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Biggest shit you ever took

[Jan 13,2009 3:24pm - Conservationist ""]
You take many dumps in your life. Hopefully, one a day, for good health. But some you remember even if you try to forget. And for all of us, there will unconsciously be a recollection of the biggest amount of poo you squeezed out at a time.

For me, it was this. I was driving around Texas, visiting friends, which means eating a lot at a lot of restaurants. And drinking a ton of coffee, and smoking cigarettes. I didn't think much about "when was my last dump?" because too much other stuff was going on.

Finally, I was in San Marcos, TX. As you probably don't know, this is a small college town near the wasteland of Austin. A friend of mine and I stayed up all night talking and partying, then met the dawn with a fresh pot of coffee. At that point we were starving so went to Auntie's for some migas. And then, in a moment of brilliance, he said, "Let's take a walk."

We made it about a mile, chucking stones in the river, and so on, until I realized I was sweating. Cold sweat. And I was tense. Oh no.

"Holy crap, dude, I need to find a toilet, or this is going to be the brown brick road," I told him.

"There's a restaurant right around the bend. Can you make it?"

< clench buttocks > "Sure."

We go up the street, around a turn, and there in the trees right next to the river, is a Joe's Crab Shack.

I don't know if you're familiar with this abomination, but Joe's Crab Shack is known for overpriced food and drink for silly people who need an excuse to drink at a restaurant. So in I go.

"Good day, sir, how many in your party?" asked the dude behind the counter.

I was at a loss. I did not want to reveal the details of my true mission.

"Can I see a menu?" I said. And then, god bless them, two old ladies came in and started fussing and he had to spend time taking care of them.

I sneaked carefully back to the bar area, where the toilet was, and literally dove in tearing off my pants.

The orange, brown, green and grey snake that uncoiled from me was the filthiest horror I can imagine. The lights cracked with the stench and the toilet paper fled my hand. But ten minutes later, the deed was done and I, much lighter and thinner, was preparing to make my escape. But it was morning and so any escape would be obvious... I pondered it, and hit flush.

As I stood there, I became aware that the gurgling sound from the toilet was not the healthiest... in fact, it sounded like something had gone Terribly Wrong. I raced to the door, and it swung open at me.

Luckily, I had been standing ready to open it, so I was slightly behind it. I slid into the triangle of space between door and wall and watched as a stocky dude with a mop ambled past. He heard the gurgling, and opened the stall door. "Holy crap," he said, just as the first water hit the floor. I sprinted out the door, handed the menu to the dude at the front desk, and fled.

As I left San Marcos later that afternoon, I was amused to see a AAA Plumbing truck outside the restaurant -- now permanently nicknamed "Joe's Crap Shack," which does no injustice to the food.
[Jan 13,2009 3:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
I will have to read this later because it's too long to read at work.
BUT, I will say that I took a shit at disney world once, and it twirled all the way around the toilet bowl, all the way up near my ass. It looked like somebody made a softserve icecream out of shit. I honestly don't know how that came out of me.
[Jan 13,2009 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
that is quite a story. the biggest shit i ever took was after a roadtrip to Detroit where i ate nothing but Frosted Mini Wheats and drank nothing but Faygo. when i got home i thought my insides were packing up and heading out, it came out in boiling hot bursts until the water was completely breached by some of the worst smelling shit i have ever smelled in my life. when i looked at it i was legitimately worried.
[Jan 13,2009 3:33pm - metal_church101 ""]
Not bad.

I have never made a AAA Plumbing Truck come to the rescue, but I have learned to never stray far from an un-occupied toilet after eating Taco Bell, McDonalds, BK, or pizza with crushed red pepper.

One time at a rehearsal room, both toilets were clogged and about to over flow, so I had no choice but to shit in an industial size garbage barrell. The rush came on very quick and I had no choice.
[Jan 13,2009 3:34pm - brian_dc ""]
I really hope Pires saved the picture I'm thinking of
[Jan 13,2009 3:51pm - Pires ""]
haha!!! That was saved on another phone brian. WTF!!! That pic would be perfect for this story time thread.
[Jan 13,2009 4:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i only leave shits
[Jan 13,2009 4:28pm - dreadkill ""]
i took a shit once that looked like a brown boa constrictor. it must've measured 18 inches in length. it was like a replica of my intestines, made out of shit.
[Jan 13,2009 4:48pm - Conservationist ""]
Now blogged:

I've pooped a forearm many a time, dreadkill. I always feel light, slim and energetic afterwards.
[Jan 13,2009 7:58pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I took a shit some years ago where one end nearly touched the front of the bowl and I couldn't see the other end because it was obscured within the drain.
[Jan 13,2009 9:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I have told this shit story at least once before on this board, and I am pleased to tell it again.

During finals my junior year of college, I was under a lot of pressure and had very little time to get a great deal of work done. So, naturally, I was staying up for 2 days straight here and there, not eating right AT ALL and not working out whatsoever. As soon as finals were over it came to my attention that I had not shit in 3 or 4 days. It was only a matter of time before it would all need to come out.

I was in Target with my boss and my ex girlfriend when it felt like a concrete block just dropped in my colon, so I knew what had to be done. I fled to the bathroom in agony and what ensued was easily the greatest pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I'd say it took about a full 5 minutes of easing the log out of my tortured anus. This was one of those shits that makes your eyes water and your legs shake. As soon as it was out, it was the most relieving feeling ever.

