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[Aug 12,2004 1:20pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
all u guyz fuckin keep talkin shit need to just shut yer fuckin faces and stop whining, cuz we have done so much for this god damned area you and your zit faced friends death metal bands dont stand a chance against us at a show. if you think u can hold the tortch agianst us then email me and lets setup a show. we have played great woods back in 92' and accomplished more than anyone you know. we just opened up for cannibal corpse and sold 25 tickets. you should try doing it, you cant. fuck you fuck.
you are all fat assed, and i would like you to mop my cum covered floor with your tounges. I also helped put MELIAH RAGE back together....how do you feel about that? Mastamindz will be the next band to dominate this area.

always remember this-we pack clubs, cannibal corpse surely doesnt and most importantly,you dont. u r all full of shit. people go completly insane during our sets i have to tell people to take it easy because it iz pur chaos. NUCLEAR ASSAULT's are our bros and i am proud to have my name in their cd booklet. Corpsegrinder and I hung out on the last tour and shot the shit for about 12 hours after the show, he admitted being a fan since we started back in 1986. he was pissed that we played before them and not headlined.

http://www.csdo.net/ -check out our new site, my grandson designed it wit mspaint and frontpage.

[Aug 12,2004 1:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you guys drew a ton of people to that met cafe benefit show
[Aug 12,2004 1:22pm - soulsnot ""]
[Aug 12,2004 1:25pm - Dissector ""]
Hahaha, thats not real is it?
[Aug 12,2004 1:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah 25 tickets is packing a club
[Aug 12,2004 1:26pm - soulsnot ""]
who did you assclowns open up for in 92'?? I'm sure it wasn't gwarkill...
[Aug 12,2004 1:27pm - powerkok ""]
all who guys? this whole board, cuz I know I never said shit!!
in fact I saw u guys play with gwar back in 91 or 92 and I thought iit was cool shit.
but the anger to everyone here isnt helping...as for booking shows, book hand choke neck on your next nh show....well bring at least 25 ppl, no problem. In the short time weve been playing, we already have an army of sick ass fans, that will go APESHIT when we play. book us, and see.
[Aug 12,2004 1:28pm - MikeFOD  ""]
What's the deal with talking shit about "death metal" bands, yet going on about how you opened and sold 25 tickets for the Corpse show?
[Aug 12,2004 1:29pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 12,2004 1:31pm - soulsnot ""]
and what is the Mastermindz thing all about! Have you been dipping into grandmas cough syrup wookie?
[Aug 12,2004 1:33pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
powerkok said:all who guys? this whole board, cuz I know I never said shit!!
in fact I saw u guys play with gwar back in 91 or 92 and I thought iit was cool shit.
but the anger to everyone here isnt helping...as for booking shows, book hand choke neck on your next nh show....well bring at least 25 ppl, no problem. In the short time weve been playing, we already have an army of sick ass fans, that will go APESHIT when we play. book us, and see.

i really dont give a crying shit, bout what you said, u r replying here aren't you? you saw us destroy then, see us again if ur not too pussy whipped. i doubt your band could sell 15 tix so i dont know about a show with you. now everyone shut the fuck up i have stores to manage and a full time band to promote. say this shit to my face.
[Aug 12,2004 1:35pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
MikeFOD said:What's the deal with talking shit about "death metal" bands, yet going on about how you opened and sold 25 tickets for the Corpse show?

cause u death metal bands are think you know what real metal is an all that shit, bullshit really. you cant even light a yankee candle let alone play ur instruments correctly. at least real death like corpse respects us as a true thrash band.

[Aug 12,2004 1:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey ass pirate. i didnt start this war man. wookie ran his mouth about gay shit. before that dumb thread i liked eric. we have always gotten along. but what the fuck man he acts like he's fucking van halen or some shit. and i must say he has never done anything for my band and i dont need to prove my self or brag i have already proven myself. and i did happen to open for death, deicide,suffocation, dissmember, autopsy,bolt thrower vader, mortician,incantation,vital remains so eat a dick fuck face!!!!!! and yes half of thise shows were in 93 .and i partyed with half of them. do you hear me bragging about how we all got stoned in suffocations van back in 93 or how glenn benton and the boys bought us dinner in 93 no. how about the album im putting out with the guys from morgion! i wrote most of the music on that one too. go fuck yourself you pretentious fucking arrogant useless fucking moron.
and i will say this my music is 1000 times more well thought out,intricate, and technical than yours will ever be. now shut the fuck up!!
[Aug 12,2004 1:39pm - assuck ""]
why didnt you say your whole shpiel to anyone on here's face? i havent heard your band,but ive heard good things. but theres no need for all this hostility. i saw you guys on TRUCKS! or whatever show that was and i thought that was kind of weird. i'm rambling now.

joe, get us on a show with these guys
[Aug 12,2004 1:46pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
ass pirate? yeh, ur mom is pretty much addicted to tossing italian ass salads im sure. funny how u mention it, did i ever mention that i have EVH's cell phone #? have i called him? yes actually i have a few times and hes actually a nice guy. i even sent him some free merch. i don't really give 3 shits about who u played with because most of those bands are nothing but shit besides death. RIP chuck. we hung out with benton in 91 at the ballroom show too so shut your face about that. like i said, our fans are loyal and true and will stand by us no matter what. so if you want to start shit, bring it.
[Aug 12,2004 1:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
and hand choke neck is more metal than your bull shit band will ever be.
i cant get over how fucking egotistical you are. face it you are old and washed up.
99% of the bands on this site own csdo. you shit talking fuck
[Aug 12,2004 1:48pm - assuck ""]
i think what dyingmuse was getting at is that it was 10 YEARS AGO.
[Aug 12,2004 1:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
right on man!
lets all just move on. and be happy we have such a huge scene here in ne.
[Aug 12,2004 1:49pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
just tell me where and when and i will gladly go to your shows if i am free and if your band blows me away i will shut up. if thats what you want. im willing to take the risk. you wouldnt know abuot taking risks.
[Aug 12,2004 1:50pm - assuck ""]
anyway, i'm listening to your mp3 right now and its good sshit. its too bad you're a dick
[Aug 12,2004 1:51pm - dyingmuse ""]
ok we need quotes, cause i dont know who's talking to who...lol
[Aug 12,2004 1:52pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
i told you, u want to start shit, listen to the mp3s and you will all shut the fuck up within seconds. i don't care how technical u think you can play cause it doesnt mean shit around this town.
[Aug 12,2004 1:54pm - hoser ""]
This is stupid.
[Aug 12,2004 1:55pm - xmikex ""]
i WAS kerry king's guitar.

bow to me.
[Aug 12,2004 2:00pm - MikeFOD  ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:MikeFOD said:What's the deal with talking shit about "death metal" bands, yet going on about how you opened and sold 25 tickets for the Corpse show?

cause u death metal bands are think you know what real metal is an all that shit, bullshit really. you cant even light a yankee candle let alone play ur instruments correctly. at least real death like corpse respects us as a true thrash band.

Just read the first sentence in that quote, wow... "Cause u death metal abnds are think you know"??? Guess that sums up burnt out "I'm stuck in the 80's" thrash players. I like the fact you say my band is shit when in reality you've never heard my band, and we're 100x heavier and more technical than your band chief... I didn't even say your band sucked to begin with, defensive much? To say we can't play our instruments is laughable when even the most simplsitic of death metal is more involved than the thrash you play. Meshuggah's Contradictions Collapse is how thrash was done. Not your band...
[Aug 12,2004 2:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Aug 12,2004 2:05pm - Dissector ""]
I like thrash a little bit more than death metal, especially newer death. And I must say ALL of the death metal bands on this board are better than you guys.
[Aug 12,2004 2:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:i told you, u want to start shit, listen to the mp3s and you will all shut the fuck up within seconds. i don't care how technical u think you can play cause it doesnt mean shit around this town.

ohh, thats your bragging man. my music isnt about the tec shit. im just saying you play pre school shit like 3 chords and you sing like you are cheer leading. you really need the pom pom's
and honestly, i wouldnt want to share the same stage with you.

the fact of the matter is, we play 2 different styles of music for one, 2 you have a big mouth going on a board where 3\4 of the people here
are into what you shoot your mouth on about.

all i wanted in the first place was you to stop talking shit.
if you really want to do a battle of the bands than fine, we will do it.
ok. just stop running your mouth about my boys. i represent this board and they are all my frieds. if you dont have anything to say dont say it.
is there anything else? and i have 3 of your dumb assed cassettes and they suck. i wouldnt waist my fucking time on your childish ravings and immature chord structures. its lame. and i did see you live like 30 times. and i still am not ammused. i will say, you were better than meliah rage
but not by much!

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Username: dyingmuse
[Aug 12,2004 2:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
dissector blow csdo away and they are half erics age!!!! lol
[Aug 12,2004 2:11pm - Deathcow ""]
It's so rare you get to see a mid-life crisis up close and personal. This rules.
[Aug 12,2004 2:11pm - assuck ""]
i was talking to CSDO. sorry bout the confusion dyingmuse

i do like thrash more than death metal. but as i said, this guy is a dick
[Aug 12,2004 2:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha ha
[Aug 12,2004 2:12pm - Dissector ""]
Deathcow said:It's so rare you get to see a mid-life crisis up close and personal. This rules.

