makes someone a soulless corrupt bastard without the slightest potential for sympathy?

Well, when you're talking about the dude responsible for the "Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS" meme, yeah, it pretty much does.
[Apr 18,2013 12:14am - DYA is FUCK  ""]

DYA%20is%20SKEPTICAL said:
Shithead%20Boyfriend%20Jonathan said:Hey man just like... checkin in cuz I know you guys are like soooo worried about me. dicks. Not to worry tho, I was at McGreevys eatin this sick plate of wings they were just like gonna throw out cuz like some guy sneezed on em or somethin. Rebecka was whinin about wanting to get some fried dough at the finish line or some shit so I threw her a buck and told her to swipe me one of those like tin foil towel things. Haven't seen her since. So NOOOOOO Mrs Kelly, obnoxious sister, fuckin buttmunch friends that keep texting me asking me if she made it out alive but not even asking about my new go-kart I posted mad photos of on facebook I got.....I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS. Happy? Get off a dudes back already.

At last, I can breath again.

"breathe." Goddammit.
[Apr 18,2013 9:40am - largefreakatzero ""]

ÆRK said:
arilliusbm said:4chan think tank. I think they're onto something.


that's pretty amazing. also, this

Another take on the conspiracy post: http://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/a-warning-...-forums-boston-marathon-explosions/

"Alex Jones is a turd in the punchbowl of 2nd Amendment freedom"
[Apr 18,2013 10:00am - AndrewBastard ""]
my work (washington st) is on major lock down...I cant even walk down the street to the convenience store...and my bag was checked getting off the T.
[Apr 18,2013 10:08am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
NUCLEAR ASSAULT said it best "we become the enemy when freedom dies for security."
[Apr 18,2013 10:51am - the_reverend ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:NUCLEAR ASSAULT said it best "we become the enemy when freedom dies for security."

and then he votes republican.
[Apr 18,2013 10:52am - xmikex ""]
[Apr 18,2013 10:55am - ÆRK  ""]
Suspect identified.
[Apr 18,2013 10:55am - ÆRK  ""]

the_reverend said:https://twitter.com/mylesnmiller/status/324858677381177345/photo/1

AUTOPSY_666 said:NUCLEAR ASSAULT said it best "we become the enemy when freedom dies for security."

he misquotes ben franklin then he votes republican.

[Apr 18,2013 11:03am - conservationist ""]

AndrewBastard said:my work (washington st) is on major lock down...I cant even walk down the street to the convenience store...and my bag was checked getting off the T.

Slamming the barn door extra hard now that the horse is gone.
[Apr 18,2013 11:14am - brian_dc ""]

xmikex said:[img]

that picture is the first thing that has made me laugh about this whole thing. Hats off, whoever.
[Apr 18,2013 11:33am - arilliusbm ""]
Boston is like halflife2 right now.
[Apr 18,2013 2:45pm - conservationist ""]

Reddit people are of course the LEAST capable people you want doing this.
[Apr 18,2013 3:16pm - ÆRK  ""]

conservationist said:http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/04/hey-reddit-enough-boston-bombing-vigilantism/275062/

Reddit people are of course the LEAST capable people you want doing this.

and then this article will get upvoted to oblivion on Reddit. get the fuck out of here with "Reddit people" as it's just a platform that a small group of internet junkies decide to use to play detective while another group debates the merits of doing that. to me the site is a great place to get links to other sites and completely avoid everyone else's two cents.
[Apr 18,2013 3:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I like imposing my two cents on others :(
[Apr 18,2013 3:57pm - conservationist ""]

ÆRK said:and then this article will get upvoted to oblivion on Reddit. get the fuck out of here with "Reddit people" as it's just a platform that a small group of internet junkies decide to use to play detective while another group debates the merits of doing that. to me the site is a great place to get links to other sites and completely avoid everyone else's two cents.

Reddit people are an isolated group of losers, like inbred people in a small town. You know it's true.


Moderator drama -- Pedditors just figured out the vote is gamed. LOL
[Apr 18,2013 4:08pm - ark: toilet elitist  ""]
you just said isolated group of losers. you just said that. it's certainly true somewhere.
[Apr 18,2013 4:16pm - Larry David  ""]
Toilet Elitist, hmmmmmmmmmm.
[Apr 18,2013 4:23pm - Marathon Bystander  ""]

[Apr 18,2013 4:53pm - Burnsy ""]
lol. Great comment underneath the article.