So, I wiped, and it was almost completely clean; I looked into the toilet and just about had a heart attack. If you painted a Pringles can brown and bloodied it up a bit and jammed it into a toilet, you would have the closest thing to what exited my body. I was in such disbelief that this came out of me and I didn't die, yet I was proud. I flushed...the shit didn't even move. I flushed again, to no avail. And again...nothing. I had no choice but to leave it sticking up out of the water, completely unflushable.

This is what we call a "thunderdog," as coined by me and my cousin.

Anywho, I ran to find my party and bragged about it, and of course they thought I was exaggerating. When we checked out, we walked past the bathroom to see the security guard and manager entering the bathroom; the security guard said to the manager, "You have to see this thing, it's the size of a fucking Pringles can!"

[Jan 13,2009 9:32pm - Martins ""]
Epic story.
[Jan 14,2009 1:12am - goatcatalyst ""]
I was in Catalyst for seven years.
[Jan 14,2009 1:27am - dreadkill ""]
great story, mark.
[Aug 19,2010 9:01pm - anonymous  ""]
Motherfucker shits.

[Aug 20,2010 10:38am - Yeti ""]
i would like to express my love for fartshitting. not sharting, but fartshitting. where you have to go so bad, and you sit down to find it's a MASSIVE fart filled with turds, and it explodes out at ludicrous speed. those leave little to no residue.
[Aug 20,2010 10:40am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 20,2010 10:43am - goatcatabisk  ""]
A David Myatt thread
[Aug 20,2010 12:17pm - rhinoplasty  ""]
[Aug 20,2010 12:20pm - faggot patrol  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards I need your dook log to clog my arteries.
[Aug 20,2010 12:32pm - The_Rooster ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I have told this shit story at least once before on this board, and I am pleased to tell it again.

During finals my junior year of college, I was under a lot of pressure and had very little time to get a great deal of work done. So, naturally, I was staying up for 2 days straight here and there, not eating right AT ALL and not working out whatsoever. As soon as finals were over it came to my attention that I had not shit in 3 or 4 days. It was only a matter of time before it would all need to come out.

I was in Target with my boss and my ex girlfriend when it felt like a concrete block just dropped in my colon, so I knew what had to be done. I fled to the bathroom in agony and what ensued was easily the greatest pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I'd say it took about a full 5 minutes of easing the log out of my tortured anus. This was one of those shits that makes your eyes water and your legs shake. As soon as it was out, it was the most relieving feeling ever.

So, I wiped, and it was almost completely clean; I looked into the toilet and just about had a heart attack. If you painted a Pringles can brown and bloodied it up a bit and jammed it into a toilet, you would have the closest thing to what exited my body. I was in such disbelief that this came out of me and I didn't die, yet I was proud. I flushed...the shit didn't even move. I flushed again, to no avail. And again...nothing. I had no choice but to leave it sticking up out of the water, completely unflushable.

This is what we call a "thunderdog," as coined by me and my cousin.

Anywho, I ran to find my party and bragged about it, and of course they thought I was exaggerating. When we checked out, we walked past the bathroom to see the security guard and manager entering the bathroom; the security guard said to the manager, "You have to see this thing, it's the size of a fucking Pringles can!"

I have not laughed this hard in a long fucking time. Thank you Pringle can shit of doom.
[Aug 21,2010 4:04pm - Dankill  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I have told this shit story at least once before on this board, and I am pleased to tell it again.

During finals my junior year of college, I was under a lot of pressure and had very little time to get a great deal of work done. So, naturally, I was staying up for 2 days straight here and there, not eating right AT ALL and not working out whatsoever. As soon as finals were over it came to my attention that I had not shit in 3 or 4 days. It was only a matter of time before it would all need to come out.

I was in Target with my boss and my ex girlfriend when it felt like a concrete block just dropped in my colon, so I knew what had to be done. I fled to the bathroom in agony and what ensued was easily the greatest pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I'd say it took about a full 5 minutes of easing the log out of my tortured anus. This was one of those shits that makes your eyes water and your legs shake. As soon as it was out, it was the most relieving feeling ever.

So, I wiped, and it was almost completely clean; I looked into the toilet and just about had a heart attack. If you painted a Pringles can brown and bloodied it up a bit and jammed it into a toilet, you would have the closest thing to what exited my body. I was in such disbelief that this came out of me and I didn't die, yet I was proud. I flushed...the shit didn't even move. I flushed again, to no avail. And again...nothing. I had no choice but to leave it sticking up out of the water, completely unflushable.

This is what we call a "thunderdog," as coined by me and my cousin.

Anywho, I ran to find my party and bragged about it, and of course they thought I was exaggerating. When we checked out, we walked past the bathroom to see the security guard and manager entering the bathroom; the security guard said to the manager, "You have to see this thing, it's the size of a fucking Pringles can!"

This is an all time favorite story, Mark. I was crying the first time you told it.
[Aug 21,2010 4:36pm - Blessed offal nli  ""]
[Aug 21,2010 9:52pm - beelze ""]
[Aug 21,2010 10:27pm - Beelze's mother  ""]
Does the little faggot upthread count for my biggest shit?

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