[Aug 12,2004 2:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
quite a dick. ever since ive known him(14 years) all he ever would talk about was him him his band his band...ya know i have always wanted to say that but was always being polite. well fuck you eric. to self centered and abrasive. there is a difference in standing up for what you beleive in and burning your bridges.

and as for the comment on my mother, dood you are the one who would brag about danny lilker fucking yours. and i know thats true. you are over the hill go suck on nuclear assaults over the hill cocks.
your time has passed!
[Aug 12,2004 2:23pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
[img] this i s a picture of Candy Stripper Death Orgy on there website tell me what you all think
[Aug 12,2004 2:24pm - RustedAngel ""]
wow, what the hell did I miss? hahah look at the pants and reject hair on that guy.
[Aug 12,2004 2:25pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i like the flaming swimming shorts
[Aug 12,2004 2:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:all u guyz fuckin keep talkin shit need to just shut yer fuckin faces and stop whining, cuz we have done so much for this god damned area you and your zit faced friends death metal bands dont stand a chance against us at a show. if you think u can hold the tortch agianst us then email me and lets setup a show. we have played great woods back in 92' and accomplished more than anyone you know. we just opened up for cannibal corpse and sold 25 tickets. you should try doing it, you cant. fuck you fuck.
you are all fat assed, and i would like you to mop my cum covered floor with your tounges. I also helped put MELIAH RAGE back together....how do you feel about that? Mastamindz will be the next band to dominate this area.

always remember this-we pack clubs, cannibal corpse surely doesnt and most importantly,you dont. u r all full of shit. people go completly insane during our sets i have to tell people to take it easy because it iz pur chaos. NUCLEAR ASSAULT's are our bros and i am proud to have my name in their cd booklet. Corpsegrinder and I hung out on the last tour and shot the shit for about 12 hours after the show, he admitted being a fan since we started back in 1986. he was pissed that we played before them and not headlined.

Only a 15 year old kid would brag about hanging out with a member of Cannibal Corpse. I guess its pretty impressive that you played Great Woods when you were 3.

My old band played the Worcester Centrum in 1996, the Worcester Auditorium in 1998, and the Tsongas Arena in 2001. By your brilliant logic, I am 3 times cooler than you.

You asked how I feel about you putting Meliah Rage back together. I feel annoyed. That band was horrible.

I saw CSDO last year opening for Exciter. There was maybe 20 people there, tops. 20 people on a Friday is not what I would call "packing clubs".

Normally I would assume a post like yours was a joke, purely intended to piss people off, but you are so stupid, and you're band is so lame I actually believe you are being serious. CSDO is so fucking gay that I'm not surprised at all to hear your floor is covered in cum.

[Aug 12,2004 2:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha ha ha ha thats fucking funny...ah ha ha ha ha
damn dood. looks like shit is falling back in your face.
karma my man karma! thats the best.
keep running the mouth...see what happens
[Aug 12,2004 2:33pm - honor4death ""]
HAHAHAHA CSDO should just fall of the face of the earth, or just stop posting here so we dont have to make fun of them anymore. JUST QUIT ALREADY
[Aug 12,2004 2:33pm - thornnvine ""]
he did say his floor was covered in cum.

ha ha ha ha!!!!

did sammy haggar give you those shorts?

[Aug 12,2004 2:34pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha
[Aug 12,2004 2:38pm - mike_fod ""]
dneirflrigruoydeliani said:[img] this i s a picture of Candy Stripper Death Orgy on there website tell me what you all think

The bassist in that picture looks like he played for KoRn or something.
[Aug 12,2004 2:42pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn is that dave?
[Aug 12,2004 2:43pm - Dissector ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:
http://www.csdo.net/ -check out our new site, my grandson designed it wit mspaint and frontpage.

Seriously...is this real?
[Aug 12,2004 2:44pm - Deathcow ""]
If this isn't real then it's the most brilliant piece of character assassination I've ever seen. Bravo.
[Aug 12,2004 2:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
my grandson?

[Aug 12,2004 2:49pm - thornnvine ""]
isn't that distrust's bassists?

if it is, he's actually a cool guy. he's wasting his time with eric and CSDO.
[Aug 12,2004 2:50pm - thornnvine ""]
no, i must be wrong, he doest play left handed.
[Aug 12,2004 2:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah but he was at their last show now that i think of it. damn dave i meant no offence to you. you are a killer bassist and a stand up guy. and distrust fucking blows csdo out of the water!
[Aug 12,2004 3:08pm - CNV  ""]
This is obviously someone pretending to be Eric... Are you people that fucking dumb?
[Aug 12,2004 3:14pm - CNV  ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:all u guyz fuckin keep talkin shit need to just shut yer fuckin faces and stop whining, cuz we have done so much for this god damned area you and your zit faced friends death metal bands dont stand a chance against us at a show. if you think u can hold the tortch agianst us then email me and lets setup a show. we have played great woods back in 92' and accomplished more than anyone you know. we just opened up for cannibal corpse and sold 25 tickets. you should try doing it, you cant. fuck you fuck.
you are all fat assed, and i would like you to mop my cum covered floor with your tounges. I also helped put MELIAH RAGE back together....how do you feel about that? Mastamindz will be the next band to dominate this area.

always remember this-we pack clubs, cannibal corpse surely doesnt and most importantly,you dont. u r all full of shit. people go completly insane during our sets i have to tell people to take it easy because it iz pur chaos. NUCLEAR ASSAULT's are our bros and i am proud to have my name in their cd booklet. Corpsegrinder and I hung out on the last tour and shot the shit for about 12 hours after the show, he admitted being a fan since we started back in 1986. he was pissed that we played before them and not headlined.

http://www.csdo.net/ -check out our new site, my grandson designed it wit mspaint and frontpage.


No one thought that there was something fishy with this post? Some internet fag trying to slander CSDO.
[Aug 12,2004 3:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 12,2004 3:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
it is what it is
[Aug 12,2004 3:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 12,2004 3:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Aug 12,2004 4:06pm - thornnvine ""]
i think his grandson is a whiz with mspaint
[Aug 12,2004 4:08pm - vivi ""]
yeah dude i dont think anyone is that lame to brag about selling 25 tickets this is obviously fake yet incredibly enjoyable
[Aug 12,2004 4:12pm - thornnvine ""]
will the real eric please stand up?
this is so much fun.
[Aug 12,2004 4:19pm - Bob Goulet  ""]

[Aug 12,2004 5:21pm - Josh_Martin ""]
CNV said:This is obviously someone pretending to be Eric... Are you people that fucking dumb?

I think its funny that no one had any trouble believing Eric is that stupid.
It was a pretty dead-on imitation of him.

[Aug 12,2004 5:29pm - dyingmuse ""]
he is stupid!
[Aug 12,2004 7:45pm - Hooker ""]
this gimmick is funny as hell
[Aug 12,2004 8:30pm - Justin ACR  ""]
ive heard CSDO before, not the best shit, not terrible either. Sounds like basic old school thrash. But I've heard many thinkgs about this Eric character, and most people dont have good things to say.
[Aug 12,2004 10:08pm - cdan ""]
haha, this can't be real, nobody can be that fuckin stupid.
[Aug 12,2004 10:09pm - Blue ""]
i heart this thread.
[Aug 13,2004 12:38am - Kalopsia ""]
this thread is so damned funny. i'm suprised the real eric from CSDO hasn't responded yet. or has he and i missed it?
[Aug 13,2004 12:53am - viking warrior on a coke binge  ""]
you guys look cute together
[Aug 13,2004 2:37am - ArrowHead ""]
cdan said: nobody can be that fuckin stupid.

Hey, that's MY line! Isn't that a quote from the Welflare song?

[Aug 13,2004 6:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 13,2004 6:54am - Bestial Onslaught  ""]
MikeFOD said:Meshuggah's Contradictions Collapse is how thrash was done. Not your band...

Uhhh... :pukeface:
[Aug 13,2004 10:45am - Robteratism  ""]
I fuckin hate this guy
[Aug 13,2004 1:32pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Looks like somebody is fucking around... I think it's RUSTEDANGEL who started this thread under my name..... Go figure!!! You guys got nothing better to do............. That's right REVEREND.... The longest fake thread!!!!! That's o.k.
[Aug 13,2004 1:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Let us END this longest fake thread.
[Aug 13,2004 1:41pm - dyingmuse ""]
shall we
[Aug 13,2004 1:46pm - Robteratism  ""]
we could end somthin else
[Aug 13,2004 1:51pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan from Shroud.... You are the biggest shit talker that I've ever met!! Shit, may'be it was you who atarted this thread!! Fuck, you can barely play guitar!! Travis told me you couldn't play two notes.... Wow!! I remember that lousy band you were in years ago back in the Escape Club days... Nobody liked you!! That's o.k. Keep talking shit.... You guys won't go anywhere....... I talked to my good friend Mike Soucy who plays keyboards for you yesterday..... He said you were still looking for a label? If you are, don't be dicking Timmy around from Screaming Ferret then....... He doesn't need his time wasted!! He's got better things to do!!

Rob from Teragism.......... It's awesome to see that people hate me on this board..... That shows jealousy..... Shit, I don't hate anybody on this board....... I don't hate shit talkers..... 'Cause, that's all they will ever do. They'll never go anywhere..........
[Aug 13,2004 1:53pm - Robteratism  ""]
say teragism to my face...we will meet soon my friend
[Aug 13,2004 1:53pm - the_reverend ""]
it's not your 'exact' name that whomever used.
the O is a zero.
[Aug 13,2004 1:54pm - Robteratism  ""]
theres no jealosy here grandpa..to be jealose..you have to feel some one or somthing is better than yourself..you are not in that catagory with me.
[Aug 13,2004 1:54pm - Blue ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:You are the biggest shit talker that I've ever met!

look whos talking, youve been shit talking since you joined this board.
[Aug 13,2004 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Looks like somebody is fucking around... I think it's RUSTEDANGEL who started this thread under my name..... Go figure!!! You guys got nothing better to do............. That's right REVEREND.... The longest fake thread!!!!! That's o.k.

I don't really like how you are, but I wouldn't waste my time on starting a thread like this.
[Aug 13,2004 1:58pm - Robteratism  ""]
im gonna have fun meeting this guy..Ishould have at d.r.i. his playin and vocals where terrible...and he is not better than anyone on this board..hopehesnot goin to wargasm,
[Aug 13,2004 2:10pm - Siberian  ""]
swamplorddvm said:"FUCK YOU! SEE YOU IN HELL!!!"

