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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Nov 18,2011 12:50am - blessed offal nli  ""]
Im gonna get the gf all drugged out on turkey and box wine til she passes out so I can play Skyrim all night.
[Nov 18,2011 5:40am - frankovhell  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:Im gonna get the gf all drugged out on turkey and box wine til she passes out so I can play Skyrim all night.

Oh its worse when your GF wants to PLAY the game so she wont leave you alone.
[Nov 18,2011 8:12am - AndrewBastard ""]
my ex loved watching me play oblivion but didnt ever want to play which was cool.

I havent met this lydia bitch yet. Level 23 as of last night. Got a lot of work done and started a quest helping some dude find ancient Daedra artifacts from the Oblivion days. HAIL DAGON.

Layed the smack down on a dragon and found a silly sword: sword of cowardess or some shit...everyone i hit with it flees from the fight for 30 seconds hahah...its kinda stupid.
[Nov 18,2011 8:21am - arilliusbm ""]
Any of you guys see the sanctuary yet? I had to get sap from a tree. It was beautiful. I took screen shots.

Ark, I upgraded it with the detailed faces and bodies patch. Do that up, they look way better. Only problem is that I had the nude patch and they dont agree. So right now the women have boobs that look like dirty skin with no nipples, and they have giant gaping assholes. LOL
[Nov 18,2011 8:27am - AndrewBastard ""]
I did the sanctuary...took me a while to figure out that I had to cut at the roots to get past.
[Nov 18,2011 8:31am - ark  ""]
the ol' eldergleam tree? i didn't expect that place, that was awesome. haven't tried the n00ds yet.

i'm level 23 too. my girl likes watching RPGs. she only ever wants to play when there's butterflies or leeks to collect.

anybody who's done the companions quests, what's the first companions quest? they say they've given me work, but i forgot which quest they gave me! the only thing about the journal is it's not as detailed as it was in oblivion so it's easy to forget where you got quests from....
[Nov 18,2011 8:41am - AndrewBastard ""]
I dont even see a journal!? I've looked before... in oblivion you could re-read the conversation you just had, couldnt you?

[Nov 18,2011 8:43am - arilliusbm ""]
Yes, I've been werewolfing it up for some time. I can't remember what the first mission was. lvl 20 here. I've yet to see any ebony or glass weapons yet.
[Nov 18,2011 8:47am - AndrewBastard ""]
I found one ebony war axe...

no glass yet. only orc bows are real.
[Nov 18,2011 9:36am - burnsy ""]

Alx_Casket said:Lydia died during the first battle I took her into :|

Lydia's been my main bitch, FOR AT LEAST THREE MONTHS.

In all seriousness though, she hasn't died on me. I only got about 16 hours in due to not being home this week but she's proven to be a badass companion thus far.
[Nov 18,2011 9:40am - arilliusbm ""]
FUCK LYDIA. Theres better people that fight with you.

you can marry her, though
[Nov 18,2011 9:52am - burnsy ""]
I'm sure you're right. She's workin' out for me for now though. One day I'll dig a ditch and bury the bitch.
[Nov 18,2011 10:05am - Alx_Casket ""]
Going through mage college (UMass Skyrim) missions so I can get J'zargo (a cat that's a master of destruction lol)
[Nov 18,2011 10:06am - ark  ""]
i need a mage companion.

andrew i guess the "journal" is just the quest log. i wish there was more detailed journals/logs like morrowind.
[Nov 18,2011 10:21am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
If you want a mage companion, you can also get one by completing the Black Star quest. I recommend you do this quest RIGHT AWAY if you do enchanting or use enchanted weapons. After you complete it you get either the black star - a refillable, reusable black soul gem or the Azuras Star - same thing, but it's a white soul gem. - black traps humanoid souls, white traps animal/creature souls

If you choose the azuras star ending (turn in at the altar) you get to keep the mage woman there as a companion.

I cannot say enough - do this quest EARLY as the higher level you get - the final fight of the quest can be IMPOSSIBLE. And the soul gem can be a huge game changer for people looking to do enchants. With a common soul gem, for example, I can enchant my armor for +2 health. The same enchant with the black star gives me +33 health. And it's REUSABLE.
[Nov 18,2011 10:27am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

burnsy said:I'm sure you're right. She's workin' out for me for now though. One day I'll dig a ditch and bury the bitch.

