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Threads: 230 to 239
Suicide might be a great hobby but I wouldn't want to do it for a living @ Nov 3,2004 11:49am
what the hell's my damage @ Oct 29,2004 3:23pm
Impiety "Asateerul Awaleen" re-release @ Oct 29,2004 12:06pm
your classical music recommendations @ Oct 26,2004 11:08am
Judge throws party, hands down life sentence @ Oct 26,2004 4:18pm
it's my last day at work @ Oct 13,2004 1:17pm
Our drummer is out there somewhere . . . @ Oct 1,2004 10:03am
what are your favorite three non-metal videos from VH1 Classic? @ Oct 1,2004 10:12am
eating in public @ Sep 27,2004 12:59pm
Rottrevore @ Sep 17,2004 12:33pm
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