Shit, I was going to say that!

[Aug 13,2004 2:25pm - Robteratism  ""]
your a hypocrite eric..you are the shit talker and started evetything you have gotton your self into. yet you blame everyone else..and do nothing but insult everthing and everyone you say you support in the name of metal...your fucking trash....no more will i say to you on line...i will say it to your face....at your next show...gasm...somewhere...666
[Aug 13,2004 2:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 13,2004 2:50pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 13,2004 3:27pm - dyingmuse ""]
thank you kok sir!!!!

eric i could play anything you have ever written. as for travis saying anything....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you have to hear what he says about you..lol thats funny shit man. i was blowing your band out of the water when i was 16, you fucking fat fucking frizzy haired wookie looking freak. dood your voice sucks your riffs suck and no one likes you. period. and why dont you try to get your info correct, travis said this and mike said that....man say it to my face. jesus christ you are like a child...and you still live at home with mommy...what are you like 50 years old now!!! ha ha ha ha and half the shit i talked on the cannibal thread was because you started it. and travis was by my side when i was trping half that shit. if you didnt know it, travis and i work together, i see him everyday and i hear him what he has to say.
as far as looking for a new label, we have had more offers, and thats the extent of that man. i like tim, he's cool. but honestly i dont know if i want anything to do with you, and supposedly you are signing to sf.
so if you have anymore shit to say, say it to my face.
im sure we could settle things that way.
[Aug 13,2004 3:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
travis is awesome, nice guy. he use to answer a lot of my guitar related questions a few years ago when he was working at triple H's mansion. hahah.
[Aug 13,2004 3:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
travis is cool. and he is one of my friends!
so dont even start envolving other people paone. if there is a problem than step up! you started the whole thing by saying that you did this and you did that for the scene. stop being so self centered. i honestly never had any real problem with you(besides you csdo rants) untill now. i will say that if you want to have a guitar-off than bring it! if you want to keep running your mouth, do so, just read everything that i have already said. im not going to go on and on and repeat myself. everything is on the table...so thats all i have to say.
ohh and one last time stop singing and your band will be 100% better!
[Aug 13,2004 3:38pm - powerkok ""]
I bet this thread has gotten them tons of hits on their website.
defeating the purpose.
I know I looked.
[Aug 13,2004 3:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha . that is true! what ever best of luck to csdo!
i hope they sell 1 million cassettes!!!!!
[Aug 13,2004 3:41pm - powerkok ""]
lol cassettes.
[Aug 13,2004 3:43pm - dyingmuse ""]

well here is my website www.shroud-of-bereavement.com
feel free to talk shit. the more hits the better

hell ill even put a csdo link on my site

[Aug 13,2004 3:44pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 13,2004 3:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said:

hell ill even put a csdo link on my site

what? lol, I wouldn't go that far. Don't taint your site gay.

[Aug 13,2004 3:45pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol true that!

the world has seen enough cassettes i think. especially gay ones
[Aug 13,2004 3:50pm - powerkok ""]
wait....they sell cassettes?
[Aug 13,2004 3:53pm - Robteratism  ""]
dyingmuse,rustedfuckinangel,powerkok....you guys kick ass..only one way to solve this....
[Aug 13,2004 3:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah man really! thats all they sell. unless he has finally stepped up!

the thing is man i like some of their music. its the voice and the dumb lyrics.
i used to love quite a few thrash bands. the essence is there, just very very out dated.
[Aug 13,2004 4:21pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Robteratism said:im gonna have fun meeting this guy..Ishould have at d.r.i. his playin and vocals where terrible...and he is not better than anyone on this board..hopehesnot goin to wargasm,

Eric(CSDO) will be at wargasm,he is filming it for them i think
[Aug 13,2004 6:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha
[Aug 13,2004 6:33pm - Kalopsia ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey Dan from Shroud.... You are the biggest shit talker that I've ever met!! Shit, may'be it was you who atarted this thread!! Fuck, you can barely play guitar!! Travis told me you couldn't play two notes.... Wow!! I remember that lousy band you were in years ago back in the Escape Club days... Nobody liked you!! That's o.k. Keep talking shit.... You guys won't go anywhere....... I talked to my good friend Mike Soucy who plays keyboards for you yesterday..... He said you were still looking for a label? If you are, don't be dicking Timmy around from Screaming Ferret then....... He doesn't need his time wasted!! He's got better things to do!!

Rob from Teragism.......... It's awesome to see that people hate me on this board..... That shows jealousy..... Shit, I don't hate anybody on this board....... I don't hate shit talkers..... 'Cause, that's all they will ever do. They'll never go anywhere..........

for the last fucking time man NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF YOU!!!! what is there to be jealous of??? oh wow you sold 25 tickets to a cannibal corpse show. well how's this mother fucker, MY BAND GETS PAYED TO PLAY SHOWS!!!! bet you don't know what that is like. at our last show, we were the 4th to last band to play, with Arsis, Misery Index, and Mortician after us. after my band finished our set, well over half the crowd left the club. because they were there for US, and they went absolutely balistic for us. i can honestly say that my band has packed shows, you can't. you say all these other guys that are in bands won't go anywhere, but where have you gone? neither you or any of your defenders have yet to answer that question. just how many copies of your last album were SOLD? when was the last time you had a primetime slot at a recognizable metal fesival like NEMHF??? why were you merely the opening band for cannibal corpse??? because your band is nothing to be jealous of. that's why.
[Aug 13,2004 6:41pm - hoser ""]
Guys...enough already!!

Paone: A friend of mine.
Dan-O: I consider one of my best friends.
KOK: My best friend
Rusted: A great friend

The rest of you: I guess that we'll be pals.

Now everyone shut the friggin' fuckity fuck up. This thread is retarded. Metal is Metal...stick together assholes, there ain't many of us.

-The Hose
[Aug 13,2004 7:02pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Wow!! Feels like junior high in here with all this shit talking.Very lame!!
[Aug 13,2004 7:03pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Discrust SUCK!!! Sean is a horrible vocalist.
[Aug 13,2004 7:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
hails to hoser!
well said, eric i appologize. ok we both said some shit that was rude, blahh blahh!
we are all metal and thats all that counts!
[Aug 13,2004 7:05pm - Hooker ""]
The thing about the grandson doing the website got me.
[Aug 14,2004 6:36am - pustule_ ""]
Eric(CSDO) will be at wargasm,he is filming it for them i think

This is not true. Rawkstars Inc hired a production company to film it for the DVD.
[Aug 14,2004 10:59am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said: funny how u mention it, did i ever mention that i have EVH's cell phone #? have i called him? yes actually i have a few times and hes actually a nice guy. i even sent him some free merch.

[Aug 14,2004 11:41am - RustedAngel ""]
dood, you just completely fucked up this thread so people can't read it as well... fix your HAHAHA's so they aren't on one line.
[Aug 14,2004 2:12pm - Jellyfish ""]
hoser said:Now everyone shut the friggin' fuckity fuck up. This thread is retarded. Metal is Metal...stick together assholes, there ain't many of us.

-The Hose

hahahaa frigity fuck. Speak the truth.
[Aug 15,2004 12:02am - McDonalds  ""]
I love it when grindcore dickheads pretend they are deathmetal

I love it when thrash bands pretend they are still popular

I love it when deathmetal bands pretend anyone actually likes their music...

I'm lovin' it
[Aug 15,2004 12:29am - JayTUS ""]
I have never even heard of this band, but I went and listened to an MP3 anyway just for shits and giggles and I had quite the laugh...
[Aug 15,2004 12:36am - eddie ""]
McDonalds said:I love it when grindcore dickheads pretend they are deathmetal

I love it when thrash bands pretend they are still popular

I love it when deathmetal bands pretend anyone actually likes their music...

I'm lovin' it

well grindcore is a type of death metal

I'm in love with thrash + popularity doesn't fucking matter, the people who truly like it don't give a shit.

and i'd have to say alot of people listen to death metal, just by the number of CC shirts i've seen in the past yeats.

and whats your point?
[Aug 15,2004 12:40am - Dissector NLI  ""]
Thrashgrind is the only way.
[Aug 15,2004 4:13am - ANONYmouse  ""]
pustule_ said:Eric(CSDO) will be at wargasm,he is filming it for them i think

This is not true. Rawkstars Inc hired a production company to film it for the DVD.

he is filming it for the band themsleves,and SF is recording it for a possible live CD
[Aug 15,2004 4:33am - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
Lotsa fuckin goatlookin geeks harpin on Paone and CSDO. Paone was playing shows and rockin the ballridah shorts when your sperm doner dads were bustin nutmilk in your moms shitbitch. You fuckin geeks wuz playin on Little Tykes jungle gyms, and ridin Power Wheels when CSDO was out doin everything they could to play shows, spread the word and fuckin play hard. Paone helped build a fucking foundation in this area. What the fuck have you derelict bums done? Bunch of fuckin everyday degenerates flappin ya gums on some fuckin message board.

I think what your missing is that CSDO is STILL playing what they want to play. All you faggots will be a flash in tha fuckin pan. Reach for the stars losers.

All you fruits need to pick ya cunts up, and stop tryin to be Jamie Jasta. Your fuckin chug chug chug breakdowns are played out like Arnold and what you talkin bout willis. THE THRILL IS GONE.
[Aug 15,2004 4:40am - Todd(Bombshelter)  ""]
Dissector NLI said:Thrashgrind is the only way.

Have not heard you guys yet ,but i'm lookin forward to it

****Listens to Ghoul's Graveyard Mosh
[Aug 15,2004 6:35am - BestialOnslaught ""]
eddie said:well grindcore is a type of death metal

Uhhh... What? 8^(
[Aug 15,2004 12:47pm - darkenedsoul ""]
Sucks getting name dragged into this fray. Guess I'll not discuss anything of SoB with Eric (good friend? we're what I'd call friends but to me good friends is hanging out at each others place, etc....and that doesn't happen). Tim is cool people in my book as well. Got nothing against him or his label. Dan's looking out for what's best for us and the band is all.

