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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Dec 5,2011 8:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Anyone do the quest where youre dreaming?
[Dec 5,2011 8:43am - AndrewBastard ""]
the one where youre inside that insane dudes mind from the Blue Palace and you get the Wabbajack?
[Dec 5,2011 9:11am - arilliusbm ""]
yes. trippy quest
[Dec 5,2011 9:35am - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah I beat that...shit was silly.
[Dec 5,2011 9:39am - arktourO‘s  ""]
i did that this weekend. i haven't actually used the wabbajack yet..is it worth carrying around?

~100 hours on my char, level 45. i have about 50 unfinished quests in my log. i haven't explored ANY of the reach (southwest hold). the companions quest bugs are pretty annoying. i defected and played assassin's creed: the reverend last night.
[Dec 5,2011 9:42am - arktourO‘s  ""]

arilliusbm said:
I'm bout to wife her up.

my girl and i would enter into a binding agreement with her.
[Dec 5,2011 9:59am - AndrewBastard ""]
I havent even SEEN Falkreath yet and/or touched a dark bro-hood quest.

Level 35 or 36 as of yesterday...

Wabbajack I finally sold the other day. I thought it was awesome cause it'll turn enemies into random things like rabbits and deer and shit but it turns out they just turn back into who the originally were a few seconds later it seems so its kinda pointless.
[Dec 5,2011 11:15am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
What is this wabbajack we all speak of?

I am almost indestructible. I rarely die. I one hit most anything. BUT THIS STUPID DRAGON IN RIVERWOOD HAS BEEN RAPING ME FOR A WEEK!!!!

What the FUCK? I kill elder dragons all the time, but for some reason every time I go to riverwood there's a dragon there who refuses to land, uses buildings for cover, and just royally kicks my ass.

And my favorite vendor is there.

[Dec 5,2011 11:20am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
About fucking time I got the fire-breathing shout. Now I feel like a proper dragonborne.
[Dec 5,2011 11:45am - blessed offal nli  ""]
havn't played in two days. withdrawals are getting worse. gonna get blazed as fuck and play with the shades down all day today.

also, ark, the reach is probably the coolest part of the whole map, IMO. although I havnt been to every part of the map yet, and I just got to markarth. just been doing Stormcloak quests.
[Dec 5,2011 11:53am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
If you're in Markarth, go straight from the gate to the second door on your right. It's the "abandoned house". You'll find a mage asking you to help him explore the "haunted house". AWESOME haunted house quest, and you get a free giant house with a satanic altar in the basement.

I think I have like 5 houses now.

[Dec 5,2011 11:57am - AndrewBastard ""]
i only have the one house still...dont see any need to get another...my house is FILLED with enchanted weapons I pretend I'm going to go back and use but never do.

still have tons of loot.
[Dec 5,2011 11:57am - AndrewBastard ""]
also got some ill black star soul gem...
[Dec 5,2011 12:01pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Some houses have weapon racks and hangers, display cases, mannequins, etc... where you can hang all that cool shit up.

However there's a bug - if you go IN the house before you buy the upgrades, none of the weapon racks and shit works.

I bought the house in Solitude because I was tired of doing everything in Whiterun, but having to fast travel to do enchants. However the Solitude house has the enchant table, but there's no nearby lockers or chests to keep materials in. And the blacksmith is clear on the other side of Solitude.

[Dec 5,2011 12:22pm - BradsauceNLI  ""]
Anyone encounter backwards flying dragons?
[Dec 5,2011 12:24pm - AndrewBastard ""]
no but there are a set of dragon bones outside of the college at winterhold from a dragon i killed that just like blows around in the wind like a fucking windsock and it never goes away....I can walk right through it.
[Dec 5,2011 12:27pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Andrew, have you gotten a patch yet? That's a bug. The patch should fix it. I got a patch on PS3 that made all my dragon corpses go away.
[Dec 5,2011 12:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
Troll identified.
[Dec 5,2011 12:33pm - AndrewBastard ""]
No...i unplug my xbox from the intarweb when I play games...everytime I say yes to updates, something gay happens.

[Dec 5,2011 12:34pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:If you're in Markarth, go straight from the gate to the second door on your right. It's the "abandoned house". You'll find a mage asking you to help him explore the "haunted house". AWESOME haunted house quest, and you get a free giant house with a satanic altar in the basement.

I think I have like 5 houses now.

yea that quest was cool. I got some mediocre mace out of it.
[Dec 5,2011 12:36pm - ark  ""]

AndrewBastard said:No...i unplug my xbox from the intarweb when I play games...everytime I say yes to updates, something gay happens.

you're playing on xbox, everything gay happens anyway. get the patch!
[Dec 5,2011 12:37pm - AndrewBastard ""]
if the patch is only going to fix that fluttering dragon in winterhold, I dont need it. Aside from that my game isn't really buggy.

It's froze TWICE the whole time I've been playing and aside from small bugs you'd expect from a game of this magnitude, nothing I feel like I need a "patch" for...

[Dec 5,2011 12:38pm - burnsy ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said: I was tired of doing everything in Whiterun, but having to fast travel to do enchants.

In whiterun you can do enchants at Dragonsreach.
[Dec 5,2011 12:39pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

AndrewBastard said:if the patch is only going to fix that fluttering dragon in winterhold, I dont need it. Aside from that my game isn't really buggy.

that's because you're not playing on a PC
[Dec 5,2011 12:48pm - ark  ""]
just joking...the patch didn't do a goddamn thing to fix my companions quests which are completely fucked...
[Dec 5,2011 12:50pm - ark  ""]
even with all the console command fixez i tried, my only other option to fix it is "wait 30 in-game days"
[Dec 5,2011 1:00pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah, as soon as I encounter a bug like a missing key or a door not opening when it should etc...I restart the xbox and revert to the most recent save. It has fixed it both times that happened to me.

