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DrinkHardThrashHard: [Email][Links][Comments][Events][Threads][Posts][Favorites][CdReviews]
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Posts: 150 to 159
DeeDee's Jan 20th Hekseri, Hell's Infinite 6, Martyrvore, Baphomet's Horns @ Nov 28,2006 9:14am
HAHAHAHA! @ Nov 28,2006 9:11am
Now this is METAL!!! @ Nov 28,2006 9:08am
New Death Metal song!!! @ Nov 27,2006 11:27am
Behold: everything i hate about today's "scene" @ Nov 27,2006 11:14am
Blackthrone is the best black metal band ever @ Nov 27,2006 11:12am
Behold: everything i hate about today's "scene" @ Nov 25,2006 3:47pm
Megadeth posted a new track @ Nov 24,2006 9:58am
Nintento Wii @ Nov 24,2006 9:57am
River's Edge @ Nov 22,2006 11:12am
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