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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Dec 26,2011 10:58pm - Spaldino  ""]
it's a fucking wonder box, duder.
[Dec 26,2011 11:51pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
I used to not own Skyrim...then I took an arrow to the knee.

(It's the PS3 version though. My PC isn't even remotely close to capable of handling it. And it wasn't my call.)
[Dec 26,2011 11:55pm - arkmass  ""]
yeah, what spaldino said. plus, steam is like xbox live with less children and more neckbeards.
[Dec 27,2011 1:02am - frankovhell  ""]

Spaldino said:the PC version, if you aren't from the midwest and retarded, is better. your computer can be hooked up to your huge tv as well as your sound system. you can also play with a wireless xbox360 or ps3 controller so you can lay down and play all you want. you also can have a wireless keyboard and mouse if you prefer to play an FPS-like "properly". not to mention that the PC version has MODS that have an infinite amount of potential replay value. the game is going to continue to grow and evolve on the PC (look at Morrowind).

also if you want to be a faggot and complain about the price of a PC that can play this game in ultra (about any PC thats $900+ new now), you can just pirate games to save money. if you also want to further justify that point... lets say you buy a 60 dollar new game every other month... thats 360 bucks. (most gamers pick up far more than just 6 games a year but this is an example.) take the price of the system new, 300 bucks (dont you dare mention the xbox arcade or the cheaper ps3)... thats 660 bucks. PC is only like 400 more. take into account that this is also your computer... so thats another 400 bucks or so for a basic regular computer and it equals out pretty much.

PC rapes.

It still doesn't change the fact that some people want to play a game right away while they can and don't have tthe money to buy a PC dude. People like this sound like such a little whiney dork it gives the whole PC community a bad name. I truely cannont stand most gamers because they are so fucking annoying.
[Dec 27,2011 3:50am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
If you aren't building your own chipsets and running skyrim in an OS you wrote you're a giant faggot who isn't really playing Skyrim.
[Dec 27,2011 6:56am - arilliusbm ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:
arilliusbm said:PC.

I miss terribly the benefits of playing PC games online where I can compare stats, trophies, and play with my other gaming friends. All four of them who actually have the PC version.

Luckily, I am consoled by the 972,000 other friends I have who own the PS3.

Steam does all of that, Nigger Cat.
[Dec 27,2011 6:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Argument comes up all the time.

I stopped caring about consoles when they ceased being consoles and started being wannabe computers.

And yea, I had a shitty computer up until last year. Now I have a bargain computer from BJ's that I upgraded with a new power supply and video card for under 200 bucks. The total cost of the system was under 600. I just beat COD MW3 on high settings and everything looked superb.
I don't own an HDTV because I don't watch much TV or care to. You guys all complaining about PC costs spend more money on an HDTV, sound system, and a couch.. NO MAKEY SENSE
[Dec 27,2011 10:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
I've made incremental upgrades for years, the price equals that of getting a new console every 5 years and the benefits are unquestionable. I use a 37" monitor, your argument is invalid.
[Dec 27,2011 10:26am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

Pires said:
zyklon said:I'm going to gamestop tomorrow, should I buy the ps3 or 360 version?

360. I heard the ps3 has some lag issues. Not sure if it's been patched though.

Incorrect. BOTH units had lag issues that were fixed with the first patch.
[Dec 27,2011 10:37am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I've made incremental upgrades for years, the price equals that of getting a new console every 5 years and the benefits are unquestionable. I use a 37" monitor, your argument is invalid.

My last gaming rig = $1400. (2005?) Add in about 5 years of upgrades, replacement parts, etc... + monitor, PSU, $100 Razer mouse, etc... = LOTS OF MONEY.

46" LED T.V. - $550
PS3 Slim - $300
Speakers + receiver - $300

Did I miss anything? Curious how your math just doesn't add up.

PC games are superior - GRAPHICALLY. That is all. Development dollars are less. Release dates are later. The fanbase/#of people you know playing one is smaller. Coding is often identical, especially when you buy one of those awesome games that could be 1000 times better on PC, only to find the PC release is nothing but a shitty CONSOLE PORT anyway.

So yeah, other than being able to run huge textures and mods for skyrim (which we're all enjoying mod-free right now anyway)name ONE OTHER GAME in the last year that is worth the purchase on PC vs. console.

I'll give you a hint: Betamax was better than VHS back in the day. It still failed because POPULARITY and COMPATIBILITY go a lot further than TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY.

PC might be a great platform, but until developers and gamers catch onto that, it's still the dead medium it has been for several years now. Just ask the revolving staff of editors and writers at PC Gamer magazine struggling to hold their jobs.

[Dec 27,2011 10:39am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:
arilliusbm said:PC.

I miss terribly the benefits of playing PC games online where I can compare stats, trophies, and play with my other gaming friends. All four of them who actually have the PC version.

Luckily, I am consoled by the 972,000 other friends I have who own the PS3.

Steam does all of that, Nigger Cat.

Quick, all the gamers in this thread who are on steam more than once a week raise your hands...
[Dec 27,2011 12:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Funny thing is, all you fags that play FPS games on consoles would get owned by PC Gamers. Face the facts, PC Gamers are better at games and are more involved. Console gaming/gamers are just PC Gaming lite and are trendy hipsters, which is why the market shifted.
[Dec 27,2011 12:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Also, way too many kids on 360 live. Play some real competition, faggots.
[Dec 27,2011 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 27,2011 12:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nintendo products are the only real consoles left. Theyre not wannabe PCs.