[Aug 15,2004 2:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
thanks mike....well said! i know how people stretch the truth, and take what someone says and just run with it!
mike you are my bro, and we stand together!
fuck the gay shit we are here to play music and thats it!
[Aug 15,2004 2:23pm - honor4death ""]
eddie said:

well grindcore is a type of death metal

grindcore is more metalcore, goregrind is more death metal

Red Chord

Last Days Of Humanity
[Aug 15,2004 2:25pm - Blue ""]
grindcore by definition is very dm oriented: napalm death, old carcass

theres also the grindcore that hardcore kids listen to, which isnt real grindcore: red chord, daughters
[Aug 15,2004 2:32pm - Kalopsia ""]
grindcore - Rotten Sound (anyone who thinks they're kinda metalcore needs to go back to kindergarten)
[Aug 15,2004 5:20pm - eddie ""]
as i said its a sub catagory of death metal basicly, but its not death metal, its still a very different style of music tho (odviously). and wtf are you talking about greg with this metalcore?
[Aug 15,2004 5:21pm - Dissector ""]
[Aug 15,2004 5:23pm - Dissector ""]
honor4death said:

well grindcore is a type of death metal

grindcore is more metalcore, goregrind is more death metal

Red Chord

Last Days Of Humanity

Yo greg, not to sound like a dick but before you say something. Learn real grindcore. Red Chord is not grindcore. Repulsion, Macabre, Carcass, Terrorizer, thats grindcore. Red Chord is the new wave of shitcore. In summary, that was the most idiotic coment you have ever made. Back when grind and death metal were in its prime, it was almost impossible to tell grind and death apart.

[Aug 15,2004 5:23pm - eddie ""]
macabre is murder metal:spineyes:
[Aug 15,2004 5:24pm - Dissector ""]
Shut up eddie haha.
[Aug 16,2004 1:49am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
This shit has got way out of hand!!! We're all metal brothers.... At least I thought.... Until I said that we were playing with Cannibal Corpse. Wow!!! The shit started flying!!! We should all be supporting each other!!! That will never happen..... Shit, the show you guys (Shroud and everybody else) had at the Bombshelter only drew 60 people!!! May'be if the bullshitting calmes down.... more people will go to the shows..... Look back at the threads fuckheads..... I NEVER dumped on anybody!!! Some of you started talking shit. So, I gave it back!!! It looks like you guys can't take it...... That's fine..... Whatever..........
[Aug 16,2004 1:59am - Blue ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Shit, the show you guys (Shroud and everybody else) had at the Bombshelter only drew 60 people!!!

i very much agree with the fact that we are all friends and should be getting along, but i heard the show you had the night before had considerably less, not to mention a fair share of shittalking about us rttpers...maybe youre not helping yourself either by retaliating. this website is the new england scene, and youre making enemies with the whole site. 60 people for a local metal show at the bomshelter? thats pretty damn good considering that the place is relatively unknown still.
[Aug 16,2004 2:19am - hoser ""]
I gotta say....60 people or not, that's a great turnout for the Bombshelter on a non-national night. All I know is that every human being in that place got right up front for EVERY band that played. AWESOME NIGHT EVERYBODY. Sure beats the typical asshole Bombshelter crowd that only gets off of their fat, old asses for the band that their sisters boyfriend plays for.

Kick fucking ass RTTP, the new and revised New England Metal scene.

By the way, that was by no way a stab at you Paone. I'm still friends with you no matter what. I'm just saying that the show was fucking awesome and if you weren't there to see EVERY HUMAN in the place right up front for every band, you wouldn't know. IT WAS A GREAT SHOW. All I know is that when we left the club, the floors and the walls were fucking SOAKED....slippery as hell in there!!

Band together motherfuckers...you only live once, this is New England Metal, and it's what we live for.....make every second on that stage count!
[Aug 16,2004 2:34am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Blue.....

We got asked last Tuesday to fill in on Friday night. I got 10 people to come down in 3 days.... 60 people isn't good for a show in any club.... It cost a lot of money to keep a club up and running..... I know, I helped out Howie from Rat 7 Productions with the Empire Theater (downtown Manchester). And, I helped out the guys at the Escape Club back in the Salisbury beach days..... If you have time to promote (like everybody did).... At least 150 people should've came through the door.... All I'm saying is this is why clubs close down..... We all have off nights playing out..... Our show in Rhode Island was o.k. (on the 14th) the other night. We played at a new place called Fitzy's with Anamalech and Norseth. Pretty good bands.....

And for the record, I wasn't talking shit!!!! Todd likes to start with everybody. He's a trouble starter..... He always begs me for porn when I show up either to play or to hang out..... I've gave him 1 or 2 dvd's and a poster..... On Friday night, I gave him two Scattered Remnants cd's 'Cause he really wanted them..........
[Aug 16,2004 3:03am - powerkok ""]
well....60 people at 10 bucks a head, x say 3 beers at $4 a piece=$1320
plus tips, water($2!!!!!! a bottle!!!!!!!), food, thats well over 1500 bucks for a local metal night. That is NOT bad at all.
I think, overall, it was a positive night.
[Aug 16,2004 7:39am - Kalopsia ""]
how come everytime eric makes a post he has to bring up every detail of things that he's done for something and then add a smiley face next to it as if someone actually gave a shit about it??? like seriously, who gives a rats ass that you gave Todd a couple dvd's and a poster? as for show turn-outs. 60 people coming to see a touring band or a "bigger" band like Nile for example, is not a good turnout. 60 people for a strictly local show, is a good turnout, especially when most of us on this board have bared witness to much worse show turn-outs, like when Malignancy played in January, which Terence promoted his ass off for, and only 35 people ended up showing. 60 is an improvement
[Aug 16,2004 7:50am - heimdall ""]
"This shit has got way out of hand!!! We're all metal brothers.... At least I thought.... Until I said that we were playing with Cannibal Corpse. Wow!!! The shit started flying!!! We should all be supporting each other!!! That will never happen..... Shit, the show you guys (Shroud and everybody else) had at the Bombshelter only drew 60 people!!! May'be if the bullshitting calmes down.... more people will go to the shows..... Look back at the threads fuckheads..... I NEVER dumped on anybody!!! Some of you started talking shit. So, I gave it back!!! It looks like you guys can't take it...... That's fine..... Whatever.......... "

hahah you brought this feud on yourself by being a cocky fuck.
[Aug 16,2004 8:18am - RustedAngel ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said: Shit, the show you guys (Shroud and everybody else) had at the Bombshelter only drew 60 people!!! May'be if the bullshitting calmes down.... more people will go to the shows..... .

yeah, blah blah you only had 3 nights to draw 10 people, eat my ass..excuses excuses. I was fine with the 60 people there, I had a great time. None of the people I directly asked to go actually showed up, Yet, somehow we drew the most people according to the tracking sheet at the door which suprised me to no end. I had no idea any club actually asked people who they were there to see (sorry hoser?)... No one got paid (at least we didn't) which I really don't care about, but at least the club got to keep the extra money.

oh yeah, I was also told about the shit you talked about us and this show the night before. Saying something along the lines of "this next song is dedicated to todd and all of his return to the shit friends, don't go to the show here tomorrow"... I almost said something over the mic during our set, but I decided to just stfu. BUT NOW, I really wish I would have dissed you like no tomorrow in front of the 60 people there. You've made everyone here hate you, it's too late for you to pussy out now and try sucking anyones dick.

[Aug 16,2004 2:04pm - Blue ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said: If you have time to promote (like everybody did).... At least 150 people should've came through the door....

i didnt even know that there was 150 people in new england that listened to local metal. christ, weve only played in front of over 150 once, and that was at a fest with real headliners. i promote every show we play with at least 200 flyers a show, and ive never seen more than 70 people come out to a local metal show.
[Aug 16,2004 2:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
over 130 people came to the milly's tavern show in manchester for porphyria, hcn, life at zero, and senseless mutilation. that was awesome.
[Aug 16,2004 2:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Just wait until the Helvette show with Abhorred, Hirudinea, Horn of Valere and Watchmaker.
Everyone should go to that fucking show even if they dont like or know those bands, because the future of metal at the paradise (an all ages, over 300 capacity club) rests on this show.
[Aug 16,2004 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
DyingMuse is an idiot for starting this fake thread.
[Aug 16,2004 3:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
i did not start this thread man....thats gay of the anonymous person the say. and its obvious who you are. i have way too many things going on to make time to post this dumb shit.

as for sat...ahhh 60 people and the bands! thats some lute going into the bombshelter. and fucking black dallia was that night! for local bands to draw that much while a national is playing the same night!!!! yeah wall the bands did good....and we had 4 shows that night...our fans were spread out over 4 shows. and hcn played 3 of those shows with us!!!!!! guy i think the show this sat was amazing and we all had a good time and a good turnout!

i did try to end this shit and i even apologized when i wasnt wrong, just to end this shit. you brought it back not me!

as far as im concerened, i dont like your music, we play totally different forms and thats that. im not bashing you. best of luck to csdo...just leave me and my bro's outta this!