Be aware - I've read online of at least two reports that it is possible
to have your house robbed by NPC's. Since learning this, I dismissed
Lydia and now she guards my house in whitecarl full time. Creepy thing
is, she has her own bedroom there but she hangs out in mine instead.
I think Lydia is into the inter-species sex thing. Once you go negro kitty,
you never go back.

Once you buy the house in Whiterun it will be her default home whether she's following you or not.
[Nov 18,2011 10:49am - AndrewBastard ""]
I never buy houses either...am i missing out? I usually just stash shit in a chest in a cave or fortress that I clear out.
[Nov 18,2011 10:54am - arilliusbm ""]
Yes. Although I share an apt with 2 hipsters in Riften
[Nov 18,2011 11:00am - Alx_Casket ""]
petition to change Allston's name to Riften?
[Nov 18,2011 11:15am - Blessed_Offal ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:Im gonna get the gf all drugged out on turkey and box wine til she passes out so I can play Skyrim all night.

everyone missed the point

[Nov 18,2011 11:25am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
I started buying houses after I read the warning from bethesda that the only
way to guarantee your shit doesn't disappear is to buy a house. I dunno if it's
intentional or a bug, but bethesda even put a warning in the manual this time
around saying that using containers you do not own can cause your shit to
disappear. I'm not taking that risk. I've probably got 10,000 in weapons
stashed in my house.

Also, having your own alchemy lab in your house, shelves filled with all
your books, a blacksmith next door, all my crafting goods, etc... is more
convenient to me than jumping town to town to get stuff done.

Now I just wish I could get an enchanting lab in the house, so I can stop having to run to Anise's cabin to get my enchanting done.


Even using crappy lesser and petty gems, you can create an iron dagger
worth 10G, enchant it with a petty gem, and it will sell for 700G instead of
10G. In other words, take 100 iron ore, 100 leather/strips, and you can
craft 100 iron daggers, raise your skill like 50 points, enchant them, and
sell them for about 70,000G depending on your speechcraft. All for around
1000G in materials.

If you've been skipping or selling your shitty iron daggers and such, you're
losing out.
[Nov 18,2011 11:34am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
I havent met this lydia bitch yet. Level 23 as of last night.

WTF, isn't it one of the first quests in the main storyline?

You shouldn't veer off so quickly. The first few quests (graybeards, courier/black star quest, etc...) give you perks
that can be pretty integral as you level early on. For instance, the
black star wouldn't be nearly as useful once I was in elite armor and
done crafting/enchanting/leveling skills.
[Nov 18,2011 11:41am - AndrewBastard ""]
i did the first few grey beards quests but know nothing of this black star quest youre talking about.
[Nov 18,2011 12:01pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Trying to think of what happened.

I BELIEVE that when you do a shout outdoors the first time or something,
a courier brings you some sort of letter. Whatever it is, it puts Azura's temple
on my map. If you go there, you meet a mage who sends you on a daedric
quest chain that ends with you getting a daedric artifact - black star or Azuras

[Nov 18,2011 12:03pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Lydia quest is started I believe the first time you visit the Jarl in Whiterun.
When you arrive in town his soldier lady (lydia) tells him they saw a Dragon.
He asks you to follow her and help her fight the dragon since you have the
most experience with dragons. When you finish that quest he gives you Lydia.

[Nov 18,2011 12:06pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
he probably just either walked right by lydia, or said no when she asked to come with. I killed that bitch anyway.
[Nov 18,2011 12:06pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I think I did that Lydia quest and then decline her invitation to join me?

I have tons of random notes from couriers I haven't read yet.
[Nov 18,2011 12:09pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:Trying to think of what happened.

I BELIEVE that when you do a shout outdoors the first time or something,
a courier brings you some sort of letter. Whatever it is, it puts Azura's temple
on my map. If you go there, you meet a mage who sends you on a daedric
quest chain that ends with you getting a daedric artifact - black star or Azuras

Actually, I think I'm confusing a bunch of quests together.

SOMETHING put the temple on my map. And when I walked there it started
the quest. I think the courier thing was something else.
[Nov 18,2011 12:10pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

AndrewBastard said:I think I did that Lydia quest and then decline her invitation to join me?

