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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Nov 24,2011 9:29pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Level 35. Can't check playtime as I'm watching a movie. But my mind is in skyrim.
[Nov 24,2011 9:31pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Me and lydia are decked out in full dragon armor. Maxxed out smithing. I one hit most everything. In fact, I now have a problem with lydia killing everything before I get to hit it at all.
[Nov 24,2011 9:51pm - Martins ""]
Daedric Armor > Dragon Armor FACT
[Nov 24,2011 10:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
running around naked killing everything > any armor
[Nov 24,2011 10:16pm - burnsy ""]
Cicero is such a faggot.
[Nov 24,2011 10:21pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
I skipped over daedric armor. Went at it from the other side of the skill tree.
[Nov 24,2011 11:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Fortified archery head to toe, level 30 with a glass bow. Master of sneak, unstoppable.
[Nov 25,2011 4:34am - the_reverend ""]
damn it! I need a new TV so I can play this!
[Nov 25,2011 8:25am - ark  ""]

arilliusbm said:running around naked killing everything > any armor
playing on master and getting wrecked left and right > no challenge at all
[Nov 25,2011 2:24pm - ca_va_faire_une_maudite_poutin ""]
[Nov 26,2011 1:15pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Level 35 (again - had to backtrack).

Question: I have 60,000 Gold. What the fuck do I buy with it?
[Nov 26,2011 1:17pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
Im pretty sure the toughest enemies in this game are bears.
[Nov 26,2011 1:20pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Investment perk is worth it. One vendor took 500G from me. Now every other day he's got 10,000G in his inventory. So much easier than bouncing to a million different vendors.

[Nov 26,2011 1:21pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Bears are really easy. The cats are a little tougher.

If you have trouble with bears, stay out of dwarven ruins. Trust the negro kitty. You're gonna hate dwarven centurion masters.

[Nov 26,2011 1:38pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
I don't have a problem with them, Im just sayimng I kill everything no problem, dragons barely hurt me, trolls, etc, but it takes me like 5 minutes to kill a bear for some reason.
[Nov 26,2011 2:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
I haven't died on days. I kill bears like butter melts.
[Nov 26,2011 2:26pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:I haven't died on days. I kill bears like butter melts.

[Nov 26,2011 2:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lvl 30 all exquisite glass armor, maxed out one handed and pretty good restoration.
[Nov 26,2011 3:09pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
I'm loving the stormcloak rebellion. the siege on whiterun was killer, mainly because I did it later on in the game and was a high level so I just kinda walked in like I was darth vader burning all the guards one hit style.
fuck the empire.
[Nov 26,2011 3:28pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
A tip:

Lydia/companions -

1) if you target them from a little ways away and hold X, it will enter command mode instantly (instead of having to talk to her first).

2) Companions HAVE NO CARRYING LIMIT, as long as you tell them to pick it up!

Only think is, sometimes when you do this the loot will show up as stolen. (i.e. - having lydia take all from a chest, etc...) so you cannot vend it without the appropriate perk or a fence.

[Nov 26,2011 3:29pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:I'm loving the stormcloak rebellion. the siege on whiterun was killer, mainly because I did it later on in the game and was a high level so I just kinda walked in like I was darth vader burning all the guards one hit style.
fuck the empire.

What initiates this quest? Sounds like a lot of fun.
[Nov 26,2011 3:53pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:
blessed%20offal%20nli said:I'm loving the stormcloak rebellion. the siege on whiterun was killer, mainly because I did it later on in the game and was a high level so I just kinda walked in like I was darth vader burning all the guards one hit style.
fuck the empire.

What initiates this quest? Sounds like a lot of fun.

you just have to join the stormcloak rebellion its like the third quest in after youve become a stormcloak. Talk to the jarl in windhelm
[Nov 26,2011 4:30pm - Martins ""]
I raped all the stormcloaks as part of the imperial legion.
[Nov 27,2011 3:07pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
me riding invisible horse

[Nov 27,2011 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
interracial skyrimsex

[Nov 27,2011 4:16pm - Alexecutioner ""]

arilliusbm said:interracial skyrimsex


haha wut?
[Nov 27,2011 4:44pm - Spaldino  ""]
just started playing this. i made a kitty person. fuck you. i'll steal your shit. i'm also black.
[Nov 27,2011 5:31pm - arilliusbm ""]

Spaldino said:just started playing this. i made a kitty person. fuck you. i'll steal your shit. i'm also black.