[Aug 16,2004 4:01pm - dyingmuse ""]
ohhhh bands! and i did get 60 bucks for the show. when i got out of there everyone was gone. however you all want to divide the money is fine with me, just let me know!
[Aug 16,2004 4:19pm - powerkok ""]
lol 60 bucks between 7 bands is a fucking joke, why dosent he just slap us in the face???!?!?
I dont care about the money anyway, unless its alot...then I do.

tom, how many peeps did u guys draw??
sheet said we had 23 ....just wonderin...

return to the shit huh??? funny, on your info page, its says rttp rules....
I guess Im a return to the shit friend, and man, if you hadnt told ppl not to come to the sat show, I bet 300 ppl wouldve came!!
[Aug 16,2004 4:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
I didn't get the final count, but todd told me halfway through the show that we had 18 people...I can only think of 4 people I know. Either way I think that's good, none of us live in near manchester.
[Aug 16,2004 4:29pm - powerkok ""]
awesome bro!! glad to hear it!
you guys doing a halloween show?? do u want to?? Im tryin to set one up.
[Aug 16,2004 4:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
I was just thinking how I'd like to dress up like an idiot for a halloween show.
[Aug 16,2004 5:56pm - Kalopsia ""]
powerkok said:CUT YOUR MULLET


[Aug 16,2004 7:14pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
HAHA I was not startin shit ,they asked me what you said and i told them about the RTTS comment and the fact that you told everyone there to come to your show in RI and not the shelter.. I dont start shit,but if you say something about my FRIENDS (RTTP),And vice versa, I AM GONNA TELL THEM ..And i did tell you i wanted those Scattered Remnants CD's but had no money and to hold them for next time and YOU said no ,just take them it's cool.This shit needs to end,it is total bullshit and just should stop
[Aug 16,2004 7:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
really! this is getting way to gay

i love everyone here
except eric

hails to rttp!

now lets end it!
[Aug 16,2004 10:35pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Todd said:Dissector NLI said:Thrashgrind is the only way.

Have not heard you guys yet ,but i'm lookin forward to it

****Listens to Ghoul's Graveyard Mosh

Send your adress to DissectorUndead@yahoo.com I'll send you a demo when I get a chance.

[Aug 17,2004 12:25am - dyingmuse ""]
distrust kill csdo!

now distrust is thrash band!

and at least they all have the same line up too
[Aug 17,2004 12:30am - powerkok ""]
distrust is thrash?
[Aug 17,2004 9:08am - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah, but they aregood, unlike some gay bands. thrash/hardcore/death metal

they are students from the universal school of heaviness!!!!!!!!

what does eric think about that.
[Aug 17,2004 3:10pm - matt (M-1) moreau  ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:all u guyz fuckin keep talkin shit need to just shut yer fuckin faces and stop whining, cuz we have done so much for this god damned area you and your zit faced friends death metal bands dont stand a chance against us at a show. if you think u can hold the tortch agianst us then email me and lets setup a show. we have played great woods back in 92' and accomplished more than anyone you know. we just opened up for cannibal corpse and sold 25 tickets. you should try doing it, you cant. fuck you fuck.
you are all fat assed, and i would like you to mop my cum covered floor with your tounges. I also helped put MELIAH RAGE back together....how do you feel about that? Mastamindz will be the next band to dominate this area.

always remember this-we pack clubs, cannibal corpse surely doesnt and most importantly,you dont. u r all full of shit. people go completly insane during our sets i have to tell people to take it easy because it iz pur chaos. NUCLEAR ASSAULT's are our bros and i am proud to have my name in their cd booklet. Corpsegrinder and I hung out on the last tour and shot the shit for about 12 hours after the show, he admitted being a fan since we started back in 1986. he was pissed that we played before them and not headlined.

http://www.csdo.net/ -check out our new site, my grandson designed it wit mspaint and frontpage.


Finally someone speaks out n crowns the next king...Mastamindz has been dominating this area for a while now. You all just need to open your eyes and except it. Thank you all for the merchandise that was sold off our site during the time you guys find us to be the number 1 thing to talk about. What happened? We don't suck anymore or you guys just sick of talking about us??? www.mastamindz.com
[Aug 17,2004 3:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
matt said:

Finally someone speaks out n crowns the next king...Mastamindz has been dominating this area for a while now. You all just need to open your eyes and except it. Thank you all for the merchandise that was sold off our site during the time you guys find us to be the number 1 thing to talk about. What happened? We don't suck anymore or you guys just sick of talking about us??? www.mastamindz.com


[Aug 17,2004 4:07pm - Arrik_  ""]
To dyingintellect: Dave Ulrich ( Distrust) plays/played in CSDO, idiot.
[Aug 17,2004 4:12pm - powerkok ""]
ya and hes a cool guy, and distrust is good.
plays/played? is he still in csdo? or distrust? or both?
[Aug 17,2004 4:13pm - powerkok ""]
mastamindz...i never heard of u guys b4 i saw you bitchin on here....and havent since until now....
but i did see your video...i really thought it was a joke someone made up quik to razz ya.
[Aug 17,2004 4:16pm - powerkok ""]
get off this board and go visit some gay board that actually likes rapcore..u guys come here and run yer mouths? you cant even write an original song. go lick fred dursts asshole, and hope he throws u a scrap.
[Aug 17,2004 4:22pm - josiah_the_black ""]
if only it was a joke
[Aug 17,2004 4:23pm - josiah_the_black ""]
mastamindz that is

ahahaha.... you dont even have to change the name around to make fun of them
[Aug 17,2004 4:50pm - Arrik ""]
Yeah,Dave may not be in CSDO anymore,(?).. he did play the 7/8 show opening for C.C. So all you pukes dumping on CSDO,,know you are dumping on Dave Ulrich too. A true Thrasher,like Eric.
[Aug 17,2004 5:23pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Clubs close down in NE because theres no scene here.Metal is dying in the USA unfortunatley
[Aug 17,2004 5:25pm - vivi ""]
clubs dont close down in new england...THEY BURN DOWN! oooh shit...
[Aug 17,2004 5:30pm - powerkok ""]
I gotta disagree with that.....back in the 90's when I started playing shows...we had to go to mass at the least, to play shows, these days the venues are getting closer and closer to home....verizon arena now makes it possible to see 'big' bands (ozzy) and I think that trickles down into the local scene as well....all I kno, is 5 years ago, u had to play chantillys in concord if you were metal....now nh has many venues..
[Aug 17,2004 5:31pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Allright..... Well lets see... There was a club in Nashua that closed down a few years ago(cant remember the name) and another club in Manchester(cant remember that name either).Add in another place in Billerica(name had something to do with Shamrocks or something Irish).
[Aug 17,2004 5:32pm - JoeDavolla ""]
many venues in NH huh?? Name them...
[Aug 17,2004 5:36pm - powerkok ""]
No, I dont feel like listing all the places in nh that has bands play, my point is, that b4 it was tillys or nothing...now u have more choices.
Do u book shows? or go to shows?
you tell me...how many venues are in nh?
[Aug 17,2004 5:38pm - powerkok ""]
bombshelter, uptown, euphoria,(?), aviary, lodges and clubs (elks), theres 5....
[Aug 17,2004 5:39pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
Distrust sucks any and all cock.
[Aug 17,2004 5:41pm - powerkok ""]
The_Day_of_the_Rope said:Distrust sucks any and all cock.

when was the last time u saw them?
we played with them last week and they sounded awesome!
[Aug 17,2004 6:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
Arrik said:Yeah,Dave may not be in CSDO anymore,(?).. he did play the 7/8 show opening for C.C. So all you pukes dumping on CSDO,,know you are dumping on Dave Ulrich too. A true Thrasher,like Eric.

just because you're "true" doesn't mean we have to respect you
[Aug 17,2004 6:21pm - Blue ""]
powerkok said:bombshelter, uptown, euphoria,(?), aviary, lodges and clubs (elks), theres 5....

add the dirty basement and the muddy river smokehouse, theres 7.

but, theyre practically all places CSDO will never play. because you usually have to be asked to play those places. which means you cant play there if you suck. therefore, there must be no venues in nh. ohhhhh.
[Aug 17,2004 6:39pm - Kalopsia ""]
Blue said:but, theyre practically all places CSDO will never play. because you usually have to be asked to play those places. which means you cant play there if you suck. therefore, there must be no venues in nh. ohhhhh.

you're my new best friend
[Aug 17,2004 7:00pm - Dissector ""]
This thread might get more posts than the Never Ending Thread Of Death.
[Aug 17,2004 10:05pm - matt (M-1) moreau  ""]
actually that was the first time I've ever said anything on this board but you were just to fucking stupid to realize that people were posting as me. You guys always complain like the scene is dead, the scene isn't dead but the music that your playing is. Mastamindz has plenty of fans come out and see us evrytime but you say they stupid to listen to us right. Who's the stupid ones??? maybe you should do like Michael Jackson and Look at the man in the mirror.
[Aug 17,2004 10:22pm - assuck ""]
i thought this thread would have died out by now
[Aug 17,2004 10:30pm - ballsack  ""]
matt said:maybe you should do like Michael Jackson and Look at the man in the mirror.

[Aug 17,2004 10:36pm - Blue ""]
matt said:You guys always complain like the scene is dead, the scene isn't dead but the music that your playing is.

youve got to be kidding me. youre telling me that rap metal isnt dead? please, ill give you guys 6 months and youll be putting breakdowns in your songs, and youll be saying how killswitch engage is the biggest influence in your sound.
[Aug 17,2004 10:47pm - Blue ""]
alright. now im done with this.
[Aug 17,2004 10:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha
[Aug 18,2004 1:56am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan you dope.... I didn't post anything under "anonymous"....... By the way, I think your band sucks cock...... Very boring!! Fucking 7 to 10 minute songs? O.k. Metallica.....

Todd, I didn't tell people not to go to the show on the 14th!! That's right, keep putting words into my mouth......
[Aug 18,2004 2:10am - Hoser ""]
Matt Moreau is a complete fucking tool.

We'll see how far you are in 10 years Matt Gayrod Moreau.