"Who hires these guys? The Boston Athletic Assoc. for the BOSTON MARATHON. Why? Because it’s the BOSTON MARATHON. Who carries these “expensive devices”? Private security forces…and, by the way, they sell for around $700. Hardly expensive. Jesus, why is having a security force present at an event with tens of thousands of people so alarming? If the bombing happened and you couldn’t find ANY security in the photographs you’d be crying foul just the same."
[Apr 18,2013 6:06pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Figures that one of the suspected bombers wears his hat backwards like a douche....

[Apr 18,2013 6:42pm - Burnsy ""]

SkinSandwich said:Figures that one of the suspected bombers wears his hat backwards like a douche....

[Apr 18,2013 7:06pm - DYA is SKEPTICAL  ""]

ÆRK said:
the_reverend said:https://twitter.com/mylesnmiller/status/324858677381177345/photo/1

AUTOPSY_666 said:NUCLEAR ASSAULT said it best "we become the enemy when freedom dies for security."

he misquotes ben franklin then he votes republican.

CSDO opened for Ben Franklin's band in 1776. True story.
[Apr 18,2013 9:39pm - ÆRK  ""]
[Apr 18,2013 11:41pm - conservationist ""]
Reddit = Pegging
[Apr 19,2013 3:49am - nekronaut ""]
One suspect dead.
[Apr 19,2013 7:51am - Fascist  ""]
The US gov is now planning another invasion. another dark day in American history
[Apr 19,2013 9:56am - ÆRK  ""]
[Apr 19,2013 9:56am - ÆRK  ""]
[Apr 19,2013 10:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
What a lowly dog
[Apr 19,2013 11:36am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 19,2013 8:44pm - Pires ""]
19 yr old suspect in custody. Being transported to hospital.
[Apr 19,2013 9:06pm - Burnsy ""]
He's at mt auburn and conscious. Injuries can't be very serious.
[Apr 19,2013 9:11pm - The_reverend ""]
[Apr 19,2013 9:11pm - The_reverend ""]
I hope that these are the guys.
[Apr 19,2013 9:42pm - Samantha ""]
[Apr 20,2013 12:01am - conservationist ""]
Allahu ackbar!
[Apr 20,2013 1:04am - Admiral Ackbar  ""]
[Apr 20,2013 8:00pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
I can see that 4chan put alot of work into that, http://imgur.com/a/sUrnA
but explain why the two brothers were throwing explosives at police. This seems pretty obvious. The fact that everyone thinks they are a photo journalist and knows everything about profiling is fucking up peoples perspective..
[Apr 20,2013 10:34pm - conservationist ""]

illinoisenemaBradness said:The fact that everyone thinks they are a photo journalist and knows everything about profiling is fucking up peoples perspective..

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog, so you might as well act out your dreams.

It's all fake, but it's not accountable. We are equal, so we can each pretend to be whatever we want to be....
[Apr 22,2013 11:31am - ÆRK  ""]
[Apr 22,2013 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
his backpack is his elbow!
[Apr 22,2013 11:49am - arilliusbm ""]
There are so many holes in the official story that it's sickening.
[Apr 22,2013 11:56am - porphyria  ""]

the_reverend said:his backpack is his elbow!

People are fucking retarded -

Here's the guys this person is claiming are the actual suspects running toward the explosion, both still with backpacks.
[Apr 22,2013 11:56am - porphyria  ""]
[Apr 22,2013 12:04pm - ÆRK  ""]
anybody wanna give a not-alex-jones link to holes in the "official" story?
[Apr 22,2013 12:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
Why hasn't the person who got carjacked been video interviewed? The whole MIT Cop death/gas station/Carjacking has not been explained in thorough detail, yet.

My theory is that the person who had their car taken was a friend of theirs. They said that it was a Mercedes SUV. Their friends all drove nice cars, and had a Mercedes fetish, according to reports.
I'm not talking about the actual bombing events. It's everything else. I hope they fill in the story's holes, because I don't buy what any of the media tells us and don't trust the FBI's word on anything.
[Apr 22,2013 12:23pm - ÆRK  ""]
I heard the guy that was carjacked on a clip on NPR for what it's worth. It seemed like he didn't see the shooting but said he had a bugged out kid demand his keys and he just handed them over.
[Apr 22,2013 12:52pm - porphyria  ""]
Maybe the dude doesn't want to be interviewed, especially if he's a friend of theirs.
[Apr 22,2013 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard that the car jack dude ran into a 7/11 screaming that they were going to kill him.
[Apr 22,2013 2:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
I want to see all police dashboard cams for each encounter.
I want to see conformation of information rather than speculation and erroneous information fed out by the FBI so they don't undermine their image and mishandling of this case.
[Apr 22,2013 2:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Apr 22,2013 2:31pm - Boston Herald  ""]

the_reverend said:I heard that the car jack dude ran into a 7/11 screaming Scott Wily didn't die AGAIN, then purchased a Leg Swank Magazine.
[Apr 22,2013 3:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:There are so many holes in the official story that it's sickening.

