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Who would win in a fight, Mass or Maine?

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[Jun 21,2006 2:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

That worked on me.

You big jerk.
[Jun 21,2006 2:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]
pam nli said:Please don't ruin a perfectly good thread with political whining, none of you are going to sway the other either way, make yourself useful and volunteer instead of bickering on the internet.

And broads wonder why there will never be a woman president.

Shut the fuck up you stupid woman.

[Jun 21,2006 2:56pm - pam nli  ""]
powerkok said:Ohhh and its Pam by armbar.

Actually I agree with nearly everything Josh says regarding politics, I just think he, hoser, hailtheleaf, etc, are beating their heads against the wall and it's getting really old.

Josh is pretty left
Hoser is way right
HTL is a whiney liberal hippie...we get it, can we move onto more entertaining things, like how easily MA would take out Maine and overall worship of Rich Horror?
[Jun 21,2006 2:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
powerkok said:Religion+Government=bad.
Look at all the fallen civilizations, and why.

Your bandmate won't listen to me.
Maybe you could explain that to him.

[Jun 21,2006 2:58pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_reverend said:"Freedom from Tyranny"

I see a lot of the rules that bush has signed (zero vetos) and the signing statements as promoting tyranny, rebuking freedoms, and promoting a one God country.

I sure as hell am not doing anything "wrong" but I don't want asshats in the government to be reading my emails, listen to the cellphone calls, and trashing through my calls/credit records.

I don't want to be thrown in jail and fined cause someone links titties on this message board.

the list goes on and on.

Hoser, are you listening????

[Jun 21,2006 2:58pm - pam nli  ""]
Josh_Martin said:pam nli said:Please don't ruin a perfectly good thread with political whining, none of you are going to sway the other either way, make yourself useful and volunteer instead of bickering on the internet.

And broads wonder why there will never be a woman president.

Shut the fuck up you stupid woman.

boy, you showed me.
[Jun 22,2006 11:50am - FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT  ""]
Ok, break it up you two. The polls are in. Massachusetts beats Maine fair and square. Sorry Hoser, it looks like your state is nothing but a big ol' pussy state.
[Jun 22,2006 11:58am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
With almost 75% of the vote.
[Jun 22,2006 12:11pm - immortal13 ""]
Mass. Enough said.
[Jun 22,2006 12:29pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Josh_Martin said:powerkok said:Religion+Government=bad.
Look at all the fallen civilizations, and why.

Your bandmate won't listen to me.
Maybe you could explain that to him.


[Jun 22,2006 2:39pm - ERICfromMILITIANARY  ""]
this is a tough one cause i think im speaking for alot of people when i say between everyone getting fucked up on anything you can think of(in my case booze weed and pills) instead of fighting id rather go to tedeschi's and get some sodas and icecream cookie sandwiches
[Jun 22,2006 2:47pm - hoser ""]
Josh_Martin said:powerkok said:Religion+Government=bad.
Look at all the fallen civilizations, and why.

Your bandmate won't listen to me.
Maybe you could explain that to him.

Bad Hair + Bad Breath + Bad Guitar player = Josh Martin

[Jun 22,2006 2:52pm - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:Josh_Martin said:pam nli said:Please don't ruin a perfectly good thread with political whining, none of you are going to sway the other either way, make yourself useful and volunteer instead of bickering on the internet.

And broads wonder why there will never be a woman president.

Shut the fuck up you stupid woman.

boy, you showed me.

You crazy broad.
[Jun 22,2006 3:52pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:Josh_Martin said:powerkok said:Religion+Government=bad.
Look at all the fallen civilizations, and why.

Your bandmate won't listen to me.
Maybe you could explain that to him.

Bad Hair + Bad Breath + Bad Guitar player = Josh Martin

Wow, that hamster wheel you call a brain must be smoking after that one.
[Jun 22,2006 6:25pm - pam nli  ""]
RichHorror said:pam nli said:Josh_Martin said:pam nli said:Please don't ruin a perfectly good thread with political whining, none of you are going to sway the other either way, make yourself useful and volunteer instead of bickering on the internet.

And broads wonder why there will never be a woman president.

Shut the fuck up you stupid woman.

boy, you showed me.

You crazy broad.

[Jun 22,2006 6:47pm - Y Draig Goch  ""]
I'd say NH,ME,VT,and MA vs the rest of the us sans alaska because they would join us.

Does anyone else here ever consider CT or RI a part of New England, I never have they suck.
[Jun 23,2006 5:32pm - anonymous  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Mass has 5x the population of Maine, easily. They would drive their weak before them as living shields. Despite a guerilla-level resistance from the Mainers hiding behind all the cars up on cinderblocks on their lawns, the Mass rulers would vomit liberal propaganda from their Cambridge Soundworks megaphones, driving the Mainers to kill each other mercifully in the crescendo of insanity.

There are probably as many guns in inner city Boston as there are in the entire state of Maine. That doesn't even take into account Lowell, Lawrence, or any of the other shitholes that mar the horizons of my universe. Bikers are dangerous, but crack addicts on mopeds are far worse.

That is up there on the list of funniest things I have ever heard in my entire life.
[Jun 23,2006 5:48pm - anonymous  ""]
Ma could easily win, because as one of the only states to allow the mockery of Gay marriage. All the fags from around the country would flock to Ma to protect this bastion of man love. Our already 5 times bigger population would grow to 10-15 times bigger and we'd easily stomp maines hick ass into the ground.

Their only chance would be an anti-fag ally like Texas to join in the fight. They have Chuck Norris, too. But Texas is to busy exploiting illegals to work on the ranch for 2 dollars an hour to care about Northern affairs.
[Jan 7,2011 5:22pm - Slag ""]

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