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Mar- 29th @ Ralph's Worcester KING PARROT, VATTNET VISKAR, VAPORIZER, AUTOMATIC DEATH PILL @ Mar 28,2014 10:22am
Mar- 29th @ Ralph's Worcester KING PARROT, VATTNET VISKAR, VAPORIZER, AUTOMATIC DEATH PILL @ Mar 28,2014 7:58am
Mar- 29th @ Ralph's Worcester KING PARROT, VATTNET VISKAR, VAPORIZER, AUTOMATIC DEATH PILL @ Mar 27,2014 7:39am
Did you know the new darwor cd "foederati" was actually written by some bitter geek who got throw out of the band 3 years ago. also some "original" goratory guitar player takes credit for all of those guy's careers pre and post goratory? @ Mar 22,2014 4:25pm
anyone else think it's retarded that the elitist rag Codex Obscurum is booking shows now? @ Mar 22,2014 2:33pm
anyone else think it's retarded that the elitist rag Codex Obscurum is booking shows now? @ Mar 21,2014 2:06pm
rick ta life has lost his mind @ Feb 27,2014 6:40pm
rick ta life has lost his mind @ Feb 27,2014 5:33pm
rick ta life has lost his mind @ Feb 27,2014 10:40am
rick ta life has lost his mind @ Feb 27,2014 7:24am
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