Then we'll see whos laughing assclown.
[Aug 18,2004 3:00am - sacreligion ""]
ummm...i fail to see you're point(im talking about the thread's original topic)
[Aug 18,2004 11:05pm - nel  ""]
CSDO, you're fucking dillusional. I had to get drunk in order to stomach the vertigo I experienced when I seen your two man act at Jarrod's. Unfortunately, my boys are into old school shit. Yesterday's look, yesterday's sound, and about a handful of moshers that didn't know what the fuck they were listening to cause they were drunker than me. By the way, I threw a couple of your fans down AND I had a fucked up knee.
[Aug 18,2004 11:53pm - Abbath ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey Dan you dope.... I didn't post anything under "anonymous"....... By the way, I think your band sucks cock...... Very boring!! Fucking 7 to 10 minute songs? O.k. Metallica.....

Todd, I didn't tell people not to go to the show on the 14th!! That's right, keep putting words into my mouth......

hey man i got an idea, why not shut the fuck up
shroud is one of the best bands in ne, but of course you couldn't comprehend music that takes talent and time
so ya go fuck your self
[Aug 19,2004 2:41am - powerkok on girlputer  ""]
metallica, you obviously havent even listened to shroud to call them metallica...in fact id say csdo is 10000000% more like metallica than shroud.
[Aug 19,2004 2:45am - Blue ""]
ooooh. dissed.
[Aug 19,2004 2:47am - powerkok on girlputer  ""]
oh snap yo!
[Aug 19,2004 2:47am - sacreligion ""]
i see lots of hostility in this neck of the woods
[Aug 19,2004 9:46am - NU-SANCE  ""]
good thrash should have solos
[Aug 19,2004 10:07am - dyingmuse ""]
thanks to everyone that took shrouds back.

this thread is infinitely retarded and i just have to walk away. to compair my band to that load of shit is gayer than this thread

hail rttp!
[Aug 19,2004 10:30am - jarfullofbunnyparts ""]
Candy Stripper Death Orgy is boring
[Aug 22,2004 2:05am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Here we go again you faggots......... You can dish out the shit...... But, you can't take it!!

You're all bummed out and pissed 'cause I said my opinion on Shroud. People can't have opinions? You guys are very opinionated yourselves.......
[Aug 22,2004 12:18pm - Dissector ""]
Just when I thought this thread was over.
[Aug 22,2004 12:42pm - powerkok ""]
You thought it was over, its not over,
I came back
I brought the fag...
[Aug 22,2004 12:47pm - thornnvine ""]
this is the real never ending thread of death
[Aug 22,2004 12:59pm - Dissector ""]
powerkok said:You thought it was over, its not over,
I came back
I brought the fag...

Good one.
[Sep 23,2004 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
looks like our old friend Eric Peon / Candy Striper Death Orgy, is at it again with his local scene supporting antics.

He's handing out flyers for THE NOTHER AGGRESSION FEST but only anouncing the friday night show (CSDO), not listing all the bands for that night, and not even mentioning that there is a 2nd day. It's fairly obvious that he's doing it to help the scene. HAH.
[Sep 23,2004 11:59pm - Abbath ""]
fucking faggot dildo lover
[Sep 24,2004 12:16am - dyingmuse ""]
RustedAngel said:looks like our old friend Eric Peon / Candy Striper Death Orgy, is at it again with his local scene supporting antics.

He's handing out flyers for THE NOTHER AGGRESSION FEST but only anouncing the friday night show (CSDO), not listing all the bands for that night, and not even mentioning that there is a 2nd day. It's fairly obvious that he's doing it to help the scene. HAH.

ha ha ha...thats so true...man....what would this scene be without csdo?

and ya know, i like the other members...its just eric that i dont like.

yeah this one time i hung out with nuc for like 2 hours...that really made this scene the way it is today!
[Sep 24,2004 12:18am - BestialOnslaught ""]
The one good thread about this thread being bumped...

Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...
[Sep 24,2004 12:29am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 24,2004 4:11am - the_reverend ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.
[Sep 24,2004 6:18am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm talking about everyone that tried to define it above ;)

What book?
[Sep 24,2004 9:15am - the_reverend ""]
http://www.choosingdeath.com comes out this month with a cd from relapse.
[Sep 24,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.

contributed as in photos..not writing, you'd need an editor (me) for that

but i know you know music

[Sep 24,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
oh and the problem with people's definitions are like that of metal-core or fusion.
there's a form of music, it takes a name while en vogue. then it drops out of view and another form of music 10 years later takes the same name.
pure and simple.
[Sep 24,2004 9:33am - powerkok ""]
thats so right....music just keeps recycling ever 10 or 12 years. just new bells and whistles on the same old shit.
[Sep 24,2004 9:35am - the_reverend ""]
like when homer goes "de de de de de de de" to mary has a little lamb and marge calls him on it.
so he goes "do do do do do do do"
marge "it's the same song you just replaced the de's with do's"
homer "do'h!"
[Sep 24,2004 9:37am - powerkok ""]
[Sep 24,2004 9:49am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
succubus said:the_reverend said:BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.

contributed as in photos..not writing, you'd need an editor (me) for that

but i know you know music

I was leafing through that book the other day at B&N. It looks like a really good read.

[Sep 24,2004 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
it's out already?
damn I need to go look.
[Sep 24,2004 9:53am - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

[Sep 24,2004 3:00pm - $ilky  ""]
csdo is a fucking joke, and a bad one at that. GIVE IT UP! NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU! you emulate a band that had one good album, which is more than I can say about your shitty band.
[Sep 24,2004 3:17pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
yea we're a fucking joke, look at all of you douchemangloid's sitting on stupid comput3rds all day. get a lyfe.

yea so what we're not advertising for saturday we can hold our own as far as draw goes. shut your face. btw, we'll be updating our site sometime in june 2008.

[Sep 24,2004 3:19pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 24,2004 8:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
that is the best pic i have seen of the old man
[Sep 24,2004 9:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 24,2004 10:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha hah a hahah ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fucking classic . this is album cover material!
[Sep 26,2004 3:31am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Boy, you guys have got nothing better to do!! I didn't see any of you assholes passing out fliers at the WARGASM show (Where were you Dan from Shroud of Shit?)!! Why should I advertise your lousy bands on my fliers? RustedAngel must be having a fun time posting stuff under the Candy Striper name.... I saw you at WARGASM you little faggot.......
[Sep 26,2004 3:34am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan or should I call you goldylocks,

Your album cover should have a huge pile of pictured underneath your name Shroud of Bowelmovement..............
[Sep 26,2004 3:35am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
That is a HUGE PILE OF SHIT pictured underneath your name "SHROUD OF BOWELMOVEMENT.........
[Sep 26,2004 3:42am - Kalopsia ""]
you know eric you simply could have EDITED the first post.
[Sep 26,2004 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said:ha ha ha hah a hahah ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fucking classic . this is album cover material!


btw mister PAONE, I was not at the wargasm show. eat my ass.
[Sep 26,2004 10:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't see why people think CSDO should include the second day on their flyer. Maybe they should have mentioned it was day one of a 2 days fest, but I think they definately should have listed all the bands on the day they are playing. I still think CSDO is a good band.
[Sep 26,2004 11:30am - Snake ""]
Joe/NotCommon - this is a festival. Granted, no one is required to promote someone else's bands on their flyers and with 20 bands on the bill, it can clutter a flyer up if you don't spend a lot of time making it work. However, it is a festival. A TWO DAY festival. I think what torks people is that if you cared about the scene and wanted the fest that you are playing to do well, you would at least mention you are playing a two day fest. As the promoter/organizer of the show, it begs the question why I would have a band doing my fest that obviously doesn't care enough to put even a minimal reference to it on their flyers.

The accusations towards CSDO that I have seen in this thread largely revolve around them caring little for the scene they are part of. The flyer situation for the Northern Aggression fest is now cannon fodder to back up those accusations.

Maybe Eric has a good reason for choosing not to even mention the fest on his flyers. I can't think of what it could be, but I am curious to know.

The flyer BS aside, reading this thread really makes sick. [insert your favorite metal brotherhood/support the scene rant here] Obviously there is a lot of bad blood between Eric/CSDO and some of the other bands and fans that post here. Even though I am not from the area, reading this sort of thing bothers me because this is what tears the metal scene down. Underground metal is already fragmented into subgenres enough as it is. Our fan base is already puny compared to other forms of music. Wars like this only make things worse.

I saw a number of attempts by both sides to cool down this war of words, but yet it carried on. It would be wise for me to keep my mouth shut and stay the fuck out of it because the risk of making enemies is high, but I care about the metal scene and I am friends with many of the bands in the NE area, so I would like to see this shit storm disapate.

Maybe what we need is a little levity to bring this back down to earth and tune the nastiness to friendly rivalry instead. When I read the bit about ticket buys to be on a show, I had an idea. I am dead set against the idea of requiring bands to sell tickets to play. I know the idea is in vogue with many promoters and club owners, but I strongly believe if you are doing a show, then you should book bands based on merit and they should be expected to promote to the best of their capabilities. If they are good enough to play, they add value to the show even if they don't draw. While I understand the concept of ticket buys is to force bands to shake their ass for a show, it is my opinion that if a promoter or club doesn't think a band will draw what is needed, then they shouldn't be playing. PERIOD.

Anyway, my idea was this. There are three days left before I head up to New Hampshire. Since every band that is part of the Northern Aggression fest should care enough about their scene and the fest to push both days of it, we can have a little friendly competition....if both sides agree.

Two day advanced tickets for the fest are available for sale from the SnakeNet Metal Radio web site at this URL...


Since a lot of the shit being talked is between CSDO and Shroud, what we can do is this....from now until I head to New Hampshire, the advanced tickets will be on sale. Both bands can direct their fans to purchase their tickets through the SnakeNet web site. After purchasing their ticket, they will receive a confirm email. Once they receive it, they can forward it to me at snake@snakenet.com and list either CSDO or Shroud as the band they support. The band that sells the most tickets between now and when I take them off sale on Wednesday at noon is the winner.

The stakes: If CSDO wins, then Dan from Shroud has to wear and CSDO t-shirt on stage during their set and give them props during their set. If Shroud wins, then Eric has to wear a Shroud shirt on stage and give them props during their set.