Similar to the Christopher Dorner thing. Not much makes sense here.

Also, due to the fact that newspapers can't sell newspapers, journalism has really reached an all-time low. You used to look to written journalism to do their jobs and conduct some investigative reporting, now they're not any better than the fucking TV morons -- at least TV news has been consistent and always sucked.
[Apr 22,2013 3:24pm - xmikex ""]

the_reverend said:his backpack is his elbow!

I'm still very suspicious of the Craft operatives, but I do not see a backpack on whitehat's shoulder here.
[Apr 22,2013 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just read the affidavit and it lists his dorm room number. It's eeirly similar to one of mine (lived in the same dorm for two years, different rooms). Going to try to confirm tonight. Fucking weird.
[Apr 22,2013 4:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I hope your arrested.
[Apr 22,2013 5:54pm - YOUR ARRESTED  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I hope your arrested.

[Apr 23,2013 8:04pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
you guys are fucked. It can't get more obvious that they did this. There is fucking video of them dropping the bags, once the trial begins it will be released. Explain the bombs that were thrown at the cops, explain the bombs that were found in the car and in the apartment. Explain ANYTHING with real facts, not internet mumbo jumbo theories.

Again, you guys is fucked
[Apr 23,2013 8:18pm - ShadowSD ""]
Yeah, I'd put it this way: presumption of innocence is automatic in our system, but that doesn't mean presumption of conspiracy should be automatic. Skepticism is very healthy and all, but I'd wager at least three out of four people who are tried wrongly face that because of either mistakes or self-denial by prosecutors/investigators who have already invested resources and promised justice to families of victims, as opposed some perfectly coordinated malicious intent on a conspiratorial level. It can happen, certainly, but it's far more rare.
[Apr 23,2013 8:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 23,2013 8:51pm - Burnsy ""]
Mother jones, this oughtta be good.
[Apr 23,2013 9:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
I don't doubt they did it, I doubt certain things the media tells us.
[Apr 23,2013 11:09pm - ShadowSD ""]
Definitely, they're prone to mistakes as well, notoriously in the first few weeks of a huge story. Little bits of misinformation seep into the public consciousness as a result, and even if corrected, only a fraction of people who heard the original story hear the correction.
[Apr 24,2013 12:17am - Randy_Marsh ""]
I'm really surprised a Muslim jihadist would do such a thing.
[Apr 24,2013 9:08am - largefreakatzero ""]

Burnsy said:Mother jones, this oughtta be good.

Yeah I know, but it's just a good list of info that doesn't add up.
[Apr 24,2013 9:10am - Hoser ""]
[Apr 24,2013 9:10am - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:I don't doubt they did it, I doubt certain things the media tells us.

Exactly. Clearly these two dickheads were responsible, but there's just a lot that doesn't make sense here.
[Apr 24,2013 9:25am - Blackwater/Craft  ""]
Not suprised if Blackwater/Craft corporation had some sort of involvement. Why leave the scene once the bombs went off?
[May 1,2013 11:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
breaking news: 3 additional suspects taken into custody for marathon bombing
[May 1,2013 1:17pm - Burnsy ""]

Blackwater/Craft said:Not suprised if Blackwater/Craft corporation had some sort of involvement. Why leave the scene once the bombs went off?

Shutup fagget
[May 1,2013 1:19pm - shutup striped sweater emo fagget  ""]

Burnsy said:
Blackwater/Craft said:Not suprised if Blackwater/Craft corporation had some sort of involvement. Why leave the scene once the bombs went off?

Shutup fagget

Shutup striped sweater emo fagget
[May 2,2013 9:32am - Spotify Fagget  ""]
Follow me, fagget.
[May 16,2013 10:21am - Alx_Casket ""]

The note, scrawled with a pen on the interior wall of the cabin, said the bombings were retribution for U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, and called the Boston victims collateral damage in the same way Muslims have been in the American-led wars. "When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims," the note added.

Dzhokar said he didn't mourn older brother Tamerlan, the other suspect in the bombings, writing that by that point, Tamerlan was a martyr in paradise -- and that he expected to join him there.

[May 16,2013 10:40am - Alxociated Press Old News Wire  ""]
Thanks for the update, this is the only website I can access on my phone
[May 16,2013 10:43am - Alx_Casket ""]
[May 16,2013 12:14pm - Scarf faggot  ""]
Scarf News, faggot.

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