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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Jan 4,2012 9:12am - burnsy ""]
Cher, the dark dickhood questline is quite lucrative.
[Jan 4,2012 10:32am - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:I'm a little bored since I finished the main quest
The main quest was just training for the rest of the game. Join the theives guild. Get the skeleton key lock pick and steal everything.
[Jan 4,2012 10:45am - Fake Ark  ""]

frankovhell said:Ive played as a Khajit the whole time and all i ever here is "You'll make a fine rug cat!" (dats racist) No one calls me a nord. Sounds like you got a weird buggy version.

i'll give it another shot, after the opening quest i literally ran straight to winterhold and the instant someone called me a nord i said FUCK THIS GAME and did something constructive. maybe with a newer character playing on a patched game i can avoid all the other bugs i had. i never had any performance issues, just quest bugs.
[Jan 4,2012 11:01am - burnsy ""]

Fake%20Ark said:
someone called me a nord i said FUCK THIS GAME

[Jan 4,2012 11:12am - Fake Ark  ""]
you know what i mean, i'm exaggerating, after hitting level 50 with one char and all the bugs i had, at that point i just said "meh". it kills the immersion when i'm a breton chick and someone says something like "oh, a nord at the college, what a rarity"

all this skyrim talk is probably going to cause me to fire up the game again tonight and see what new mods i can install.
[Jan 4,2012 11:17am - burnsy ""]
Gotcha. Wasn't sure if it was truly fake ark haha. You're point is well taken though. My game hasn't been all the buggy, but I'm a 360 falser.
[Jan 4,2012 7:51pm - ark  ""]

I don't think it's up anymore, I looked :( A lot of Russian and Chinese ones though.
[Jan 4,2012 7:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I have money but where my rare items at?
[Jan 4,2012 8:03pm - burnsy ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I have money but where my rare items at?

Caves and dwarven ruins.
[Jan 4,2012 8:36pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I have money but where my rare items at?

one good thing to do is rob the Arch Mages quarters in the mage college in Winterhold. Nothing amazing, but plenty of above-average loot.
[Jan 10,2012 9:11am - BlownUpJamPad ""]


Any rich nerds out there ??

7ft Elder Scrolls Skyrim Dovakiin Statue #250 out of 400 - $3000
[Jan 10,2012 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]
LOL what? Terracotta army?
[Jan 10,2012 3:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
got the good of yellow light, ps3 is dead.
[Jan 10,2012 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
LOL @ 39,000 Views

hahaha nerds
[Jan 10,2012 3:13pm - KEVORD ""]
Level 43. Just finished the thieves guild guest Saturday. Doing all those jobs got ponderous.
[Jan 10,2012 4:06pm - AndrewBastard ""]
havent played in like a week or so...

[Jan 10,2012 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
Havent played in 3 weeks.
[Jan 10,2012 4:13pm - KEVORD ""]
[Jan 10,2012 4:17pm - ark  ""]
started a new character last night. a ton of awesome texture and graphics mods out there. a new PC interface mod too that works great.

still love the game. impossible to have the same experience twice. i'm going to see what i can do about the quest bugs on my 49 nord too.
[Jan 10,2012 4:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
I take large breaks from games like that then go back to them. They're meant to be played overtime. besides, I hated how every free second I had was either going to Skyrim or watching Arnold movies.
[Jan 10,2012 4:20pm - ark  ""]
taking breaks is key. if i play a game every night for a week, i start to loathe it.
[Jan 10,2012 4:56pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Skyrim is kinda like a girlfriend...

[Jan 10,2012 4:56pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
havn't played in 2 weeks. been playing TFC and dawn of war. will pick up again soon. got really buggy.
[Jan 10,2012 11:09pm - DEEP THOUGHTS  ""]
CRT is a much better technology than LCD.

1) Perfect black levels
2) Flawless off-axis viewing
3) Much faster refresh rate than LCD
4) Warmer, more natural image (thanks to scan lines and small granules)
5) Far longer life-span
6) Not subject to manufacture problems such as dead-pixels
7) Good range of compatibility with lower or non-standard resolutions without blurring

Given ultimate space and money the world's best CRT could easily crush the world's best LCD. So tell me /g/, why do you like your inferior screens that companies such as Samsung have brainwashed you to think is better than what already existed? The only cost-savings are on their end.

And the funny thing is you guys keep buying this crappy LCD technology and giving away your free CRTs on Craigslist. A fool and his dollar are soon parted I guess.

And before you start yapping about IPS panels:
Enjoy your slow G2G response to switch pixels already, not to mention that hidden input and scalar lag. Luckily, CRT has no such bullshit.

The only semi-legitimate point I've heard against CRTs regards weight, but you don't bitch about the weight of a prospective couch while furniture shopping, do you? Didn't think so.
[Jan 11,2012 12:45am - KEVORD ""]
The tv I game with in my basement is a massive 30" widescreen HD tube tv. I bought it around 2003 and it weighs a ton. I'd gladly trade it for a bigger LCD I could hang on the wall.
[Feb 8,2012 11:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
At D.I.C.E. 2012, Bethesda Game Studios' Todd Howard just showed an amazing highlight reel of mods the studio built into The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim during a week-long "game jam" after the game's release. Features like mounted combat, a lycanthropy skill tree, and one enormous mudcrab, the width of the horizon, were all shown. And that was the tip of the iceberg.

