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litacore: [Email][Links][Comments][Events][Threads][Posts][Favorites][CdReviews]
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Profiles stuff: message board threads
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Threads: 250 to 259
who plays a Dean? @ May 27,2004 10:50am
Nazi Vanity Plate @ May 26,2004 10:31am
Venom appreciation and/or how much they suck (CAN be both) @ May 19,2004 9:35am
can anyone recommend a good compressor @ May 17,2004 10:11am
anyone need a practice space in Brighton? @ Apr 23,2004 9:54am
Infinited Hate @ May 7,2004 3:58pm
i missed you all @ May 5,2004 9:22am
Sinister broke up :~( @ Apr 19,2004 7:15pm
attn: MORKUL @ Apr 9,2004 10:38am
Lyric request--The Accused @ Apr 9,2004 2:52pm
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