I have tons of random notes from couriers I haven't read yet.

Accept it. Even if you don't want her as a follower, she's like a free guard
dog for your house once you buy it. She's not a typical follower, she's a PRESENT. ;)

[Nov 18,2011 12:13pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
What is the max level in this one?
[Nov 18,2011 12:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Devs said 50, with a theoretical (DLC) limit of 70, if I recall.
[Nov 18,2011 12:17pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Fuck, FUCK fuck fuckity.
[Nov 18,2011 12:23pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
ok question for xboxers: you can have 2 preset weapon sets on your d-pad left and right by going to favorites and holding either left or right, but when I try to set two things, say flames and sword, to one direction it just does either one or the other, not both, so when i click left or right on the d pad it will quick switch to only one weapon instead of dual wielding. this seems like either Im doing something wrong or its just a huge game design flaw, because if you cant quick switch to a dual wield then whats the point? you quick switch to say a sword and you still have to open the menu to select a shield? WTF
[Nov 18,2011 12:30pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
ur doin it wrong.

It's not for switching item sets. It's for, say, switching quickly to a weapon
with a Soul Trap enchant in time for the killing blow. Or say you're dual wielding
maces. You set your bow to left d-pad. Now you can hit one button and whip
out your bow, take a shot, then hit the same button and rush back in with your
maces in hand.

[Nov 18,2011 12:37pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
yea but if im dual wielding and i switch to bow, when i switch back its not dual wielding anymore, because it only lets you select one weapon per button
[Nov 18,2011 12:54pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
nope, if you hit the button again it goes back to exactly what you had before.

If yours doesn't it's a bug.
[Nov 18,2011 12:55pm - Lydia  ""]
[Nov 18,2011 1:03pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
yea I see it now. you can't set a specific dual wield, but whatever you were wielding last with the weapon/spell you have selected will show up.
[Nov 18,2011 1:08pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
I love getting a quest for something I've already done.

Questgiver: Go get me this artifact in some dangerous cavern.
Large Negro Kitty: You mean THIS artifact right here?
QG: Wow, you really are the shit, my man! Here, take my money!
[Nov 18,2011 2:07pm - ark  ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:Trying to think of what happened.

I BELIEVE that when you do a shout outdoors the first time or something,
a courier brings you some sort of letter.

I got a letter from an interested party a while after I shouted the first time in Windhelm. Not sure if that's the same quest right now.
[Nov 18,2011 2:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Guards are telling me to stop shouting, it's making people nervous.
[Nov 18,2011 2:16pm - AndrewBastard ""]
only the BLACK HANDPRINT letter is real "WE KNOW"
[Nov 18,2011 2:19pm - burnsy ""]

AndrewBastard said:only the BLACK HANDPRINT letter is real "WE KNOW"

Haha I got that soon after I slaughtered the nice lady at the orphanage.
[Nov 19,2011 11:57pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Darkwater Pass, so sketchy.
[Nov 20,2011 12:20am - bignig  ""]
[Nov 20,2011 10:44am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
a lot of the dungeons are very Indiana Jones
[Nov 20,2011 10:56am - sinistas ""]
The courier quests give you "A Letter From A Friend" with locations of dungeons with new shout words. This is The Black Star: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Black_Star
[Nov 20,2011 10:50pm - eye_hate_hipsters ""]
so i've learned some new words and killed a bunch of dragons but I can only use 2 shouts. what's the deal? i'm too lazy to look it up online
[Nov 20,2011 11:06pm - burnsy ""]

eye_hate_hipsters said:so i've learned some new words and killed a bunch of dragons but I can only use 2 shouts. what's the deal? i'm too lazy to look it up online

Had the same problem. Ark addressed it above but in the magic menu under shouts you hit x on the shout that's locked to spend a dragonsoul.
[Nov 20,2011 11:09pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
you have to collect dragon souls (by killing dragons) and then you can 'spend' them by hitting x. once you have a soul, go to shouts and highlight it and hit 'x' or whatever button it says to spend it on whatever shout you want to use.

also, I really like the dungeons in this game, MUCHHHHH less repetitive dungeon crawling than in oblivion. bravo, bethesda. but seriously, no repair skills and weapon durability? GAY

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