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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Dec 29,2011 5:19pm - arilliusbm ""]

Blessed_Offal said:OK why am I talking to a dog, and why does it sound like Louis Anderson with a Boston accent? This is the worst quest ever.

boring quest. You can kill the dog, at the end.
[Dec 29,2011 5:21pm - Burnsy ""]
Dog is an awesome tank.
[Dec 29,2011 5:23pm - arilliusbm ""]

Burnsy said:Dog is an awesome tank.

an awesome what?
[Dec 29,2011 5:26pm - narkybark ""]
aril hasn't played any games since 1992 and so doesn't know what a "tank" is.
[Dec 29,2011 5:28pm - Burnsy ""]
[Dec 29,2011 5:29pm - sigh  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Burnsy said:Dog is an awesome tank.

an awesome what?

How is it that the people who claim to be such fans of RPG's do not understand this concept? A tank is any character that will cause the NPC's to attack them instead of you, leaving you free to attack the NPC unharmed. Usually it's a character that is capable of taking a lot of damage.
[Dec 29,2011 5:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Was that the movable thing in Blaster Master for NES?
[Dec 29,2011 5:36pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

sigh said:
arilliusbm said:
Burnsy said:Dog is an awesome .

an awesome what?

A is any character that will cause the NPC's to attack them instead of you,

Re-read your post dude, you're missing words. And noone answered arils question. An awesome what? animal? Mammal? Companion? I don't get it.
[Dec 29,2011 5:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Look out tonight at metal Thursday, aril's gonna pull up in an M1 Abrams and you'll all be trolled hard.
[Dec 29,2011 5:44pm - burnsy ""]
The show was last night.
[Dec 29,2011 5:49pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
My character has a strange disease...

[Dec 29,2011 6:10pm - arilliusbm ""]

sigh said:
arilliusbm said:
Burnsy said:Dog is an awesome tank.

an awesome what?

How is it that the people who claim to be such fans of RPG's do not understand this concept? A tank is any character that will cause the NPC's to attack them instead of you, leaving you free to attack the NPC unharmed. Usually it's a character that is capable of taking a lot of damage.

1) not knowing what a tank is has nothing to do with knowing what a tank is. It's an rttp joke, hard to explain
2) action rpgs arent real rpgs
3) The Dog is pointless and has a horrible accent
[Dec 29,2011 6:22pm - narkybark ""]
only turn-based RPGs with anime twinkle music are real
[Dec 29,2011 6:34pm - burnsy ""]
I learned about tanks from this thread haha. Some thousands of replies ago. His random Boston accent I thought provided a little comic relief and I brought him with me on a ton of quests before actually returning him to Clavicus. He was a great tank and I chose NOT to kill him. I may be all about the Dark Brotherhood but I only kill for hire or when attacked.
[Dec 30,2011 10:43am - voice of reason  ""]

[Dec 30,2011 10:49am - Blessed_Offal ""]
troll identified
[Jan 1,2012 2:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Sculdafn at lvl 19. Good idea?
[Jan 1,2012 2:28pm - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Scala who?

I think imma gonna play again today and just rush the remaining bits of the main quest.

One question before I do for anyone that has finished:

Do I still get to kill dragons after the quest ends, or at least have a way to get more dragon bones?
[Jan 1,2012 2:32pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
How the hell have I missed this sad sack of a thread?


[Jan 2,2012 12:13am - KEVORD ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:Scala who?

I think imma gonna play again today and just rush the remaining bits of the main quest.

One question before I do for anyone that has finished:

Do I still get to kill dragons after the quest ends, or at least have a way to get more dragon bones?

Dragons still pop up randomly after the main quest. I finished the main quest a couple of weeks ago and still run into at least one dragon every couple of hours. I finally smithed Dragon Armor today.
[Jan 2,2012 1:10am - the_reverend ""]
I'm at sovngarde right now.
[Jan 2,2012 1:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
By the twin moons, I just stumbled upon Blackmarsh...
[Jan 2,2012 6:16pm - chrisREX  ""]
I started playing this Friday, lvl 13, just returned the horn to the greybeards. My character has a heavy armor, archery, one handed, destruction, and speech focus.