[Dec 5,2011 1:02pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

burnsy said:
Large%20Negro%20Kitty said: I was tired of doing everything in Whiterun, but having to fast travel to do enchants.

In whiterun you can do enchants at Dragonsreach.

What I want is a forge, grindstone, an enchanter, and a place to store my shit all real close to each other. When I'm crafting and enchanting I'm usually over-encumbered with ingots. Can't be running to dragonsreach.

[Dec 5,2011 1:09pm - burnsy ""]
Fast travel ;-) But yeah, I haven't seen such a place.
[Dec 5,2011 1:15pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
you can't fast travel while over-encumbered. COME ON PEOPLE
[Dec 5,2011 1:19pm - burnsy ""]
haha Never tried honestly. Everytime I've become overencumbered, I've been in a dungeon and can't fast travel anyways.
[Dec 5,2011 1:20pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
^ ding. Can't fast travel overencumbered. Right now it's go in house LOAD get mats, leave house LOAD, go craft, sharpen, go into house LOAD, drop mats, leave house LOAD, fast travel to enchant LOAD, etc...

I don't want to have to go through so much effort. I'd kill for a basement with a forge and enchant table.

[Dec 5,2011 1:24pm - ark  ""]
i understand bethesda's ideas for limiting the amount you carry...i still spent WAY TOO MUCH time fumbling around in the inventory. maybe if i wasn't so anal about what i carry. i should give less fucks. it turns out the game gives you more than enough to not worry about dropping something.

the best inventory was fallout: new vegas. ammo had weight and you also needed to carry food and water to survive. SUPPORT
[Dec 5,2011 1:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
If Skyrim was real life, character would need a horse and carriage to carry all the shit. Game is so fake and overrated.
[Dec 5,2011 1:27pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
yea I have a hard time getting rid of things, even though I know I don't need them, and can't sell them anyway cuz the fucking merchants only have like 500 bucks on them.
[Dec 5,2011 1:32pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

arilliusbm said:If Skyrim was real life, dragons would be alot easier to kill, especially when dual-wielding. Game is so fake and overrated.
[Dec 5,2011 1:33pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

Blessed_Offal said: cuz the fucking merchants only have like 500 bucks on them.

investment perk. Dude in riverwood will have 10,000G. Works great, until an elder dragon won't let you in Riverwood anymore.
[Dec 5,2011 1:42pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I've never perk'd investment...I need to get on that cause I have a lot of shit to sell...even though I dont need the $$
[Dec 5,2011 1:50pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Worked great for me. I had about 80,000G after a day of selling shit in Riverwood.

Then that goddamned dragon camped out there. :(
[Dec 5,2011 2:01pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:
Blessed_Offal said: cuz the fucking merchants only have like 500 bucks on them.

investment perk. Dude in riverwood will have 10,000G. Works great, until an elder dragon won't let you in Riverwood anymore.

yea I havnt put much into speech, I guess I should get on it.

for the record though, I think the new speech system is definitely a downgrade from oblivion.
[Dec 5,2011 2:04pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah it was kinda fun using that little meter thing to win people over...

LNK: how can you not just RUN OUT OF TOWN to escape that dragon?
[Dec 5,2011 2:08pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
It won't follow me. It camps out on the arch leading into town. I don't know if it's a bug or on purpose. If I run, it starts killing townsfolk. If I stay, it kicks my ass.

I'm going to craft a set of fire resist armor and go back to kick this fuckers ass. I just got a higher level mage companion. Hopefully I'll have more ranged attack.
[Dec 5,2011 7:11pm - frankovhell  ""]
They have dumbed down a lot of things that I find kind of annoying.
[Dec 5,2011 7:36pm - narkybark ""]
The ES games have always been like that. I actually think this is a step up from Oblivion, at least in terms of skills and levelling up. The creature levels feel better this time around as well, but the leveled loot still feels meh.
[Dec 5,2011 8:47pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
im not officially arch mage too...

im not sure if I should rock the arch mage robes or my nightengale armor


[Dec 6,2011 12:35am - Spaldino  ""]
just added 2 more gigs to my ram and now the game just locks up my system with the screen on instead of cutting the signal to the monitor and locking my system up. its an improvement.
[Dec 6,2011 3:38am - frankovhell  ""]

Spaldino said:just added 2 more gigs to my ram and now the game just locks up my system with the screen on instead of cutting the signal to the monitor and locking my system up. its an improvement.

try only using your new ram sticks, Your old one might be bad.
[Dec 6,2011 6:50am - SLAGgot  ""]

ark said:i understand bethesda's ideas for limiting the amount you carry...i still spent WAY TOO MUCH time fumbling around in the inventory. maybe if i wasn't so anal about what i carry. i should give less fucks. it turns out the game gives you more than enough to not worry about dropping something.

the best inventory was fallout: new vegas. ammo had weight and you also needed to carry food and water to survive. SUPPORT

Skyrim needs "Hardcore" mode mod, stat.
[Dec 6,2011 6:52am - arilliusbm ""]
So my smithing is finally maxed out at 100. It makes a HUGE difference when you upgrade weapons and armor. Andrew, my nightengale armor is maxed out and nearly doubled in strength and value
[Dec 6,2011 6:52am - SLAGgot  ""]

Spaldino said:just added 2 more gigs to my ram and now the game just locks up my system with the screen on instead of cutting the signal to the monitor and locking my system up. its an improvement.

Dude, when I get home, I will post a link for a fix for this problem with Skyrim. I had the same issue, but found an easy workaround.

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