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Posts: 30 to 39
5/9 @ Ralph's - METAL THURSDAY CCI: Suicide Dream, Grey Skies Fallen (NY), Swarm of Eyes, Second Grave @ May 8,2013 11:07am
Metal Thursday 4/4/13 - Baliset, Maririn, Lore, Atlatl @ Apr 4,2013 2:52pm
Metal Thursday 198½: SEAX, HESSIAN [ME], CRYPTER, AXE RIPPER [MI] - April 11, 2013 @ Apr 2,2013 12:05pm
Ok Thunderstool you made your point @ Mar 28,2013 2:18pm
SUICIDE DREAM First Show in 14 Months THIS FRIDAY 3/29 at The Webster in Hartford, CT: CONTEST TO WIN A SLOT AT NEMAHF @ Mar 22,2013 8:32pm
TONIGHT at Ralph's: Abyssus (NJ), Infera Bruo, Krakatoa, Anaria @ Mar 21,2013 3:02pm
SEAX now Metal Thursday house band! @ Mar 12,2013 1:08pm
who are the best bass players in new england? @ Mar 7,2013 3:46pm
Lykaion Cult Productions presents: April 24-25th - HELLGOAT & COLD NORTHERN VENGEANCE @ Mar 7,2013 2:55pm
January 31 @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday CXCIII: Coffin Birth, Barren Oak, Black Mass, Dark Was the Night @ Jan 30,2013 10:06am
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