This competition will take some of the nastiness out of this BS and at the same time help draw out the crowd, thus ending the dispute over which band works harder for the scene. Obviously the flaw is that not everyone can purchase advanced tickets because a credit card is required to do it, but the contest is in fun and for the good of the fest, so no one should care that much if they win or lose. By doing the ticket purchases online, it will also give us a paper trail if there needs to be a recount.

So what do you say, boys? You game? Now you can walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

[Sep 26,2004 12:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
im willing to do that. so how do i set this up? have them pay you via paypal? and how would they know who got tickets?
[Sep 26,2004 12:42pm - Snake ""]
Pay through the link I listed in the previous post or via Pay Pal. I will get an email confirm on the tickets if they use a credit card (through the SnakeNet shop which the link points to) and if they buy via Pay Pal, they would just have to send $20 to snake@snakenet.com...which is my Pay Pal account and put a message in there that it is for Northern Aggression tickets and they support Shroud...and the name of the person the ticket should be under. I will get all the info and put them on the Will Call list that will be at the door. Then they just need to bring their ID and Pay Pal confirm or Ticket Confirm if they buy through the SN Shop and they are in.
[Sep 26,2004 12:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
sounds cool.i dont know who will go through with this, ill give it a shot though.
[Sep 26,2004 12:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
ps did you read the cannibal corpse thread that started this one?
[Sep 26,2004 12:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
what if we judge by the day. i have put out a shit load of flyers...i think the attendance will more than show for it!

csdo on fri and shroud on sat. witch ever one sells more wins.
[Sep 26,2004 12:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
and...i will wear his shirt regardless, just to show him, that before this thing ever happened i did suopport this scene and his band regardless.
i will wear the shirt just because he is from new england,and part of the scene that i am part of. i dont like people that are all for themselves and thats what started this whole stupid thing! and the flyer was a perfect example.
[Sep 26,2004 3:19pm - Kalopsia ""]
that's not too bad of an idea snake
[Sep 26,2004 4:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
not at all
[Sep 26,2004 5:27pm - Snake ""]
Well, I have no contact info for Eric since Screaming Ferret asked me to put them on the show and I have never spoken with him, so if he doesn't reply to the post pretty soon, the contest would have to be shelved I guess. I wouldn't do it based on total attendance each day because the number of bands playing each day favor a bigger crowd on Saturday and Saturdays are usually the better attended day of the fest.

I think that is righteous of you to wear the shirt either way, but it sorta defeats the purpose of a contest. However, showing you are bigger then this petty bullshit is far more important then winning.
[Sep 26,2004 6:22pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
Snake said:
I think that is righteous of you to wear the shirt either way, but it sorta defeats the purpose of a contest.

but doesn't the 'contest' defeat the purpose of everyone in the scene working for teamwork and community? doesn't it just escalate the conflict? what if Eric 'wins'? what does that say? that he's right to promote his band the way he does? if shroud wins, does that mean Eric is wrong?

no, it would just mean that one band was better able to motivate its fan base than the other. what does that have to do with the overall 'Eric gripes'? what are you trying to accomplish with this idea?

whoever 'wins', it won't mean anything, or have settled anything. all this will do is further divide the scene and make things worse.

[Sep 26,2004 6:24pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
we should settle this at the Razer.
[Sep 26,2004 6:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol thats a bit true too.

how about this....we all go to both days and have a fucking ball!
[Sep 26,2004 6:26pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
i said that this should be settled at the Razer, dyingbuttface.
[Sep 26,2004 6:32pm - dyingmuse ""]
the razer?

and what my radical butt rider friend is that?
[Sep 26,2004 7:12pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
get with the program hairy animal man. the razer? duh?!
[Sep 26,2004 7:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 26,2004 8:38pm - Terence ""]
boxing match.
[Sep 26,2004 8:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
im in man!
[Sep 26,2004 10:08pm - Snake ""]
th3rdknuckle said:
but doesn't the 'contest' defeat the purpose of everyone in the scene working for teamwork and community? doesn't it just escalate the conflict? what if Eric 'wins'? what does that say? that he's right to promote his band the way he does? if shroud wins, does that mean Eric is wrong?

no, it would just mean that one band was better able to motivate its fan base than the other. what does that have to do with the overall 'Eric gripes'? what are you trying to accomplish with this idea?

whoever 'wins', it won't mean anything, or have settled anything. all this will do is further divide the scene and make things worse.

Well, as I started out saying, maybe if we brought a little levity to the situation it would defuse some of the BS. The idea wasn't to make a point. The concept was to give them a way to settle their score in a lighthearted way that would benefit the scene by having them push to bring even more people out.

I can see your point though. If they took it deadly serious it could just lead to more bad will...which I guess is conceivable. I should probably just stay out of it and let you people fight your scene wars and not get involved. I won't have to live with the aftermath, so I really shouldn't care.
[Sep 26,2004 10:31pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
everybody cares, we know you care, i care too and i'm not even a part of any of this either anymore, but i for one think that your idea could easily backfire and cause further problems. precedent would then be set for future 'battles'; a 'this side vs that side' mentality; that band sucks, come to see our band, etc etc

does everybody understand that when you say 'SO AND SO BAND sucks', you're not only inviting it back onto yourself, but aiding in the creation of an environment where that crap is accepted as a valid promo tool; instead of people saying 'come to see THIS BAND because they're great', we'll have a board full of 'don't go see THAT BAND 'cause they suck' .... and nobody gets anywhere when everyone is bashing everyone else. that's where it eventually leads. thats how scenes die; i've seen it happen.

it's a healthy strong scene, from what i've seen in the last few months anyway. whoever wants to enjoy the fruits of that must also contribute.

it should be simple: to use a lame sports analogy, if someone doesnt want to be a team player, don't invite him to the game.
[Sep 26,2004 10:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
true that. i just spoke out when it needed to be said. i respect everyone on this board and in this scene...but when people get all high and mighty it has to be stopped. man i wish csdo would release a gold album and tour the world and make millions, BUT that hasn't happened yet, so i was just saying to stop acting like it had, and come back down to earth...i stated something along those lines for a few days and was only insulted when i made my move.

eric if you want to squash this i am willing to bury the hatchet and go on like humans, but you have to meet me in the middle, this is my third attempt at resolve. its on the table now...... bygons?
[Sep 27,2004 6:21am - BestialOnslaught ""]
This contest idea is pretty limpwristed. A bare knuckle brawl would be best.

Also, even though I do think CSDO's a decent band, NOONE should ever have to one of their fucking awful looking shirts haha... Eric... new millenium = time for a new logo!!
[Sep 27,2004 8:22am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
honor4death said:eddie said:

well grindcore is a type of death metal

grindcore is more metalcore, goregrind is more death metal

Red Chord

Last Days Of Humanity

whoa!!!! wait wait!!!!!
ok....i am probably the biggest fanatic of grind here....grindcore, noisegrind,goregrind, porngrind, death grind, i love it all!

now i'm sure i'll get alot of crap over this post, but i don't realy give a shit......but anyway

red chord = not grindcore
daughters = not grindcore
locust = not grindcore
nightmare continues = not grindcore

and before anyone gets defensive....NO! i am definately NOT dissing any of these bands

i'm just so sick of these assumptions that anything faster than death metal is some form of grind.

red chord is a halfway decent band (very talented, just not my style really), same with daughters.......but not at all grindcore....it's just really fast (and really artsy) metalcore

grindcore = nasum, unholy grave, assrash, spazz, hellnation, ID, bathtub shitter, discordance axis, catheter, pretty little flower.....etc.

grindcore, is usually just crust punk with blastbeats, and some metal riffing..........some bands are a little overproduced (like nasum, and most other relapse grind bands), but most of them stick to the raw sounding D.I.Y. recordings........although they use blastbeats and some metal riffs, grind is definately in the spirit of punk......and most of them are wayyyy too fucking p.c. (but i still love them all)

goregrind, is pretty much the same thing as grindcore....the main differences
1.far more gutteral vocals, and alot less screaming
2.gore lyrics (not very p.c. at all, which is why i like it a bit more than just plain grindcore)
3.much more sludgey/muddy distortion/tuning on the guitars

oh and Exhumed calls themselves "gore metal"..... whether you agree with them or not, they definately fucing own, but they are also not goregrind.

L.D.O.H. on the other hand = amazing goregrind.....
but they don't compare to the original gods
[Sep 27,2004 3:50pm - Corpsegrinder  ""]
Rusted Angel knows right where to go to get Penis photos.
[Sep 27,2004 3:51pm - Hooker ""]
have you guys heard lemon party? Fucking sick Japanese thrash band. They are so weird but it's awesome.

[Sep 27,2004 3:58pm - RustedAngel ""]
Corpsegrinder said: Rusted Angel knows right where to go to get Penis photos.

google images buddy.
[Sep 28,2004 12:35am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]

3rdKnuckle is right..... Let's stop this crap. We've known each other for over 12 years! I know you've never liked the kind of music we play. And, I'm not too much into the stuff you guys do. But, I think it's good..... You're more into the death/doom metal. I'm into thrash/death/grind and old style hardcore (Cro-Mags, Sick Of It All, D.R.I.). That's fine..... Everybody can't like the same shit.

Anyway, this whole thing got started because we got asked to play with Cannibal Corpse. That's stupid!! Don't some of you out there think this same thing would of happened if one of you got asked to play?