Any recommendations on how to boost my magica besides leveling up?
[Jan 2,2012 6:42pm - voice of reason  ""]
[Jan 2,2012 6:48pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
Sovngrade is the last of the man quest?
[Jan 3,2012 12:55am - arilliusbm ""]
pretty much. take your pic on what dragon to kill.
but there's "side" main quests, too.
[Jan 3,2012 1:07am - the_reverend ""]
Damn, short game... Seeing as oblivion took me 5 months to do 2 of the 9 main quests.
[Jan 3,2012 1:26am - arilliusbm ""]
uhh, doing every mission in the game takes weeks of time.

the main quest was short in this one, but that's not the game. the game was everything else you can do.
[Jan 3,2012 1:28am - Alx_Casket ""]
For magika boosting, max out your enchanting skill and get the dual effect unlock. Get an enchanter's philter that increases enchantment powers by 20% for 60 seconds, then quickly enchant whatever armor/bling with Fortify Magika and Magika Regeneration. Having the blessing of certain mage stones probably helps with your magika amount too.
[Jan 3,2012 1:42am - burnsy ""]
Haha "I beat the game"
[Jan 3,2012 1:51am - Alx_Casket ""]

[Jan 3,2012 1:52am - FUS RO DUH  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 8:55am - AndrewBastard ""]
I RIM'D IT UP quite a bit this weekend...

I'm def towards the end of the main quest (trap the dragon in Dragonsreach) but I'm gonna put it off and continue on some other side quests.

Finished the Dark Bro Hoods...decorated the shit out of the new hideout.

I've noticed that if i buy or steal a horse, it'll stick around for a while and just appear out of no where when I fast travel (OMG POSER!!) but eventually it'll go away BUT, when I got Shadowmere, that motherfucker has been with me forever...ALWAYS shows up wherever I go.

I've yet to encounter a werewolf and/or any situation where I could see getting married ever happening...

also, I hate the dwarven caves...fuck off robot spiders.
[Jan 3,2012 8:57am - ark  ""]
2 things that caused me to stop playing skyrim:

a bunch of stupid quest bugs on my level 48 char.

starting a new character that's not a nord = people still call you a nord. completely ruins the game for me.

i love this game but i'm waiting for mods to address some issues before i jump back in.
[Jan 3,2012 9:03am - AndrewBastard ""]
seriously? I've considered starting over as some random race just to see what its like but if thats the case that is fucking GAY.

I wanted to be a dark elf and get hated on and jumped, hate crime style for not being a Nord.
[Jan 3,2012 9:05am - timma ""]
26 fucking pages. Sweet Jeebus.
[Jan 3,2012 9:06am - ark  ""]
i started a breton chick and the first thing i did was go to the mage college, had 2 people call me a nord and just quit the game, haha
[Jan 3,2012 9:08am - the_reverend ""]
I'm only at lvl 20.
[Jan 3,2012 9:13am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm done for now, will step foot in Tamriel every so often until I start a new game. Usually happens within 6 months.
I'm too busy doing reality simulations with my upgraded M4A1 and owning people in MW3. fuck these new games, though. I'ma start a new Shining Force II game.
[Jan 3,2012 9:19am - AndrewBastard ""]
that would rule.

[Jan 3,2012 10:18am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm a dark elf but no one's called me a nord in my memory. Also, everyone loves me.

My next character is going to be a destruction/melee Khajit, and will probably start up when major conversion mods are out. Angry big titted cat with a wig ftw
[Jan 3,2012 10:55am - AndrewBastard ""]
Yeah, I may go Argonian....never once tried that. Makes more sense an Argonia would be dragon born, no?
[Jan 3,2012 11:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
A water dragon, maybe...
[Jan 3,2012 9:05pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Alright, I tried it, and now I'm hooked. I can't believe I made fun of this game. It's tits. Fuck.
[Jan 3,2012 11:41pm - frankovhell  ""]
Ive played as a Khajit the whole time and all i ever here is "You'll make a fine rug cat!" (dats racist) No one calls me a nord. Sounds like you got a weird buggy version.

I'm still not doing the main quest whatsoever. I haven't gotten any time to really sit down and play for long stretches though so Im still only level 36.
[Jan 4,2012 12:42am - the_reverend ""]
I'm a little bored since I finished the main quest... but I think I'm going to do some side quests and level up so that I can kill all the giants and their mammoths. fuck those guys. I also want to see how far north I can go.
[Jan 4,2012 4:27am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Where can you steal stuff that is actually worth a damn?
[Jan 4,2012 6:57am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:I'm a little bored since I finished the main quest..

Give me a break. why dont you-
-do the dark brotherhood quests
-do the thieves guild quests
-do the mage college quests
-do the stormcloak quests
-do the imperial quests
-do the companion quests
-travel to every city in the game
-do all missions in each city
-various other things

The main quest was shorter than some mission strings. I find it utterly absurd that all you care about is the main quest when there's 150+ other quests in an open environment with limitless opportunity to expand your character.

You don't play RPGs. Return Skyrim now and go back to playing Little Big World for ipad, Milkdrinker.
[Jan 4,2012 8:17am - AndrewBastard ""]

Cher: how do you not have $$$?

In Oblivion/Morrowind I was constantly thieving for goods to sell so I could survive... in Skyrim I'm a baller. I have more money than I know what to do with and COUNTLESS items I could sell but dont need to.

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