Large Negro Kitty?
[Nov 27,2011 5:35pm - burnsy ""]
got 20,000 for assassinating a high profile target. Still only at level 21. I've always leveled pretty slowly in the ES games.
[Nov 27,2011 5:59pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just got an ebony bow. All the relevant archery perks, high sneak, and light armor enchanted with fortify archery skills = master sniper
[Nov 27,2011 6:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
ebony gets outdated pretty quickly.
[Nov 27,2011 6:29pm - burnsy ""]
I got an elven frost damage bow. My sneak is 55 but I have an amulet that increases sneak 20% and a jester hat which fortifies sneak by 35%. I killed a dude undetected when I was right in front of him. Hide ya kids hide ya wife.
[Nov 27,2011 6:31pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

arilliusbm said:ebony gets outdated pretty quickly.


Also - spaldino, welcome my negro kitty brother. /secret handshake.
[Nov 27,2011 6:36pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
i cant fucking kill this red eagle dude...he's like 2 hits and im DONE.
[Nov 27,2011 6:47pm - burnsy ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:i cant fucking kill this red eagle dude...he's like 2 hits and im DONE.

Haven't found him yet. Have you tried using the unrelenting force shout to stun him? That's worked really well against powerful enemies.
[Nov 27,2011 7:21pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
i finally beat him and got a pretty ridiculous sword....the one he was using on me 36 damage plus 10pts of fire
[Nov 27,2011 7:25pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
ok so finally bought a home a whiterun and i go inside and guess who's hanging out in there waiting for me? LYDIA! first time ive ever used a companion.

52 hours in - level 29
[Nov 27,2011 7:27pm - burnsy ""]
I got an elven greatsword that's pretty boss. 41 Damage plus soultrap if killed in 7 seconds.
[Nov 27,2011 7:32pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
i have a bow that automatically soul traps....pretty key item. i always finish off my enemies with it.
[Nov 27,2011 7:47pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:ebony gets uneducated and lazy pretty quickly.
[Nov 27,2011 7:49pm - burnsy ""]
I dunno. Those redguards are quite persistent in catching that traitor bitch in whiterun.
[Nov 27,2011 7:51pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:i finally beat him and got a pretty ridiculous sword....the one he was using on me 36 damage plus 10pts of fire

the stormcloaks give you a sword that does 27 dmg +25 fire dmg kinda early on. but youre a traitorous imperial
[Nov 27,2011 8:00pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
My ebony mace and sword do around 90 damage each with enchants.

[Nov 27,2011 8:18pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Yeah dude...i think i fought on the OPPOSiTE side as you during that siege you mentioned earlier... had to protect the kingdom during an attack...it was wicked easy,
[Nov 27,2011 8:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Superior Ebony bow plus enchants = 62 damage plus 15 fire damage. Having the master of destruction cat roll in on people is worth it mainly because of his ridiculous moustache. Just bought a house in Riften, it came with some spiteful woman named Iona. I left her cooking me a stew that I will not eat, let her contemplate her demeanor by her lonesome. Level 32
[Nov 27,2011 8:56pm - Martins ""]
Level 99 one handed with legendary ebony and daedric maces and a bunch of shit with fortify one handed stacked to about 50% bonus. I rape everything. Need to give myself another difficulty boost up to master.
[Nov 27,2011 9:40pm - Spaldino  ""]
my screen keeps going black while i play this game. im well within the minimum specs for the game. it recommends that i use high settings. i ran low because i wanted to be safe. a lot of other people are having the same problem as me. people with better graphics cards than me. it seems to be a semi-common problem. i am really sad.
[Nov 28,2011 11:23am - Spaldino  ""]
editted the .ini file to manually turn off vsync... got to play through the first dragon enounter without my screen shitting out. epic as fuck.
[Nov 28,2011 11:32am - ark  ""]
that sucks. it seems like every problem i've had with the game, i've been able to find a fix somewhere. hit some random quest bugs here and there that had solutions.

i've been playing on master difficulty since the beginning. it makes you level up faster because the battles take SO DAMN LONG and you don't stop swinging, casting, and running. i hit level 40 and i'm not even close to done with the 3 main quest lines i'm on.
[Nov 28,2011 11:38am - arilliusbm ""]
I am curious about Martin's time playing this game.

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