I've always supported the metal scene. Years ago, I used to go see 2 to 3 metal/hardcore shows a week..... The scene was thriving back then. Now, it's hard (as many of you know) to get people to go and see you play. Everybody needs to work harder to get the scene back where it should be. For the SNAKENET radio show, I made up 3000 fliers..... I brought them to the beach, New England Dragway (when they had the North American Nationals), many music stores, record shops, the Wargasm show, my stores, etc..... I haven't seen any other fliers for this show until today at Newbury Comics in Salem, NH. I'm still going nuts getting promo out 'cause I know that Dio and Anthrax are playing the same night. We'll loose some people to that.....
[Sep 28,2004 1:08am - Kalopsia ""]
for the record, this didn't start because you guys were playing with Cannibal Corpse per say. it had to do with Joe Davolla saying CSDO is way better than Decapitated, and when you have a message board full of death metal fans, expect retaliation. this had nothing to do with jealousy or anything like that.
[Sep 28,2004 1:18am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]

You're wrong!! You have to go back when I first posted that we were playing. It was like at the end of May or something.
[Sep 28,2004 1:29am - powerkok ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:honor4death said:eddie said:

well grindcore is a type of death metal

grindcore is more metalcore, goregrind is more death metal

Red Chord

Last Days Of Humanity

whoa!!!! wait wait!!!!!
ok....i am probably the biggest fanatic of grind here....grindcore, noisegrind,goregrind, porngrind, death grind, i love it all!

now i'm sure i'll get alot of crap over this post, but i don't realy give a shit......but anyway

red chord = not grindcore
daughters = not grindcore
locust = not grindcore
nightmare continues = not grindcore

and before anyone gets defensive....NO! i am definately NOT dissing any of these bands

i'm just so sick of these assumptions that anything faster than death metal is some form of grind.

red chord is a halfway decent band (very talented, just not my style really), same with daughters.......but not at all grindcore....it's just really fast (and really artsy) metalcore

grindcore = nasum, unholy grave, assrash, spazz, hellnation, ID, bathtub shitter, discordance axis, catheter, pretty little flower.....etc.

grindcore, is usually just crust punk with blastbeats, and some metal riffing..........some bands are a little overproduced (like nasum, and most other relapse grind bands), but most of them stick to the raw sounding D.I.Y. recordings........although they use blastbeats and some metal riffs, grind is definately in the spirit of punk......and most of them are wayyyy too fucking p.c. (but i still love them all)

goregrind, is pretty much the same thing as grindcore....the main differences
1.far more gutteral vocals, and alot less screaming
2.gore lyrics (not very p.c. at all, which is why i like it a bit more than just plain grindcore)
3.much more sludgey/muddy distortion/tuning on the guitars

oh and Exhumed calls themselves "gore metal"..... whether you agree with them or not, they definately fucing own, but they are also not goregrind.

L.D.O.H. on the other hand = amazing goregrind.....
but they don't compare to the original gods

This is the reason people in metal are squabbling like little bitches!!!
the more you subgenre and categorize metal, the more you seperate it!!
do you hear country music called horse country, farm country pickup truck country?? NO...its all the same@!!!
So say since HCN does a blast beat in an otherwise melodic song? Does that mean were melodycoregring?? NO it means we play different styles OF METAL!!!
METAL MOTHERFUCKERS, METAL!!!! ITS ALL THE FUCKING SAME. Some bands suck, some bands are good...but metal is metal.
Dont make me say it again, Im getting pissed.
[Sep 28,2004 1:30am - the_reverend ""]
I'm still going to shoot both days... though I'm a little shocked that your 3000 fliers only had day one on them. that's only helping out day one and not both days/snake net... I really can't understand that...

but I am sick of everyone blahing back and forth and I'm not taking "sides" since I like all the bands that are bitching back and forth like little bitches.
[Sep 28,2004 1:41am - powerkok ""]
I'll listen to anything once!!
[Sep 28,2004 1:52am - Anamalech ""]
one hell of a thread....didn't realize the extent of RTTP's D-Board

[Sep 28,2004 1:59am - Anamalech ""]
thanks dude, I couldn't have said better myself, promote metal scene, and it benefits all, people talk shit and fucking hate on everyone else (resembles bull shit in the rap world with talking shit back and forth) with everyone being different comes different prefrences, if you don't like them go to the next band, there is plenty of selection, and that's where it should be left at. This event was my first attempt at giving everyone that participates a chance to expose and benefit their music that they offer in the local music communtity, not to be an attraction of gossip and hating on other bands, so I hope things take a different route for the next event during the late spring and early summer

Jay -Anamalech-

Dirtector of the Sayonara Summer Festival

PS this was typed for another posting before I reading this thread
[Sep 29,2004 12:04pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
powerkok said:This is the reason people in metal are squabbling like little bitches!!!
the more you subgenre and categorize metal, the more you seperate it!!
do you hear country music called horse country, farm country pickup truck country?? NO...its all the same@!!!
So say since HCN does a blast beat in an otherwise melodic song? Does that mean were melodycoregring?? NO it means we play different styles OF METAL!!!
METAL MOTHERFUCKERS, METAL!!!! ITS ALL THE FUCKING SAME. Some bands suck, some bands are good...but metal is metal.
Dont make me say it again, Im getting pissed.

look........i was'nt "squabbling like a little bitch"...the only point i was getting at is that grindcore is a subgenre punk more than metal...

the subgenres and cattergory breakdowns will always be there whether you approve or not......i was just trying to help some of these peoples misinformed/misguided views on grind.

you say there should'nt all these subgenres.......but can you really put unholy grave, anal cunt, gorerotted,discordance axis and the red chord in the same cattergory???? i think the fuck not.
that's why (a gay as it may be) subgenre's have become necessary.

but hey regardless of all this shit.......listen to some grindcore.....pay attention to the riffing and the style.....and anyone with a tenth of a brain would come to the conclusion, that's it's basically crust punk with blastbeats, and a few metal riffs here and there....not a form of metal
[Sep 29,2004 12:18pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:that's why (a gay as it may be) subgenre's have become necessary.

it's all metal; the individual BANDS are the 'subgenres'

[Sep 29,2004 12:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
eric, its all good man! water under the bridge, i'll be there friday to support ya!
[Oct 1,2004 12:59am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
See you on Friday night Dan....... I have to work on Saturday from 10am till midnight. I'm going to try and get somebody to cover for me at least half of the day.
[Oct 1,2004 1:25am - powerkok ""]
th3rdknuckle said:orgymaggotfeast said:that's why (a gay as it may be) subgenre's have become necessary.

it's all metal; the individual BANDS are the 'subgenres'


and maggotorgy....I wasnt aiming that at you neccessarily. Just in general.

[Oct 1,2004 3:28am - dyingmuse ""]
cool man. see ya then. i just got back from the pre party and i'm shitfaced and have to work at 630 good time over all! woo hoo!!!
[Oct 5,2004 3:58pm - Corpsegrinder  ""]
Rusted Angel enjoys the idea of putting dicks in front of Mens faces.

Go to some fag website,,Us real metalheads don't like looking at that shit ,you little queer.
[Oct 5,2004 4:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
you're a fag for saying your a real metalhead. a real metalhead wouldn't hide behind an anonymous username.
[Oct 5,2004 4:07pm - Assuck ""]
A. if your have blastbeats, it doesnt make you a grind band.

B. There are no subgenres in country because all country sounds the same, except OLD country(the good kind) and NEW country (the bad kind).

Metal, on the other hand, doesnt all sound the same, and if you didnt label your band in some way, alot of people wouldnt bother to check it out.

It sucks, but its true.
[Oct 5,2004 4:09pm - blue ""]
thats why i label abhorred as country grind.
[Oct 5,2004 4:11pm - Christraper ""]
Johnny Cash rules
[Oct 6,2004 3:03pm - scoracrasia ""]
This thread is lame and I feel there are way better bands in New England than Candy gayness. I don't care how long your band has been around, no need to gloat about it. Big fucking deal. I hate stuck up bands with a massive chip on their shoulders.
[Oct 6,2004 4:51pm - Arrik ""]
This is a fake thread started by underdeveloped,cowardly scumbags who would never talk shit like this to Eric face to face.

and another point,,,Eric didn't start the shit talking,,you guys( you know who you are) are absurd to bitch because Eric has the SELF RESPECT to defend himself against your petty attempts to make him look bad..

And by the way corpsegrinder is right about rusted dildo,,what a faggot,has all the dick photos he needs ,instant access,,hahaha!..

[Oct 6,2004 5:17pm - Arrik ""]
Hahaha..look at Kalooser's attempt to make sense!

[Oct 6,2004 6:18pm - Kalopsia ""]
WILL THIS EVER FUCKING DIE!!!!??????? NO BECAUSE STUPID LITTLE RETARDS LIKE YOU ARRIK WON'T LET IT!!!!! what the fuck are you talking about me attempting to make sense???? i haven't posted in this thread in over a week
[Oct 6,2004 8:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
rusted dildo's band owns arrick and all the csdo cronies. the porphyria rock, nigga!!!!!!!!!!!! if eric has dropped off this thread then why are you still posting....just go away!
[Oct 7,2004 2:22pm - anonymous  ""]
csdo rules..festest drummer ever
[Oct 7,2004 2:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 7,2004 2:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
ohhh man!
[Oct 7,2004 4:43pm - CORPSEGRINDER  ""]



[Oct 7,2004 5:03pm - powerkok ""]



I re-read that 4x...and came to the conclusion, that that makes absolutley no fuckin sense. go figure.

[Oct 7,2004 5:28pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
kok, ra, and others on here who arent idiots
leave it alone, theyre just annoying

"oh ya we're metal!!,oh wait just kidding, we still havent logged in and said who we are really posting as"
[Jul 12,2006 3:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow i cant even finish reading this it just hurts my head
[Jul 12,2006 3:52pm - brian_dc ""]
did anyone tell him that selling 25 tickets for Cannibal Corpse isn't very impressive? Anyone? I know this is a dead thead, but come on.
[Jul 12,2006 4:03pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Fuck all of you, I'm going to see Hootie and the Blowfish!


[Jul 12,2006 5:05pm - RichHorror ""]
This brings back memories. What a shallow and empty life I lead.

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