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Explosion at Boston Marathon finish line (Copley)

[Apr 15,2013 3:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Multiple explosions at Copley area at the Boston Marathon finish line.
[Apr 15,2013 3:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yeah, wtf??
[Apr 15,2013 3:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
edit: better link
[Apr 15,2013 3:12pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

The revenge...
[Apr 15,2013 3:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And I've just been essentially quarantined at work, not allowed to leave the office in CHINATOWN.
[Apr 15,2013 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.
[Apr 15,2013 3:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 15,2013 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just got a text from my BPD connection that there are other devices that were found and didn't go off. Terrorists?

[Apr 15,2013 3:34pm - LIBERAL  ""]
[Apr 15,2013 3:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]


[Apr 15,2013 3:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Link above because: "Somebody’s leg flew by my head," one spectator told the Boston Herald. "I gave my belt to stop the blood."
[Apr 15,2013 3:58pm - Great  ""]
Duh its Patriot's day. Prob just a false flag to get us to war with NK.
[Apr 15,2013 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... I thought that someone's txt was about diarrhea.
[Apr 15,2013 4:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 15,2013 4:28pm - Czarnobog ""]
^ ugh, i work a half dozen doors down from where this picture was taken. fucking awful. glad i had off today.
[Apr 15,2013 4:30pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
2 dead
[Apr 15,2013 4:34pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.

hahaha i laughed way too hard at that. my sister is there but thankfully not at the finish line.
[Apr 15,2013 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
the only joke I read that was funny was "i hope anonymous investigates the boston marathon blasts so we know what actually happened"
[Apr 15,2013 4:54pm - Spence ""]
I know way too many people in Boston, so i've been really worried the past hour and a half. Luckily, everyone I know is safe.

Still a scary situation though.
[Apr 15,2013 5:00pm - Czarnobog ""]
still trying to get in touch with co-workers who mightve went in today, but cell towers are all fucked. probably overloaded. scary shit.
[Apr 15,2013 5:02pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
They shut down cell service in the city in case they're being used to trigger more bombs, according to Boston Globe liveblog...
[Apr 15,2013 5:03pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Also, problem solved:


[Apr 15,2013 5:07pm - Burnsy ""]

There's a flash video of one of the explosions here.
[Apr 15,2013 5:23pm - Yeti ""]
that is fucking scary.
[Apr 15,2013 5:27pm - Mark_R ""]
By South Station, getting ready to head towards home in JP.
[Apr 15,2013 5:39pm - SkinSandwich ""]
All the nuts are starting to come out of the woodwork already blaming the government, haha. Wtf....
[Apr 15,2013 5:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks Obama.
[Apr 15,2013 6:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
South Station was a joke. No security. Home now.
[Apr 15,2013 6:14pm - punk potenza  ""]
good to hear most of you scum bags are safe! im in chicago and pigs were all over the train on the way home. chi town dont fuck around.
[Apr 15,2013 6:17pm - Spence ""]
[Apr 15,2013 6:30pm - Spence ""]
[Apr 15,2013 7:17pm - Marathon Bystander  ""]
[Apr 15,2013 7:26pm - Piers Morgan  ""]

Spence said:http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/erik...ims-response-boston-marathon-attack

Erik Rush is a nigga? Bwahahaha
[Apr 15,2013 7:40pm - zyklon ""]
How sad, a black guy trying to be white...
[Apr 15,2013 7:46pm - AndrewBastard EN EL EYE  ""]

[Apr 15,2013 8:12pm - DYA is SKEPTICAL  ""]

arilliusbm said:Rumor has it that this was done by the Marathon Comittee in order to boost the count of wheelchair racers next year.

I just told that joke in work and am awaiting my termination.

Never, ever fucking change, RTTP.

[Apr 15,2013 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard%20EN%20EL%20EYE said:http://smnnews.com/board/showthread.php?p=3872123&posted=1#post3872123


[Apr 15,2013 9:02pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

on the bright side, we probably won't be hearing much of this song for a while.
[Apr 15,2013 10:08pm - dreadkill ""]

"It's me, Boston! It was me all along, Boston!"
[Apr 16,2013 1:31am - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
[Apr 16,2013 2:06am - goatrider ""]

Anyone else bewildered by the sheer physics of that many victims lost limbs at once? Plus the blood-splatter is all over the fucking place, not just going out from the blast zone from what it looks like. Plus, mailbox or trash can that bomb was in must've dampened the explosion at least a little. (plus the immediately surrounding people, too)

Whacky fucking science today, I tell ya.
[Apr 16,2013 2:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Just a scratch.
[Apr 16,2013 12:21pm - nekronaut ""]
Really dude?
[Apr 16,2013 12:56pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

Shutup fagget.
[Apr 16,2013 1:35pm - Yeti ""]
give him a break, senility started creeping in at the end of the last ice age.
[Apr 16,2013 1:38pm - Alex_Mooney_likes_this ""]
[Apr 16,2013 1:57pm - Shithead Boyfriend Jonathan  ""]
Hey man just like... checkin in cuz I know you guys are like soooo worried about me. dicks. Not to worry tho, I was at McGreevys eatin this sick plate of wings they were just like gonna throw out cuz like some guy sneezed on em or somethin. Rebecka was whinin about wanting to get some fried dough at the finish line or some shit so I threw her a buck and told her to swipe me one of those like tin foil towel things. Haven't seen her since. So NOOOOOO Mrs Kelly, obnoxious sister, fuckin buttmunch friends that keep texting me asking me if she made it out alive but not even asking about my new go-kart I posted mad photos of on facebook I got.....I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS. Happy? Get off a dudes back already.
[Apr 16,2013 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]

I believe that was the second death.
[Apr 16,2013 4:42pm - Spence ""]

"And yet, there are still people—literally millions of them—who actually have to ask why we didn’t simply slow down and wait until the whole story came in so that we could run an accurate, fact-checked article that didn’t exaggerate the number of dead by 9 or 10 people. To that, I say: How could you even think about accurately reporting a tragedy at a time like this? When those pipe bombs or whatever they were—I believe they were pipe bombs—went off, we weren’t wasting time making routine inquiries with law enforcement officials, or relying on the reporting of those actually on the ground, or maintaining even a tenuous grasp on the journalistic conventions of truth and integrity. We were doing what needed to be done: dashing off haphazard, poorly sourced yellow journalism that included an entirely speculative report on a Saudi national who we strongly suggested was behind the attack without a modicum of supportive evidence."

Oh how I love The Onion.
[Apr 16,2013 5:22pm - ShadowSD ""]

the_reverend said:https://www.facebook.com/krystle.campbell.7

I believe that was the second death.


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