[Dec 27,2011 12:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
LNK, 1400 is retarded. Myself or ark could build you a computer with 500 plus spare parts you already have laying around.
[Dec 27,2011 12:39pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Hi guys, what's this button do?
[Dec 27,2011 12:40pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Shit. I forgot to make my XBOX Live Character look like me even though they all look dumb.
[Dec 27,2011 12:41pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
What it comes down to for me is that pretty much the only game I play is Skyrim, so I'm not gonna spend $700+ on a computer for one game, or $100 and tons of time upgrading, or however the fuck you nerds want to spell it out. Obviously PC is better, but it's still a hell of a fucking game on any system, and LOL at people using video games as a catalyst for elitism. You people are just awful.
Oh and I do agree that playing FPS on anything but PC is for mouth breathing morons like that hideous idiot on the rttp home page.
[Dec 27,2011 12:41pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Oh no, I think I need a new 80 dollar 10 ft HDMI cable for my $1500 TV.
[Dec 27,2011 12:43pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
I hate Elitist PC gamers. They talk a lot of trash.
[Dec 27,2011 12:43pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Blessed Offal uses photoshop for elitism.
[Dec 27,2011 12:45pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Oh hi guys, when are they going to port Starcraft II to Xbox??
[Dec 27,2011 12:46pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
Shit. My xbox crashed. Let me wait 4 weeks to have it mailed out and fixed.
[Dec 27,2011 12:47pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
Here's an example of why I am more elite than you, despite my use of a console:
-my bands better
-my dicks bigger
-I could probably beat all of you up at the same time with one hand and still hold my 360 controller in the other hand and kill elder dragons on master without hitting more than one button.
-I don't have opinions on black metal anymore because I'm not in middle school.
-My boobs are bigger
[Dec 27,2011 12:48pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
[Dec 27,2011 12:50pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
[Dec 27,2011 12:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Consoles are cool if you're not serious about games. *shrug*
[Dec 27,2011 12:52pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
[Dec 27,2011 12:53pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
How do I hit control alt delete?
[Dec 27,2011 1:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I figure, if you already have a computer that can handle photoshop (which I KNOW you didn't pay for), you can put down for a decent graphics card like aril did and play Skyrim: Generations on settings that feel/look better than any console.
[Dec 27,2011 1:08pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
You figured wrong bitch. My dick is bigger because I play console games.
[Dec 27,2011 1:11pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
Anon is basically that rich guy who buys a $70,000 Porsche to make up for the fact that his trophy wife is fucking the pool boy because she can't stand the sight of his awful body naked. But at least his car goes fast amirite!
[Dec 27,2011 1:17pm - AndrewBastard ""]
XBOX 360 and MacBook Pro or GTFO
[Dec 27,2011 1:19pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
[Dec 27,2011 1:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Andrew, you're excused from the console wars due to your Mac disability. It's like having flat feet in WWII.
[Dec 27,2011 1:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Xbox = wheelchair van for gamers
[Dec 27,2011 4:48pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

Alx_Casket said:LNK, 1400 is retarded. Myself or ark could build you a computer with 500 plus spare parts you already have laying around.

In 2005, it was pretty average for a gaming rig. 2X8800GT alone was close to half the cost.

Of course one could be built cheaper now, but who cares? I got tired of shitty ports and half assed developers anyway.

But Aril is right in one regard - if you're playing FPS you SHOULD prefer a PC. However, it's sad that fag needs to resort to the FPS defense in an RPG thread.

[Dec 27,2011 4:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
The best RPGs came out pre 2000 for consoles.
[Dec 27,2011 4:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Red Faction
Rise of the Triad
Jazz Jackrabbit

Now back on topic.
[Dec 27,2011 4:56pm - burnsy ""]
Beat the Star Tropics octopus or fuck yourself.
[Dec 27,2011 4:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 27,2011 5:07pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

arilliusbm said:The best RPGs came out pre 2000 for consoles.

That explains all the other 25 page threads about 12 year old RPGs around here.

[Dec 27,2011 5:31pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
LOL @ any FPS that isn't Natural Selection on steam.

[Dec 27,2011 5:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
ATTN anyone who has steam: I challenge you to a duel in any game. add me and bring it nigga
[Dec 27,2011 5:54pm - eyeroller  ""]

bignig said:[img]

[Dec 27,2011 5:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Large Negro Kitty is mad that he spent 3500 on an Alienware machine in 1996 that had 333mhz and 32MB ram.
[Dec 27,2011 8:22pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]

arilliusbm said:Large Negro Kitty is mad that he spent 3500 on an Alienware machine in 1996 that had 333mhz and 32MB ram.

Nigga kitty doesn't waste money like that. My full name is large negro jew-kitty.
[Dec 28,2011 1:04am - Spaldino  ""]

eyeroller said:
bignig said:[img]


[Dec 29,2011 5:18pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
OK why am I talking to a dog, and why does it sound like Louis Anderson with a Boston accent? This is the worst quest ever.

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