Howard made no promises that anything seen in the demo reel would ever make it into the game, whether as a title update or downloadable content down the line. But it did showcase the depth of what the Bethesda team built and a creative instinct within the team that matches the mod community's enthusiasm, stoked recently by the release of the official Creation Kit.

Some highlights, by no means an exhaustive list:

• Seasonal foliage.
• Spears.
• Kill cams for magic and ranged combat.
• Stealth enhancements such as water arrows.
• Paralysis runes.
• New follower commands for combat style and training.
• Building your own home..
• Goblins.
• Waygate fast travel.
• Mounted combat.
• Dragon mounts.
• Kinect-enabled shouts.
• Enhanced underwater visuals.
• Ice and fire arrows.
A Werebear.
• Lycanthropy skill tree.
• Becoming a flying vampire, with minions..
• An enormous mud crab.
• "Fat giants."

[Feb 8,2012 11:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Old news.
[Feb 9,2012 7:00am - dragon priest  ""]
3.1GB high resolution texture pack was released yesterday on steam. PC version now looks 10x better, no longer looks like an xbox port. Tons of mods are out too, just click to install them.
[Feb 9,2012 9:12am - arktouros ""]
this is joyous news
[Feb 9,2012 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]

arktouros said:this is old news
[Feb 9,2012 10:30am - frankovhell  ""]
Yeah, fan made texture mod is better anyways.
[Feb 9,2012 10:31am - arktouros ""]
i see steam added a native mod repository. awesome.
[Feb 9,2012 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
"3) Much faster refresh rate than LCD "
CRTs are typically 60Hz... and max out at 200Hz.
LCDs are 240Hz
LEDs are 480Hz
Plasmas are 600Hz
[Feb 9,2012 10:58am - arktouros ""]

DEEP%20THOUGHTS said:CRT is a much better technology than LCD.

The only semi-legitimate point I've heard against CRTs regards weight, but you don't bitch about the weight of a prospective couch while furniture shopping, do you? Didn't think so.

this is one of the worst posts i've ever seen.
[Feb 20,2012 8:07am - AndrewBastard ""]
played almost all day yesterday for the first time in a couple weeks...got a shit load done.

[Mar 5,2012 1:08pm - ABastard NLI  ""]

I think I'm pretty much done with the game.

Done all main quests, millions of side quests.

I spent 2 hours yesterday walking around and fast traveling from city to city SEEKING new quests to no avail.

aside from the occasional, "bring this letter to so and so" YAY 25 golds!! types of quests here and there, WHAT ELSE IS THERE?

any secret quests I dont know about?

[Mar 5,2012 1:22pm - arktouros ""]
too bad you don't have a PC bro, i dove back in for a couple hours the other night and tried a bunch of new mods, there's graphics mods, "deadly dragons" mod, "WARS IN SKYRIM" mod which has large scale battles between all factions (bandits vs. orcs, imperial vs. stormcloaks, etc), new NPCs, spells, equipment, etc

(granted i never finished most of the main quest lines on my 49 warrior or 20 mage/thief, so i still have a bunch of excuses for coming back)
[Mar 5,2012 1:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
Reason number 465736 why...nevermind
[Mar 5,2012 1:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arktouros said:too bad you don't have a PC bro, there's nude mods

[Mar 5,2012 1:29pm - arktouros ""]
that too, there's one realllly good one that jiggles.

it sucks cause consoles couldn't handle 50 battling NPCs with the jiggling.
[Mar 5,2012 1:34pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
I might get the Reckoning game...

I used to be a big RA Salvatore fan (i have like 4 signed books) so it may peak my interest.
[May 31,2012 1:41pm - barock obama  ""]
[May 31,2012 1:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
About a month until Dawnstar comes out for PC, yuh huh
[May 31,2012 1:49pm - chernobyl ""]
what is dawnstar?
[May 31,2012 1:54pm - AndrewBastard ""]
another one of the towns in Tamriel.

I'm like OUT OF STUFF TO DO in this game

never got married. never figured out how to be a Werewolf.

[May 31,2012 1:56pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Fuck I meant Dawnguard. Their naming conventions are getting to be like power metal bands with interchangeability.

[May 31,2012 1:57pm - chernobyl ""]
Glitch in my skyrim. Turned into full vampire...tried to go and get the cure but the thing is not in the coffin like in all the youtube videos and as the storyline says it should be in that coffin, it just isn't.
[May 31,2012 1:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
use admin console for secret arktouros problem solving method, noob
[May 31,2012 3:47pm - arktouros ""]
a patch actually fixed my permanent werewolf problem. i can't help ya bud.
[May 31,2012 7:45pm - quintessence ""]
chernobyl, use console commands?

I've been playing heavily modded skyrim with graphical enb mods and everything lately. Not buying Diablo 3 is fine with me. I'm finally doing all the quests and some of the mods people have made are amazing.

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